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What is a Program? Understanding Software Fundamentals

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What Is a Program?
I think … it’s hungry!
We all rely on technology for each instant of our lives. But we are also
threatened by this new and necessary magic because we don’t really
understand it. Most of the devices we use are either broken, mis-configured,
or just badly designed. But we can’t do anything about that, either, because
we do not participate in the process that creates them. We can get out of that
trap by learning more about these “toys”. Let’s begin with the computer itself:
“Toaster”… hmm… does that
mean I can dry my fingernails,
too? It couldn’t hurt to try!
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A computer is as dumb as a toaster. In fact, an old-style toaster is much
smarter than a computer will ever be. A toaster could tell if a piece of bread
was cooked because at a certain temperature, a sliver of highly sensitive metal
would curl and touch another piece of metal, causing electricity to flow
through. That fired the eject button on the toaster, and POP, out flew the
toast, hopefully onto your plate! A computer could never do that, at least not
without a lot of help. All a computer can do on a hardware level is to tell the
difference between 0 and 1. If you look into your back yard, you can see a
large version of the hardware that exists inside the central processor of any
computer: a simple gate. If it is open, the computer reads 0, or false. If the
gate is closed, the computer sees this as 1, or true. The problem with this is
that there there are actually three decisions that should be made if the
computer is to rely on the gate as an analogy of anything and everything:
The gate is open because it has been opened.
The gate is closed because it has been closed.
The gate is unset because no one and nothing has decided to either open or
close it.
So can a computer determine this at a hardware level? No! It is a binary
system, so must assume that when it a gate is open, it was left that way on
purpose. This does not reflect reality in any way. But it’s where we began, and
nothing has been done about it since. So a computer is defective even by the
simple standard that we have cited here.
So how does a computer do anything?
The answer is: software. Some kinds of software help the computer be a better
physical device. The software that you encounter the most is in the form or
software programs that are written to allow you to interact with a computer,
and for the computer to pretend to be smart. If it sounds complicated, it is.
But like anything if you can learn about something fundamentally, you can
build on that over time. So let’s begin be defining what a software program is:
A program is an automation process in which highly organized
variables interact through their relationships with each other and
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through events.
There’s also one key addendum to help set us on the right course when
creating a software program:
The program shall be small.
Philosophical statements can be hard to digest. Take, for instance, the single
statement that describes the United States’ government:
This is a libertarian society based on individual rights.
.. and for the addendum, we would refer to the Bill of Rights, which sets out
clear rules that we must never break because that would violate the core
Still, if you grew up in another country and migrated here, and had to take a
Civics test to get a citizenship, you would find yourself repeating the words
like a parrot, hoping for a peanut as a reward. Does that mean you grasp
them? Philosophy is difficult to teach, so must be instilled from birth. That’s
why it is so difficult for foreigners to feel at home here, at least until they
become “one of us” — if that ever occurs. And all stemming from a philosophy
that they never experienced until they stumbled off the boat in New York.
Most Americans are immigrants when it comes to technology. We just “don’t
get it”. So we give up. We never “belong” to the new world of technology. We
just visit there when we have to. This must change. This article is dedicated to
the notion that everyone can learn about technology and with a little effort,
gain more control of the technology that affects their daily lives. The reason I
begin with the statement of Programming Philosophy — describing “What is a
Software Program” — is to underline the importance of fundamentals in how
we create things. If we respect design and plan what we do, we can achieve
great things. If we ignore this process, we make a mess. Today’s programs are
mostly a mess. Let’s see why.
The “Bad Old Days” of Linear Programming
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I got curious about programming after buying my first IBM PC in the early
1980’s. The operating system was quite spare. I used Microsoft Word and
Excel early on. I wanted to make those programs work better for my
business. So I learned about a language called VBA (“Visual Basic for
Applications”) that ran inside the Microsoft Office suite. This language was
primitive, but for a beginner, it already felt like I was taking real control over
the program’s behavior. For instance, I over-rode the print dialog to add a
few extra buttons that allowed me to do things “my way”.
