Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Doc. Name: Title Project Portfolio (Student Version) Qualification: BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management Unit Code Title: & BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Contents Section 1: Manage team’s personal and professional development ........................................................... 2 Section 2: Develop and maintain own personal and professional competence ........................................ 17 Section 3: Facilitate achievement of work priorities .................................................................................. 21 Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 1 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Student name: Assessor: Date: Organisation this assessment is based on: Team within the organisation: Documentation reviewed as preparation: Section 1: Manage team’s personal and professional development 1 Describe the organisation you are basing this project on. 1.1 What is the name of the organisation? WORLDUCATION 1.2 What does the organisation do? Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. They not only focus on the hardware, but they also have a competitive team creating software, content and activities to better engage and educate the students. 1.3 What are the key functions and activities of the team you will manage the personal and professional development for? Sales team Able to maintain positive customer relationships Able to use ERP system Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Organisational skills to fulfill duties 1.4 What are the organisational goals or objectives (at least three)? Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating the optimal path learning experience. Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 2 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Call centre staff should resolve 90% of all customer inquiries on the first call and receive a 95% customer satisfaction rating for the calls they take. Advertising staff should have no social media posts that require external intervention (e.g. Twitter removing a tweet) and information in adverts should be 100% accurate. 1.5 Attach proof of the documentation showing organisational goals (e.g., strategic or operational plan). Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022 Welcome Welcome to the Strategic Plan for Worlducation. This document sets out our vision for the next two years and how we hope to achieve it. We hope you enjoy reading this document. Lucas Lopez CEO Worlducation Executive Summary Founded in 2016, Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. Our focus is not only on the hardware, but also creating software, content and activities to better engage and educate primary school students. Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn, creating the optimal path learning experience. Worlducation envisions a world in which every child learns how to read and write – a world without illiteracy. This is why, for each classroom that buys our product, we donate and train a classroom somewhere around the world that can’t afford the same technology. We then connect the classrooms together so that they can grow and collaborate throughout their learning cycle. Vision Statement To see a world without illiteracy. Mission Statement To be the change and facilitate a world without illiteracy by changing the way children learn at school and the number of schools that have access to technology. Our values are: Core values underpinning our activities are: • Ethical principles • Innovation • Collaboration. Strategic Priorities Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 3 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable. • Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the strategic policies • Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue and ways to help more classrooms in need. • Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum. Increase our reach • Increase range of products and services offered to reach a larger target market • Increase sales to increase donations to needy classrooms. Continue building deeper customer relationships • Customer-centred practice, with a focus on meeting their total needs for high-quality technology • Strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers • Drive innovation to better meet customer demands Attract, engage and develop the best staff • Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high performance workforce and culture • Strengthening the skills of our people, to better support customer needs • Empowering innovation and responsiveness to change • Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce • Exploring the use of technology in human resources. The Market The technology market is a growing and ever-changing industry due to the rapid rate that technology is being updated. Emerging technologies include artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IOT). There is an increasing focus on cyber security. Due to the global pandemic, the issues with the manufacturing industry have impacted on the supply of hardware components. The trend for consumer spending during the pandemic has taken a downturn but this has not affected the ICT industry as due to more people working form home, consumer appetite for tablets has increased. Situation Analysis Strengths Weaknesses • Value and quality • Strong management • Customer loyalty • Friendly organisational culture • Level of available finance for investment • Brand name not developed as well it could be Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 4 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia • Growing organisation Opportunities Threats • Schools needing to upgrade technology • Opportunities to offer a range of services • Opportunities for synergies across all services and products • High level of competition • Economic downturn meaning less spent generally • Failing to satisfy clients demands Marketing Strategies Our marketing strategies aim to: • Build our brand • Generate leads now • Convert those leads quickly • Have every part of the business supporting each other We plan to develop our market share by: • Improving our marketing and advertising • Continually improving the quality of service given to clients • Maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to ascertain industry requirements and then develop products and manage services accordingly • Continually improving communication channels with all our stakeholders, ensuring a flow of timely and accurate information to facilitate effective planning and decision making • Targeting identified growth markets with planned, market appropriate campaigns employing a variety of promotional strategies and advertising mediums • Offering attractive fee structures to our clients • Continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of our team through our commitment to training and development • Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when and where necessary 2 Document team responsibilities. Note: Use any appropriate format and tool to document the team roles and responsibilities. Keep in mind that this document may be used at a later stage to support your team to develop work goals. 