Pre-request every one again to join in every following groups to get further updates and if you leave groups after your TFA and stream tests you will miss your further updates for sure so just stay connected. Dm - Main group link - Club - All Streams Materials/Channel/dumps 1.Which site can be used to check for SAP provided fixes? ANS: A) SAP marketplace 2.Match the following 1)Information 2)Success 3)Abend 4)Exit 5)Warning 6)Error A) Message appears in a separate dialog box. When enter key is pressed…. B) message will appear in separate dialog box and program execution… C) message is displayed at the bottom of current screen…. D) program execution continues normally and message is displayed…. E) message displayed in the status bar of the screen… F) program terminates with short dump. ANS: OPTION A 1)-A, 2)-D, 3)-B, 4)-F, 5)-E, 6)-C 3) Consider the source code below. Which module will be executed before the screen is displayed? PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE read_data. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE calculate. ANS: C) read_data 4) Predict the output. CLASS find_time DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION METHODS: time. ENDCLASS. CLASS find_time IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE : ‘This is the parent class:’, sy-uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM find_time. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS : time REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE: ‘This is sub class:’, sy-uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA : lo_ref TYPE REF TO find_time. CREATE OBJEC lo_ref. Lo_ref->time(). ANS: D) SYNTAX ERROR 4) Match the following 1) required field check 2)field format check 3) foreign key check A) there will be a ‘’?’’ in the input/output template…. B) if an incorrect format is entered, the system displays error message. c) for any screen field associated with foreign key relationship. ANS: OPTION A 1)-A, 2)-B, 3)C 5) Choose the methods to perform user-defined field checks in module pool program. Choose 3 most appropriate options. ANS: B) issue error or warning message in PAI MODULE C) issue error or warning message in based on the outcome of SELECT D) Use values statements in flow logic to define the valid values 6) Instead of coding ‘set parameter id’ statement in PAI module, we can set ____ field attribute in the screen. Choose most appropriate option. ANS: C) SPA 7) Choose three most appropriate options for static attributes in a class. ANS: B) ONLY ONE PER CLASS D) STATEMENT:CLASS-DATA E) ALSO KNOW AS CLASS ATTRIBUTES 8)Determine the output. CLASS color DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA var1 type I value 50. ENDCLASS. WRITE color-_>var1 ANS: B) SYNTAX ERROR 9)What is true about interfaces ANS: B) THEY HAVE ONLY METHOD DEFINITION 10)I have Only one returning parameter Only importing parameters Exceptions are possible Who am i? ANS: A) FUNCTIONAL METHOD 11)How to implement a local class? ANS: A) CLASS cl_main DEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_main IMPLEMENTATION ENDCLASS 12)How to create transport request? Choose three most appropriate answers ANS: A) Using t-code SE09 B) Using t-code SE10 C) While saving any custom object. 13)How to improve the performance of below code? SELECT carrid connid fldate price FROM sflight INTO TABLE t_sflight WHERE carrid = pa_carr. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE t_sflight INTO w_sflight WITH KEY fldate = ‘20201220’ BINARY SEARCH IF sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE s000. ENDIF. ENDIF. ANS: A) Sort internal table T_SFLIGHT using field FLDATE. 14)What are the tools that can be used when creating module pool program? ANS: ALL THE OPTIONS ARE CORRECT 15)Overflow occurs which exception is raised? ANS: B) CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 16)What is the new version of Accenture’s internal ABAP quality analysis tool. It has the capability of performing static as well as runtime quality analysis. ANS: A) ACRTS 17)Which among the following tools can be used for performance check f program during run time? choose 2 most appropriate options ANS: A) SLIN B) SAT 18)Predict the output. CLASS calculate DEFINITION ABSTRACT METHODS : prod, Add. DATA : result TYPE I. ENDCLASS CLASS calculator IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD prod. Result = 5*5. WRITE 25 ENDMETHOD METHOD add. Result = 5+5. WRITE 10. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM calculator. PUBLIC SECTION. ANS: C) SYNTAX ERROR 19)Which global classes need to be instantiated in order to achieve ALV OOPS? Choose 2 options. ANS: B) CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER. D)CL_GUI__ALV_GRID 20)Process on value request is used to implement ANS: B 1.How to create transport request? Ans:-Using T code SE09,using T code SE10, While serving any custom object 2. if an overflow occurs which exception is raised ? Ans:- cX_arithmetic _overflow 3.Match the following 1)set screen 2)call screen 3)leave screen , ANS:- 1-c , 2-B, 3-A 4. T-code for SQL trace. choose most appropriate option Ans:- ST05 to Instantiate object in program ? Ans:- data_________________ (answer with two lines ) 6.what is the fix provided by SAP, when there are instances where standard SAP transactions do not work or give dump ? Ans:- SAP notes 7.which tool can be used to evaluate the ___Off the top CPU consumers, table consumers, and to get a general