SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT ON A STUDY ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION OF OUTLOOK MAGZINE SUBSCRIBERS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration 2015-2017 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MR. ANOOP KUMAR GUPTA (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) SUBMITTED BY: ASHISH KUMAR 02318403915 MBA 3A MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Approved by AICTE, HRD Ministry, Govt of India Affiliated to G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector – 22, Rohini, Delhi – 110086 1 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “A Study On Consumer Satisfaction Of Outlook Magazine Subscriber” submitted by me to Maharaja Agrasen Institute Of Technology is a bonafide work undertaken during the period from May-June 2016 by me and has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of and degree diploma / certificate or published any time before. Ashish kumar 02314803915 2 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project work done on “A Study On Consumer Satisfaction Of Outlook Magazine Subscriber” is a bonafide research work carried out by Ashish kumar student of MBA, MAIT, Rohini, New Delhi June-July 2016 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Summer Training Project of the Degree of degree of Master Of Business Administration. He has worked under my guidance. Mr. Anoop kumar gupta (Assistant professor ) Date: Counter signed by: Director Date: 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With profound sense of gratitude and regard, I express my sincere thanks to my guide and mentor, for his valuable guidance and the confidence she instilled in me, that helped me in the successful completion of this project report. Without his help, this project would have been a distant affair. His thorough understanding of the subject and professional guidance was indeed of immense help to me. I am also greatly thankful to the faculty members of our institute who co-operated with me and gave me their valuable time. Acknowledgement Ashish kumar 4 Table of Contents CHAPTERS TOPIC 1 Plan of the Research Introduction Objective of the study Literature Review PG.NO 2 Company Profile (with its SWOT Analysis) 3 Research Methodology Universe & Sources of data Sample size Methods of data collection- testing of questionnaire Tools and techniques of analysis Instrument used 4 Data collection and Analysis 5 Findings and Conclusion 6 Suggestions/ Recommendation 7 Bibliography, Glossary 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Executive Summary Overview as a whole. Industry Profile. PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION Origin of the organization Management team. History of the organization Magazines names Media services Competitors Product Portfolio Advertising Rates DISCUSSION ON TRAINING Work profile. Key learning. STUDY OF SELECTED RESEARCH PROBLEM Research methodology Approach to the problem Research questions and hypothesis ANALYSIS SWOT Analysis Analysis of data and findings PROCESS Sales Process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 Marketing is very necessary for every organization. It helps organizations in determining what product and services may interest customers and also strategies for use in product development, sales and promotions. The Project “STUDY OF OUTLOOK SUBSCRIBERS’ SATISFACTION” is an attempt to find out the factors and causes which affect the degree of satisfaction among the customers of Outlook Magazines. In this tough time of competition magazines industry is going a long way in developing, formulating and implementing promotional strategies to cope up with this tough competition. Though there are many aspects which can be improvised in the services of Outlook magazine. Strategies are formulated not only keep up with cut throat competition but also to meet the highly volatile consumer preferences. There are several factors which influences the purchase. These factors may be internal and external as well. Internal factors include perception towards the thing, knowledge about product, purchaser’s attitude, lifestyle, motivational status etc. Motivation is the driving force which comes into play when customer has better experience with the product. This leads to the repurchase decision of the customer. Whereas external factors include culture, group or peer influence, the situation in which purchase is made etc. Questionnaires were prepared and market survey was conducted and then evaluation of primary data is done. The analysis revealed that there are some factors e.g. the customer perceived value and value preposition when meets leads to customer satisfaction .If that is consistent then leads to customer loyalty. That is the key factor of customer retention etc. which affect the purchase of magazines of Outlook group. It also revealed the fact that there is a small opportunity of improvement in the area of quality of content and promotional schemes. The customers agreed upon the fact that gifts are good in quality but they added that these promotional schemes can be more attractive. 7 VISION AND MISSION Vision: Leadership through empowering individual thought. Mission: To be the largest and the most profitable magazine publisher in India. 8 INDUSTRY AS A WHOLE: A BRIEF OVERVIEW OVERVIEW OF INDUSTRY There are the two main sources of obtaining data to determine readership of any publication: National Readership Survey – NRS Indian Readership Survey – IRS Here we have some surveys on the basis of market segmentation on all media include newspaper buyers. National Readership Survey is a survey on all media, but especially the print medium, conducted by the National Readership Studies Council (NRSC) - supported by Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), Advertising Agencies association of India (AAAI) & Indian Newspapers Society. It investigates the readership of about 80 major Indian publications-dailies, weeklies, bi-weeklies and monthlies-in over 475 towns of 57 regions across the length and breadth of the country. The towns, selected, however are publication centres of dailies. By process of ‘systematic sampling. It claimed to be the most thorough readership survey in the country. It provides exhaustive data (available to its clients on computer disks) readership, radio listener ship profile’-the socio economic characteristics of the readers of various publications, of cinema and TV viewers, and of listeners to radio, as well as the degree of duplication among publications and between media. Research agencies involved are: IMRB, TNS Software