HCI 1)Differentiate between human short-term memory and long-term memory 2) a) Input- output HCI 1 b) Human Memory HCI 2 Sight - Iconic memory hearing - echoic memory touch - haptic memory Long term memory types: episodic - memory of series of events happening in person life. semantic - knowing factual information 1)Interactive design process 3) Life cycle model HCI 3 4)Explain eight golden rules of interface design HCI 4 6) Describe briefly four different interactions styles used to accommodate the dialog between user and computer. Command Line Menus Natural Language Question Answers and query dialog Form and fill point and click interface 7) Explain following WIMP interface element with respective of any text editor- Icons, Menus, Toolbar, Dialog boxes. HCI 5 8) Discuss general principles and goals of user interface design. HCI 6 *General HCI 7 HCI 8