2.1 What roles/positions do three of your team members fill? Sales representative Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 5 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Able to maintain positive customer relationships Able to use ERP system Call centre staff Use technology to solve customer queries Communication skills to manage emotional customers Organisational skills to manage workload. Advertising staff Design and develop adverts for multiple mediums. Attention to detail. Organisational skills to manage work load. 2.2 What are the responsibilities of each of the three team members (name at least two responsibilities per team member)? Sales representative • Able to maintain positive customer relationships • Able to use ERP system Call centre staff • Use technology to solve customer queries • Communication skills to manage emotional customers • Organisational skills to manage workload. Advertising staff • Design and develop adverts for multiple mediums. • Attention to detail. • Organisational skills to manage work load. 2.3 What are the performance outcomes linked to each role/position (name at least two per team member)? Sales representative No customer complaints Successfully schedule and attend all Sales meetings on zoom Call centre staff Successfully diffuse 98% of emotional situations on a call. Advertising staff Reduce time to create digital adverts by 20%. Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 6 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 2.4 Does the team have any diverse needs? Yes, the team has diverse needs , especially training needs 2.5 How will you communicate with the team members with the diverse needs? Try to understand the needs of each member and address them separately to achieve the team objective. 2.6 Attach proof of documented team responsibilities to this section of the portfolio. Sales representative Able to maintain positive customer relationships Able to use ERP system Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Organisational skills to fulfill duties (e.g. team meeting). Call centre staff Use technology to solve customer queries Communication skills to manage emotional customers Organisational skills to manage workload. Advertising staff 3 Design and develop adverts for multiple mediums. Attention to detail. Organisational skills to manage work load. Identify and summarise organisational framework requirements for personal and professional development. 3.1 Do any policies and procedures exist that address work place goals and inform personal and professional development? Yes they do 3.1.1. What is the name of the policy and procedure? Employee Training and Development Policy and Procedures 3.1.2. What are the performance and professional development requirements outlined in the policies and procedures? • The employee is responsible to seek new learning opportunities • The manager is responsible to coach their teams and identify employee development needs Training and development includes: Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 7 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia • Formal training sessions (individual or corporate) • Employee Coaching and Mentoring • Participating in conferences • On-the-job training (e.g. simulations) • Employee discussion forums • Job shadowing • Job rotation • Subscriptions or educational material 3.1.3. Which personal and professional development activities and opportunities are available for staff to access (e.g., as specified in policies and procedures)? • The employee is responsible to seek new learning opportunities • The manager is responsible to coach their teams and identify employee development needs Training and development includes: • Formal training sessions (individual or corporate) • Employee Coaching and Mentoring • Participating in conferences • On-the-job training (e.g. simulations) • Employee discussion forums • Job shadowing • Job rotation • Subscriptions or educational material 3.1.4. Does the organisation have any templates available for the development of work goals (e.g., personal development plan)? Yes, the organisation has a templet for personal development plan. 3.2 Do any other industry best-practice professional development opportunities exist? Expert training Experts (internal or external) may be required at certain times, for example: • Equal employment opportunity training • Diversity training • Leadership training for managers • Conflict resolution training for employees • Training new employees • Training teams in company-related issues (e.g. new systems or policy changes) Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 8 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia • Training employees to prepare them for promotions, transfers or new responsibilities 3.3 Note: Attach proof of policies, procedures, templates etc to this section of your portfolio. Development Plan template Role description Role: Key competencies: Development requirements Personal: Professional: Goals Performance development opportunities Time frame Priority Incentives/rewards 1. 2. 3. 4 Support your team as they develop work goals, plans and activities. Note: you are required to support at least three team members. 4.1 Which organisational goals should your team align their personal goals with? (Choose two). Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 9 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia • Call centre staff should resolve 90% of all customer inquiries on the first call and receive a 95% customer satisfaction rating for the calls they take. • Advertising staff should have no social media posts that require external intervention (e.g. Twitter removing a tweet) and information in adverts should be 100% accurate. 4.2 How will you communicate with each team member (e.g., email with instructions, face-to-face discussion, team meeting)? I will combine both face-to-face discussions, team meetings and email with instructions. 4.3 What will you communicate to each team member (e.g., personal behaviour modification, specific skills you would like them to have, explanation of SMART goals)? Personal behaviour modification 4.4 What other support will you provide each team member (e.g., personal development plan template with responsibilities already added into the plan, skills assessment)? attach proof of your additional support to this section of your portfolio. I will provide them with a personal development plan template so that they can indicate the skills they would like to acquire. Development Plan template Role description Role: Key competencies: Development requirements Personal: Professional: Goals Performance development opportunities Time frame Priority Incentives/rewards 1. 2. Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 10 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 3. 