Mode, AC Nielsen in collaboration with ORG. 9 Indian Readership Survey is conducted by the Media Research Users Council (MRUC). IRS 2007 is the largest continuous media survey ever conducted (sample size of 229,000 individuals) providing a single-source database for demographics, media habits and product / brand usage across 986 towns and 2858 villages in India. The survey was conducted over two rounds with the field work between November 2007 and November 2008. This all-India survey conducted jointly with the Media Research Users' Council (MRUC) also provides product / brand penetration information for over 50 different products allowing one to link media habits and product usage data for adults and children from the age of 12 years. Both NRS & IRS Gives media consumption habits, product ownership & consumption, lifestyle indicators information on Psychographic, macro demographic & geographic parameters. Population coverage: 12 years & above Sample size: over 500 Geographic coverage: Delhi region According to NRS 2015, Press adds 34 million readers in the last 2 years, Press continues to grow, adding 21 million readers between 2012 and 2015, Over the last 3 years the number of readers of dailies and magazines put together among those aged 15 years and above has grown from 179 mm to 200 mm - a growth of 4% every year. (Note: Recently the scope of NRS has been expanded to include those aged 12 years and above but the 15 years age cut-off has been applied for the sake of comparison with NRS 2002.) 10 There is still significant scope for growth, as 314 million people who can read and understand any language do not read any publication. It is not just affordability that is a constraint, since 21 million of these literate non-readers belong to the upscale SEC A and B segments. According to IRS 2015, Just when it seemed the print media was booming once again, the Indian Readership Survey 2015 Round 1 has pricked the bubble. There are few newsmagazines that have seen any growth most see erosion in readership Retains its No 1 position among newspapers with 19.07 million readers it separates Danik Jagran from others just because of its different market segmentation among customers, Danik Bhaskar follows second with 14.57 million, and Daily Thanthi is third with a readership of 10.23 million. Amar Ujala is still at four with 9.89 million readers. Malayala Manorama (9.35 million) and Hindustan (9.72 million) have interchanged positions at number five and six. Lokmat, Eenadu, Mathrubhumi and Times of India take the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth spots with 8.10 million, 7.94 million, 7.65 million, and 7.08 million readers, respectively. TOI is the only English daily to find a place in the top 10. Except for Amar Ujala and Hindustan, every other publication in the top ten list has experienced a marginal decline in readership. For the IRS 2006 R1 an annual sample size of 2.4 Lakh was covered spread equally over two rounds. A total of 1,178 towns and 2,894 villages were surveyed. The data represents fieldwork during the full year Jan-Dec 2005. The mid-point of the survey is June 1, 2005. Being a continuous survey, the reporting takes place every six months based on a Moving Annual Total. Among magazines, Saras Salil (Hindi) leads the pack with a readership of 7.36 million. A distant second is Kungumam (Tamil) with 3.76 million, followed by Vanitha with 3.52 million readers. India Today English is fourth with a readership of 3.51 million. Grihashobha (Hindi) has moved up a notch to number five, and is followed by Tamil weekly Kumudam, India Today Hindi, Malayala Manorama, Tamil weekly Anand Vikatan, and Hindi monthly Meri Saheli. Kungumam , Anand Vikatan , and Meri Saheli and newcomers in the top ten list. 11 Most English dailies have seen a fall in readership, though on the whole any English daily readership has shown an increase from the 17,396,000 in IRS 2005 R2 to 17,435,000 in IRS 2006 R1. Both the top two ? the Times of India and Hindustan Times have seen a decline with the former dropping from 72.87 lakh to 70.84 lakh and the latter from 35.21 lakh to 35.08 lakh. Third-placed Hindu has increased its readership marginally from 27.87 lakh to 27.97 lakh. Deccan Chronicle’s too has growth from 10.14 lakh to its current 11.32 lakh. The Telegraph (10.82 lakh), Mid Day (7.37 lakh), Deccan Herald (6.04 lakh), the Indian Express (5.65 lakh), the Tribune (4.83 lakh), the Statesman (4.22 lakh), the Assam Tribune (3.45 lakh) all have seen fall in readership. Among English magazines, number one India Today has dropped by 10 per cent from 38.99 lakh to 35.09 lakh. Sister concern Reader’s Digest too has seen a 12 per cent fall and is at 23.06 lakh from 26.37 lakh. Filmfare has seen one the steepest falls its readership fell 21 per cent to 16.71 lakh. Outlook has dropped by 11 per cent and is at 11.44 lakh. Stardust, too, has dropped and is currently at 10.95 lakh in comparison to the 13.11 lakh in the previous round. From women’s magazines , Femina , Women’s Era, Cosmopolitan, New Woman, Elle and Savvy to special interest titles like The Sport star , Auto India, Overdrive, Outlook Traveler, Capital Market, Living Digital, all have seen a dip in readership, with some titles like PC Quest and Junior Science Refresher dropping by almost 23 per cent. According to the survey, the number of households has grown by 1.4 per cent over 2005 to reach 210 million. Individual growth rate has been slightly lower than household growth rate at 0.85 taking the total 12 yrs + population to 784 million. With single age-breaks now available from the Census, the age group data has been realigned. The proportion of the total share of 20-29 age group has declined from 25 per cent to 23.6 per cent. The data shows that the reach of mass media has stagnated in the last three years. Press reach has been hovering around at 24 per cent, TV at 55 per cent, radio at 21 per cent, and Internet at 1.5 per cent at the all India level. In urban India, press and TV have declined. The press reach declined from 42.9 per cent in 2004 to 41.7 per cent in 2006. Though TV declined from 80.2 per 12 cent to 78.9 per cent in the last three years, C&S has shown some growth, from 53.5 per cent in 2004 to 54.4 per cent in 2006 The main source of revenue for any publishing group is advertising. An advertiser would like to know the facts and figures before investing his money in advertising. And before investing the money, the advertiser ought to know how many people buy which publication in which area. The ABC gives all these vital facts every six months. The ABC figures are not the outcome of opinions, claims or