idea about the performance of the program ? ANs:-SE30 8. of the screen where the user Ans:- Success 9. Which of the following comments cannot be used for sub screen ? Ans:- SET PF-status, SET title bar 10. Class first_time definition public section methods constructor importing EN_time type SYUZT------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ans:-Syntax error, select, insert and wherever application Ans:-sy_subrc 12.How many times static constructor is executed ? Ans:-1 13.match the following A)when an attribute of a screen field is set to 1, the field that is ready for input is made mandatory. \ Ans:- 1-A ,2-B, 3-c, 4-D 14.Field name module validate on request Ans:- module "validate" will be executed only if value for "carrid"field changes to another value 15. State true or false 1. The static constructor is always named as class_constructor Ans:- 1.True 2.false 16.what are the characterstics of abstract class .choose two options Ans:-abstract class (two long lines in options ) 17.what is the fix provided by SAP when there are instances where standard SCP transactions do not work or give dump ? Ans:-SAP notes 18. What are changes will you do to the below source code to improve the performance? DATA:it_aflight TYPE STANDARD TABLEOF sflight Ans:- avoid using select* ,avoid using nested loop , avoid using select statement within loop 19.identify the components of a class choose three most appropriate options : Ans:- attributers ,methods ,reference object 20.How to improve performance of below code: select carrid ................................... Ans:-Sort internal table T_SFLIGHT using field FLdate before the read statement 21. which exception class ensures maximum syntax cheque and programme stability ? Ans:- CX_static _chick to address static attributes of class within calling programme ? Ans:-A 23.Identify what is true about abstract class Ans:-abstract methods has to be reduced in the ..... ,it's not possible to ...... 24. what is true about interfaces ? Ans:- they have only method .........(longest line in option ) 25. Which among the following tools can be useful for performance cheque off programme during runtime .choose the two most appropriate options : Ans:- SLIN,SAT 50.Which among the following tools can be used for performance check of program during an time?Choose two most appropriate options. Ans) in in, sat Option: a,b 51.which is not a transport type? a)workbench b)customizing c)Transport of copies d)Relocation e)Configuration Ans) configuration 52)Standard table SFLIGHT has primary key fields CARRID,CONNID AND FLDATE. How to modify the below select statement to improve performance? PARAMETERS: pa_carr TYPE s_carr_id. DATA:W_sflight TYPE zgrp_ty_sflight. SELECT SSINGLE carrid connid fldate price FROM SFLIGHT INTO w_sflight WHERE carrid = pa_carr. Ans) internal table must be used. 53) How to run ACRTS tool to check custom program? Ans) Run the tool with the custom program name as input 54) what will happen when error is generated from module select PROCESS AFTER INPUT. CHAIN. FIELD:YMOVIE-AAYEAR, YMOVIE-CATEGORY. MODULE SELECT_LISTING ENDCHAIN. ANS) The Field statements will leave both the ymovie-ayear and ymovie-category fields editable. 55) Process on help request is used to implements? Ans) help documentation for a screen field 56)What all changes will you do to the below source code to improve its performanance? SELECT *FROM sflight INTO TABLE IT_SFLIGHT. SELECT*FROM SCARR INTO TABLE IT_SCARR FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_SFLIGHT WHERE CARRID = IT_SFLIGHT-CARRID. LOOP AT IT_SCARR INTO LW_SCARR. WRIT: / LW_SCARR-CARRID,LW_SCARR-CARNNAME. ENDLOOP. ANS) AVOID USING SELECT* DELETE DUPLICATES FROM LT_SFLIGHT BEFORE USING CHECK LT_SFLIGHT IS EMPTY OR NOT BEFORE USING. 57) DETERMINE THE OUTPUT OF THE PROGRAM. Class color definition. Public section. Methods:paint. Endclass. “definition Class color IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD paints. Write: / ‘choose colors’. Endmethod. Endclass. DATA: var1 type ref to color. CREATE OBJECT var1. CALL METHOD var1>paint. Ans)syntax error. 58) when a new task is created,it always gets created with type. Ans)unclassified. 59) While executing a module pool program,following automatic error is issued from the screen (no additional code is written to issue this message) “entry <x> does not exist (please check your entry)”. What is the type of automatic check is applied here? Ans) FOREIGN KEY CHECK 60)WHAT all steps can be taken to improve the quality of below code?(choose the two most appropriate answers) DATA :lv_flag type c. Start-of-selection Lv_flag = ‘x’. If lv_flag is not initial Write: ‘output’. Else. Write: ‘no output’. Endif. Ans) use constants to eliminate harcoding. Remove unused/commented code. 61) match the following of field attribute modification 1)required 2)input 3)output 4)invisible a)when an attribute of a screen field is set to 1,a field that is ready for input is made mandatory.users can only leave the screen when all mandatory fields contain an entry. b)when the output attribute of the screen table is set,are ready for input. c)when the o/p attribute of the screen table is set,all fields are displayed as outputfields. d)when the invisible attribute of the screen table is set,the input entered by the user is not visible.the user can only see asterisk marks on the screen. Ans)1.a,b,c,d 62)choose the methods to perform user-defined field checks in modulepool program.choose 3 most appropriate options. Ans) issue error or warning message in pai module. Issue error or warning message based on the outcome of select. Use values statement in flow logic to define the valid values. 