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Side Hustle PDF V2.docx

Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
The Ultimate Side Hustle PDF V2
Important information
PDF Updates
Private Instagram Page
Long-Term Investing
Compound interest – Explained simply
The Side Hustles
Reselling Clothes
Fixing phones + technology repair
Spotify Playlists-
Fixing Up Furniture
Drop Servicing
Matched Betting 18+
Twitch Streaming
Sell Your Skills
Labour Work
Social media managing
Clothing Brand
3D printing
Vending Machines
Affiliate marketing
Google Businesses
Digital Products
Sell stock photos
Amazon FBA
Drop shipping
Admin work on socials
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
Transcribing audio
Surveys / testing
Looking after animals
Need Extra help?
Important information
This is NOT financial advice; I am not responsible or liable for any financial loss or injury caused by
following any of the information within this PDF. If any information is shared out with the PDF legal
action will be taken.
PDF Updates
You have lifetime updates to this PDF, please make sure you retain your original download link in
your email or you will have to repurchase the PDF at a discount, if you’re unhappy or feel like I could
make this better please send me any constructive criticism on the private page below and I will put
any feedback into my todo list for the next update.
Please do not ask when the next update will be, I will announce updates on the story of the private
instagram page, info below.
Private Instagram Page
Please send PROOF of your order to @danielewenfinanceprivate and request to follow, you will NOT
be accepted if you do not send proof of your order, if it doesn't let you message me message
@danielewenfinance instead. If you get stuck or need help with anything please reach out to me on
the private page, I will be doing exclusive giveaways / livestreams and posts in there just for my side
hustle members so make sure you get involved.
If you ever feel demotivated or have no drive to stay committed to a task, fix your surroundings! Live
in a clean environment, tidy that room/office and make sure you’re eating healthy foods, unhealthy
foods can make you feel lethargic making you not want to work as hard and get into a routine, always
start small but build it up over time, make your bed, brush your teeth, clean up anything that’s left
out in the morning, it will get you into a better mindset over time.
Obviously, I’m not going to be able to change your mindset straight away by typing this but I’m giving
you the tools to do it yourself, start slow and add onto your routine, you will smash this!
I know some of these side hustles may seem daunting and some may seem very basic but please
read through all the information provided, I’m going to be completely honest with you. 95% of
people who decide to start one of these side hustles will NOT stay consistent and will end up giving
up. Those who stick with it even though the boring parts and eventually scale up and turn it into a
business long term and branch out into other things will thank me, I’m not going to sugar-coat any of
this, you will only get back what you put into this, i've helped many people make thousands a month,
some even 5 figure months so please trust me when I say you’re more than capable of doing this if
you set your mind to it.
I know many of you may not have had a job before and that’s completely fine, many of these side
hustles will require lots of effort and probably an amount of effort you’ve never really sustained for
long periods, this is why it’s so important that you start slow, make sure you know everything and do
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
it correctly, I’ll be there at all times in the private Instagram group if you ever get stuck or need a
hand, please never hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything.
One thing I want you to keep in mind is that you have one life, that’s it. Every day that goes by you
will never get back, you can either choose to scale up something to allow you to have enough passive
income to spend time on things you enjoy or slave away at a 9-5 until you retire, please think about
that deeply and understand it may be draining for the first few weeks, but once you see the money
coming in you may change your mind, this isn’t a get rich quick scheme, I’m here to teach you some
great hustles and learn how to invest long-term, hopefully you will have the drive to scale it further
into a long term business, hopefully to a point where you can leave the 9-5 and do things you have a
passion for, I started phone repairs and growing meme pages when I was 15-16 and now I’ve scaled
up to where I am now making 6 figures a year, don’t be put off when you first get started I know it’s
going to seem like a lot of work but start slow and scale-up and be prepared for terrible weeks /
months, ive had to take a break from everything multiple times just because I cant stay focused and
thats completely fine dont overthink it.
This will apply to most of the side hustles in here for many situations, if you’re dealing with someone
IRL always bring cash, if they see cash you can always knock off 10-20% of the cost, for an example
let's say you’re buying some shoes for £60, when you’re there looking at the shoes do NOT look
satisfied even if it's a great deal, tell them it isn't what you expected and say you can offer £40 and
show them the cash, most of the time they will just take it, if they decide to counter with £50-55 say
you could get the same quality for less than £40 somewhere else, if they still don't budge then try to
counter in the middle of both offers at £45.
As for online deals it gets a bit harder, don't spam or message often, try to appear as distant and as
uninterested as possible especially if the item has been for sale for quite some time, if someone is
trying to sell an iphone 8 for £180 try to give them a reason to lower the price, ask for closeup
pictures, what the battery health is at and other things that may lower the price, after they show all
the issues even small scratches then offer them a new price, aways start with around 30% off so
around about £120, 99% of people will counter back but as long as you can resell it for a profit that's
your only goal so have a last price in mind, another thing to ask the seller is if they have any other
phones or other items you could resell ( or whatever other reason you’re buying something for ) try
to figure out a bulk deal for a couple items, this will further lower the price across all the items you’re
buying and will result in more profit for you once you sell them.
Long-Term Investing
This is not financial advice, I am not responsible for any losses, follow this at your own risk and do
your own research alongside the info below.
