ПРАШАЊА АНГЛИСКИ 2 КОЛОКВИУМ 1. What is medical term synonymous to the common text WIDENING- DILATATION 2 Fill in the missing word related to location The retina is the innermost layer which lines the rear three-quarts of the eyeball 3 What is medical term synonymous to the common text Hammer- Malleus 4 Fill in the missing word related to location The outermoust layer of the eye is known as the sclera 5. Fill in the missing word related to substance The labyrinth is filled with endolymph 6. The labyrinth uses semicircular canals to determine position and help us keep the balance 7. What is medical term synonymous to the common text Stirrup – Stapes 2. 8. What is medical term synonymous to the common text Anvil – INCUS 9.The cerebellum lies in the REAR part of the cerebral hemisheres. 10. Provide the location for the following medical term The white matter is SURROUNDED by the cerebral cortex 11. Make adjective of the following noun PHARYNX- PHARYNGEAL 12. The SECONDARY hearing is obtained by vibrations conducted through the bones. 13. . Fill in the missing word related to shape or texture The auricule is a PAIRED structure 14. Fill in the missing word related to shape or texture The vitreous body is a gelatinous substance. 15. Fill in the missing word related to location The choroid is beneath the sclera. 16. . What is medical term synonymous to the common text Stirrup – Stapes