Trigonometric Equations abc TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS A trigonometric equation is one that involves one or more of the six functions sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant. Some trigonometric equations, like x = cos x, can be solved only numerically, through successive approximations. But a great many can be solved analytically (in “closed form”, an exact solution in symbols) METHODS FOR SOLVING TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS CAN BE SUMMARIZED AS FOLLOWS Solving by Linear Methods Solve the equation 2sin(θ) + 1 = 0 Since sin(θ) = -1/2 is true for θ = 210° in the III quadant and θ = 330° in the IV quadrant The answers are: θ = 210° and θ = 330° Solving by Factoring Solving by using the Quadratic Formula x = 73.2° x = 286.8° Solving by Squaring Solving by using a Half Angle Solving by using a Double Angle Practice