Before we go in-depth about side hustles, I’ll be covering long-term investing and the basics for those
who are just starting out. Investing in stocks/shares is quite simple really. When you buy shares, you
own a very small percentage of that company, if the price of that stock goes up, your investment will
be worth more and when the stock price goes down your investment will be worth less.
I’m only going to cover very long-term investing; this is when you plan to invest your money into
something for a few years or hopefully a lot longer and just let it grow, the more money you have
saved the faster it will grow.
Once you’re making 750-1000 a month you will want to lock away some of the profit you make from
these side hustles, the more money you put into this the faster it will grow and the more passive
income you will have long term from the growth of the stocks and dividends you’ll receive. For
long-term investing the easiest thing to do is open an ISA (if you’re in the UK) any money you make in
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
an ISA is tax free, you can put in £20,000 every tax year so try and maximise this if possible it works
out to be roughly £1666 a month, if you’re under 18 open a junior ISA with vanguard, options for 18+
are vanguard, trading212 or free trade.
Once you get your ISA open start putting money into a couple ETF’s, these are just big collections of
different companies. In simple terms, when you put money into an ETF you’re splitting up your
money into many different companies which helps spreads risk, I would suggest splitting your money
into 5-10 ETF’s, I’ve made a list I personally use you can either copy this or choose your own, please
invest at your own risk, I am not responsible for any financial loss caused by the investments you
The word inside the () such as (VUSA) is called a ticker symbol and is used to identify a stock / ETF, so
you don’t have to type the entire thing out.
Vanguard S&P 500 (VUSA)
Vanguard FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield (VHYL)
IShares Global Clean Energy (INRG)
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets (VFEM)
iShares Core FTSE 100 (ISF)
iShares Physical Gold (IGLN)
You can also choose individual companies that have a great long-term future such as Apple, Amazon,
AMD, Facebook, Nvidia etc, I have a lot of money in all the above, once again if you choose to buy
anything in the stock market from anything I’ve said in this PDF, do not take it as financial advice,
invest at your own risk and do your own research before you buy anything.
Averaging down is when you buy more of a stock that you already own after the price has decreased.
In doing so, you will reduce the average price at which you purchased the stock and could stand to
realise a greater profit if the market value recovers above the new average price.
For example, if you buy 1 share of the Vanguard S&P 500 at £100 your average price is £100 per
share, to make a profit the price of that ETF would need to go above £100.
If the price dipped to £50 and you bought 1 more share you would have 2 shares with a combined
value of £150 making your “average price” £75 (£150 value divided by 2 shares) this means to make a
profit the stock price would only need to be above £75, I’m explaining this because I don’t want you
to be scared if your long term investments go down as you can buy more and get a lower average
price which is one of the best things you can do long term.
Compound interest – Explained simply
Compound interest is when you earn interest on both the money you've saved and the interest you
earn, for example, let’s say your stocks increase 10% every year, if you start with £1000 after a year it
will be worth £1100 the great thing about letting your money grow is that the longer you leave it the
faster it grows, for the second year let's increase it another 10%, £1100 + 10% (110) = £1210 as you
can see we have earned £10 more than last year and that will keep growing.
A more realistic example- let’s say I invest £200 into my savings account every month for 10 years, I
will end up with £24,000, but if you take my advice and start investing into ETF’s and invest £200 a
month for 10 years into your portfolio you will end up with £40,989 based on a 10% return per
annum, please do some in depth research on compound interest if you still don’t understand as it
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
can be extremely beneficial, type up “compound interest calculator” to make your own calculations
to see how powerful it is long term.
Investing long term takes an incredible amount of time to see some decent gains but it’s the safest
and easiest way of investing, even if you’re determined to take bigger risks it's always a good idea to
have a long term portfolio alongside your riskier investments as a fallback.
When you make over £1000 you have to inform HMRC and register yourself as self-employed and for
self-assessment, you need to keep records of your business sales and expenses, send a
self-assessment tax return every year, pay income tax on your profits and class 2 and class 4 national
insurance, you can use a tax calculator to figure out how much you will have to pay, it seems very
complicated but if you’re at this stage I suggest joining my 1-1 mentoring via my personal whatsapp,
info is at the bottom of this PDF or phone up HMRC they will happily explain this all to you free of
Once you’re making over £12,500 you should highly consider creating a limited company as long
term you will pay a lot less tax if you run the money through the business and pay yourself through
dividends and take advantage of all the benefits of being a director of a limited company such as the
£2000 tax free dividend allowance etc.
For submitting your tax return I suggest getting an accountant for £300 once a year and they sort
everything out for you and help with writing off all your expenses, 100% recommended.
The Side Hustles
Before you read any of this I understand some of the side hustles aren't for everyone but this PDF is
to cater towards different ages and genders so please keep that in mind when reading some of the
side hustles included and dont have 1 quick look and give up, at least put some effort in for a week
with at least one of the side hustles, i'm always there to help if you need me.
Reselling Clothes
Start-up costs: <£20 but possibly higher if you choose to resell things like shoes etc
Time to scale: <7 days I would say 45-90 mins a day you can be on £100-150+ a week
This is the first side hustle in the PDF as it’s the easiest and most profitable for the time you put into
it if done correctly, for starting out please look through your own clothes and things you don’t need
and probably won’t wear again, get used to listing things on sites such as Ebay, depop, vinted, fb
marketplace, your own insta/tiktok pages or any other marketplace type thing.
