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Group-2-A141-FA-11-12 -Define-and-Ideate-Draft

FA 11 & 12: Define and Ideate
Group #2 | 1st Year - A141
Arendain, Nick Conrad
Canasa, Kirk Douglas
Navales, Gerald Cris
Sajulga, Joyce Danielle
Cajigas, Glenn Henri
De Jesus, Emjay Paul
Ofilan, Princess Ivy
Talotalo, Mae Anthonette
○ SAY. Write down significant quotes and keywords that the user said.
○ DO. Describe which actions and behaviors you noticed.
○ THINK. What do you think that your user might be thinking? What are their motivations,
their goals, their needs, their desires?
○ FEEL. What emotions might your user be feeling? Take subtle cues like body language and
their choice of words and tone of voice into account. (Response to: How did you feel about
this problem?)
PROBLEM STATEMENT (Personas, Needs, and Insights):
○ Formula in determining the persona, needs, and insights:
POINT-OF-VIEWS (“How can we” Questions):
Passive Solar Energy Building
○ Say:
■ “From what I am experiencing, my electricity bill is pretty high. The idea of having
a passive solar energy building would be an efficient way to reduce my
■ “The electricity supply here in our barangay is not enough to power all the homes.
Those who are affected rely on gas lamps as their light source every night.”
○ Do:
■ Remote areas with limited access to electricity use gas lamps as their light
■ Some utilize generators to power their homes because of the insufficient supply of
○ Think:
■ Residents are wondering if it is safe to use renewable energy as their power
■ Some locals are wondering as to how long the passive solar energy buildings will
last or if they even have a lifespan.
○ Feel:
■ They are desperate because of the high-priced electricity bill, despite the fact that
they do not use it all day.
■ The majority of residents in remote areas are eager to help in order for the project
to begin on time and without delays or issues.
■ They believe that passive solar energy buildings are more convenient because
they produce electricity from the energy emitted by the sun.
○ Persona 1: User as a business owner
■ Needs
● Way to decrease in electric bill
■ Insights
● Business owners need a means to lower their electricity bills. Buildings
account for 40% of global energy consumption, which compels them to
spend a lot of money to have power provided to their buildings.
○ Persona 2: User as an environmentalist
■ Needs
● decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and the prevention of further
damage from the usage of hydropower plants.
■ Insights
● Environmentalists want a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the
prevention of further damage from hydropower plant use because water
and other natural resources are already deteriorating, posing a significant
risk to humanity.
○ Persona 3: User as a citizen
■ Needs
- A better source of electricity.
■ Insights
- Most places in the country, especially in Davao region, have been facing
an electrical shortage, which has been challenging because all citizens
need electricity to carry out their daily tasks. In rural areas, power
interruptions have become common.
○ POV1: business owner
- How can we provide a business owner with a means to reduce their electricity bill
so that they do not have to spend a lot of money to have power supplied to their
○ POV2: environmentalist
- How can we help environmentalists in their efforts to lower greenhouse gas
emissions and stop further damage from the use of hydropower plants so that
natural resources will not deteriorate as a result of their ongoing use?
○ POV3: Citizens
- How can we provide citizens with a more reliable source of electricity to alleviate
the problem of frequent power outages or shortages?
Stabilization of Ground Soil using Industrial Wastes
○ Say:
■ “Building foundations need to be on stable and strong soil. If the soil under a
building is not stable, the foundation of the building could crack, sink, or worse –
the building could fall! Therefore, it is important to make the right decision in the
selection of soil.”
■ “Most of the settling or settlement problems are due to unstable soil or soil with
low bearing capacity that is being serviced for the building site.”
○ Do:
■ Some locals are investigating the possibilities of utilizing industrial wastes to
improve the engineering behavior of problematic soil.
■ Some locals use tools and equipment to help engineers determine the best
location or area for their construction.
■ Locals commonly use tests in order to determine the engineering and
environmental properties.
■ Some used systems for an easy transition of field observations and predictions of
the soil’s engineering properties and behaviors.
○ Think:
■ Locals need stable and strong soils for building foundations.