63) which exception class ensures maximum syntax check and program stability? Ans)cx_static_check 64)predict the output of the given source code. Class calculator definition abstract. Public section. Methods add abstract. Prod Data :result type i. Endclass. Ans)syntax error-instances of the abstract class cannot be generated. 65)match the following of function codes 1) “ 2)’e’ 3)’s’ A) Program function, this is the “normal” default function type. B) Exit command,used to conditionally execute pai modules with exit- command. C) system function,used to conditionally execute pai modules with at cursor-selection. Ans)a,b,c 66) Determine the output. Class output definition. Public section. Data: vr1 type I value ‘40’. Methods:display. Endclass. Class output implementation. Method display. Dta:var1 type I value ‘50’ Write:/ var1. Write:/me> var1. Endmethod. Endclass. Ans) no output. 67)which system variable should be checked after database activities to ensure proper inputs when dealing with tables (for example:read ,select,insert and where ever applicable) Ans)sy-subrc. 68)match the following about transport request types. 1.workbench requests 4.customizing requests 3transport of copies 2.relocation a)used for copying between any two systems in group. b)used if development system of a complete package needs to be changed on permanent basis. c)any changes in custom developed objects are saved under this request d) ANY changes in system configuration are saved under this. Ans)c,b,a,d 69)What is type ‘x’ message? Ans)exit. 70)hw to address static attributes of class within calling program? Ans)<classname>=><class_attribute> 71)How to create static attributes in a class? Ans)class-data 72) How to instantiate objects in program? Ans) data:<object_name>type refto <class_name>create object <object_name> 73)determine the correct output. Class toys definition Public section. Class-data: count type I value ‘20’. Start-of-selection. DATA:count type ref to toys Write toys =>count. a)20. 74)which of the options are true a)object references (of classes ) can be defined as attributes of class. d)static attributes can not be accessed using instance variable.. 75)match the following : a)polymorphism b)encapsulation c)abstraction d)inheritance. 1. conceals the functional detail of a class from objects that send messages to it. 2.ability to treat the same method in different ways in different occasions. 3.subclasses are subsets of a class which inherits attributes and behaviour from a parent class. 4.Mechanism of exposing only the interfaces and hiding the implementation details for the user. Ans)a)2 b)1 c)4 d)3 76) OPTIONS: THIS IS PARENT CLASS: 10:44:10 THIS IS PARENT CLASS:10:44:10 76) Match the following: a) b) c) d) Polymorphism Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritance 1) Conceals the functional details of a class from objects that send messages to it. 2) Ability to treat the same method in different ways in different occasions. 3) Subclasses or subsets of a class which inherits attributes and behaviour from a parent class. 4) Mechanism of exposing only the inheritance and hiding the implementation details from the user. ANS) C A->2 B->1 C->4 D->3 77) Consider the source code below. which module will be executed before the screen is displayed? PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. Module read_data. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. Module calculate. ANS) C read_data 78) identify all the OOPS concepts utilised in the below source code. choose two most appropriate options. INTERFACE interface1. METHODS display_msg. ENDINTERFACE. CLASS messages DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES : interface1. ENDCLASS. CLASS messages IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD interface1- display_MSG. WRITE : ‘implementation’. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OFF-SELECTION. DATA: lo_ref TYPE REF to messages. CREATE OBJECT lo_ref. lo_ref-> interface1-display_msg(). ANS) A,C Interface Abstraction 79) There are total 100 records in SBOOK table and 50 records in SFLIGHT table. in this, only ten records are matching with carrid= AA in SBOOK and no record in SFLIGHT table matches this condition. After select statement Sbook, how many records will be there internal table T_SBOOK? Data: t_sflight TYPE STANDARD TABLE off Zgrp_ty_sflight, t_sbook TYPE STANDARD TABLE of Zgrp_ty_sbook. Select carrid connid fidate price From sflight into table t_sflight where carrid = ‘AA’. SELECT bookid customid custtype FROM sbook into TABLE t_sbook for ALL ENTRIES IN t_sflight WHERE carrid = t_sflight-carrid And connid = t_sflight-connid And fidate = t_sflight-fidate. ANS) B 10 80) This request type is used when the development system of individual objects is to be changed on a permanent basis. it allows to change the original location of objects to the target system and change to the package at the same. ANS) E Relocation of objects with automatic package change 81) match the following 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Information Success Abend Exit Warning Error a) Message appears in a separate dialogue box. when enter key is pressed in the dialogue box, it navigates to the next screen. b) Message will appear in separate