Also get used to talking to people online whilst selling, packaging and shipping your items, if you
need help with this go to royal mail and do some research on the different options they offer and
their pricing or any other delivery company.
Once you’ve gotten used to listing, packaging and shipping items you can start buying clothes to
resell, this is where you can really scale things up, start off by asking friends and family for clothes
they don’t need, then you can move on to car boot sales, thrift/charity shops or even message
people on Facebook marketplace selling used clothes if you could buy anything else they don’t need
and negotiate a bundle, you can make some insane profit doing this. Something like bulk buying
bales of clothing is the next step above this.
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As for what to look for, make sure it’s in adequate quality to fix up and resell, don’t buy anything that
is really damaged, most things you can fix like stains, loose neck collars etc just search up tutorial
videos on YouTube you will find almost everything on there.
A perfect example would be to attend a car boot sale and let’s say you manage to pick up 10 items of
Nike/adidas for £2-4 each, bring them home, clean them up and resell for £15 that’s roughly £100
profit for a few hours work with only 10 items, it doesn’t seem a lot per item you sell but it adds up if
you’re doing 20-40 items a day and start growing socials, if you wanted to expand on socials I suggest
posting on tiktok with cleaning tutorials or even just making videos of what you’re selling and put
your depop in the bio etc.
If you’re interested in reselling expensive shoes/limited edition drops do some research on cook
groups and try to get in a few, it’s a lot harder to do but the profit can be very good, just search up
how to join a sneaker cook group on YouTube and make sure you do your own research before
spending lots of money, I personally haven’t done this but many of my clients have had great success
once they got the hang of it, another way of monetising shoes is opening a shoe cleaning business,
very simple to start just buy a good shoe cleaning kit off amazon, start with friends/family and post
the reviews online, create socials and scale from there, also post your services on fb groups near you
and fb marketplace etc.
Buying vintage clothing in bulk to resell is also a great option but the upfront costs are very high, this
can scale very fast on tiktok, be sure to list on different websites as mentioned above or even create
your own website through shopify and create a brand.
Just to add on to this on a little tangent, you can also move onto bigger things to resell such as cars,
electronics like headphones or anything that has some value to it and replacing the damaged parts,
the possibilities are endless, just apply the information above to anything and you can make some
decent money from it, remember that what may seem like junk to you may be very valuable to
someone else, you can learn literally everything on YouTube so get to work!
Fixing phones + technology repair
Start-up costs: £25-100 Depends on if you’re fixing or buying to resell phones
Time to scale: 4-6 weeks to fully understand all the repairs and get used to buying/selling
I’ve personally done this very successfully in the past when I was in school at 16. If you put the work
in and take it seriously you can easily make £500-£1500+ a month like I did. It may take a while to
scale up but it’s well worth it! There are 3 main ways to make money fixing phones, firstly by
advertising screen repairs, battery replacements or other easy repairs like charging ports, cameras
etc and then taking orders from people, this can be from people you know, Facebook marketplace
etc, anywhere where you can advertise your services, the second method is to buy broken phones
from eBay, fb marketplace or friends. When you buy them, I prefer going in person as its very easy to
negotiate, bring cash and always look like it’s in terrible condition and offer less, if they are wanting
£150 say, I can do £120 and show the cash, normally you can knock off 10-20% of the price with ease
but some may not budge. Once you have a broken phone fix it up and resell for a higher price, just
make sure you get info about the phone and be careful with certain things like water damage, you
want to try and find broken screens, they’re the easiest to repair but if you get more advanced you
could look into back glass repair, logic board replacement and more, you also need to make sure the
phone isn’t iCloud locked as you may face some issues with reselling it, the newer iPhones also lock
info in the chip within the screen so try to avoid the iPhone 13 if possible, it will cause you many
problems with screen replacements try to stick to battery replacements only. If you are going for
android this may be easier with a pc, you can hard reset from different programs etc.
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
As for selling your phones just list them on the places where you bought them etc and make a
convincing description with high quality photos, you can also try and use your Instagram pages to sell
them or even go the extra mile and start recording yourself fixing them on a tiktok page, this can
scale very fast if a few videos blow up, be aware of shipping costs to different countries and
packaging materials to make sure no damage will occur.
To learn about fixing phones look up repair videos on YouTube and practice on an old used iPhone
6,7 from fb marketplace etc, you can resell this if you want or just use it to practice on, the tools you
will need are an anti-static mat to work on and a small screwdriver set with the tiny screw
attachments but sometimes screen replacement kits come with these screwdrivers I just prefer
having my own. The last thing you may need is insurance for your business in case you break the
phone, you only have to be careful about this if you are repairing someone’s working phone with a
screen / battery, it isn’t essential but it avoids the risk of having to buy a new phone for the client, if
you want to protect yourself you could create a shopify website to collect payments and also include
a terms and conditions like I have on my website so when they accept it makes you not liable for any
Just to add onto fixing phones, if you can fix a phone, you can probably do the same with computers
and laptops depending on the problem, don’t be afraid to branch out and try new things as this can
generate even more money and opens you to another audience to sell a service to.