■ Locals think about what else they can do to choose and find quality soil for
○ Feel:
■ Some residential real estate developers find it frustrating because their projects
deal with a lot of problems in terms of un-stabilized soil and not so compacted
ground, which results in cracks and other misalignment of the structures.
○ Persona 1: User as a residential real estate developer
■ Needs
- The location site for the construction of residential buildings.
■ Insights
Residential real estate developers need to consider the geographical area
of the land, its neighboring sites and the demand for residential houses.
Persona 2: User as a contractor
■ Needs
- The quality of soil. A stabilized ground for building construction.
■ Insights
- A stabilized ground for building construction is very important because a
stabilized soil can improve the ground’s ability to sustain foundations and
pavements by increasing its shear strength and/or controlling its
decreasing properties.Unstable ground cannot be dependent on its own to
remain in place without extra support.
Persona 3: User as a resident
■ Needs
- Stable ground to avoid cracks and other structural deformation.
■ Insights
- For the peace and safety of the people living in the residential building,
specifically condominiums and high-rise buildings, a stable ground must
be secured to avoid structural deformation and misalignment during the
construction process.
Table Form:
User as a residential real estate
The location site for the construction of
residential buildings.
Residential real estate developers need to
consider the geographical area of the land, its
neighboring sites and the demand for residential
User as a contractor
The quality of soil. A stabilized ground for
building construction.
A stabilized ground for building construction is very
important because a stabilized soil can improve
the ground’s ability to sustain foundations and
pavements by increasing its shear strength and/or
controlling its decreasing properties.Unstable
ground cannot be dependent on its own to remain
in place without extra support.
User as a resident
Stable ground to avoid cracks and other
structural deformation.
For the peace and safety of the people living in the
residential building, specifically condominiums and
high-rise buildings, a stable ground must be
secured to avoid structural deformation and
misalignment during the construction process.
○ POV1: How can we provide residential real estate developers with a location site for
construction that considers the geographical area of the land, its neighboring sites, and
the demand for residential houses?
POV2: How can we provide a contractor with quality soil or stabilized ground for building
construction in order to improve the ground's ability to support foundations and
POV3: How can we provide the residents a stable ground so that structural deformation
and misalignment can be avoided that might jeopardize public safety?
Table Form:
How can we provide residential real estate developers with a location site
for construction that considers the geographical area of the land, its
neighboring sites, and the demand for residential houses?
How can we provide a contractor with quality soil or stabilized ground for
building construction in order to improve the ground's ability to support
foundations and pavements?
How can we provide the residents a stable ground so that structural
deformation and misalignment can be avoided that might jeopardize
public safety?
Davao-Samal Bridge
○ Say:
■ "Usually I travel to Samal on weekends just to go home, but I am forced not to use
a car due to the huge queue of cars at the port.”
■ ”Our products are being delayed because they are stuck on the port waiting in
line. Our sales will also decrease because we have less products to sell and we
cannot market systematically due to the delay of goods.”
■ “We still need to line up just to cross the sea when calamities and emergencies
strike in Samal. The Samal hospitals lack the high-end equipment we need for the
maintenance of our elderly locals.”
○ Do:
■ It is common for locals to line up in the earliest hours of the morning just to be first
in line to cross the sea or use the barges.
■ On some occasions, local fishermen offer their boat as a mode of transportation
for others, such as goods and people travelling, but it has a limited capacity and
some have higher transportation fees.
■ Locals commonly rent a house or dormitory in Davao to avoid going home and to
avoid the long traffic lines in ports.
○ Think:
■ Locals wonder if there is an alternative way to address the problem of long lines
on the way home, as well as emergency routes.
■ Residents and tourists are concerned about the shortage of boats (barges) at the
ports and the lack of ports from which travelers may go to Samal.
■ Businessmen wonder what else they can do to resolve the delay of their goods
and products at the port.
○ Feel:
■ Local businessmen are frustrated by the long line at the port since it delays their
products, preventing them from selling and profiting.
■ Locals who work or attend school in Davao have a dilemma because if they don't
want to wait in line, they have to switch ports, which cost more, or rent a house in
Davao, which is also a costly option.
■ Local residents and tourists are upset at the government for failing to act or notice
the ongoing problem.
