{Date} {Title}{Name of Supervisor Address} {Greeting Line} As we had discussed in our first performance evaluation meeting on the Improvement of our neW employees sales, it is apparent that there are some areas of concerns as it relates to meeting their sales target for quarters I and 2. Being new employees. we respect the dedication shown and we look forward to discuss strategies we can sensitize our new statf on, to see them and the business progressing and achieving long-term success. Please see the table breakdown below, showing the sales report for our new employees for quartersl and 2. We are looking forward to discuss the new strategies of interest in our upcoming meeting to be held on December 17, 2022 at 1:00pm. The mode of the meeting wvill be online and a zOom meeting link will be provided to you closer to the meeting date. Sincerely, Josh Meadows (Company CEO)