Spotify PlaylistsStart-up costs: £0 but you can spend money on promotions to speed it up, I’m offering a deal across
my meme pages atm dm if you’re interested
Time to scale: 2-8 weeks to start making GOOD money, some people get lucky and start growing
them naturally or a tiktok blows up so in some cases it could take a week or even less.
This is one of the easiest side hustles to start up, you can make some decent money doing this
especially if you use your following to grow it. Make a playlist with 40-50 songs, or select one song at
the top of a playlist, scroll to the bottom and shift left click to select all, right click and make a new
playlist to copy another one. Go onto a Spotify banner maker, and upload it using Spotify on PC. You
can monetise playlists once you reach 1k followers. If you want to get involved with this, grow your
playlist to 1k and then shoot me a message for the next steps, as for growing your playlist you can
use TikTok. If any videos you make goes on the fyp its free advertising, you can also use your
Instagram page to get followers on it or buy promos/do sfs with other pages.
As for what videos to make to promote your playlist, using text to speech is your best friend, find a
good trending song suited to your playlist and show many screenshots of songs from your playlist,
put the link of the playlist into your tiktok bio or wherever else you’re promoting your playlist and
use text to speech to say something like “i've made the best gym playlist to hit PR’s link in bio”
something along those lines, play around with it and find what works for you and the niche of your
playlist, don't be discouraged if you don't get any followers in the first few videos, all it takes is one
video to pop off and you’re sorted.
The way you monetise it is by charging artists weekly/monthly amounts to add their song/songs to
your playlist, some companies pay you to review songs aswell. I have a playlist with 3500 followers
and I’m making anywhere from £100 to £600+ a month but I know many people who are making 4+
figures monthly with multiple playlists and doing this full time, its infinitely scalable but you need to
make sure you keep up with promoting as the monthly listeners will decrease and then you will be
paid less overall.
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
I find that gym and chill playlists do very well, I wouldn’t recommend growing a xmas playlist or
smaller niches as less people will be interested and they will die down quicker resulting in less money
long term.
Fixing Up Furniture
Start-up Costs: 0-£100+ depends if you pick up free things or spend money to buy items.
Time to scale: 1-4 weeks
I know this may seem difficult but if you take a look on facebook marketplace or ebay etc you will
find very cheap furniture such as wooden chairs, tables, desks, sofas etc that are worn out and are
about to be thrown out, 99% of the time you can get them extremely cheap or even for free if you
collect them, very rare but sometimes you can reach out to furniture shops and ask if they have any
broken returns they would be throwing out you could get for free or at a discount, let’s say you buy a
set of wooden chairs for £10 or for free, use a jet spray/sand them to make them look like new with
some varnish etc, or deep clean fabric furniture you can easily resell for a much higher price, if you
do this you can easily flip some serious money if you get the hang of it. To start this all you need is
cleaning equipment, I suggest a jet spray, wood varnish, fabric soap and a fabric brush etc then list
the cleaned furniture on different selling sites.
To learn how to fix up different items search up tutorial videos on youtube relating to the items
you’re wanting to fix and try it out for yourself, if you’re getting things for free such as wrecked table
and chairs etc it doesn’t matter if you screw it up even more since its free, just keep practicing these
are amazing skills to learn for the future, I also recommend searching in high value postcodes as
richer people tend to just throw things away for free if you collect.
To scale this up into a proper business you could get a van and a storage unit, easy 6 figure business if
done correctly but needs a huge amount of work and consistency.
Drop Servicing
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 1-14 days
Drop servicing is when you advertise somebody else’s service for a higher price, let’s say you go onto
fiverr and see someone doing logo designs for £10, you can offer logo designs for £15, when
somebody pays you, you send £10 to the person on fiverr, when they creates the logo to you, you
send the finished product to your customer, cutting out the labour on your end making you a profit,
this can be done with basically any service.
You can advertise on Instagram for this, fb marketplace, even on fiverr itself but the issue with
advertising on fiverr is that people will be doing it for less which means nobody will buy, sometimes
reaching out to people individually who look like they may be interested works pretty well I’ve been
told or even creating a tiktok page showing off what you are selling, a video could blow up and you
don’t have to do anything other than ask for the design to be made on fiverr and send it across.
This can be done with almost anything it doesn’t have to just be logos, sometimes doing less popular
services may be beneficial as competition will be very high for many of the most common ones to do,
keep this in mind.
Matched Betting 18+
Start-up costs: £0-20
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
Time to scale: 1-2 days once you understand how to do it.
Matched betting is a technique that mathematically guarantees a profit from free bet promotions
offered by betting companies. Almost all bookmakers advertise these offers to entice new customers
to place bets with them. For example, "bet £25 with us and we'll give you a £25 free bet!". In simple
terms you make 2 bets, win one and lose the other and cash out on one of them to make a profit, in
the UK you don’t pay tax on gambling winnings so technically you don’t even need to put this down
as profit for taxes.
I won’t try and over explain it on here as there is an amazing website with loads of information which
will make more sense and has examples on where to sign up, if you’re at the legal age of betting you
can easily make 4 figures a month, if you run out of websites to do this on ask a friend or parent if
they allow it.