dialogue box and program execution gets terminated c) Message is displayed at the bottom of the current screen, the user must make changes to the values on the current screen. d) After pressing the ‘enter’ key on the current screen, the user will be taken to the next screen only if appropriate corrections were made. e) Program execution continues normally and message is displayed in the status bar off the screen. f) Message displayed in the status bar of the screen and the program execution process. g) program terminates with short dump. ANS) A 1) -(A) 2) -(D) 3) -(B) 4) -(F) 5) -(E) 6) -(C) 82) Predict the output. CLASS find_time DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS : time. END CLASS. CLASS find_time IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE: ‘THIS is parent class: ’, sy_uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM find_time. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS : time REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE: ‘This is subclass :’, sy_uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START_OF_SELECTION. DATA: lo_ref TYPE REF to find_time. CREATE OBJECT lo_ref. lo_ref->time(). ANS) B this is parent class: 10:33:21 83) In a module pool program, in the screen there is an input box whose technical name is CARRID. In the floor logic, there is a piece of code like below. Module user_command_0100 INPUT. If carrid =’AA’. Message ‘you have entered AA’ TYPE ’I’. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. But at the time of activation, the error below is displayed. Field ‘CARRID’ is unknown. what can be the reason? ANS) C The variable CARRID is not declared in top include declaration. 84) How to implement a local class ANS) A CLASS cl_main DEFINITION. ENDCLASS. Class cl_main IMPLEMENTATION. ENDCLASS. 85) Which methods are not implemented in the same class? ANS) B Abstract 86) Which global classes need to be instantiated in order to achieve ALV OOPS? choose two most appropriate options. ANS) B,D CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER CL_GUI_ALV_GRID 87) Predict the output. CLASS calculate DEFINITION ABSTRACT METHODS : prod, Add. DATA : result TYPE I. ENDCLASS CLASS calculator IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD prod. Result = 5*5. WRITE 25 ENDMETHOD METHOD add. Result = 5+5. WRITE 10. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM calculator. PUBLIC SECTION. ANS: C) SYNTAX ERROR 88) I have, Only one returning parameter Only importing parameters Exceptions are possible Who am I? ANS) A Functional Method 89) how many times static constructor is executed? ANS) A 1 90) What message is displayed at the bottom of the current screen where the must make changes to the value on the current screen. after pressing the enter key on the current screen, the user will be taken to the next screen only if the appropriate corrections were made. ANS) D Error 91) what is true about interface ANS) B They have only method definition 92) State true or false: 1. a static constructor is always named as CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR 2. It gets executed with every new instance of the class. choose most appropriate option. ANS) A 1. True 2. False 93) What all changes go to to the below source code to improve its performance? DATA: it_sflight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight. It_scarr TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF scar. Iw_scarr TYPE scar. lw_sflight TYPE sflight. select * FROM SFLIGHT INTO TABLE it_sflight. LOOP AT it_sflight INTO Iw_sflight. SELECT from scar INTO TABLE It_scarr Where carrid = lw_sflight-carrid. LOOP AT it_scarr INTO lw_scarr. WRITE : / lw_scarr-carrid, lw_scarr-carrname. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ANS) A,B,E avoid using select avoid using nested loop award using select statement within loop 94) match the following 1) 2) 3) a) set screen call screen leave screen overrides the next screen specified for the current screen. if the user clicks on back button then it goes back to previous screen. b) it calls the new screen. if the user clicks on back button in the new screen, then it never comes back to previous screen. c) leave to program or leave to previous screen. ANS) A 1) -(A) 2) -(B) 3) -(C) 95) What are the characteristics off abstract class? choose two most appropriate options. ANS) A, D Abstract method cannot be implemented in the same class in which it is defined. Abstract class contains both definition and implementation but cannot be ins. 96) How to improve the performance of below code? SELECT carrid connid fldate price FROM sflight INTO TABLE t_sflight WHERE carrid = pa_carr. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE t_sflight INTO w_sflight WITH KEY fldate = ‘20201220’ BINARY SEARCH IF sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE s000. ENDIF. ENDIF. ANS: A) Sort internal table T_SFLIGHT using field FLDATE before the read statement. 97) match the following for component of screen painter 1) 2) 3) 4) Attribute Layout element list flow logic editor a) b) c) d) specify the type of screen whether normal, subscreen and dialogue box screen. collection of screen element i.e radio button, check box, input and output field, etc. the screen elements which are designed on the screen and their data type and length. it contains the logic related to the screen. ANS) A 1) 2) 3) 4) -(A) -(B) -(C) -(D) 98) occurs which exception is raised? ANS) B CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 99) which statements are true about static methods? ANS) A, C, D can utilise only static components during implementation an instance is not required to access these methods Keyword to define static method is class CLASS-METHODS. 