In 1985, I asked my brother — a trained professional programmer, with a
Master’s Degree in Math and Computer Science — to write a program that
would run my small wholesale business. He was busy, so only grudgingly
agreed. I waited and waited. After a few months, he showed me the grand
results: a window opened on the computer screen with a few labels and text. I
slumped. “Is that it?” I gasped, not realizing just how much time it had taken
him to accomplish this feat. My brother could see that I didn’t know what
was actually involved in creating a program, especially for the time we were
living in. So he invited me to his house in December, 1985, and sat me down
in front of his computer. This time, all I could see was a text editor with some
weird-looking words and symbols filling its screen. “What’s that?” I asked.
My brother grinned. “That’s source code. You’re going to write your own
This was first day as a programmer. I committed myself to learning how to
create applications that would make my computer more efficient for users. I
have been on this course ever since.
For the next ten years, I developed an ever-more-powerful program using a
language called Turbo Pascal. At that time this was a great way to create a
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What Is a Program? - Marcus Technical Services
quick application. Eventually the program swelled to over 100,000 lines. It
ran my entire wholesale business.
Now that I look back on my first decade as a programmer, I can see that it was
not going to prove robust or lasting. I was engaging in a flat, simplistic sort of
thinking. But so was the rest of the programming world.
What Is Linear Programming?
Linear programming is taking a “straight line” from the start of a thing to its
perceived end, made up of steps. For example, an old MS-DOS batch file:
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ECHO ...............................................
ECHO PRESS 1, 2 OR 3 to select your task, or 4 to EXIT.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - Open Notepad
ECHO 2 - Open Calculator
ECHO 3 - Open Notepad AND Calculator
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 then press ENTER:
cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe
start notepad.exe
cd %windir%\system32\calc.exe
start calc.exe
cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe
start notepad.exe
cd %windir%\system32\calc.exe
start calc.exe
This generates an on-screen menu. Pretty handy, and can be created in
moments. So why not just build all of our programs like this? Let’s have a
closer look.
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This is fairly clunky. What happens if instead of typing the correct language:
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 then press ENTER:
… you type:
SET P M=Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 then press ENTER:
The batch file crashes and so no menu appears. All for the lack of a slash.
Imagine if this batch file created the main menu of your program. The user
would not be able to use the program at all. So linear coding is fragile. It is
easily broken.
Also, why weren’t you warned about the error? There’s no good editor for this
type of code that will warn about errors. Even in more advanced linear
languages, such as VB Script, Pascal, JavaScript, etc., perhaps 90% of all
possible errors are simply ignored. The editor can’t help. Linear programs do
not provide adequate error checking. They are extremely difficult to debug.
In very large programs, you may need to watch them line-by-line just to find
a single tiny error. The program would take forever to develop. I know this
because that’s how we debugged early programs. We don’t want to return to
this tortuous practice.
Why are these two pairs of lines repeated?
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cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe
start notepad.exe
cd %windir%\system32\calc.exe
start calc.exe
… and if they are repeated, how do I make sure that each time they are
written, they appear exactly in the same way? Also, what happens if I get
something out of order during that process? This is one of the biggest risks in
programming in general: redundancy. Once we have copied and pasted
something from one place to another, we cannot guarantee that each version
will always be the same. Maybe someone will come along and change one of
these lines (but not both) as follows:
cd c:\windows16\system32\notepad.exe
start notepad.exe
.. and for a while, it works. But then a new version of windows comes along
and it breaks. That’s because under the new Windows, the notepad is located
So the first of the two redundant code pieces works, because it uses a system
variable to find the windows directory:
cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe
… and the second one now fails because it doesn’t. But this is where
programmers go wrong again. Many beginners will actually repair both lines
to match each other, so they both now say:
cd c:\windows32\system32\notepad.exe
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.. which actually works. Until the next version of Windows, when the
operating may move the notepad to some new location. The program was
“fixed” through hard-coded linear thinking: that if we test something, it is
good coding. But it failed at a design level because it was not robust over
So another weakness of the linear approach is that it is inherently redundant
and almost impossible to keep up-to-date.