○ Persona 1: User as a local from Samal who works and studies in Davao
■ Needs
● Fast and efficient transportation
● Residents of Samal who work and study outside of Samal or in Davao
have a hard time going home during weekends or days when they are
vacant. At the port, the line is always long, especially during holidays, and
it is very exhausting to wait, especially when you have just finished work or
school and the heat from the cars is overwhelming. Renting houses in
Davao enables them to avoid going home and waiting at the port for hours,
but they do go to Samal occasionally. With the Davao-Samal bridge, the
locals will be able to utilize fast and active roads, which will benefit many
as well as save them a lot of time, money, and energy.
Persona 2: User as a local and entrepreneur from Samal
■ Needs
● Fast flow of goods from Davao to Samal
■ Insights
● For a businessman to be able to gain an income and provide for his family,
his products have to be sold. Since the products are delayed in the port,
he cannot sell anything, or he is selling some of his current stocks to
people, which hinders his daily sales. It is anticipated that the
Davao-Samal bridge project will bring a lot of benefits to the businessmen
in Samal, as shipments will be lowered and entrepreneurs will more likely
visit and invest in the existing businesses there.
Persona 3: User as a tourist and elderly
■ Needs
● Time-saving transportation
■ Insights
● Emergencies are events in life that we cannot expect or prevent. Tourists
and locals may experience these emergencies in which transportation
across the sea is vital for their survival or for their important matters. The
Davao-Samal Bridge is a vital aspect that brings convenient and efficient
transportation, which caters to the long-term needs and problems of the
○ POV1: How can we provide fast and efficient transportation to Samal locals who work
and study outside of Samal or in Davao City to avoid the lengthy traffic lines at the port?
○ POV2: How can we ensure that businesspeople and entrepreneurs have access to a
swift flow of resources and fast deliveries of goods from Davao to Samal so that their
sales are not hampered by delivery vehicles and packages being delayed at the port?
○ POV3: How can we provide time-saving transportation, such as emergency routes and
alternative sea crossings, for other tourists, the elderly, and residents, allowing them
access to hospitals, evacuation centers, and other facilities with equipment and
machinery that are not accessible inside the Samal area during emergencies?
GPS Tracking System for Public Transport
○ Say:
■ "I find it difficult to travel, especially during rush hours. There are a lot of people
waiting for jeepneys. I sometimes walk to my destination since I can't find a ride,
and I can't estimate my time of arrival, which causes me to be late for work
occasionally, and it gives me a bad image at work."
"I'm new here, and I don't know how to commute because I find it complicated. I
frequently get lost in the city and have to spend many fares to get to my
destination. It would be useful for me if there was an accessible app that knew
what route I would take to reach my destination.”
“I am a private car driver and there are a lot of jeepneys who stop everywhere. In
the city, there is no designated loading and unloading space, so public transit
vehicles can stop wherever they want, forcing me to change lanes every time,
which occasionally creates traffic.”
Commuters find the public transportation system convenient.
Due to public transportation vehicles stopping anywhere they like, some private
car drivers have to change lanes.
■ Some citizens, specifically those who commute, ponder if there is a transportation
system that is efficient and convenient for them.
■ Some non-users of public transport are wondering when public transportation will
contribute to lessening traffic.
■ Some local residents are dissatisfied because the city lacks an efficient and
convenient transit system.
■ Some commuters find the city's present transit to be exhausting since there aren't
enough public transportation vehicles to accommodate everyone.
■ Some commuters are dissatisfied because public transport takes time to arrive
and often does not arrive at all.
■ Some commuters feel bad about wasting money on repeated fares merely to get
to their destination.
○ Persona 1: User as a commuter
■ Needs:
● information on the quantity of public transportation options
■ Insights:
● A commuter needs information on the quantity of public transportation
options because he wants to immediately determine which route he may
take that provides available public transit in order to avoid waiting and
arriving late to his destination.
○ Persona 2: User as a newcomer
■ Needs:
● an accessible app that displays what route to take to reach a particular
■ Insights:
● A newcomer needs an app that shows what route to take to go to a
specific destination in order to avoid getting lost in the city and spending
multiple fares simply to reach their destination.