100) Which site can be used to check for SAP provided fixes? ANS) A SAP marketplace 1.Which site can be used to check for SAP provided fixes? ANS: A) SAP marketplace 2.Match the following 1)Information 2)Success 3)Abend 4)Exit 5)Warning 6)Error A) Message appears in a separate dialog box. When enter key is pressed…. B) message will appear in separate dialog box and program execution… C) message is displayed at the bottom of current screen…. D) program execution continues normally and message is displayed…. E) message displayed in the status bar of the screen… F) program terminates with short dump. ANS: OPTION A 1)-A, 2)-D, 3)-B, 4)-F, 5)-E, 6)-C 3) Consider the source code below. Which module will be executed before the screen is displayed? PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE read_data. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE calculate. ANS: C) read_data 4) Predict the output. CLASS find_time DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION METHODS: time. ENDCLASS. CLASS find_time IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE : ‘This is the parent class:’, sy-uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM find_time. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS : time REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD time. WRITE: ‘This is sub class:’, sy-uzeit. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA : lo_ref TYPE REF TO find_time. CREATE OBJEC lo_ref. Lo_ref->time(). ANS: D) SYNTAX ERROR 4) Match the following 1) required field check 2)field format check 3) foreign key check A) there will be a ‘’?’’ in the input/output template…. B) if an incorrect format is entered, the system displays error message. c) for any screen field associated with foreign key relationship. ANS: OPTION A 1)-A, 2)-B, 3)C 5) Choose the methods to perform user-defined field checks in module pool program. Choose 3 most appropriate options. ANS: B) issue error or warning message in PAI MODULE C) issue error or warning message in based on the outcome of SELECT D) Use values statements in flow logic to define the valid values 6) Instead of coding ‘set parameter id’ statement in PAI module, we can set ____ field attribute in the screen. Choose most appropriate option. ANS: C) SPA 7) Choose three most appropriate options for static attributes in a class. ANS: B) ONLY ONE PER CLASS D) STATEMENT:CLASS-DATA E) ALSO KNOW AS CLASS ATTRIBUTES 8)Determine the output. CLASS color DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA var1 type I value 50. ENDCLASS. WRITE color-_>var1 ANS: B) SYNTAX ERROR 9)What is true about interfaces ANS: B) THEY HAVE ONLY METHOD DEFINITION 10)I have Only one returning parameter Only importing parameters Exceptions are possible Who am i? ANS: A) FUNCTIONAL METHOD 11)How to implement a local class? ANS: A) CLASS cl_main DEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_main IMPLEMENTATION ENDCLASS 12)How to create transport request? Choose three most appropriate answers ANS: A) Using t-code SE09 B) Using t-code SE10 C) While saving any custom object. 13)How to improve the performance of below code? SELECT carrid connid fldate price FROM sflight INTO TABLE t_sflight WHERE carrid = pa_carr. IF sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE t_sflight INTO w_sflight WITH KEY fldate = ‘20201220’ BINARY SEARCH IF sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE s000. ENDIF. ENDIF. ANS: A) Sort internal table T_SFLIGHT using field FLDATE. 14)What are the tools that can be used when creating module pool program? ANS: ALL THE OPTIONS ARE CORRECT 15)Overflow occurs which exception is raised? ANS: B) CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 16)What is the new version of Accenture’s internal ABAP quality analysis tool. It has the capability of performing static as well as runtime quality analysis. ANS: A) ACRTS 17)Which among the following tools can be used for performance check f program during run time? choose 2 most appropriate options ANS: A) SLIN B) SAT 18)Predict the output. CLASS calculate DEFINITION ABSTRACT METHODS : prod, Add. DATA : result TYPE I. ENDCLASS CLASS calculator IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD prod. Result = 5*5. WRITE 25 ENDMETHOD METHOD add. Result = 5+5. WRITE 10. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS sub_cal DEFINITION INHERITING FROM calculator. PUBLIC SECTION. ANS: C) SYNTAX ERROR 19)Which global classes need to be instantiated in order to achieve ALV OOPS? Choose 2 options. ANS: B) CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER. D)CL_GUI__ALV_GRID 20)Process on value request is used to implement ANS: B 21) Topic : Module pool , Sub_Topic : Menu Painter For which objects you need to use Function code Choose most appropriate option ANS A) Menu Painter in Menu Painter? B) Application and standard tool bar buttons C) Function Keys 22) Topic : ABAP Basics , Sub_Topic : Module Pool Instead of coding 'SET PARAMETER ID' statement in PAI module , we can set ____field attribute in the screen . Choose most appropriate option . ANS A) SPA 23) In Module pool program screen , there is an input field INPUT of type Char . In the flow logic VALUES