Let’s have a look at a VBA snippet that creates a new worksheet:
Sub AddNew()
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
With NewBook
.Title = "All Sales"
.Subject = "Sales"
.SaveAs Filename:="Allsales.xls"
End With
End Sub
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
Does that mean NewBook is an actual workbook? You’ll say to yourself: of
course it is! How else could you create it? Well this is why nobody writes
VBA anymore. The answer is not intuitive. We could actually substitute this
for the code above:
Sub AddNew()
Set NewBook = 1
End Sub
Now NewBook is an integer – ? – ! How is that possible? In VBA, a variable
is “anything”. It is called an Object. Once it is assigned, it takes on the shape
of the thing that it was assigned to. But it can be reassigned at any time to
anything else. This makes VBA quite easy to code for beginners, but
extremely hazardous to long-term safety and manageability.
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For instance, what happens here?
Sub AddNew()
Set NewBook = 1
Set NewTree = "tree"
Set Explosion = NewBook * NewTree
End Sub
NewBook is an integer. How can that be multiplied by the string, “tree”? It
can’t. So the program halts where these two dissimilar elements are mixed
together. The editor doesn’t tell you this in advance. You have to find out at
“runtime” — when the program is running. So these old linear editors are
deeply flawed.
Programming professionals call this principle Type Safety. Linear languages
generally lack this key feature. They are hopelessly vague.
Procedural Programming Languages
A procedural language is one that is linear in its structure, just like a batch
file. But it provides a few new tricks to make coding easier. The main one is
the ability to create a procedure that can then be called redundantly. You can
actually fake this effect in a batch file. For instance, runCopy.bat:
xcopy %1 %2
… which you can call directly from another batch file, as long as they are
pathed together and can see each other. Here’s the second batch file, called
call runCopy “O:\MyDocs\*.*” “Q:\MyDocsBackUp\”
The term Call means to call the batch file. The two quoted strings are the two
parameters which are received inside runCopy.bat as %1 and %2.
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The Procedural Summit: C
With the development of C in the 1960’s, procedural programming reached a
high water mark. Powerful, complex programs could be created that ran at
lightning speed. The enormous power of C came at an extraordinary price: C
was not easy to code, and tended to be buggy and difficult to control.
The “bad old days” of linear, procedural programming provided:
Relatively quick to develop.
In many cases, easy to write with a beginner’s skills.
Could be developed and used on-the-fly and often as a part of other
applications (such as VBA inside Excel, etc.).
In the case of C, could be extremely powerful and amazingly fast —
though required expert skills.
Linear methodology did not reflect how things occurred in real life
Virtually no type safety. Anything could be anything. No predictability.
Poor contracts between parts of the program. The code itself was
parsed at compile time, and much of it was late bound, meaning that
the actual type was not known until the program actually ran. Many
types of errors arose out of this loose construct.
Redundant and verbose, so impossible to version or debug.
Mostly weak editors would let you hang yourself while coding and find
out later when the user was trying to run your program.
Poor error-handling; most problems just crashed the program.
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No event-driven model, so no interaction between elements based on
competing interests, as in real life.
The Arrival of Object Oriented “Behavioral” Languages
The high-water mark in the development of object-oriented programs came
when slow-to-the-party Microsoft, after watching 16 years C++ and Java,
decided to release its opus, a language called C#, which over the next decade,
would bring extraordinary benefits to the programmer. C# filled the void in
the need for a powerful, easy-to-learn-and-use language for the creation of
applications. It restored faith that Microsoft was the world leader in
programming languages, if not software development (sigh). (Note: an
“application” is a file with an .exe suffix that you run from your computer. It
does not reside inside a web browser).
C#’s only major weakness was speed. It still waddled along behind the hyperfast C++ in real-time benchmarks. This is because C#, like Java, opted to
produce a byte code that the operating system would run as a separate layer.
The theory was that the compiled program would be independent of any
given operating system. But in 11 years since, no company has been capable
of writing an adapter to allow .NET to run completely and successfully inside
a foreign OS. So the decision for byte code was grandiose and unnecessary.
In C++, the entire output is already “pre-digested” and ready for the
operating system. That’s why it’s so much faster. Microsoft never corrected
the issue; even today, C# is hobbled by this approach.
Why Is Object Oriented Coding Better Than Old-Style
Linear Scripting?
In “object-oriented” or “behavioral” programming, instead of trying to tell the
program what to do, we create “objects” that behave much like human beings.
They have their own information the store (as in our brains) and they also
have things they do (behaviors), personal relationships (class derivation) and
a means of communicating with each other (events).