○ Persona 3: User as a private car driver
■ Needs: information of unloading and loading stops or bus stops for public transit
■ Insights:
● A private car driver wishes that public transit vehicles have information
about unloading and loading stops, as well as bus stops, so that they
would know where to stop, potentially contributing to traffic reduction.
○ POV1: How can we provide a commuter with information on the quantity of public
transportation options available in a city so that they can decide which route to take to
avoid waiting and arriving late?
○ POV2: How can we provide a newcomer with an app that shows them what path to follow
to reach a specific place in order to prevent getting lost in the city and spending multiple
fares simply to get there?
○ POV3: How can we fulfill a private car driver's need for public transit vehicles to have
information about unloading, loading, and bus stops so that public transit vehicles know
where to stop, thereby contributing to traffic reduction?
Water Purification using the Pedal System
○ Say:
■ “I am a mother of two children, and I cannot risk giving them contaminated water.
We started experiencing diarrhea, especially with the water we drink here. I'm
hoping that we have enough water equipment here to at least purify our water.”
■ “Every time I cook, especially considering water is an essential ingredient in our
meals, the water that comes out of our faucets is far too unclean. I always have
my younger brother get me mineral water in town.”
■ “Finding a source of clean water in our area is quite challenging, whether there
are floods or droughts. I'm hoping that there are more water supplies available
here or improved infrastructure supporting water resources.”
○ Do:
■ Residents often get mineral water or gallons of it in town.
■ Bicycles are commonly used as a mode of transportation by residents traveling to
○ Think:
■ Some locals are wondering whether there is any other water equipment that can,
at the very least, purify their water.
■ Some locals are wondering if there is a portable and low-cost method for
obtaining clean water.
○ Feel:
■ Some locals find it frustrating because their faucets constantly have dirty water.
■ Some locals are already agitated and want the problem with the contaminated
water to be resolved right away.
■ Some locals find it exhausting to travel into town just to get a gallon of drinking
water or mineral water. They simply want access to clean water that is available
■ Residents have already experienced getting sick from diseases brought on by
contaminated water.
○ Persona 1: User as a mother
■ Needs
● Water purification equipment
■ Insights
● A mother needs water purification equipment because the water they
regularly drink is contaminated, and she cannot risk providing her children
with dirty water as they have previously had diarrhea from drinking the
water in their household.
Persona 2: User as a cook
■ Needs
● Greater supply of clean water that is available nearby
■ Insights
● A cook needs a greater supply of clean water available nearby because he
wants to utilize clean water in his ingredients while preparing their meals,
as the water from their taps is unclean. He usually asked his younger
brother to ride his bike to town to purchase clean water.
Persona 3: User as a concerned resident
■ Needs
● More water supplies and enhanced water resources infrastructure in their
■ Insights
● A concerned resident needs more water supplies and enhanced water
resources infrastructure because they have trouble finding a source of
clean water when there are floods or droughts in their area.
Table Form:
○ POV1: How can we provide a mother with water purification equipment so that she and
her children do not have to drink contaminated water again, which might result in
POV2: How can we provide a cook with a greater supply of clean water that is available
in their neighborhood so that they can use it in their meals without having to travel to town
to buy clean water?
POV3: How can we provide a concerned resident with more water supplies and improved
water resource infrastructure to alleviate the difficulties of finding a source of clean water
in their area during floods or droughts?
Table Form:
Create an illustration/sketch of the selected project idea for each specialization; and
Discuss the methodology.
○ How will it be executed?
○ State the flow of actions towards the idea and explain each action/stage.
■ The project is carried out in five stages, namely the Data Collection Stage, the
Design Development Stage, Finalization of Engineering Plans, Project Approval, and
the Implementation Stage.
Passive Solar Energy Building
The project will be executed in three stages during the process. These stages will help the project’s
completion, namely, Data Collection, Design Development Stage, and Project Execution. The steps
listed below are essential for the project’s finalization.
1. Data Collection
The researchers must gather data that are appropriate to establish the progress of the passive
solar building. The group must gather important details that should be considered, such as determining
the sunlight’s direction, natural ventilation, materials selection for the building, etc. The group must also
gather data of the number of populations within the area, especially remote areas where the residents
have less access to electricity.