There is also another great website
I personally learned matched betting from the links above so I know they explain it very well, if you
need any extra help with this or you’re struggling to understand, browse a few videos on youtube,
there’s good informational ones out there that explain it well.
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 2-6 weeks
Making a YouTube channel may come across as difficult but if you make a niche channel such as top
10 videos, fail videos etc, keep posting, stay consistent and work with the algorithm you can put ads
on your videos once you get 4000 watched hours then start to generate income from views and
sponsorships if you keep uploading, for inspiration look at similar videos online or any other niche
and start making content! Once you start making money you could even pay people to make the
videos for you and then it’s basically automated as the videos will pay for the editor to make them
you just collect the profit, obviously if you’re into gaming or fitness you could also create your own
content and grow that on the side aswell or stream on twitch and then upload your twitch clip
highlights, the possibilities are endless.
Adding this on- creating tutorial videos normally do extremely well as people are constantly
searching “how to” this and “how to” that, I’ve had lots of success with this.
If you’re looking to take this seriously, do as much research as possible on “youtube automation” . I
personally haven't done this myself but I do plan on getting into it later this year alongside a personal
youtube channel for my gym brand business @darkstims
Twitch Streaming
Start-up costs: £0+ depending on if you need any equipment etc
Time to scale: 2-4 weeks minimum before things start to pick up unless your videos blow up
Very easy thing to start up, you just need a pc, good internet and a microphone and the most
important thing is to be confident, a webcam helps a lot since the viewers can interact with the
streamer, you need to be patient and consistent for this to work, make sure you upload funny clips
online and advertise on tiktok and Instagram, also stream at a regular time so people know when to
watch you, funny twitch clips always blow up on tiktok so you could potentially scale massively with
Property of DANIELEWENFINANCE. Issued to Jay Collins. Order #3929
this, I know many people reading this may not be into gaming but you could potentially stream
The best way to scale this in my opinion is to post as many clips as you can of funny moments etc on
tiktok and promote your twitch, the scalability on this is endless as any of your videos could
potentially blow up giving you many more followers on tiktok alongside your twitch.
I would also recommend putting subtitles over your small clips as it brings in the viewers attention
and converts to more followers on twitch and the platform you posted it to, I suggest using premiere
pro for this but if you want to do this on your phone something like CAPCUT will do the job and also
has many different effects.
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: depends on how well you get put on the fyp
If you have a passion for something create a TikTok page, to start this just upload as much content as
possible, find out what works and stay consistent, this is a long-term game but if you reach 10k
followers you can earn money from the creator fund, sell advertisements to companies or even sell
your own products or digital ebooks etc, and you can use your platform to grow your Instagram or
even branch out into other platforms like twitch/youtube etc
A few key points you should keep in mind is that a good quality video and audio goes a long way,
make sure to use your back camera when possible and keep the lighting well lit.
I know many of you are into fitness from watching my fitness page so ill base this example off this, if
you’re struggling to post genuinely post whatever you can, random lifts, what you eat, cooking
videos, as long as you’re posting something it will benefit you, just make sure you follow the
community guidelines, so you don’t risk your account getting deleted or temporarily blocked.
If you are in an informational niche go into another page’s comments for the people who are looking
for tips and answer them for the people needing help, this converts very well and can get you to 1k
followers quite quickly.
Once you reach 10k followers you will earn money from the creator fund and also you can make
money from getting gifts on live, if you need more help monetising once you’re past 10k consider
buying my social media growth/monetising PDF or my 1-1 mentoring, info at the bottom of this PDF.
Sell Your Skills
Start-up Costs: £0-40 (if you buy a course from udemy)
Time to scale: 1-14+ days
If you’re skilled at anything such as coding, web development, video editing, personal training,
graphic design you can charge people for your time to make things relating to the skills you have, if
you’re very good at a game you can even charge people for mentoring on games to help them get
better or boost their account, I suggest listing your services on fiverr and other sites that you can
advertise on or even making a tiktok page giving tips on what you know and sell your skills through
there as it’s infinitely scalable.
If you don’t have any skills, consider buying a course on UDEMY and learn how to edit videos, use
illustrator etc or go onto a free course such as codecademy and learn a programming language like
HTML to develop websites or edit shopify websites for people the possibilities are endless as long as
you're willing to put the time in and learn.
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Labour Work
Start-up Costs: £0-100 depending on if you need equipment
Time to scale: 1-4 weeks
I know many of you won’t have the confidence and motivation to do this or think its a stupid side
hustle but those who actually get off their ass and grind, I have the biggest respect for your drive and
work ethic, to make money from labour you can get paid to do the things people hate, like painting
fences, cutting the grass, jet spraying driveways, cleaning cars, anything that some people are too
lazy to do or can’t do themselves, many old people will be interested in things like this, go around
door to door and give out some leaflets you make advertising your services and your rates with your
email and phone number, this may take a lot of effort but can bring in some really decent money, this
requires a lot of people and negotiable skills to keep that in mind, this isn’t for everybody and it also
depends on where you live, normally higher income areas with big gardens and driveways will be
more profitable and more interested in buying your services.
This is NOT easy but please stay consistent with this if you decide to pursue it and make sure you get
some solid reviews and a website made, as for scalability you could branch out further by hiring
someone to do the work for you and you just take the profits, anything is scalable as long as you’re
willing to put the effort in starting off.