4.5 Communicate with each team member to provide the support. If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your communication (e.g., video of face-to-face discussion with each team member, video of joint team meeting, draft email outlining requirements, recording of telephone discussion etc.). Note: Depending on how you chose to communicate to each member, you may have more than one attachment (e.g., if the same communication applies to all team members, one email with relevant attachments is sufficient). Hello, team So far you have done well in your respective roles, but I have noticed some weaknesses in your overall performance, which if improved will help the organisation achieve its objectives. I have outlined the weaknesses as follows: Sales representative Personal: Organisational skills to manage multiple zoom calls Professional: Maintain positive online customer relationships Call centre staff Personal: Manage anxiety due to increased workload. Professional: Deal with emotional clients. Advertising staff Personal: Improved attention to detail. Professional: Improve digital advertising skills. I have attached is development plan templet that you could use to indicate the type of development you would prefer to help you perform your roles. Role description Role: Key competencies: Personal: Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 11 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Development requirements Professional: Goals Performance development opportunities Time frame Priority Incentives/rewards 1. 2. 3. Regards 5 Complete the table to assess the work goals, plans and activities of each team member. Team member What are their goals? How do their work goals align with organisational goals? How do their personal and professional development plans and activities align with organisational goals? Other feedback Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 12 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 6 Team member 1: Organisational skills to manage multiple zoom calls Help achieve the targeted customer growth Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Team member 2: Deal with emotional clients. Maintain longterm relationships with clients Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Team member 3: Improve digital advertising skills. Reduce the time used to serve a customer Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Provide feedback to each team member from your assessment in the previous question. Note: Feedback is personal and should be done separately for each team member. You will attach a separate proof of feedback for each team member. Team member 1 Attend time management course Team members 2 Attend customer service course Team member 3 Attend an advertising course 6.1 How will you communicate feedback to each team member (e.g., review comments on the plan, recording of telephone conversation, video of face-to-face discussion)? Review comments on the plan, recording of telephone conversation, video of face-to-face discussion. 6.2 Which interpersonal skills will you use to establish and build positive working relationships with your team? o Verbal Communication. o Non-Verbal Communication. o Listening Skills. Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 13 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia o Problem-Solving. o Assertiveness. o Negotiation Skills. o Self-Confidence. o Relationship Management. 6.3 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your feedback to this section of your portfolio. 7 Team member What are their goals? How do their work goals align with organisational goals? How do their personal and professional development plans and activities align with organisational goals? Other feedback Team member 1: Organisational skills to manage multiple zoom calls Help achieve the targeted customer growth Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Team member 2: Deal with emotional clients. Maintain longterm relationships with clients Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Team member 3: Improve digital advertising skills. Reduce the time used to serve a customer Helps in improving efficiency in the workplace N/A Complete the table to facilitate team members’ access to development opportunities. For each team member: 7.1 Identify one goal/plan/activity. Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 14 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Team member 1: Organisational skills to manage multiple zoom calls Team member 2: Deal with emotional clients. Team member 3: Improve digital advertising skills. 7.2 State which personal or professional development opportunity (identified in question 3) is most appropriate to help the individual team member realise the goal. Coaching Mentoring sessions. Time Management training 7.3 Explain how you will facilitate the professional development opportunity (e.g., email HR to request training, schedule time for the team member to attend a workshop, approve an invoice for a subscription). email HR to request training, schedule time for the team member to attend a workshop, approve an invoice for a subscription 7.4 Attach proof of your facilitation to this section of your portfolio. Note: Depending on the professional development opportunity, more than one proof of facilitation may be required (e.g., if all three team members are to attend the same training, then one email to HR is sufficient). Team member Individual goal/plan/activity Personal or Professional development opportunity How will you facilitate access to the professional development opportunity? Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 15 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Team member 1: Organisational skills to manage multiple zoom calls Coaching Coaching the team member Team member 2: Deal with emotional clients. Mentoring sessions Mentoring the team member Team member 3: Improve digital advertising skills. Time management training Organise training for time management Attach: Proof of organisational goals ☒ Documented team responsibilities ☒ Proof showing organisational requirements ☒ Proof showing additional support for team members ☒ Proof of communication to support work goal development (at least one depending on chosen form of communication) ☒ Proof of feedback to team members (separate feedback for each team member) ☒ Proof of professional development facilitation ☒ Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 16 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Section 2: Develop and maintain own personal and professional competence 1 Describe your role and responsibilities. 1.1 What is your role/position within the team? Sales manager 1.2 How does your role contribute to the broader organisational goals (selected to focus on in Section 1)? Helps the organisation reach is sales targets and also increase the customer base 1.3 What are your responsibilities (list at least three)? 2 Supervise the sales team Organise for training needs Sole any queries that might arise within the team Seek feedback on your own personal and professional development. 2.1 Who can provide you with feedback about your development needs (at least one person)? My colleagues in the sales department The marketing director 2.2 Which questioning and listening techniques will you use to seek and receive feedback? o Limit interruptions. o Pay attention to what's being said, not what you want to say. o Be okay with silence. o Encourage the other person to offer ideas and solutions before you give yours. o Restate the key points you heard and ask whether they're accurate o Consider revisiting the topic. 