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Of course, this doesn’t guarantee that a programmer will always implement
this concept properly. That is the art and science of professional coding. For
instance, here are two ways to do the same thing: make animal noises based
on some inputs. I’ll use C# as the language. Strangely, you can write both
good and bad code inside C#, as with any editor/compiler. This is why we
need to train programmers to think in a new way about what they do. Object
coding is like chess; linear coding is like checkers. So first, the quick (wrong!)
way, which is how 99% of the world’s so-called programmers would do it:
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using System;
C Sharp
namespace AnimalSoundApp
public class Program
private static void MakeAnimalSound(string[] animals)
// Check to see if there are any animals implicitly bel
foreach (var animal in animals ?? new string[0])
// Check for each animal by its name and issue the p
switch (animal)
case "cat": Console.WriteLine("Meeeooowww...");
case"dog": Console.WriteLine("Bark! Bark!");
case"bird": Console.WriteLine("Chirp! Chirp!");
default: Console.WriteLine("{Shhhh…}");
public static void Main(string[] args)
MakeAnimalSound(new [] {"cat", "dog", "bird"});
The console output looks like this.
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Upon questioning, these so-called “programmers” would say:
They did what they were asked to do: make animal sounds based on an input.
They tested it. Works every time!
They wrote it in 10 minutes. What a savings! At this rate, they can write a
million lines of code in their first year. What a value!
But under close analysis, all sorts of issues pop up. For instance, what
happens if we misspell something? Maybe just once, like here:
public static void Main(string[] args)
MakeAnimalSound(new [] {"ct", "dog", "bird"});
The output would look like this:
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That’s incorrect. The first line should have read, “Meeeooowww…”. But the
program couldn’t find a “cat” because the input was misspelled as “ct”.
No programmer ever thinks they can make a mistake like this. But in every
program I have ever reviewed, I have found lots of them.
What if we have to create a lot of animals? Maybe thousands? And what if
they have hundreds of different behaviors, like how they move, and all of that
has to be reflected in the program? Is that an exaggerated expectation?
Modern programs must manage large enterprises. You can see that this
would create a huge mess.
The code is also quite redundant. We define that as any same or similar code
in the program that could easily be rewritten to prevent the redundancy.
The code is linear: crude and unsophisticated in its approach to the problem.
The Object-Oriented Solution
As an Object-Oriented Programmer (“OOP”), the first thing I ask about a new
assignment is, “how can I best explore, comprehend and act upon all of the
potential behaviors in this application?”
Don’t cats and dogs have an in-bred relationship? Especially when they don’t
know each other? Dogs tend to fight with cats. The same applies to cats and
birds. Cats pursue – and eat — birds.
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If any of these critters got into a fight, wouldn’t they make different sounds
than if they were unconcerned?
The program should remain uninvolved in the animals’ interactions. All it
should provide is an open yard where the animals interact according to their
innate behavior.
Finally, the program should be fun and easy to use. So the user must be
involved in what happens.
Here is what I came up with. I’ll run you through the screen shots. Let’s see
if you start getting a sense of what we mean by behavioral programming:
The program has only one screen. It’s a “yard” with three animals: a dog, a
cat and a bird. Notice the circles around the animals. Those represent the
distance they can see (outer blue) and the distance at which they feel
confronted, or confront others – their “fighting range” (red). These circles are
different sizes because each animal has unique capabilities.
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Here’s the “user” part of the program. With the mouse, left-click on the cat
and drag it closer to the bird. The bird reacts first because it has a wider
“sight” range. It sees a superior enemy.
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Then the cat reacts, as the bird enters its sight range. The bird is an inferior
enemy / prey. So the cat starts getting aggressive.
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As the cat gets into the bird’s “red” fighting range, the bird reacts with a new
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Finally, the cat gets the bird within its attack range, and makes its own new
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Now let’s bring the dog into the picture. As the dog approaches and gets the
cat into its sight range, the dog sees an inferior enemy, so becomes more
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The cat quickly perceives this change, as the dog falls into its sight range. The
cat now sees a superior enemy. This “trumps” the cat’s preoccupation with
the bird. So the cat makes fear-based sounds.