Social media managing
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 2-6 weeks
This is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to perfect, and I don’t suggest jumping straight into this, but to
summarise what this is- SSM is when you manage a business or individual’s social media and help
with content creation, advertising services/products, growth, scheduling, perfecting hashtags, having
skills like illustrator or photoshop are greatly beneficial, I only recommend doing this if you’ve had
success at running your own pages and have the spare time to be doing this.
You can start out by messaging smaller influencers or businesses and doing some work for free to
build up reviews, this will take some time and you will make mistakes along the way but once you get
the hang of it you can start charging a monthly fee and slowly increase it overtime, sometimes going
to small businesses near you and offering your service in person works wonders as you can connect
with them and show any previous work you’ve done.
To get really good with this you could even start getting your influencers paid advertisements by
reaching out to brands yourself and explain that you have some great influencers to promote, you
would get a deal for the influencer and then take a cut of the profit, this is normally classed as an
agency and most models will have them in their bio, so if you need some examples have a scroll and
look at what they do.
Clothing Brand
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 1-14 days
To start your own clothing brand you will want to start with print on demand, this is where you pay a
company to print your design on the t-shirt/hoodie etc and ship it to your customer so for example
you pay £10 for the t-shirt, printing and shipping but they do all the work, you’re just left with the
profit, if you sold for £15 you would make £5 without lifting a finger, you just need to handle the
advertising and the website.
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To start this, create a shopify website and add printify or printful as an app, get a nice design upload
it and add it to your website and boom you’ve created your clothing brand, you can advertise this on
your socials you already have or you could create a tiktok and start promoting there, if you’re
wanting to spend money consider paying influencers, Facebook/tiktok/Insta ads or any other
methods of promotion you want, for designing the website you will want to have a background
remover website on hand and photoshop / canva, make sure you order your clothing and get
pictures in it before advertising, way better than pre-generated mockups.
I suggest getting a designer or to create your designs and make sure your website looks clean,
consider even finding someone with designing skills and go 50/50 with them so you can spread the
workload together, the best way to scale a brand is by taking advantage of tiktoks for you page, get
Another way to start a brand is by running an embroidery business, i've actually been doing this
alongside my gym brand and it's going great, all you really need is some embroidery software, i
suggest embrilliance, and an embroidery machine, i personally have the Brother F440e but it is quite
expensive, buying second hand would be fine, can always negotiate on facebook marketplace.
Other ways to scale this is to take on influencers as affiliates ( affiliate marketing ), they push sales for
your brand and they get a % commission per sale, this means you don’t need to spend any money
upfront on advertising other than possibly sending them some clothing which is optional.
If you would like to scale this further go onto alibaba and find some products that you would like to
sell, get a few samples from 2-3 suppliers and then order a small test launch, make sure you have
something like royal mail click and drop set up to handle the shipping and a label printer on hand,
once things pick up you can scale further with a larger order etc
If you’re serious about starting a brand consider buying my step by step guide to creating a brand
that covers different types of businesses and also covers an embroidery business, if you need more
help than that my 1-1 mentoring info is at the bottom of this PDF starting at only £30 p/m
3D printing
Start-up Costs: £200-500
Time to scale: 2-3 weeks
I highly recommend getting an Ender 3 to start out with as I have first hand experience with it and
can help out if you have any issues, make sure you get CAD and also Ultimaker Cura to splice your
designs into printable files, make sure you have enough PLA plastic to print with, I would stay away
from other plastics for most projects, try to learn what the different printing settings do before
getting into this, rushing into 3D printing is the worst mistake you can make and will cause so many
issues and wasted time.
This does require a decent investment and some research beforehand but the basics of making a
profitable 3d printing business would be to scale up to multiple printers and sell parts to popular
products on ebay, self fulfilment on amazon or even create social sites to advertise on. One of my
clients does this and makes almost 5 figures a month. You do need to research what to sell and
slowly increase the number of printers to keep up with demand.
What to sell? if you take a look on sites like “thingiverse” look at what's trending, even look at google
trends and find a gap in the market that people haven't taken over yet, good thing about 3D printing
is that you can print on the order, no need to have a load of stock sitting around.
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If you are planning on growing your tiktok doing this side hustle a very popular way to grow is leaving
your phone on live when it prints a 3d print and put a little sticker that says “I’m giving this away
once it’s done, just follow to enter”
I don’t suggest starting this as your first side hustle especially if space is limited, they also make quite
a lot of noise if left on overnight and use electricity so please keep that in mind.
I'm personally going to be selling gym related keyrings with my 3D printer for my gym brand
darkstims, the reason i’m choosing keyrings is because i can print multiple keyrings at the same time
on each print, will only cost me 20-30p to make can sell for £3-5 as an add-on and I can take
advantage of my social media pages to sell them, you can apply this with anything you already have
going - writing this a month after but a small update on the keyrings, started selling mini kettlebells,
i've spent £8 on making them and have sold £130 worth within a month making me a whopping £122
absolutely free as they are addons for orders.
If you already have some infrastructure and want to get started with this let me know and I can
advise you on what would be best to start selling and how to scale up further.