statement is used like below FIELD input values ( ' AA', 'AB','LH'). What exactly does the statement do during execution ? choose 3 most appropriate options ANS ) B) It will restrict the user to enter only 'AA' , 'AB' or 'LH' C) It will give error if user is not entering 'AA' , 'AB' or 'LH' D) It will add F4 help values to INPUT having only 'AA' , 'AB' and 'LH' 24) Choose three most Appropriate options for static attributes in a class. ANS B) Only one per class D) Statement : CLASS-DATA E) Also know as class attributes 25) In the flow logic of screen , there is a statement like below. What will this do ? PROCESS AFTER INPUT. FIELD carrid MODULE validate ON REQUEST. ANS) B) Module "validate" will be executed only if value for "carrid" field changes to another value 26) Choose the two worst performing SELECT statements in the given options. ANS A) SELECT * on a large table C) SELECT inside LOOP.....ENDLOOP 27) When a new task is created , it always gets created with type ANS A) Unclassified 28) Predict the output CLASS find_time DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION METHODS: constructor IMPORTING im_time TYPE syuzeit, time. DATA: v_time TYPE syuzeit. ENDCLASS. CLASS find_time IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. v_time = im_time. ENDMETHOD. METHOD time. write v_time. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA:lo_ref TYPE REF TO find_time. CREATE OBJECT lo_ref. lo-ref->constructor(). lo_ref->time(). ANS A) Syntax error 29) An event handler method can be defined as ____method. choose appropriate option. ANS ) Any 30) __________________before the screen is displayed to the user ANS C) PBO 1. Determine the correct Output. CLASS toys definition. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-DATA : count type I value ‘20’. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: count TYPE REF OF TOYS. WRITE toys=>count. A. 20 B. syntax error C. Runtime error D. no output 2. What is the fix provided by SAP, when there are instances where standard SAP Transactions do not work or give dump? A. SAP notes B. SAP Patch C. SAP dumpfix D. SAP bugfix E. SAP corrections 3.What is the TCode for creating global classes? A.SE80 B.SE37 C.SE24 D.SE11 4.Match the following 1) Required field check 2) field format check 3) foreign key check A) there will be a “?” in the input/output template and the system will automatically check that a value is entered in the field. B) if an incorrect format is entered, the system displays error message. C) For any screen field associated with foreign key relationship, System automatically checks if the value entered exists in the check table. Ans: 1-A 2-B 3-C 5. Identify the components o a class. Choose three most appropriate options. Ans: Attributes, Events, Methods 6.Why is code review needed? Ans: A.Fix mistakes overloaded during development phase B.Improve quality C. Reduce cost of rework 7. Choose the right syntax to make field invisible? ANS: OPTION A) loop at screen. If screen-name = ‘P-MATNR’. Screen-invisible =’1’. Endif. Modify screen. Endloop. 8.How to create transport request? Choose three most appropriate answers. Ans: A. Using t-code SE09. B. Using t-code SE10 C. While saving any custom object 9.Topic : Module pool. Sub_Topic : Tab strip ans : A,C Which statements are true about tab strip? Choose most appropriate option. Ans: A. It allows to navigate between sub screens. B. It allows to navigate between screens. C. Tabstrip screens may change with or without the application server. 10. What is/are true about local classes? Ans – option 3 1. They can be defined and implemented in report programs. 2. They can be defined and implemented inside global classes programs. 3. only 1 is true 4. both 1 and 2 are true. 5. only 2 is true. 11. Topic : ABAP Basics, sub_Topic : Performance analysis Which among the following tools can be used for performance check for program during run time? Choose two most appropriate options. Ans: SAT, ST05 12. Determine the Output. CLASS color DEFINITION Public SECTION. DATA var1 type I VALUE 50. ENDCLASS. WRITE color=> var1. ANS : SYNTAX ERROR 13. In the module program screen,there is an input field INPUT of type char. In the flow logic, VALUES statement is used lie below. FIELD input values(‘AA’, ‘AB’, ‘LH’). What exactly does this statement do during execution? Choose 3 most appropriate options. ANS : B. It will restrict the user to enter only ‘AA’, ‘AB’, OR ‘LH’, C. It will give error if user is not entering ‘AA’, ‘AB’, or ‘LH’. D. It will add F4 Help Values to INPUT having only ‘AA’, ‘AB’, AND ‘LH’. 14. Identify what is true about abstract classes. ANS : ALL OPTIONS Ans: A. Abstract methods has to be reidentified in the subclasses. B. Abstract method has to be defined in the class, But cannot be implemented. C. References to abstract classes can point to instances of subclasses D. Its not possible to instantiate abstract classes. 15. Topic: Choose most appropriate option. Ans: A. the system immediately terminates the cuttent screen’s PAI event and goes to the PBO event of the screen specified in the NEXT SCREEN attribute. 16. What is the new version of accenture’s internet ABAP quality analysis tool. It has the capability of performing static as well as runtime quality analysis. ANS: A. ACRTS 17. Topic: ABAP , Sub_Topic : Performance Analysis T-Code for SQL Trace is: Choose most appropriate option. Ans: C. ST05 18. Determine the output. CLASS output DEFINITION Public SECTION. DATA : var1 type I VALUE ‘40’. METHODS : DISPLAY. ENDCLASS. CLASS output IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD DISPLAY. DATA : var1 type I VALUE ‘60’. WRITE : / VAR1. WRITE: / ME->VAR1. ENDMETOD. ENDCLASS. ANS. D. NO OUTPUT. 