2. Design Development Stage
The project is a solar passive building which will require multiple engineers such as civil engineers, solar
engineers, electrical engineers, plumbing engineers, structural engineers, etc. The project focuses on
creating a building that is fully supplied by solar energy. Therefore, the engineers and architects should
create a compact building structure with a low skin-to-volume ratio. Before creating the design, they
must first survey and model the expected internal and external heat gains and cooling requirements if it
would be able to supply the whole building efficiently.
3. Project Execution
Following the design and infrastructure development stage, the researchers have started creating a plan
for the preparation of the construction of the solar passive building.
1. Preparation. Create the blueprint of the building with its floor plan and prepare the list of
materials needed, along with its supposed budget.
2. Project Approval. Since this is a building project, numerous necessary documents need to be
approved by the respective personnel, such as the project engineer, owner, and government.
The researchers must ensure that before the construction, all papers that need to be approved
are already finished.
3. Budgeting and Material Supplier Sourcing. This project is a big one, therefore there must be
quotations and biddings on who is going to supply the materials for construction and it should fit
the budget allocated for the project.
4. Sourcing of subcontractors and manpower. This kind of project would require a lot of people
to work on it. Therefore, this should be done ahead of time.
5. Implementation. Once everything is ready, the construction can finally start. The engineers and
personnel must ensure that the construction will run smoothly and according to the original plan.
The engineers should also ensure that the objectives of the construction are met.
The image above is a sample design of what the building should look like. The color blue at the back
part of the building are the solar panels.
Thorpe. (n.d.). 10 Stages to a Passive Solar Building from Design to Build | Smart Cities Dive. 10 Stages
to a Passive Solar Building From Design to Build | Smart Cities Dive. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from
Kathri. (2021, October 8). Solar Architecture: 5 Ways to Improve Design & Embrace Solar Panels. Solar
Architecture: 5 Ways to Improve Design & Embrace Solar Panels. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from
Stabilization of Ground Soil using Industrial Wastes
Three stages will be implemented during the duration of the project. The data collection stage, the
design development stage, and establishing and execution stages all contribute to the project's
completion. The steps leading up to the project's primary goal are listed below.
Data Collection Stage:
The researchers must collect the relevant data to improve the plan for soil stabilization
using industrial waste. As part of the study, the group will collect the data through a site
survey and testing to determine the features of the subsoil on which the project's location
will be settled. During site selection, the following geotechnical design factors must be
addressed. The design load and function of the structure, the type of foundation to be
utilized, and the Subsoil bearing capacity. Considering these three factors can help to
make the project can take off. Soil stabilization aims to increase soil strength and
resistance to water softening by attaching soil particles together, water hardening the
particles, or a mixture of the two. It enhances natural form, and soils, avoiding costly
remove-and-replace procedures.
2. Design Development Stage:
2.1 Soil Stabilization and Modification
2.1.1 Chemical stabilization and Modification
Under this category, soil stabilization primarily relies on chemical interactions between the
stabilizer (cementitious material) and the soil minerals (pozzolanic materials) to produce the
desired effect. Loose materials can be stabilized with cementitious materials through soil
stabilization. The chemical and physical characteristics of the soil are changed when chemicals
like lime, cement, or fly ash are appended. There are many mechanisms which chemicals alter
the soil into stable and strong:
Ø Improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to support pavements and
Ø Reduce the plasticity index and shrink the swell potential
Ø Moisture absorption and chemical binding that promotes compaction
These improvements often result in a stable and strong foundation of the soil.
3. Establishing and Execution of Plan:
The cow bone powder in the illustration is bones that dried by the sun and then were crushed
and sent to the mill to be ground. The old and broken plastics were collected and further broken
into smaller granules – waste. The buildings could stand alone and stronger because of the
physical properties of the soil. The natural soil sample was disturbed manually and in an oven to
create soil-binder-additive-granule combinations and, lastly, became waste stabilized roads and
Davao-Samal Bridge
During the course of the project, three stages will be implemented. The data collection stage, the
infrastructure and design stages, and the establishing and execution stages all contribute to the completion
of the project. Listed below are the steps leading up to the project's main objective.
