How to make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic If you are confused about how to write a visual basic program to convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit then don’t worry here we have given a very easy and simple solution for How to make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic. Yes! Today we will discuss the temperature converter in visual basic 6.0. So due to that, you can easily convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius. First, we will know what are the Fahrenheit and Celsius? The Fahrenheit and Celsius are the gauges of temperature. Those are used for the measurement of the temperature. In very deep about the Celsius and Fahrenheit we will see in the following. When we measure the temperature then that is count in Celsius or Fahrenheit. And after that, we can perform the operations on that scale. In the previous post, we had discussed how to find factors of a number in visual basic 6.0 if have don’t idea about the factors of number then you can read that article. Here we will totally discuses about the temperature converter. So, for creating the Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic, we want to need the formula for our program. Therefore the formula is F= (9 / 5) * tc + 32. By using this formula we can easily write visual basic program for temperature converter in visual basic 6.0. So without wasting the time let’s start the program to How to make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic. Steps for a program to make a temperature converter in visual basic 1. Open visual basic 6.0 2. Choose the new blank form 3. Then Draw the controls, on textbox and two buttons. (Here you can take more controls as per your requirement) 4. Write the coding of the program on the convert temperature button. And write another coding for the clear button. 5. After that, execute the program. Source code for make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim tc, temp As Integer tc = Text1.Text temp = (9 / 5) * tc + 32 MsgBox "Temperature in Fahrenheit is : " & temp End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = "" End Sub How to use temperature conversion formula in visual basic If you have known about the mathematical formula of temperature conversion then you can easily solve this task. We have already seen about the Celsius and Fahrenheit therefore here we will see about how to use temperature conversion formula in visual basic. So the temperature conversion formula is temp = (9 / 5) * tc + 32. Here tc is the temperature that we want to convert. When you have used this formula in visual basic for creating a temperature converter then first we want to get the input from the user and that store in tc after that the answer of the formula will be stored in temp variable and after, that variable will print the answer. If you want more information about the temperature conversion formula and want to information on how to make a conversion program in visual basic then you can also check on Wikipedia. I know this is easy but very difficult to understand with theoretically therefore now we will see with the example of this formula. So the formula is temp = (9 / 5) * tc + 32. Now here assume that users enter the temperature in Celsius 40. Then that 40 value is store in the ‘tc’ variable. Now that variable is used in the formula. Therefore temp = (9/5) * 40 +32. Therefore temp = 1.8 * 40 +32. Now temp = 72 + 32. So now temp = 104. Therefore the converted temperature in Fahrenheit is 104. I hope now you are understood properly. How to work Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter program in visual basic Above we have seen how to work the temperature converter formula. Now we will see how to work this program in visual basic 6.0. Users want to enter the number in textbox after that they want to click on the convert temperature button. After clicking on that button on the popup form will be open that will show the converted temperature in Fahrenheit. The clear button is clear in the textbox due to the user can perform the new operation. Here you can get more options for design the form attractive and perform most of the functions. Like the exit button and one more button that will show the temperature in Fahrenheit into Celsius. Why we need the Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter The temperature converter is used to temperature unit conversion. Especially students are facing this program in most of the programming languages. When any student starts to learn any programming language then these type programs are very helpful for those students. If they have any idea How to make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic then they can solve this program in any programming language because in every programming language the logic will be the same. For example, you are writing the program for Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature converter c# then there also most of the logic is the same. This program is also helpful for your college projects. Like this program we are providing the easy solution for most of the program if you want to check our other programs then you can check this progress bar in vb program. What is the use of temperature converter program logic in real life? In nowadays, the temperature converter is very important for us. Because you can see many of the uses of temperature converter machines and applications. This logic is used in most of the machines for converting the temperature. If you have knowledge about how to make a conversion program in visual basic programming language or any other language then that will very helpful for you. Due to this knowledge, you can help others and most of the peoples. I hope you enjoy how to make Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature converter in visual basic program.