19. Fill in the blank : The number of subscreen areas depend on how many subscreens are there in …………….. ANS : A. Main screen 20. Inputs on screen need to be handled in ………. ? ANS: A. PAI in flow logic. 21. Which of the commands cannot be used for subscreen? ANS : ALL ANS: A. SET PF-Status B. SET TITLE BAR C. SET SCREEN D. call screen. 22. What all changes will you do to the below source code to improve its performance? DATA : it_sflight TPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight. Lw_sflight TYPE sflight. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE it_sflight. LOOP AT it_sflight INTO lw_sflight. IF lw_sflight-carddid = ‘AA’. WRITE : / lw_sflight-fidate, lw_sflight-seatsmax, lw_sflight-searsocc. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ANS: A. Avoid using SELECT * B. Use WHERE clause in SELECT statement. E. USE TYPE SORTED or HASHED internal table. 23. When a new task is created, it always gets created with type. ANS: A. Unclassified 24. What is the KEY WORD used to define Static Attributes? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: CLASS-DATA 25. In regards to data transported in PAI when the FIELD statement is used, which of the following is NOT a true statement? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: Fields not defined in FIELD statements are transported first. 26. When static constructor is called? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: It is called automatically for the class, before the class is accessed for the first time 27. Identify which of the following is the correct statement? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: Select statement when used inside a loop will affect the performance 28. Dialog Programming How to change screen dynamically? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: changing screen attributes & modify statement 29. How can SAP notes be applied to fix bugs in standard SAP programs ANS: SAP notes can be applied from SNOTE transaction 30. which of the following concepts of OOPS is/are not supported by ABAP? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: Multiple Inheritance 31. What is ACRTS used for ANS: To perform quality analysis of custom programs 32. When a custom program is saved, the system prompts to supply a transport request. What is the type of the transport request for such objects ANS: Workbench transport 33. How will the performance of the following program be improved? Loop at it_scarr into wa_scarr. Select * from sflight into table it_sflight. If sy-subrc = 0. Loop at it_sflight into wa_sflight. Write wa_sflight-carrid, wa_scarr-carrname. Endloop. endif. Endloop. ANS: Both option 1 and option 2 are correct 34. Which of the following statements are false ? A.Subscreens are always embedded into some other screen, B. it can not be called independently . C. Each Subscreen needs a subscreen area Subscreens can not have its own OK_CODE ANS: D. None of the Above 35. To include a field on your screen that is not in the ABAP Dictionary, which include program should contain the data declaration for the field? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: TOP include program 36. Which of the following statements is not true regarding an Abstract Class? Choose most appropriate option. A. An Abstract class can never be instantiated B.It specifies one or more Abstract Methods that must be implemented in a subclass C. It is used as a means to enforce a uniform interface in subclasses ANS: D.None of the Above 37. Which SELECT is/are preferred over others? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: SELECT INTO TABLE 38. When static constructor is called? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: It is called automatically for the class, before the class is accessed for the first time 39. Determine the correct output. CLASS calculator definition. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-DATA : var type I value '1'. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: calc TYPE REF TO calculator. WRITE calculator=>var. ANS: 1 40. Identify which of the following is the correct statement? Choose most appropriate option. A. Select statement when used inside a loop will not affect the performance B.Select statement when used inside a loop will affect the performance C.Select statements can be used anywhere without degrading the performance. D. All of the above 41. In regards to data transported in PAI when the FIELD statement is used, which of the following is NOT a true statement? Choose most appropriate option. A. Fields in PBO are transported directly from PAI. b. Fields with identical names are transported to the ABAP side. C.Fields not defined in FIELD statements are transported first. D.Fields that are defined in FIELD statements are transported when their corresponding module is called. 42. Which tr code is used to define global classes and interfaces in the ABAP Workbench? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: SE24 43. When static constructor is called? Choose most appropriate option ANS: It is called automatically for the class, before the class is accessed for the first time 44. What happens if you enter 0 in NEXT Screen attribute? Choose most appropriate option. ANS: It does not go to any other screen and it moves back one level 45. What is the KEY WORD used to define Static Attributes? Choose most appropriate option ANS: CLASS-DATA Which is not a transport type? Ans. E.Configuration 1. 