RESEARCH TOPIC: Working Title: Effectiveness of Viewing English-Subtitled Video Material Towards Vocabulary Acquisition among Third Year English Language Learners Title of the Study/ Author/Publisher / Year of Publication Research Problem Rosales, A. (2019). Vocabulary Acquisition (Incidental) through Watching Subtitled Video Material. ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 8(2), 190197. 10.15294/elt.v8i2.33 356 Investigate the effect of watching subtitled video towards vocabulary acquisition (incidental ) Research Objectives A) B) Payá-Guerrero, Wonders; EstebanSegura, Laura. EFL Vocabulary Acquisition: Narrow RQ1. Which method is more effective find out the effect of watchin g subtitled video material (El Pasajer o, 37minute Spanish Film) on the vocabul ary acquisiti on with an emphasi s on the receptiv e and producti ve vocabul ary knowled ge. to test of there is a significa nt differenc e between the pretest and postpos e perform ance in the receptiv e and producti ve vocabul ary k owledge of the participa nts. to investig ate which methodo Research Approach/ Method Design Variabl es Include d Pretest and posttest design Materials: One subtitiled film, Vocabulary Knowledge Scale ( Paribakht and Wesche, 1993), list of words extracted from the film. Pretest was administered among 100 Tertiary students, before the viewing of the film. An unannouncedd posttest was done a month after the pretest and filmviewing. 100 Tertiary student s (ages 18-20) who are enrolle d in Technic al Writing. Major Construct s/ Concepts Salient Findin gs Recommendati ons for further investigation A) There is a positiv e effect on the vocab ulary acquisi tion of learner of Englis h as secon d langua ge in terms of their recepti ve and prodict ive vocab ulary k owledg e. The study suggests multimedia facilities to be provided in both public and private schools in the Philippines which are needed in the use of subtitled video material in the teaching of vocabulary. Limitatio ns of the Study B) The perfor mance in the recepti ve vocab ulary knowle dge of the target words of the partcip ants is greater than their produc tive vocab ulary knowe dge. Experiment Materials: Pretest and posttest consisting twenty target two groups of EFL student s at Vocabula ry acquisitio n gains are It was reveal ed that both narrow Future researchers could investigate on: A) asse The results obtained cannot be Reading versus Reading plus VocabularyEnhancement Activities. A Case Study with Spanish Secondary School Students. Porta Linguarum, 24: 93105 (2015). [http://hdl.ha 02] for the acquisition of vocabulary in a foreign language context: the narrow reading treatment (NR) or the reading plus vocabulary -enhancement activities treatment (RV)? RQ2. What are the quantitativ e gains in vocabulary acquisition between the groups? RQ3. Are there any difference s in vocabulary gains within and between the groups regarding receptive and productive word knowledge of the target vocabulary ? logical approac h, narrow reading or reading plus vocabul aryenhance ment activities , better facilitate s vocabul ary acquisiti on for students of English as a foreign languag e. words(including nouns and verbs), an adapted version from Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (Paribakht and Wesche, 1993)and 16.5-hour instruction. their 4th year of ESO (compu lsory second ary educati on) in the school Marian o Baquer o Goyane s in Murcia, Spain.4 The school offers a bilingua l section for both ESO and Bachille rato (noncompul sory second ary educati on), Two groups attendi ng regular English classes , each made up of 21 and 14 student s, were monitor ed. Both classes were taught by the same teacher , who had 27 years of teachin g experie nce at second greater when students are asked to complete intention al vocabula ryenhance ment activities after reading (Paribakh t& Wesche, 1997) readin g and readin g plus vocab ularyenhan cemen t activiti es have positiv e effects on learner s’ vocab ulary develo pment. ssing learn ers’ voca bular y acqui sition at sever al langu age profic iency levels in order to analy ze whet her the proce ss for voca bular y devel opme nt are differ ent. B) Broa denin g the scop e by testin g stude nts’ acqui sition of other types of lexica l units and analy zing distin ction s in the acqui sition proce ss. C) Com parin g result s on voca bular generaliz ed because the sample has been drawn from one specific school in a particula r city in Spain. Also, participa nts have diverse languag e backgro unds. ary educati on. All the particip ants had already studied English in school settings for about 9 years prior to the experi ment. Asadi Aidinlou, N., & Moradinejad, A. (2016). Short-term and Long-term Retention of Vocabulary through Authentic Subtitled Videos. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 7(5), 14-22. Retrieved from https://journals hp/alls/article/view/2 546 the present study attempts to indicate that, among different ways of learning and teaching vocabulary , learning vocabulary through watching subtitled video clips, that is, authentic use of authentic materials will lead to a better short term and longterm retention Hypothesis: a)Teaching authentic vocabulary through authentic subtitled video clips leads to a better short-term retention of vocabulary compared with traditional method in an EFL context. b) Teaching authentic vocabulary through authentic subtitled video clips leads to a better long-term retention of vocabulary compared with traditional method in an EFL context. Experiment Materials: An authentic video clips used in this study were English speaking television sitcoms. To test the participants’ vocabulary retention a test of vocabulary with 20 items was constructed. 36 particip ants were divided into two equalsized groups: one as treatme nt (N=18) and another as control (N=18). The particip ants were taking a vocabul ary course. They had already studied English for about 10 years. The particip ants chosen in the present study were at advanc y acqui sition and its devel opme nt obtai ned by differ ent group s: biling ual versu s nonbiling ual group s. In the treatment group, participa nts learned vocabula ry through watching subtitled videos (incident al learning). First, they watched the video clip with subtitles. During the second viewing, they watched the same movie without subtitles. This activity made them realize that subtitles are not so necessar y for understa nding the Result s sugge sted that traditio nal instruc tion is much more effectiv e in shortterm retenti on of vocab ulary in compa rison with teachi ng vocab ulary throug h subtitle d videos. In other words, this study does not discar d the traditio nal explicit Further research on the use of authentic video clips and subtitles are needed to encourage teachers to start using technologies and electronic applications and to make the appropriate use of video and subtitles to enhance the students’ longterm vocabulary retention and language learning motivation ed level since as it was discuss ed above authent ic materia ls are appropr iate for postinterme diate levels. Both groups in this study were taught by the same teacher . The particip ants were learnin g English at a langua ge institute in Talesh, Iran. Their ages were betwee n 22 and 31 with a mean of 25. All of them were attendi ng the English class twice a week about 90 minutes per session during a semest er (8 weeks) dialogues and storyline. On the other hand, in the control group, vocabula ry was chosen from the subtitles of the same video clips, but learners underwe nt intention al learning through traditiona l methods of vocabula ry instructio n. Vocabula ry instructio n in the control group involved different techniqu es of vocabula ry presentat ion teachi ng of vocab ulary, simply becau se both authen tic materi als and authen tic usage of them are of equal import ance. Differe nt metho ds of presen ting new vocab ulary to EFL learner s, leads to marke dly differe nt degree s of vocab ulary retenti on in short and long term period s. Theref ore, it is recom mende d that in order to have a better retenti on, both shortterm and Lertola, J. (2012). The effect of the subtitling task on vocabulary learning. Retrieved April 11, 2016 from icity/isg/publications /trp_4_2012/5Lertola.pd to investigate the effects of the subtitling practice on incidental vocabulary acquisition in the Italian foreign language class Will exposure to new words through authentic video material and its translation for subtitling affect incidental foreign language vocabulary retention? This question gives rise to two hypotheses: The effect of subtitling on vocabulary learning 65 H1: Both conditions will result in retention of new L2 vocabulary compared to the pre-task performance. H2: The subtitling condition will lead to a more significant L2 incidental vocabulary acquisition compared to the non-subtitling condition. Quasi-experimental Materials: An initial questionnaire was also given to find out the students’ background as well as televisionviewing habits, in terms of subtitled or dubbed material and their previous learning experiences; the questionnaire contained six closed-ended questions, and two open-ended questions. The Eg performed a subtitling task from Italian (L2) into English (L1) of a short video clip from a contemporary Italian movie, while the Cg did task based activities (oral comprehension and L2 writing) on the same video clip using NUI Galway Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Immediate and delayed post test were administered. The subject s (n=16) were enrolle d in the second -year Bachel or Degree of Arts at NUI Galway . Student s signed up for the two groups accordi ng to their class schedul e; this resulte d in six student s in the Experi mental group (Eg) and ten in the Control Group (Cg). A) Stephen Krashen’ s Input Hypothes is, people can acquire a second language “only if they obtain compreh ensible input” (Krashen 1985: 4). T) B) Mayer’s Cognitive Theory Cognitive theory of multimedi a learning also underpin this project: consider ation was given to the two different channels used for managin g The effect of