Vending Machines
startup costs: £1000-3000+ depending on what you buy
time to scale: 2-4 weeks+
This is definitely not a common side hustle and does require some manual upkeep but you can
automate this in the long term by hiring someone, the first step is to buy a vending machine, put it
somewhere popular, as for permission you will need to work out a deal with the owner of the
land/building, once that's sorted just refill it and make profit, make sure to refill often as empty
vending machines tend to get robbed more frequently.
Keep in mind you will need some sort of “point of sale system” such as a card reader on the machine,
restocking software to monitor your machine’s stock and insurance incase they get stolen or
damaged, obviously there's a lot more you'll need to learn before doing this such as finding stock,
you can either go somewhere like makro or costco or even reach out to wholesale suppliers directly
and work out a deal, as for starting out they probably won't negotiate any deals, this is for when you
expand your vending machine business.
Affiliate marketing
startup costs: 0-£100+
time to scale: 1-14+ days
If you’ve ever seen somebody promote a link to shop through, this is the easiest way to understand
affiliate marketing, you buy a product from a company through an affiliate link and the affiliate earns
a set commission on each order placed through the link they've promoted, one of the best ways to
start off with affiliate marketing is through amazon affiliate, you get commission from sales through
your link to a product on amazon, this could be anything on the entire store!
Many other options out there to choose from so have a look around and see what suits you!
I personally work with MyProtein, I promote their products with a link and code and I earn
commission through my link, this is affiliate marketing.
You can either choose to promote products through your own socials, websites or anything with a lot
of traffic, you could even opt to pay others to promote a product with your affiliate link so you don't
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have to do any of the work if thats influencers on social media or even pay to have your advert on a
website, takes a while to get the hang of it but worth it as it can be semi passive with time.
Google Businesses
Many businesses are losing out on potential customers by not optimising their google brand page to
be shown on the top result of a search, you can find the businesses that are not taking advantage of
this and monetise it by helping businesses update their business information, give them a call or on
their business email and explain what you are offering and what they’re missing out on, always
mention you've helped hundreds of people etc to build trust with the client, if there’s a business
nearby consider going in person and explaining your service, conversion rate will be a lot higher.
Start small by doing it for free and getting some reviews, add business address, number, pictures, all
the most basic info you need to get up the search rankings, once you have some reviews consider
setting up a website and socials to build up enough trust to start charging money for your service.
Digital Products
Startup costs: £0 if you do it yourself
time to scale: 1-2 weeks+ depending on what you sell
If you have a skill or a vast amount of experience on something consider selling a virtual product or
service, for example I sell this PDF and mentoring because I have 5 years of first hand experience and
I've been very successful with what I do so I can sell this very well.
Some ideas are fitness plans if you’re knowledgeable about the gym and building muscle consider
making guides or workout plans, this can be applied to anything you’re knowledgeable about, be
creative and make sure to pack as much information in as possible and consider tiers if you’re
offering a subscription service, if you need help making a website for this send me a message on the
private instagram page info at the top of the PDF.
make sure you have a help email or a place of contact if anyone needs your help or even create a
private instagram page like I do so everyones all in one place.
Sell stock photos
There are many sites like Shutterstock and iStock Photo that are always looking to buy images that
can be used on websites and ad campaigns.
Super simple side hustle if you have a camera and love to take photos, not much to say as it's very
straightforward, to tie this in with social media you could also post videos on tiktok and promote
your own website to sell the photos for commercial use.
You can use your phone for this but the higher the quality the higher the chance that somebody will
purchase your photos as most people will be buying them for commercial use.
Amazon FBA
Start-up costs: £300+ very high startup cost
Time to scale: 4-12 weeks+
I'm no expert in this but you can find an insane amount of information on youtube videos, way better
than what i can explain, don’t rush this, spend time planning ahead all the different stages and also
take into account things that might go wrong.
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To keep this simple, FBA means fulfilment by amazon, you send products to the warehouse and they
will fulfil your orders for you which means the customer is eligible for prime shipping and you don't
have to do anything on your end, you can either sell your own product like i'll be doing with my
Darkstims figure 8 lifting straps or you can buy a product in bulk from china and then sell it on
amazon this is called white label, you don't want to do this with a product in a mature market such as
iphone chargers etc, you can search up on youtube and learn about all this in depth.
please keep in mind doing amazon FBA has a very high upfront cost and if something goes wrong
you’re not always covered and may cause a lot of stress and wasted time so please do your research
if you’re considering starting amazon FBA
Drop shipping
Start-up costs: £100-300+ for a GOOD overall setup
Time to scale: 4-8 weeks + depending on how you do it.
DISCLAIMER- I’m strongly suggesting you do NOT start with this especially if you’re on the younger
side; it seems easy and fun to do but to make a good profit you need to know exactly what you’re
doing, start off with an easier side hustle and spend lots of time learning about this before starting, it
also requires a decent amount in start-up costs and time setting everything up it could be up to a
month before everything is ready.
First step is to think of a brand name and logo, make sure you buy your domain name on google
domains for your website and that your name is also available on Instagram, tiktok, twitter etc.
For your website I’m only going to recommend shopify as I have first-hand experience with it so i can
assist if needed, they’re also extremely easy to setup and work with, I would hold off setting this up
until you’ve chosen a product to sell as you will want to take advantage of the 14-day trial period to
set up your website and get everything organised for your launch such as your policies and
advertising plan.