guesswork, but they are the result of rigid, in-depth and impartial audits of paid circulations of member publications by independent and leading firms of Chartered Accountants working in accordance with the rules/procedures set by the Bureau. With more than 30 years of experience, Outlook Group provides a range of packaging products and direct marketing solutions for commercial and industrial clients. Its products include stickers, postcards, coupons, game pieces, puzzles, labels, cartons, blisters and mailers. The company's products are used for packing DVDs, CDs, electronic appliances, and coffee and food items. It offers foil stamping, embossing, die cutting, folding, gluing, shrink wrapping, hand assembling, contract manufacturing, pouch making, digital printing and sampling services. The company additionally provides design consultation, engineering, project management, product fulfillment, Web portal design, warehousing, distribution and transportation services. It offers packaging solutions under the Micro Liner brand. The company serves the foodservice, entertainment, health care and beverage industries. Outlook Group is a member of the Contract Packaging Association and the Wisconsin Manufacturer Association. In a recent survey conducted by the outlook Company – the Delhi’s leading provider of marketing information and audience measurement – Living Digital is perceived to be a very interesting magazine providing the latest news and reviews. Content wise, the magazine is seen to have excellent product reviews. INTERESTING - 96% LATEST INFORMATION - 96% GOOD PRODUCT REVIEWS - 98% 13 RELEVANT INFORMATION - 88% COMPREHENSIVE CONTENT - 91% EASY TO UNDERSTAND - 91% VALUE FOR MONEY - 92% COVERS VARIETY OF TOPICS - 94% EXPERT OPINIONS - 90% HELPS IN PERSONAL - 84%. DECISION MAKING According to IRS 2015 Q1, Topline Findings ,outlook magazines came under top 10 english magazines in 2014-15,and it got 5th position in it. 14 Objective of the study To study the satisfaction of subscribers of Outlook magazine. To study delivery service of outlook magazine. To understand the concept of customer satisfaction. To identify new segments and listing out potential customers. 15 HISTORY Outlook is an Indian weekly and monthly newsmagazine in publication since October 1995. Mr. Vinod Mehta has been the founding editor-in-chief. Since its inception, investigative 16 reporting has been the forte of the magazine. Outlook has also spawned the specialized magazines Outlook Traveler, Outlook Money, and the Hindi Outlook . Outlook has been famous for many of its sensational stories like the "Kargil Bungle" and the "Match Fixing controversy" but many view its editorial tilt as being against the right like the RSS, often highlighting opposing sections in negative light. Achievements Dept. Of Tourism, Government of India Award, National Tourism Award 2001-2002 awarded to Outlook Traveller for excellence in publication. Outlook Traveller “100 Holidays in The Hills” won the 2004, PATA Gold Award. Weekend breaks from Mumbai was in the Bestsellers list in Top Three for 8 consecutive weeks in West India. INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANISATION Outlook is an independent weekly general interest English News magazine published in India.[It features contents from politics, sports, cinema, and stories of broad interests. It was first issue in October, 1995 with Vinod Mehta as the Editor in Chief Mr. Rajan Raheja is the owner of Outlook group .The headquarter of outlook is situated in New Delhi. Other branches of outlook are in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Krishna Prasad is an Indian journalist and Editor-in-Chief of the national news magazine Outlook. He also publishes the popular blog , Churumuri. He is known for having exposed match-fixing in Indian Cricket along with Aniruddha Bahal. 17 MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT TEAM – Here is the list of management team members of OutlookNAME DESIGNATION SURESH SELVRAJ VICE PRESIDENT INDRANIL ROY VICEPRESIDENT ALOK MATHUR ANUP DWIVEDI SYSTEM ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT GENERAL MANAGER, PRODUCTION AND VIDYA MENON MANAGER,ADVERTISING GENERAL GAURAV VASHISHT DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER HIMANSHU PANDEY DEVELOPMENT NATIONAL HEAD, BUSINESS ALEX JOSEPH NATIONAL HEAD, RETAIL GITANJALI SINGH NATIONAL HEAD, MARKETING 18 COMPETITORS OF OUTLOOK MAGZINE Here are the list of Outlook competitors- HOME MAGAZINE COMPETITORS OUTLOOK MONEY MONEY TODAY OUTLOOK BUSINESS BUSINESS ECONOMY,BUSINESS TODAY OUTLOOK TRAVELLER TRAVEL TODAY OUTLOOK HINDI SAPTAHIK OUTLOOK PROFIT NO COMPETITORS MARIE CLAIRE COSMO,FEMINA,NEW WOMAN,VOGUE NEWS WEEK TIMES (World‘s leading international news magazine) OUTLOOK (ENGLISH) INDIA TODAY BREIF ABOUT OUTLOOK MAGAZINES 19 Outlook have different magazines according to the segment of customers,they are as follows: Outlook business Outlook money 20 Outlook geo Outlook people Career 360 Marie Claire Outlook Outlook Hindi OUTLOOK BUSINESSIt is a fortnight magazine, and it having news about business as a whole. OUTLOOK MONEY Outlook money is a fortnight magazine. Outlook money basically quotes “how to manage money. It includes report on stock market, investment, financing, spending and earning ,retirement schemes etc ,in short it has topic related to personal finance, OUTLOOK GEO It is monthly magazine of outlook and includes all about knowledge and history. OUTLOOK TRAVELER Outlook traveler is one of India’s best travel magazines. Is provides details about the various destinations and tourist points of the country. This magazine is a real treat for real adventurers. It also features on the various courses one can do while adventuring. It provides a good shopping guide and also provides information about the various hotels throughout the country 21 MEDIA SERVICES Print Media Web Media Outlook is part of the Rajan Raheja Group which made its beginning in the construction business and after building a huge presence in the realty market, the Group diversified laterally into manufacturing, financial services and media. The magazine division of Outlook consists of Outlook, Outlook Money, Outlook Traveler, Outlook Sapthahik, Outlook Business and Delhi City Limits. It has recently taken over the Sales & marketing of Newsweek, an international newsmagazine and Marie Claire, an international women’s magazine. Outlook, a weekly newsmagazine has been instrumental in providing wide range of news and information. It also has magazines including Outlook Money, Outlook Traveller and Outlook Saptahik under its umbrella. As a part of web