subtitling on vocabula ry learning 63 audio and visual informati on; the limited amount of informati longterm, differe nt metho ds f leanin g vocab ulary should be adopte d. A) There is a clear improv ement in learner s’ inciden tal vocab ulary acquisi tion from pretest to immed iate and delaye d posttests (confir ms the first hypoth esis) b) statisti cally signific ant results emerg e only at the postdelaye d point. (secon d hypoth esis) Further research on the use of the subtitling practice as an effective pedagogical tool in the FL class, Due to the limited number of participa nts in this study it is not possible to draw definitive conclusi ons. on that the human mind can process at one time; and the active processin g in which humans are engaged in learning acquisitio n (Fletcher and Tobias 2005) C. Noticing Hypothes is, proposed by Schmidt (2001), L2 learners should notice the input in order to transform the input into intake for learning; and “[o]ne way to make a foreign language feature noticeabl e or salient in the input is to enhance it by providing contrastiv e associati on with the correspo nding L1 item” (Laufer and Girsai 2008: 697) Bellalem, F., Neddar, B. A., Bouagada, H., & Djelloul, D. B. (2018). The Use of Subtitled Movies for Vocabulary Acquisition in ESP Settings: Insights from an Experimental Study in Algeria. Arab World English Journal, 9 (3), 3-16 DOI: .24093/awej/vol9no 3.1 explore the impact of the use of multimedia and technology instruction on the learners’ education al achieveme nt in the context of Algerian university ESP programm es a) To add to theory in SLA and L2 methodology using university language programmes in Algeria as a case study b) To draw conclusions and to make recommendations that would subsequently be raised to the Algerian Ministry of Education for evaluation and policy formulation purposes. c) To publish the findings in order to share them with the academic community in the field towards generating further debate in the MENA region and internationally. Experimental Material: a short movie with Arabic subtitles, which we then duplicated into two pieces of material: one with subtitles to be presented to the Treatment Group (TG), and the other without subtitles to be shown to the Control Group (CG). Identified 31 vocabulary items, which were subsequently used to build a Vocabulary Test (VT) as data collection tool. a sample of 27 universi ty student s who followe d a BA Degree in History at the Univers ity of Mostag anem. The main langua ge of instructi on in their progra m is Arabic. One module they attende d was English for Specific Purpos es, where they were introdu ced to the termino logy in the field of History using English langua ge as a mediu m of instructi on. The proficie ncy level of the particip ants in the target was general ly Multimedi a and technolo gy-ineducatio n can represent good sources for learning foreign language s (see for instance discussio ns in Alessi & Trollip, 2001; Alias & Hussin, 2002; Baltova, 1999; Bernhard t & Kamil, 1997; Bianchi & Ciabatton i,2008; CanningWilson, 2000) a) finding indicat e that using subtitle d movies clearly enhan ces the learnin g of new vocab ulary among the sampl ed group, i.e., using subtitle d movies with the partici pants has a genera lly signific ant effect on their acquisi tion of vocab ulary . b) finding s shows that the vocab ulary acquisi tion of the Treatm ent Group differs greatly from the acquisi tion of the Contro l Researchers suggested that further research in the field be conducted in other Algerian universities to measure up the validity of their findings. interme diate. Group. c) A consid erable body of resear ch is genera lly congru ent with these finding s and suppor ts the claims that subtitle d movies can help improv e vocab ulary acquisi tion. Watching Subtitled Films Can Help Learning Foreign Languages Birulés-Muntané J, Soto-Faraco S (2016) Watching Subtitled Films Can Help Learning Foreign Languages. PLOS ONE 11(6): e0158409.https://do l.pone.0158409 To know the effectivene ss of Subtitled films in learning foreign languages . a) b) c) To find the effects of subtitles in improving the perception of second language phonology. To know if intralingual subtitles should enhance the top-down, lexically driven formation of both the speechsound categories and their adaptation to phonological variations. To know the effectiveness of subtitling toward vocabulary and comprehensi on skills. Experiment Materials: A face-to-face written placement test” from Cambridge University [29] (20m duration). The first episode of the 2010 British series ‘Downton Abbey (1:08h long) with English subtitles (N = 20), Spanish subtitles (N = 20), or no subtitles (N = 20) In pre-and posttests, sixty university students were evaluated on their English listening skills and on a vocabulary test. The post-test also included a plot comprehension questionnaire, in addition to the mentioned listening and vocabulary tests. Sixty universi ty student s volunte ered for the study, They were Roman ce langua ge speake rs (Catala n, Spanis h, or Italian) most