Leitner Test 7 missed items Study online at quizlet.com/_513oj6 1. 5 Factor model of personality is based on _______ FACTOR ANALYSIS an atheoretical "lexical" approach 13. discriminant function analysis assess relationship between variables when multiple Xs and one categorical Y 2. actor-observer effect attribute others behaviors to dispositional factors and our own behaviors to situational factors 14. ethics in correctional facilities conduct parole evaluation only if you believe it will serve a useful dispositional function 3. age of separation anxiety begins between 6 and 8 months of age peaks from 14 to 18 months before declining 15. external validity generalizabilitiy of research results DECREASES WHEN PARTICIPANTS COMES FROM NATURAL SETTINGS 16. 4. Agranulocytosis failure of the bone marrow to produce sufficient number of WHITE BLOOD CELLS, which increases susceptibility to infection symptoms=fever, sore throat, chills, mouth ulcers, lethargy, weakness fundamental attribution bias attribute others' behaviors to dispositional factors 17. Gestalt-Deflection rigid 18. goal-setting theory and money positive effect on goal achievement detrimental effect when goals are selfset 19. hippocampus controls ______________ memories explicit 20. interventions primary- at risk POPULATIONS secondary- early detection of individuals tertiary- rehabilitative 21. item characteristic curve item difficulty is a factor= when only examinees with high levels of the attribute will answer correctly 22. James-Lange theroy peripheralist theory of emotions bodily reaction shows the feeling "we are afraid because we run" 23. Kochanska and Knaack- inhibition and conscious inhibition is important for development of conscience inhibition stable by 33=45 months those with high inhibition at 22-45 months had strong conscience at 56 months 24. linear regression single predictors used to predict or estimate score on single criterion 25. Mahler's separationindividuation phase 2-3 months symbiosis begins at 4-5 months when able to separate 8-10 months crawling away 26. Maslow's motivation for his theory work as clinical psychologist 5. ANCOVA effects of IV on DV when extraneous variable has been statistically removed 6. arcuate fasciculus bundle of fibers that connect Broca's area with Wernicke's area 7. 8. 9. barbituates used as sleeping aid and anticonvulsant rarely prescribed due to side effects cause decrease in REM. abruptly stopping causing "REM rebound" (more REM sleep), inability to sleep, poor sleep quality, nightmares Berscheid and Walster two-factor theory of love love is result of PHYSICAL FEELING and LABEL FOR IT Chin and Benne strategies for overcoming resistance to organizational change 1) rational-empirical= provides employees with information about change when resistance is due to lack of knowledge. 2)normative-reeducative= use peer pressure and sociocultural norms to promote change. 3)power-coercive= relying on strong leader 10. cognitive therapy beck identify and replace dysfunctional thoughts and attitudes 11. conditioned reflexes occur in _____________ cerebellum 12. Cronbach's alpha estimate of a measure's internal consistency reliability 27. MMPI-2 scales 1 hypochondriasis 2 depression 3 hysteria 4 psychopathic deviate 5 mas/fem 6 paranoia 7 psychasthenia 8 schizophrenia 9 hypomania 0 social multiple discriminant function analysis extension of discriminant function analysis when multiple predictors used to classify individuals or groups 29. multiple regression multiple predictors used to predict score on single criterion 30. multiple tests increases ___________________________ Type I error 31. neurotransmitters for Social Phobia serotonin and dopamine 32. noncustodial father and divorce frequency of contact not predictive of outcomes greater frequency associated with better outcomes for boys when father was supportive, authoritative, and did not have conflict with ex 28. 38. Position Analysis Questionnaire provides information on six dimensions of worker activity quantitative, worker-oriented method to collect data for job analysis 39. positioning exaggerate severity of the symptom 40. prescripton deliberately engage in behavior 41. Principle components analysis similar to factor analysis used to identify set of variables accounting for total variance in set of test scores 42. principle components analysis -similar to factor analysis -identifies set of variables that account for all total variance in set of scores -principal components are extracted so first component accounts for largest variability; decreases 43. prosopagnosia visual agnosia cannot recognize faces due to lesions in the occipial (visual processing), temporal (long term memory), and parietal lobes 44. punishment and behaviors temporarily suppresses, it does not delete them 45. punishment _______________ behaviors suppresses 33. nonsocial play is related to ___________ higher levels of competence 46. racination reverse of deracination; coming together in natural environment 34. optimal item difficulty halfway between 100% of examinees answering correctly and likelihood of answering correctly only by choice true false have .75 optimal item difficulty 47. randomized block design one IV blocks (extraneous) and subjects in each block are randomly assigned to another IV 48. reciprocal inhibition requires someone to respond with one member of a pair when presented with the other member using classical conditioning to replace undesirable responses with incompatible responses. AKA counterconditioning 49. REM sleep over the lifetime 50% of newborns total sleep 20% of adults total sleep 50. restraining telling person not to change 51. Reyes syndrome rare disorder common in children and adolescents that affects the brain and liver; can be fatal linked to aspirin early symptoms= persistent vomiting, listlessness, drowsiness 52. routing on Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales determines beginning level of administration OBJECT SERIES/MATRICES VOCABULARY 35. paired associate task 36. paying for referrals ethical when fee reflects expenses for making referral 37. point biserial coefficient one continuous various and one true dichotomy 53. serial learning task requires someone to learn and recall a list of words in order 54. side effects of lithium nausea, sore throat, vomit, metallic taste 55. social comparison theory evaluate self by comparing with similar others most applicable to SITUATIONS THAT LACK OBJECTIVE STANDARDS 56. Solomon-four group measures effects of pretesting on internal and external validity 57. split-plot (mixed) design one between group and one within group 58. SSRIS fewer sides effect than tricyclics temporarily exacerbate sleep and anxiety 59. suicide in adults unwillingness to talk about it is typical for older adults higher risk for constricted affect/expression and certain illnesses (peptic ulcer) 60. symptoms of abruptly discontinuing betablocker sweating, palpitations, headache, trembling, heart pounding 61. symptoms of narcotic use constricted pupils, decreased visual acuity, sweating, constipation, nausea 62. tetrachoric coefficient both variables are continuous but are artificially dichotomzied 63. thalamus motor activity, language, memory relay station for all senses but smell 64. Tiedeman and O'Hara role of ego in career development cognitive-developmental theory 65. tricyclics more side effects than SSRIS cognitive impairment temporarily experience dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision 66. uninvited in-person solicitation prohibited from actual or potential clients or those vulnerable to undue influence can when providing disaster or community outreach services 67. verbal learning techniques paired associate task and serial learning task 68. which career theory provided decision tree? Vroom-Yetton-Jago it helps decide between autocratic, consultative, and group