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The dog gets the cat into its fighting range and is ready to fight, so makes its
angriest sound.
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The cat sees the dog in its close range and forgets about the bird entirely,
making its own fighting sound.
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Conclusion: Linear vs. Behavioral Programming
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Behavioral Programing,
Scripting, Distributed Programming
Interface Programming,
(writing code everywhere rather than I one
Centralized (Common) Code,
place and then sharing it). Late-Bound (no
Compile Time Type Safety,
type safety).
Multi-Dimensional Approach
(think of “3-D chess”).
Interfaces declare class
“Telling the program what to do” – Rigidly
interactions. Events notify
ordered, consecutive statements made up
classes about other classes.
of hard-coded primitives. Classes define
Classes work independently
from each other, mirroring reallife behaviors.
Massively OverSimplified
What is it? The program is an
How can I give more instructions so the
illusion created by independent
program will do more things?
interests, all of which know
what they are.
“The program shall be small”.
More is better. Work is rewarded on how
Work is rewarded when it is
many lines of code a programmer can
centralized, concise, complete
produce that can pass a unit test.
and fully compliant with
The program shall always work
perfectly. If it fails to work
Mantra {Eastern
Zen-Like Mission
If I copy the last guy’s code, I’ll fit in and
won’t get into trouble.
perfectly, then we will find the
problem in a centralized
location and will fix it. After
that, the program shall always
work perfectly.
Without concepts and organization, the
Although intensely analyzed
code is a tightly-bound series of
and organized, the
instructions that are hard to alter except by
class/interface paradigm can
throwing everything away and starting all
grow in virtually any direction
over again.
over time, without major effort.
Over-steered. Each instruction is
Slightly under-steered. Classes
mandatory, but at the same time excessive,
possess their own behaviors.
robbing the program of its “oxygen”.
Theoretically, we don’t actually
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know all of the things a
program might do.
Extremely well-organized and
Quick to develop. Instant gratification.
Low skill set required for basic coding.
manageable. Almost zero
redundancy. Easily changeable,
debuggable and scalable. Very
predictable results.
Easily broken; light-weight and not able to
Design and architecture take 3-
handle complex scenarios; code must grow
6 months for most medium-
at the same rate as the program’s
sized programs, with very little
requirements; hard to fix; almost
to show for it. Difficult for
impossible to scale elegantly; difficult to
amateur programmers to learn,
learn someone else’s work, as it is
since it is “three dimensional”
convoluted, verbose and messy; horridly
vs. linear thinking. Requires
redundant, with each area of duplicated
conceptual brain, which, to
code having its own logic, but
technical programmers, is like
inadvertently; unpredictable results.
asking them to attend art class.
Can it Pass
Not a chance. The coders created slam-
Intense Random
dunk unit test scenarios to “prove” their
Unit Testing?
Every part of the code is as
robust as the next.
Expensive initially, and
Cheap initially, then heavier as reality sets
in, and unbelievably expensive over time,
usually resulting in tossing the entire
requiring very heavy analysis
and planning. Catches up with
scripting at the half-way point,
but with robust initial results.
Very cost-effective in the long
How to Determine Loose primitives in the code. Poorly
No redundancy. Narrowly
if this Approach Is
declared classes that contain scripts. No
defined classes that only
Being Used
behaviors created or enforced. Very large
contain the code need to
code base chock-full of redundant
support what they “are”. By file
elements. “Speed coding” is a 99%
count expressed as percent
share, the program will contain
15-25% interfaces, 15-25%
abstract classes, and the rest as
regular classes. By line count,
the abstract classes should
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What Is a Program? - Marcus Technical Services
contain 40-50% of the program
Who’s Using This
99% of the world’s programmers, including
Programmers who are obsessed
those who think they are familiar with
with fundamentals, and have
the discipline to enforce them.
I encourage you to download the ZIP file and run the “OOP” versions of the
program (inside the zip file,
\AnimalSoundApp\Program\AnimalSound_OOP.exe ). Important: The
attachment is shown as AnimalSoundApp.txt because it is easier to download
that way. Just copy it anywhere and rename it to AnimalSoundApp.zip so
your ZIP program will be able to open it easily.
Notice how vastly different this source is versus the horrid batch-file script.
It’s also open source. Enjoy.
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