media, it has launched websites like, and It caters to a base of 1.5 million readers in India and sells more than 11.2 million copies annually. The observations of the Markets studied for the sale of Newsweek was that Time and Newsweek have a similar sales pattern and the POP display was maximum from the Outlook Group. The major segments identified for the market segmentation of Outlook buyers Hotels Coaching institutes Corporate offices PVR Cinemas Premium Clubs 22 For the coaching Institutions which prepare students for MBA, the idea proposed by Outlook was that the copies of Outlook English ,and Outlook Bussines as their Interest happens only with these two magazines, with the advertisement of the institution with the cover-on-cover option would be distributed to prospective students who are aspiring to clear CAT and other MBA entrances in various DU and Engineering colleges in Delhi and NCR’s. This idea appealed as in this way the institution would be able to communicate with its prospective students. For the premium clubs, the proposed selling strategy was similar to that adopted for golf courses with the monthly bill being sent with the magazine by Outlook . The idea proposed to corporate offices that their Interest only towards Outlook Money , Outlook Profit because it resembles with their Business. Hotels keep magazines in the following places: Rooms, Business Centers Lounges, Public Places and cars. Their more focus towards Outlook Traveler Magazines, and Fashion magazine like Marie Claire, this type of Interest bys hotels shows their psychographic segmentation. The concept given was that initially Outlook was as follows: Outlook would distribute free copies of the magazine on a weekend when the business is high. And take the details of the customers. In the next step, the PVR Cinemas to these cinemagoers who had come to watch a movie on weekend would send the magazine with a flap containing the discount coupon for a weekday. Hence, on receiving a discount coupon, there is a high probability that the cinemagoers will come to watch the movie. PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Outlook (Core Magazine) = Cover Price: Rs 35 (51 issues/year) Weekly Outlook Money = Cover Price: Rs 30 (26 issues/year) Fortnightly Outlook Business = Cover Price: Rs 40 (26 issues/year) Fortnightly Outlook traveler = Cover Price: Rs 100 (12 issues/year) Monthly Marie Claire = Cover Price: Rs 100 (12 issues/year) Monthly 23 Geo Outlook Hindi = Cover Price: Rs 20 (12 issues/year) Monthly Career 360 = Cover Price: Rs 50 (12 issues/year) Monthly People = Cover Price: Rs 50 (26 issues/year) Fortnightly = Cover Price: Rs 100 (12 issues/year) Monthly PRINT MEDIA OUTLOOK: In October 1995 ,group company hath way investment private limited entered in the print media. Outlook, a weekly newsmagazine headed by Vinod Mehta, galvanised a sluggish market reeling under the impact of satellite TV. Outlook quickly carved a significant niche for itself among discerning readers who value its in-depth, investigative reporting as well as its stylish visual format. Known to be fiercely independent, Outlook has shaken the establishment on events ranging from Kargil to Kashmir to cricket, sensitised the reading public to important issues like big dams, education and gender, and provided an unremitting focus on South Asian geopolitics. Today, Outlook is the preferred magazine of 1.5 million readers in India, and sells more than 11.2 million copies over the year. OUTLOOK MONEY: In July 1998, the Group launched "Intelligent Investor" rechristened as "OUTLOOK MONEY" as of 30-Nov-2002, India's first personal finance magazine, which offers sound strategies for the lay investor, especially the growing segment of salaried middle and upper middle-class and self-employed professionals. Its message is clear and simple: 'Invest well, borrow wisely, spend smartly'. Evidently, that message has gone down well: the magazine sold upwards of 1,00,000 copies a fortnight within a year. One of its distinguishing characteristics is that about 93 per cent of readers retain all past issues of Outlook Money. 24 OUTLOOK TRAVELER: Outlook Traveler is a monthly magazine from the stable of Outlook Publishing India Pvt. Limited and the only significant magazine aimed at the travel reader. Every month since June 2001 OT has introduced readers to the wonders of unknown destinations while also encouraging travelers to take a fresh look at familiar places. Whether people are planning a holiday, or simply dreaming of one, Outlook Traveler continues to take them closer. OUTLOOK SAPTAHIK: Outlook Saptahik, a weekly newsmagazine, was launched in October 2002 to establish significant presence amongst the vast Hindi reading audience. The product targets the evolved Hindi reader keeping their interests, realities & aspirations in mind. Outlook Saptahik retains the core strengths of Outlook with objective, fiercely impartial and bold journalism, while brandishing its own identity through a strong paral . WEB MEDIA OUTLOOKINDIA.COM: In 1998, drawing the into its fold Outlook vast, went nascent online as, readership of expatriate Indians . is both Outlook magazine's home on the Internet and an online publication. Apart from Outlook's print edition in its entirety - supplemented with links to related articles on its own site and elsewhere on the Web - also offers an array of original Web-only columns and and news updates every day with a very lively interactive section. OUTLOOKTRAVELLER.COM: Inaugurated as a web resource in 2000, this travel Website has since come a long way. Outlook traveler began by opening up new vistas in web-driven vacation planning, with its highly focused editorial features on an array of 25 destinations. Still a highlight of the website, these are supported by tools and resources that make putting together your holiday a breeze? from selecting your destination, to choosing your mode of transport, finding your way around the map, selecting a place to stay to catching the local festivities, plus ferreting out the nearest ATM, fuel stop or cyber cafe. Here there is something for everyone; themed vacation ideas from 'A for adventure' to 'W for wildlife', honeymooners dream destinations, foodies delights, first-person travelogues, a message room where you can exchange notes or ask us for more info that you want? And don't forget to book your copies of our international award-winning bestsellers from Outlook Traveler Getaways, available at a special price when you order on the website. If you want a sneak preview, there're excerpts from the guide books by renowned authors, including the likes of Prabhu Ghate, Ruskin Bond and Jug Suraiya. Outlookmoney.Com: takes forward the philosophy and beliefs ushered in by Intelligent Investor (the personal finance magazine that was launched in mid-1998, now known as Outlook Money). The site has six channels -- Stocks, Mutual Funds, Loans, Retirement Planning, Taxation and Insurance -- that address broad areas of the personal finance spectrum. comes with many interactive tools. The Loans channel alone sports calculators that do all the number crunching a visitor may want on home, car, personal or equity loans. seeks to provide total solutions to personal finance issues -- from disseminating information to providing avenues for e-commerce transactions. 