of them Spanis hCatalan bilingua l, betwee n 21– 28 years of age, To provid e more results the study sugge sts adding or providi ng longer video expos ure to the studen t. The results of the listening skills tests revealed that after watching the English subtitled version, participants improved these skills significantly more than after watching the Spanish subtitled or nosubtitled versions. The vocabulary test showed no reliable differences between subtitled conditions. Finally, as one could expect, plot comprehension was best under native, Spanish subtitles. The study suggests adding or providing longer video exposur e to the student to provide more results Sabouri, H., Zohrabi, M. & Osbouei, Z. K. (2015). The impact of watching English subtitled movies in vocabulary learning in different genders of Iranian EFL learners. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 3(2), 110-125. 11.pdf ( RQ1. Is there any difference in vocabulary learning between an ordinary class and a class in which Englishsubtitled movie input is linked with traditional instruction ? RQ2. Is there any significant difference between the two genders in the vocabulary achieveme nt in the classes in which subtitled This study aimed to explore the impact of English movies with English Subtitles on English learners lexical achievement s. Quantitative To know the significant difference between males and females in achieving vocabulary through using subtitled movies. Quasi-Experimental Post-Pre-Test Materials: Proficiency test The treatment group which composts of male, and females were going to split to form another two group (Experimental and control group) An English movie with English subtitle ( The Avatar 2009) who had studied English through the Catalan school system (thus, after high school, their level is equival ent to B2, followin g the Commo n Europe an Frame work of Refere nce for Langua ges, from the Council of Europe ). 46 (24 male and 22 female) Iranian EFL learner s particip ated in this study. It was not possibl e to assign both gender s of learner s random ly to each classro om becaus e of the aim of the study and gender discrimi The statisti cal results showe d that first, regardl ess of the genre of subtitle d movie, males and female s’ scores were not signific antly differe nt from each other. Secon d, with the imple mentat ion of The researchers recommended that more studies need to be done in the future in order to get the most advantages out of the movie materials in EFL classrooms. movie input is implement ed? Applying the UTAUT to Explain Factors Affecting English Learning Intention Via Netflix (English Subtitle) Among Thai people Pongsakorn Limna 1 (Corresponding Author) Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, 2 Sutithep Siripipattanakul, 3 Kanchanokchon Woodeson, 4 Pichakoon Auttawechasakoon 5 (PDF) Applying the Is there a relationshi p between performan ce expectanc y, effort expectanc y, social influence, facilitating conditions, user satisfactio n, and English learning intention via Netflix nation. The age of the particip ants ranged betwee n 15 to 30 years old and they were random ly placed in each group of classes . This study investigates the relationship between factors of UTAUT, users’ satisfaction, and English learning intention via Netflix (English Subtitle) among Thai people. Quantitative Materials: Closed-end questionnaires (Likert's Rating Scale) Three hundre d and eightynine (389) particip ants complet ed online questio nnaires . The findings reveale d that most respon a subtitle d movie, the partici pants in experi mental group perfor med signific antly better than partici pants of the control groups in both gender s. Finally, it can be conclu ded that the use of movies with subtitle s can improv e studen ts’ engag ement in learnin g and retriev al of new lexical items. The UTAUT is a definitive model that synthesiz es what is known and serves as a foundatio n for future research in various sectors such as Qualitative research, such as interviews, observations, and focus groups, could provide more insight into future research. expand more sampling in other countries because learning English could increase happiness and effectiveness for students This study is a selfadminist ered question naire. This study’s participa nts were represen tatives from Thailand . UTAUT to Explain Factors Affecting English Learning Intention Via Netflix (English Subtitle) Among Thai people ( (English Subtitle) among Thai people, and how? dents were female (50.4%) , single (92.6%) , aged betwee n 18 and 25 years old (69.8%) , from the Central part of Thailan d (37.3%) , and earned a monthly income less than 10,000 baht (43.2%) . Moreov er, most respon dents were student s (68.1%) with an educati on level of bachelo r’s degree (73.8%) business and entrepren eurship sectors (Handok o, 2020; Rozmi et al., 2019) healthcar e sectors (Bawack et al., 2018; Shiferaw et al., 2021), agricultur e sectors (Han et al., 2021; Kang et al., 2020). Also, educatio n sectors (Khechin e et al., 2014; Tan, 2013). and all generations via Netflix