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Exercise Guide: Lower Body, Back, Shoulders, Chest

Exercise Notes
Lower Body Movements
Quadricep Exercise Notes
BB Squat: Set bar on upper traps not directly on top of neck, Toes slightly angled outwards, Tucking shoulder blades together, Knees
should travel in line with the toes, Bracing core and keeping chest upright as you descend. Reaching at-least 90 degrees or lower if you
Hack Squat: Setting feet slightly wider than shoulder width, Try placing your feet on the bottom end of the platform with toes slightly
pointing outwards, Coming down slowly letting your knees travel inlined and pass your toes, then driving through your heels to help push
to lift the weight back up.
Leg Press: Feet hip width, Driving through your heels not your toes. Don’t lock out your knees, Bringing your knees to as close as to your
chest as possible,
Lunge: Lunge forward, with back knee bending and front knee hitting 90degrees, Stay upright, Knee should come 1 inch off ground when
lunging down, Try not let your knee hit the ground to keep tension throughout the quads, Let your front knee bend inline was your toes.
Leg Extensions: Pad should sit on your lower part of your shins, Fully extending the knee to lockout and squeezing your quadriceps as
hard as you can at the top of each rep, As you lower the weight, try and slow
Bulgarian Split Squats: Setting up a step-up box, stepping onto the box, then performing a deep lunge from the box once your feet are
set, lunging forward with one leg, try maintaining balance lunging down as low as you can and pushing back up. Set up next to something to
hold if you feel unbalanced.
Hamstring Exercise Notes
Romanian Deadlift: Using DB’s or BB, holding the bar in front of you, Slight bend in your knees, Trying to drive your hips/glutes back as
far as you possibly can well lowering your upper torso, keep your shoulders/back retracted during lowering and coming back up,
DB or BB Good Mornings: Keeping your shoulders down and chest up. Maintaining a soft bend in your knees, hinge at your hips until your
torso is almost parallel to the ground, keeping your back in neutral position. Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Like a
Romanian Deadlift.
Seated Leg Curl: Pad sitting on lower part of calf muscle, Really trying to squeeze the weight in deep as you can towards your glutes
while holding the squeeze for 1second and slowing the weight back down
Lying Leg Curl: Pad sitting just above behind ankle, Really trying to squeeze the weight in deep as you can towards your glutes while
holding the squeeze for 1second and slowly lowering the weight back down.
Nordic Curl: Kneel on both knees. Secure your ankles with equipment or have a partner hold them for you. Engage your hamstrings,
glutes, and abs. Keep your back neutral. Slowly lean forward, using only your hamstrings until you catch yourself with your hands or
gently reach the ground. Push yourself back up.
Kettlebell Swings: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Place the kettlebell just in front of you. Hinge down to grip the
kettlebell. Squeeze your armpits. Raise your chest. Hike the kettlebell behind you. Thrust your hips forward. Use this momentum to swing
the kettlebell. Finish by squeezing your glutes and quads as the kettlebell reaches chest height. Repeat in a continuous loop for reps.
Glute Exercises
Hip thrust: Toes slightly pointed outwards, keeping a flat lower back through out the movement, Driving hips up and think of squeezing your
glutes together hard as you can as you reach the top of the rep, have a minor pause at the top of each rep
Back Exercises
Lat Pull Down: Grip slightly wider than shoulder width, Keeping shoulders back, Elbows should stay under and in line with your wrist, Pulling the bar to your upper chest and squeezing
your shoulder blades together as you pull the bar to your upper chest.
Seated Cable Row/Chest Supported Row: Pulling the weight towards your stomach, squeezing your upper and mid back, Use the wider V grip or 2 Separate handles, Driving your elbows
back first, letting the hands follow in line with the elbows as you pinch your shoulder blades together
Pull Ups: : Grip slightly wider than shoulder width, Keeping shoulders back, Elbows should stay under and in line with your wrist, Pulling chest to the bar and squeezing back at the top of
each rep
Back extensions:
DB Row: Slightly bending over holding a bench for stability, Maintain a flatback, Pulling the DB to your hip instead of straight up.
Shoulder Exercises
DB Shoulder Press/MachineElbows slightly in front, Don't flare elbows directly out, Push the weight up and in overhead, Tight core, Set the bench 1notch back on an incline. Machine
Shoulder Press or DB Shoulder Press is preference
Lateral Raises
Chest Exercises
BB Bench Press: Elbows tucked 45 degrees from side, control weight, retract shoulders and shoulder blades into bench, Wrist in line with elbows, Grip the bar slightly wider than
shoulder width.