26 S.W.O.T ANALYSIS OF THE ORGANIZATION STRENGTHS: Well organized and experienced staff Innovative and customer oriented products Direct approach to the customer Customer satisfaction Strong distribution network Efficient and fast delivery system WEAKNESS Price of some magazines is high Customer perception that outlook serves to a political party. OPPORTUNITIES: It has many products capturing all sectors information so it has an opportunity to become a market leader. THREATS: Number of competitors in the market. India today has already captured the big market share 27 HR POLICIES OF THE ORGANISATION HR POLICIES At Outlook every department is individual. There is no HR department especially for each department (Marketing and sales department, Subscription department, Advertisement department) . CEO takes care of HR related issues. There is a team of 2 persons from Administrative department which acts as a helping hand of CEO in HR related issues. Department review is done in every 4-5 months. Recruitment and selection: Recruitment at outlook at upper level is taken care by its CEO Maheshwar Peri itself. Department wise selection and recruitment is taken care by department heads. After selection the employee is kept on 1year probation period. Performance is monitored closely and then decision on continuation is taken. Training: Selected employees go through Employee orientation in which new employees are provided with basic background information about the company. After that they go for 30 days training which includes Management games Simulation exercises Skill development sessions Time-to time motivation 28 Motivation: For motivating its employees Outlook gives Monetary and non-Monetary incentives. Monetary incentives include cash incentives based upon performance. Whereas Non-monetary incentives includes Recognition Award ceremony Prizes Travel and tours Performance appraisal: Performance appraisal serves a useful career planning purpose. They provide an opportunity to review the employee’s career plans in light of his or her exhibited strengths and weaknesses. It does little good to translate the employer’s strategic goals into specific employees. At Outlook the criteria for performance appraisal is that Employee’s must have worked at least 1 year on that designation. After that the designation is changed and new responsibilities are handed over to that particular employee. 29 COMPETITION FOR NEWSWEEK TIME Time is the world’s leading international newsmagazine published by media conglomerate AOLTIME-Warner is exclusively marketed and distributed in India by the India Today Group. TIME demands the best, and we are able to provide the best through an unmatched marketing and distribution network that seamlessly operates in line with international best practices, which includes comprehensive handling of advertising sales, subscription activities and customer fulfillment, News Week is now digitalized. FOR OUTLOOK BUSINESS BUSINESS TODAY Business Today is the largest-circulated business fortnightly in India. It’s the best report of the business topography of the newly liberalised India. As the wave of change sweeps business, economy and society like never before, BUSINESS TODAY has ensured that its readers have all 30 the necessary upgrades to challenge tomorrow. It takes its readers deeper to give a complete understanding of the world of business. Ever since its inception in 1992, it has set one benchmark after another in business reporting. It was the first to do serious reporting on management theories. And then again, it’s the first to bring a whole new genre of business journalism—more upclose and more incisive. Today, BUSINESS TODAY commands the Bus. BUSINESS WORLD Business world is part of the ABP Group, one of India's largest media groups and the brand leader in eastern India. ABP also publishes Ananda Bazar Patrika , a widely popular Bengali daily, and The Telegraph, the largest read English daily in the eastern region. It also co-owns Star News television channel along with Rupert Murdoch's Star Group. Businessworld is the largest selling Indian business magazine, and the only business weekly in the country. Over a period of two decades, Businessworld has established itself as a magazine that offers incisive and highquality reportage on economic and business affairs. In the past few years, it has focused strongly on understanding the meaning of Global India -- its emerging sectors, emerging leaders and emerging concerns. Its team of journalists and domain experts cover extensively trends and movements in markets such as telecom, IT, biotech, media and pharma and provide exclusive analysis on infrastructure, economy and the stock markets. Leveraging on its brand leadership, Business world has now moved into other media platforms like publishing and events. Its recent publications include Doing Business in Asia , The Marketing White book , Understanding Behavior , and Business world Mega B-School Guide . The Business world Roundtables and Great Place to Work seminars, which attract the best minds from the corporate and economic world, have become important forums to set agendas and address crucial issues. Indian corporate considers the magazine’s Most Respected Companies Awards and the BW-NID Design Award as benchmarks of corporate excellence BUSINESS WEEK INDIA 31 Business Week is the largest business magazine published in the world and has licensed Cyber Media for publishing Business Week India (permission from Ministry of I&B awaited). The content of this magazine will be focused on money, technology and people, and will provide relevant blend of global and Indian content. It will be the only international business magazine to give readers a global perspective for India. LITERATURE REVIEW Customer Satisfaction Over the last four decades, the marketing literature has defined and measured customer satisfaction in many different ways. Oliver (1997) specifies customer satisfaction as