2.3 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the feedback (e.g., video of a meeting with your superior) to this section of your portfolio. 3 Plan your own personal and professional development. 3.1 For your assumed role in this assessment, what are your goals, plans and activities (name at least two)? Increase sales for the company Develop a competent workforce 3.2 How do your goals align with the organisational goals? It helps to increase the revenues for the company Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 17 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia It helps to increase efficiency in the company’s operations 3.3 Which competency standards apply to your performance (name at least three)? • Employee Coaching and Mentoring • Empowering innovation and responsiveness to change • Increase range of products and services offered to reach a larger target market 3.4 How will your performance be measured? o • the peer reviews rating received from team members o • CEO’s review of your work. o • contribution to organisational profit • staff retention. 3.5 Which performance development opportunities will help you realise your goals (at least two)? o • Formal training sessions (individual or corporate) o • Employee Coaching and Mentoring o • Participating in conferences o • On-the-job training (e.g. simulations) o • Employee discussion forums o • Job shadowing o • Job rotation • Subscriptions or educational material 3.6 Document your own development needs, plans and activities. Make sure you include the feedback you received. Note: You may use the table below or any other format required by your organisation (e.g., performance development plan template). If you do not use the table below, attach proof of your documented development needs, priorities and plans to this section of your portfolio. Role description Role: Sales Manager Key competencies and measurement: • Improving our marketing and advertising Continually improving the quality of service given to clients •Maintaining effective communication channels with all stakeholders to ascertain industry requirements and then develop products and manage services accordingly Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 18 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Development requirements and feedback Personal: Personal time management Goals Performance development opportunities Time frame Priority Incentives/rewards Improving marketing and advertising Attending marketing courses 3months urgent Financial Continually improving the quality of service given to clients Attending customer service courses 2 weeks urgent Bonus 4 Professional: Team management Participate in at least two personal and professional development activities you selected in the previous question. Attach proof to this section of your portfolio (e.g., video of you attending a training workshop, video of a mentoring session you attend, notes you made at a conference or while listening to a podcast). Notes Importance of marketing Role of marketing in an organisation Advantages of marketing Attach: Proof of feedback (if relevant) ☒ Proof of documented development needs (if relevant) ☒ Proof of participation in professional development activities (at least two) ☒ Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 19 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 20 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Section 3: Facilitate achievement of work priorities 1 Research and implement techniques to manage team health and well-being in the workplace 1.1 Do research to explain at least five techniques applicable to your specific organisation for maintaining the health and well-being of yourself and your team members. Note: Use at least two sources of information and attach proof of your research to this section of your portfolio. o Enforcing community collaboration. o Devising a healthy public policy. o Nurturing a supportive environment. o Reorienting health service o Fostering skill and development. 1.2 Complete the table below to select the techniques that best suit each team member. Team member: Health and well-being technique How can it be implemented? Student’s role Enforcing community collaboration. Promoting effective teamwork Devising a healthy public policy. Team member 1 Offering counselling services. Offering a supportive environment Team member 2 Offering counselling services. Offering a supportive environment Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 21 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Team member 3 Offering counselling services. Offering a supportive environment 1.3 Attach proof of how you’ve implemented the selected health and well-being techniques. Note: Depending on the health and well-being technique(s) chosen, more than one proof of implementation may be required (e.g., if the only health and well-being technique is to provide a free fruit bowl at work, then one photo of the fruit bowl in the office kitchen is sufficient proof). 2 Complete the table below to assess personal, team and organisational demands. Demand for: Weekly work, personal, professional and wellbeing activities required to be completed Time frame? Priority Student’s role Attending professional courses 1 months high Team member 1 Attending professional courses 1 months high (high, medium. Low) Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 22 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 3 Team member 2 Attending professional courses 1 months high Team member 3 Attending professional courses 1 months high Use technology to manage the work priorities (determined in the previous question) of your team. 3.1 Does your organisation specify specific technology to use for project management? The organisation recommends the use project management software to manage projects 3.2 What technology will you use to manage the work priorities of your team? o Time Tracking and Online Invoicing. ... o Online Project Management. ... o Social Media Dashboard. ... o Employee Management. 3.3 Explain how the technology improves work efficiency. Technology also improves workplace productivity by simplifying time-consuming tasks. For example, the use of document management software replaces tasks such as manual file retrieval, data entry, and filing. 3.4 Attach proof of your technology use to this section of your portfolio. Attach: Use of excel Project management software Proof of technology use to organise work demands ☒ Proof of health and well-being research ☒ Proof of implemented health and well-being techniques ☒ Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 23 of 24 Australian Harbour International College RTO ID: 41338 CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J ABN: 74 603 036 102 T: 02 9268 0085 E: W: A: Level 4, 114-120 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Australian Harbour International College, 114-120 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |RTO NO: 41338 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03449J BSBPEF501 Manage Personal and Professional Development Version V2.0/ Dec 2020 Page 24 of 24