1. Data Collection Stage:
The researcher needs to gather the necessary data to strengthen the plan of the
Davao-Samal bridge, so the public will be satisfied by addressing a common problem
found in the Davao-Samal ports: heavy transportation. As part of the study, data will be
collected on the traffic hours, capacity of barges, transportation costs, commuter volume
and speed movement of vehicles along the line for the reconstruction or redevelopment
of the Samal transportation ports into the project Davao-Samal bridge. Additionally,
during the course of the building, consideration will be given to how the bridge's
construction can positively or negatively affect inhabitants, tourists, commuters, animals,
and even the sea itself.
The engineers will also make a note of the current transportation infrastructure that is
used to get to Davao-Samal, including the Santa Ana Wharf and the Sasa Wharf.
Santa Ana Wharf - Santa Ana Wharf is located within the Chinatown district of
Downtown Davao City. It is one of two ports with daily ferries crossing over to
Samal Island, the other being Sasa Wharf located further up north. Ferries going
to Talikud Island / Kaputian depart from Santa Ana Wharf while the RORO (slow)
ferries destined for Babak Wharf in Samal depart from the Sasa Wharf. (Source 1)
Sasa Wharf - Sasa International Seaport is the primary seaport serving the Davao
Gulf region and is situated in Barangay Sasa, Davao City. One of the biggest and
busiest piers in the port area is the Sasa Wharf. The International Container
Terminal Services Inc. owns and runs Sasa Wharf (ICTSI). The major modes of
operation at the Port of Davao are container cargo, export of raw materials, bulk
cargo, general cargo, and passenger traffic. (Source 2)
The engineers will evaluate scopes and limitations based on the provided criteria while
holding the currently in use transportation in order to decide which sections need to be
improved or updated.
2. Design and Infrastructure Development Stage:
In the next step, the group will develop, revise, and analyze alternatives, determine the
width and direction of the bridge facilities, assess maintenance needs, and engage more
people to gain data on optimal routes, local traffic issues, potential weight capacity and
weight of vehicles, delays in delivery, transportation and destination availability, and then
select the ideal infrastructure and design based on the data gathered.
3. Establishing and Execution of Plan
Following the design and Infrastructure stage, the group begins to generate final
engineering plans in preparation for the implementation.
1. Prepare the necessary construction blueprints or plans
2. Project Approval. The project proposal will be forwarded to the necessary
government agencies for approval once the final engineering plans have been
completed, including the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), the
city government of Davao, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), the Department of Transportation (DOTr), the Department of Budget and
Management, and Samal City's Local Government Unit.
3. Construction Permits
4. Funds or Estimated Construction Value
5. Implementation Stage. This is the stage in which construction begins on the
project. The engineers will ensure that the project will be completed safely and in
a respectable manner for the people and the environment. A project should
benefit both the users and the environment in which it occurs and contribute to
both parties' upbringing.
Marcos D. (December, 2011) Davao to Samal Ferry & Talicud Island DIY Trip – Sta Ana wharf.
Ambot ah.com Retrieved October 4, 2022 from
V. Viray-Mendoza (September, 2018) The Port of Davao, The Maritime Review Retrieved
October 4, 2022 from https://maritimereview.ph/the-port-of-davao/
GPS Tracking System for Public Transport
The methods of this project were used and followed by 3 stages. Included in this project were the data
collection stage, design development stage, and creation and evaluation stage. In addition to that, route
samples, type of instrument, as well as illustration of the prototype were seen in this part of the project.
1. Data Collection Stage
The relevant information was first gathered to justify the need for GPS tracking for public transport in Davao
City. In order to create the application, it is necessary to gather information on the city's bus stops (Source
1), rush hours, number of commuters, routes, and number of public utility vehicles, taking into account the
possible impacts on convenience, safety of the commuters, and the efficiency of public transportation
2. Design Development Stage
The project design exists to give a suitable structure of the application for the project. This project focuses on
the making of GPS Tracking System for Public Transportation application. In designing this application,
surveying of routes and balancing the information gathered on the city’s bus stops, rush hours, number of
commuters, routes, and number of public utility vehicles is carefully designed to allow the commuters’ lessen
their travel time and expenses and have efficient transportation.