pleasurable fulfillment; as such, the consumer views consumption as satisfying some need, desire, goal, etc., in which its fulfillment is pleasurable. In spite of many definitions of customer satisfaction in the literature, a common way to define customer satisfaction is to follow the approach of the expectancy-confirmation/disconfirmation paradigm (Anderson 1994; Anderson and Sullivan 1993;Kotler 1991; Oliver 1980; Oliver and DeSarbo 1988; Oliver and Swan 1989; Yi 1991). In this perspective, customer satisfaction is delineated as the consumer’s evaluation that products or services meet or fall to meet the customer’s expectations (Oliver and Swan1989; Yi 1991). Out differently, customer satisfaction consists of post-consumption judgment concerning product or service quality, given pre-consumption expectations (Kotler 1991). From this expectancy32 confirmation/disconfirmation point-of-view, customer satisfaction happens in the case of a buyer’s post-evaluation of a specific purchase experience (or experiences), contingent upon the buyer’s quality perceptions and expectations, and confirmation/disconfirmation – the discrepancy between actual and expected quality (Yi, 1991).Customer satisfaction has generally been suggested to contain two such different dimensions as a transaction-specific evaluation approach and an overall, cumulative valuation approach. That is, there exist two general conceptualizations of customer satisfaction in the literature (Anderson and Fornell 1993; Boulding et al. 1993; Yi, 1991). Prior research has portrayed customer satisfaction as transaction-specific. Using this framework, customer satisfaction is seen as a post-consumption evaluative judgment of a particular purchase experience or activity (Bearden and Teel 1983; Cronin and Taylor 1992; Oliver 1980, 1993; Oliver and DeSarbo 1988). The theoretical rationale behind this fra0mework is a variation of the expectancy-confirmation/disconfirmation paradigm (Prakash1984; Oliver and Swan 1989). Another formulation to measure customer satisfaction, widely used in recent studies, including studies utilizing the satisfaction metric in the ACSI data, is overall or cumulative satisfaction, which is, in other words, relationship-specific. With this formulation, overall satisfaction can be viewed as a customer’s overall satisfaction experiences (Olsen 2002), and is gauged as the cumulative post-purchase evaluative judgment of a group of discrete purchase activities or transactions for a particular brandor firm over duration of time (Fornell et al. 1996; Johnson and Fornell 1991; Oliver1997; Rust and Oliver 1994). Of these two formulations of customer satisfaction, overall or cumulative satisfaction has been widely used with regard to the association between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. On one hand, transaction-specific satisfaction conceptualizes customer satisfaction as the outcome of a single transaction. Thus, this transaction-specific satisfaction formulation may be too restrictive – i.e., the transaction-specific satisfaction approach has a very limited predictive power (Anderson and Narus1990; Fornell et al. 1996; Ganesan 1994). Oliver (1999) maintains that overall satisfaction is more appropriate for ananalysisis of the satisfaction-loyalty relationship, inasmuch as the cumulative satisfaction, construct is capable of aggregating or 33 blending individual satisfaction episodes. Likewise, the overall satisfaction formulation is better at predicting consequent behaviors and economic outcomes (Johnson et al. 2001).One of the most important recent aspects of this customer satisfaction metric isthat academics (Anderson 1994; Anderson and Sullivan 1993; Bryant and Cha 1996;Fornell 1992; Fornell and Johnson 1993; Fornell et al. 1996; Homburg and Giering 2001;Johnson and Fornell 1991; Mittal and Kamakura 2001) identify differences in customer, satisfaction across individual customers and competitive settings (product or service categories and firms). For example, Bryant and Cha (1996) highlight the effects of such customer characteristics as age, gender, income, and education on levels of customer satisfaction. In addition to customer characteristics, industry characteristics (industry or category concentration and industry type) are shown to affect customer satisfaction levels. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important metrics in marketing, since firms regard customer satisfaction as one of the key business goals for evaluating the effectiveness of their business operations. In addition, customer satisfaction is a starting metric of the value chain between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, firm product -marketplace performance and financial performance, and shareholder wealth, as demonstrated by recent studies. Marketing academics and managers have been increasingly interested in the effects of an increase in customer satisfaction levels on firm, financial performance since the 1990s. For instance, customer satisfaction has been shownto positively impact operating margins (Bolton 1998; Rust et al. 1996), accounting returns (Ittner and Larcker 1998), returns on investment (Anderson et al. 1994), and cash flow and shareholder value (Anderson et al. 2004; Gruca and Rego 2005).Indeed, firms have invested a great amount of money on this metric, as customer satisfaction investments represent the number one marketing research expenditure item for most firms. Customer satisfaction can be seen as an essential measure used to oversee business outcomes, decide on limited resource allocation, and provide rewards to management (Anderson 1994). For the majority of firms, the pursuit of customer satisfaction is illustrated in their communications, including advertisements, public relations releases, and mission statements (Peterson and Wilson 1992). With regard to this importance, a variety of marketing academics and practitioners have studied customer satisfaction for the past forty years 34 35 RESEARCH METHEDOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. Most research projects are used for descriptive studies in which the researcher seeks to measure such items as, for example, frequency of shopping, preferences of people, or similar data. ANALYTICAL MODEL TOTAL CUSTOMER BENEFITS CUSTOMER PERCIEVED VALUE + CUSTOMER TOTAL CUSTOMER COSTS SATISFACTI-ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY VALUE PREPOSITION CONSISTENCY Total Customer Benefits plus Total Customer Cost is equal to Customer Perceived Value .When Customer Perceived Value meets the Value Preposition of the product promised by the company leads to customer satisfaction .If company keeps on satisfying its customers consistently, leads to Customer Loyalty. All the above mentioned variables have been explained in the Literature Review. 