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Mod One Assignment One

1. I am taking the film experience class because I needed to take another transfer
elective class. I was going to take ASL but the school wasn’t offering a beginners
course. So, going from absolutely no knowledge (basically, I know the abc’s and how
to say barf) didn’t seem to be the brightest idea. This seemed like a good
compensation. I am really excited for this course! I didn’t realize that LRCC offered
this as a course.
2. It can tell us a lot. I feel like currently we get so focused on ourselves and what is
going on in our own personal bubble and it blinds us to not just history and other
cultures, but to people in general. Unfortunately, if something is not directly in the
lives of people nowadays, we don’t give it a thought. I believe that film illuminates us
and reminds us that there are people, not like us, struggling just like us, or who have
struggled just like us. It takes something dead to us and makes it come to life and
gives it a meaning.
3. My sister recently started watching a docu-series about Serial Killers. I don’t
normally care about documentaries, but I was bored so I watched it with her. The
documentary we were watching that day was about Ted Bundy. It was actually really
interesting. It gave me a good look into the mind of a serial killer, which is super
disturbing as you can imagine. However, what was even cooler was that it gave an
inside look at what the investigators, detectives, and officers had to go through to find
him and actually be able to determine that he was in fact the one who killed all those
girls. This documentary also showed the value of pulling someone over for a small
traffic infraction, because that helped with the incarceration. This documentary also
shows why having an idealistic worldview does no one any good. He would lure girls
in who were walking ALONE and kidnap them, rape, and kill them. Unfortunately in
this world being able to walk the streets alone, without consequence, is not realistic.
The Ted Bundy Tapes