As for finding products I want you to search up “ali express drop shipping alternatives”. The reason
we aren’t using aliexpress is due to the long shipping times, customers have a higher chance of
charging back or leaving a negative review if it takes too long. Look around many of the websites in
the niche you want to sell, the best method for short term sales is following trends, when squid game
was a thing, those masks would sell like crazy such as fidget spinners or those pop up staffs. Keep a
lookout for trends and ride them till they die. If you’re wanting something more long term that could
potentially turn into a brand, you will want to find something more common that you can scale up
with ads, please do as much research as possible on this before diving into anything.
Advertising is probably the hardest part of this, if you already have big socials like niche pages you
should take advantage of these to test ads before spending money, if you want to grow your socials, I
suggest buying my social growth pdf on my website. You will want to order the product to test and
create content with, one of the best methods at the moment is to create tiktoks with your product
(once your website is done) as there’s always a chance to get put on the fyp which brings free
exposure, buying tiktok ads also work well if you create a well converting ad. Outside of tiktok please
do as much research as you can on Facebook and google ads, a YouTube video would explain this a
lot better than I could do on text.
To scale this into a long-term brand you will want to find a manufacturer on Alibaba and negotiate
prices, order in bulk and ship things out yourself or even consider amazon FBA if you dont want to do
any of the shipping yourself.
There’s no secret method to drop shipping but it does take many months to learn how to market and
scale properly, the main reason people fail is because of poor advertising or they don’t target ads to
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the right audience, please do as much research as you can on this if you choose to invest into
advertisements, some great stuff on youtube about facebook/tiktok ads.
Aliexpress dropshipping alternatives:
Admin work on socials
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 1-4 weeks
This is mainly catered towards bigger niche pages on instagram and tiktok, it may be hard to build
trust with the owners, but many big pages don’t have the time to post or find content, you can get
paid to post content, create content, reply to dms or even comments in rare cases, i've done this
myself with large meme pages ranging from 500k up to 5m and for reference i was paid £200 a week
for a 1.5m page for posting 15 times a day and answering dms which is a great amount to earn on
the side for minimal work and can scale based on the reviews you will get if you do a great job.
To start this, you will want to work for free and build up some reviews so you can show that you’re
trusted before moving onto bigger paid pages, just send them a message or preferably email
explaining what your services are and why you want to do them.
You could also do video editing work for more professional pages that creates its own content, hard
to do but well worth it once you build up a reputation, having a large following yourself will definitely
help with building trust with the page owners, other than reaching out directly you can find people
to admin on discord and telegram groups just be careful as some people will try some dodgy things
on there.
Transcribing audio
Very simple and straightforward side hustle, get paid to transcribe audio from videos which means
turning the audio that is spoken into words for people to read, can pay pretty well but I do
recommend trying other side hustles before trying this as you cant really scale it up.
This website should sort you out, you can also get paid to transcribe youtube videos and other
platforms, take a look around and find ones that pay the best, there may be waiting times for some
websites as many people are trying to get involved in this as it's so easy.
Surveys / testing
Start-up Costs: £0
Time to scale: 1-3 days
I only suggest doing this if you can’t manage the other side hustles, because it’s very time consuming
for how much you get paid isn’t worth the time, but you can make £25-50 a week from filling out
surveys, just type up paid survey websites and go on the ones with good reviews and seem legit,
sometimes you can even refer your friends to the same website and get commission from them
doing the surveys. There are some survey apps on the app store if you prefer that but don’t always
pay as much.
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As for “testing” you can get paid to test out software or even games, it may be quite a lengthy
process but many pay very well, just search up “software testing” or “game testing” many different
websites will come up for you to sign up to.
Please do NOT start with this, I only recommend this if you are extremely lazy and have no
motivation to do anything else this is NOT very scalable.
Looking after animals
Start-up Costs: £30-50
Time to scale: 2-4 weeks
This isn't for everyone and many may not enjoy or think it’s worth the effort but If you enjoy being
around them you can easily make some extra cash by looking after them on a day pay basis or even
charge for walks, this is scalable with socials, giving out business cards. If you type in “(animal type)
sitting websites” you can get listed on those and post on fb marketplace etc, anywhere that has
advertising potential. I know this side hustle may seem a little bit silly but many underestimate the
simple things you can do to make money and some serious cash can be made from this, someone in
my family did this full time and was making anywhere from 2-3k a month! just from looking after
dogs, To scale this further you could even hire out others to do the work for you. Somebody pays you
£40 for a week of walks and all you need to do is send £30 to someone else to do it for you and
boom you have a passive income business, obviously it's a lot harder than it sounds to achieve this
but you get the point.
This doesn't just have to be animals, could also look after kids, reptiles, even house sitting, many
opportunities out there that pay very well for little effort you just need to put yourself out there and
apply yourself.
Need Extra help?
I also offer 1–1 mentoring if you need extra help or already make money from your own business and
want to scale further, my mentoring starts at £30 per month but I recommend joining the silver tier
as we would be calling 1-1 on whatsapp, If you would like to look at the different tiers and what they
offer please visit:
If you have any questions please send them to me on the private instagram page
I will be releasing version 3 of this pdf in the future, if you have anything you would like me to add let
me know over on the private instagram page and I will add it to my todo list.