36 RESEARCH DESIGN This research is an attempt to describe the satisfaction level of Outlook subscribers. So, here we use Descriptive Research Design. Sources of Data collection The research is based on both Primary data o For collecting the primary data the survey was done through questionnaire, which was personally given to customers and was filled through interacting with different age groups, sex, monthly income and occupation. o Studying the degree of customer satisfaction on objective needed to be work on. o Finally analyzing the data of various areas and trying to study about various influence factors. Secondary data o For theoretical overview, secondary data was collected from magazines, newspaper and different website. o The source of data collection for the observation is Primary data which is collected from the Questionnaire .Primary data are originated by a researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand. 37 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Data Analysis and findings (All data as per the daily online selling) 1. No. of respondents who read magazines No; 35; 35% Yes; 65; 65% Yes No From the analysis of 100 respondents 65% of people used to read magazine while 35% does not read. 2. Types of magazines preferred by the reader? Others; 10; 11% Saptahik; 5; 5% Outlook; 30; 32% Frontline; 10; 11% Outlook India Today Frontline India Today; 40; 42% 38 Saptahik Others From the above data we can say that from 100 respondents 42% are of India today, 32% of Outlook, 11% of Frontline, 10% of Saptahik and remaining 5% others. 3. Gender preferences for English magazines: Preference Males Females From the analysis of 100 respondents it can be determined that out of total readers of English magazines there are 47% females and 63% males. 4. Respondents having internet connection Respondents having internet connection 120 113 100 80 60 40 25 20 82% 0 18% yes no From the analysis of 100 respondents it can be determined that 82% have internet connection. 39 5. Internet usage preference Internet usage 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 46% 21% 33% 0 Reading Articles Reading news Reading magazine From the analysis of 100 respondents it can be determined that 46% read news, 21% read articles and 33% read magazine on internet. 6. Type of magazine according to preferences by respondents: 40 100% 90% 80% 70% Business 60% Political Fashion 50% Tech savvy Movies 40% Women Others 30% 20% 10% 0% Average of ranking of respondents according to their preference for types of magazines From the survey of 100 respondents 85% preferred to read business magazines, 46% preferred political magazines, 60% preferred fashion magazine, 72% tech savvy magazines, 48% preferred movies magazines, 39% preferred women’s magazines and 20%preferred other sort of magazines. 7. Analysis of the reading habit of the respondents: 41 Reading Habit Regularly 5% 8% Whenever getting bored 30% While waiting 45% For information Others 12% From the survey, analysis of the reading habit of the respondents showed that 8% regularly readers, 45% whenever getting bored, 12% while waiting, 30% to get information, 5% read other magazines. 8. Places from where magazines are purchased: 42 Purchasing medium of the magazines 14% 23% 7% News stand Book Stall Subscription Second hand purchase 8% Online 47% From the results of 100 respondents 46% had subscription for the magazine, 23% from the news stand, 8% from book stall, 7% second hand purchase and 14% buy online. 9. Motivational factor for magazine subscription: 43 Motivation for magazine subscription 7% 14% Ease of purchase Discounted prices 26% Gifts Sugested by friend Others 43% From the survey of 100 respondents the factors that motivated subscribers to subscribe for any magazine were that 43% got motivated due to gifts with them, 26% got motivated due to discounts they were getting, 14% due to ease of purchase, 7% were motivated by their friends, and 10% due to other factors. 10. Gift evaluation parameters: 44 Gift Evaluation Parameters 90% 80% 70% 60% Gift Evaluation Parameters 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Utility Brand Value Attractiveness Price Others From the Analysis to evaluate gift parameters, 80% prefer brand value in a gift, 64% prefer the utility of the product, 55% prefer attractive gifts, 48% go for the price of gift and 20% went for other parameters. 11. Analysis of Outlook magazines on the basis of attributes: 45 Evaluation of Outlook magazine on the basis of attributes 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Evaluation of Outlook magazine on the basis of attributes 30% 20% 10% 0% 46 From the analysis 75% liked schemes of the Outlook magazine offered, 66% went for the value of money, 65% for unbiased reporting, 56% for overall presentation, 42% for coverage, 38% went for paper quality, only 35% liked the quality of content and 33% for coverage. 12. Perception of customers about Outlook magazine: Perception about Outlook Very good 4% 6% Good 28% Fair 62% Not good From the survey of 100 respondents 6% regarded it as a very good magazine, 62% regarded it as a good magazine, 28% as fair magazine to read, 4% did not like the magazine. 47 13. Purchase behaviour of consumer From the survey of 100 respondents 32% agree to buy magazine online, while only 12% strongly disagree 14. Respondents would like to buy magazines online because From the survey of 100 respondents 53% would like to go for e magazine because of timely delivery problem of subscriptions. 39% see e magazine as no storage issue. 48 15. Areas over which Outlook needs improvement: Areas of Improvement 11% Quality of content 21% Print Quality Coverage 68% From 100 respondents 68% wanted improvement in quality of content, 21% in print quality and 11% in coverage. 49 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Effective promotional scheme. It is important to motivate the consumer to subscribe for the magazine for boosting the sales and it’s obvious that most of the consumers will not get motivated unless and until they get what they want. From the market survey it was able to identify that the motivating factors are the gifts provided along with the subscriptions and according to most of the consumers a good gifts are one which have good brand value associated with it and those which offer better utility. 