3. Creation and Evaluation Stage
At this point, the prototype design will be finalized and tested.The application prototype was
created, based on the aforementioned stages. In the figure, the route, number of public utility
vehicles in that route, the starting points (southbound and northbound), the number of bus stops
and the estimated arrival time of the public transportation vehicles can be seen in the figures below.
The route shown in the figure below was selected as an example of the prototype.
Water Purification using the Pedal System
Objective: This project generally aims to develop a water purification system based on the pedal system that
will allow easier access to clean water for everyone, especially those living in remote rural areas.
The project will be carried out in three stages. The data collection stage, specific design and prototype
components selection stage, and prototyping stage should all be included in the project's progress towards
completion. The steps that follow outline the main objective of the project.
1. Data Collection Stage
With the problem statement and objectives provided, the data gathering procedure will be undertaken. It
entails conducting a considerable literature study on bicycle water purification technology. As the data
collection advances, the engineers should also adhere to the project idea’s criteria to produce the ideal
final design; hence, they should examine the efficacy, reliability, safety, portability, cost, and aesthetics of
the Water Purification using the Pedal System project (Shull, 2012).
The existing bicycle-powered filtration system initiatives, such as the Cycloclean and the Aquaduct, will
also be noted by the engineers.
Cycloclean - Cycloclean is a Japanese firm owned by Nippon Basic Co., Ltd. Their firm seeks to
tackle the problem in some parts of the world, such as isolated rural communities with no access
to clean water. They have created a tool that generates five liters of drinking water per minute
from raw water by utilizing a pedal mechanism. Their filter system consists of a microfiltration
membrane, a hybrid carbon filter, and a primary filter (Nippon Basic Co., Ltd., n.d.).
Aquaduct - Aquaduct took first place in the Specialized's Innovate or Die competition. Adam
Mack, John Lai, Eleanor Morgan, Paul Silberschatz, and Brian Mason developed this. This idea
is designed as a pedal-powered tricycle that can carry, filter, and store water (Etherington, 2022).
With the previously produced projects in hand, the engineers will establish scopes and limitations
following the stated criteria to determine which parts should be enhanced or modified.
2. Selecting a Specific design and Prototyping components
Based on the data acquired during the data collection stage, a preferred design should be established to
proceed with the selection of the prototype's features or materials. The prototype's key components are
identified as follows: (1) peristaltic pump, (2) Sawyer 3-way inline filter, and (3) bicycle (Gonzalez et al.,
a. Peristaltic pump. It is a pump that moves liquids through a tube by pressing the tube against
the pump housing using a series of rollers (Thomas Peristaltic Technology, n.d.). These pumps
also have low maintenance costs, are simple to clean, and may be repaired if an issue arises
(Gonzalez et al., 2014).
b. Sawyer 3-way inline filter. Bacteria, protozoa, sediments, and the like cannot pass through this
filtration device (Backpackers, 2022).
c. Bicycle. The bicycle will be the project's most substantial component. The pedaling mechanism
will function as intended due to the attached pedals.
3. Prototyping Stage
This is the stage wherein prototype iterations will take place. While employing the previously mentioned
key components, the prototype should be assembled in the manner depicted in the figure below.
There may be difficulties at the prototype stage that cannot be completely resolved. Hence, various
design iterations are essential to minimize and eliminate the issues.
Backpackers. (2022, May 6). Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter Review 2019. Backpackers.com. Retrieved
October 5, 2022, from
Etherington, R. (2022, February 12). Aquaduct by IDEO. Dezeen. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from
Gonzalez, B., Alzate, S., Cromartie, J., & Hernandez, K. (2014, April 7). Bicycle powered water filtration
system. Florida International University. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from
Nippon Basic Co., Ltd. (n.d.). Cycloclean: Advancements in bicycle-powered water purifying equipment.
UNIDO. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from http://www.unido.or.jp/en/technology_db/1675/
Shull, A. (2012, April 2). The design and creation of a portable water purification system. Digital
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Thomas Peristaltic Technology. (n.d.). How peristaltic pumps work. Thomas. Retrieved October 5, 2022,
from https://www.gardnerdenver.com/en-us/thomas/knowledge-hub/peristaltic-pump