2. Offline referral marketing. Referral marketing can be effectively used to improve the subscription sales. The existing customer can be motivated to refer to their friends, relatives etc. to subscribe for the magazine by means of exciting and attractive gifts as incentives. The magazine should provide Business reply cards exclusive for existing subscriber along with subscriber’s copies during the magazine delivery so that they can refer their friends and relatives for magazine subscription. The business reply card should offer the facility to be filled with at least ten references. Subscribers should be able to send them free of cost. Now these subscribers can be provided with attractive gifts. 3. Customer retention. It is a normal saying that customer acquisition is good, retention is better. This is because a customer retained is equal to five new customers as the money spent for acquiring a customer is calculated to be five times the money spent to retain a customer. From the information obtained from Outlook, if was identified that Outlook does nothing for customer retention. Outlook needs to formulate and implement customer retention and loyalty programs to retain the customers. Greet the customers with exciting gifts during special occasions. Sell the subscription renewal at discount. Auto renewal of subscription. Allow grace period for subscription expiry. 50 Send loyalty gifts. Organize entertainment events for subscribers. Organize get – together. Offer free Medical claim/Insurance Policy. 4. Improved magazine – for customer satisfaction. From the market survey it was revealed that the strengths of Outlook Magazine are Promotional Schemes and unbiased reporting. Its weaknesses are its Content quality, Paper quality and Print quality so it should work on it to increase the customer’s satisfaction. If the product is able to satisfy customers in its core product attributes, then the customer will be tend to be loyal as their expectations are fulfilled. So to improve customer loyalty and thereby increase voluntary sales outlook magazine has to work on its weaknesses as expected by the customers of the magazine Since the quality of content and coverage are subjective in nature, Outlook needs to identify what are weaknesses of the current contents and coverage of the magazine as well as the customers’ expectations about them. For thisOutlook should go for detailed survey and customers feedback so that it can understand the customers’ expectations as far as content and coverage of the magazine are concerned. Once the customer expectation is identified Outlook need to restructure the magazine by implementing the customer requirements and demands in order to improve their satisfaction level which will in turn boost the magazine as well as subscription sales. 51 CONCLUSION From the study it is been concluded 75% liked schemes of the Outlook magazine offered, 66% went for the value of money, 65% for unbiased reporting, 56% for overall presentation, 42% for coverage, 38% went for paper quality, only 35% liked the quality of content and 33% for coverage. Overall the outlook’s magazines have been rated as good as majority of the customers rated it as good. The quality and content of the outlook magazine is rated as excellent but somehow the company is facing stiff competition from the India today as delivering services of India today is very good as compared to Outlook. Customer service, like any aspect of business, is a practiced art that takes time and effort to master. All you need to do to achieve this is to stop and switch roles with the customer. What would you want from your business if you were the client? How would you want to be treated? Treat your customers like your friends and they'll always come back. 52 MAGAZINES Customer Name: ………………………………………….. Date:………………………….. Sex: ………………………………………. Customer contact: Age: ………………………………………..………………………………… Profession: ……………………………….………………………………… Qualification:……………………………..………………………………… We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire to help us ensure that our standard of customer care exceeds expectations wherever possible. NOTE: This test is taken for the purpose of research and the information given by you will be kept confidential. Hence give your answer without hesitation 53 QUESTIONNAIRE PERSONAL DETAILS: Name............................. Gender: M ( ), F ( ) Occupation...................... Email address.................... Phone No......................... Correspondence Address…….. 1. Do you read magazines? YES ( ) NO ( ) 2. Which magazines do you read? Outlook ( ) India Today ( ) Frontline ( ) Pratiyogita darpan ( ) 3. Do you have internet connection? YES ( ) NO ( ) 4. You spend time on internet for Reading Articles ( ) Reading news ( ) Reading magazine ( ) Others ( ) 5. What type of magazines do you like to read? Rank them according to your higher preference to lower between 1 to 7: Business magazines ( ) 54 Political magazines ( ) Fashion ( ) Technical savvy ( ) Movies ( ) Women’s magazines ( ) Others ( ) 6. How often you read magazines? Regularly ____ Whenever getting bored _____ While waiting _____ For information _____ Others _____ 7. How you want to purchase or receive your magazines? News stands ______ Book stalls ______ Subscriptions ______ 55 Online ______ Vendors/News Paper ______ 8. What made you subscribe for the magazine? Content ( ) Low Price ( ) Gifts ( ) Suggested by a friend/ relative ( ) Others ( ) 9. On what basis you evaluate a magazine? Price ( ) Utility ( ) Durability ( ) Branded ( ) Necessity ( ) Others ( ) 10 From the attributes mentioned, tick those which are best suited for outlook magazines? Quality of content ( ) Coverage ( ) 56 Print quality ( ) Value for money ( ) Promotional schemes ( ) Unbiased reporting ( ) 11. What do you feel about the outlook magazine? Very good ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Not good ( ) 12. Are you satisfied with outlook delivery service? YES ( ) NO ( ) 13. You prefer magazines online? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree 57 Strongly disagree 14. You would like to buy e-magazine because? Timely delivered Easy access Fresh Content 15. Would you like to continue reading the outlook magazines? Yes ( ) No ( ) 16. Mention any feature in which you think outlook magazine should improve on: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY Referred Books: 1. Solomon, Michael R., “Consumer Behavior-Buying, Having and Being”, 2009 Pearson Education Inc. 2. Malhotra, Naresh K., Dash, Satyabhusan, “Marketing Research, An applied orientation”, 2010, Pearson Education Inc. 3. Cooper & Schindler, “Business Research”. 4. Belch George, Belch Michael, “Advertising and promotion”. 5. Kotler Phillip, “Marketing Management” www.outlook www.Delhioutlook 59 60