2. Standard table SFLIGHT has primary key fields CARRID, CONID and FLDATE How to modify the below select statement to improve performance? Ans. C. Internal table must be used 3. How to run ACRTS tool to check custom program? Ans. A. Run the tool with custom program name as input 4. What will happen when error is generated from module select _____?(options not visible) Ans. The field statement will leave bot h the YMOVIE-AYEAR and YMOVIE-CATEOGRY editable 5. Process on help request is used to implement? Ans. A. help documentation for a screen field 6. What all changes will you do to the below source code to improve it’s performance?(A) Ans. A- Avoid Using SELECT. B- Delete duplicates from LT_SFLIGHT E-Check LT_SFLIGHT is empty or not 7. Determine the output of the following program Ans. C. Syntax Error 8. When a new task is created, it always gets created with type Ans. A. Unclassified 9. While executing a module pool program, following automatic error is issued from the screen (no additional code is written to issue this message) “Entry ‘x’ does not exist (please check your entry)”. What is the type of automatic check is applied here? Ans. D. Foreign Key Check 10. What all steps can be taken to improve the quality of the below code? ( choose two most appropriate answers) Ans. A- Use constraints to eliminate hard coding. B-Remove unused/commented code. 11. Match the following of field attribute modification 1.Required 2. Input 3.Output 4.Invisible Ans. B. 1-A,2-B,3-C,4-D 12. Choose the methods to perform user defined field checks in module pool program. Choose 3 most appropriate options. Ans. B- Issue error or warning message in PBO Module. C- Issue error or warning message based on the outcome of SELECT. D-Use VALUES statement in flow logic to define the valid values. 13. Which exception class ensures maximum syntax check and program stability Ans. A. CX_STATIC_CHECK 14. Predict the output of the given source code Ans. C. Syntax error – Instances of the abstract class cannot be generated. 15. Match the following function Codes 1.” 2.’E’ 3.’S’ Ans. A. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C 16. Determine the output Ans. D. Syntax error 17. Which system variable should be checked after database activities to ensure proper inputs when dealing with tables (for example: READ, SELECT, INSERT and where ever applicable. Ans. C. sy-subrc 18. Match the following about transport request type 1. Workbench request 2. Relocation 3. Transport of copies 4. Customizing requests Ans. C. 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D 19. What is type ‘x’ message? Ans. B-Exit 20. How to address static attributes of class within calling program? Ans. A. <classname>=><class_attribute> 21. How to create static attributes in a class? Ans-B. CLASS-DATA 22. How to instantiate objects in program? Ans.A. DATA: <object_name>TYPE REF TO<class_name> CREATE Object: <object_name> 23. Determine the correct output Ans. A-20 24. Which of the options are true Ans. A-Object references (of classes) can be defined as attribute of class D- Static attributes can not be accessed using instance variable 25. Match the following A. Polymorphism B. Encapsulation C. Abstraction D. Inheritance Ans. C. A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 26. Consider the source code below. Which module will be executed before the screen is displayed? PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT, MODULE read_data. PROCESS AFTER INPUT, MODULE calculate Ans. C, read_data 27. Identify all the OOPS concepts utilized in below source code. Choose the two appropriate options Ans. A-Interface, C-Abstraction 28. There are total 100 records in SBOOK table and 50 records in SFLIGHT table. In this, only 10 records are matching with CARRID = AA in SBOOK and no record in SFLIGHT table matches this condition. After select statement on SBOOK, how many records will be there in internal table T_SBOOK? Ans.B.10 29. This request type is used when the development system of individual objects is to be changed on a permanent basis. It allows to change the original location to the largest system and a change to the package at the same time. Ans. E-Relocation of a complete package 30. Match the following 1. Information 2. Success 3. Abend 4. Exit 5. Warning 6. Error Ans. A. 1-A,2-D,3-B,4-F,5-E,6-C 31. Predict the output Ans. B. This is parent class : 10:33:21 32. In a module pool program, in the screen there is an input box whose technical name is CARRID. In the flow logic, there is a piece of code like below </ code> But at the time of activation, the error below is displayed. Field ‘CARRID’ is unknown. What can be the reason? Ans.C. The variable CARRID is not declared in top include declaration 33. How to implement a local class? Ans. A. CLASS cl_main DEFINITION CLASS cl_main IMPLEMENTATION. ENDCLASS 34. Which methods are not implemented in the same class? Ans.B. abstract 35. Which global classes needs to be instantiated in order to achieve ALV OOPS? Choose the two most appropriate options. Ans. B. CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER D. CL_GUI_ALV_GRID 36. Predict the output. CLASS calculator DEFINITION ABSTRACT . . .CLASS Ans. C. Syntax Error 37. I have, Only one returning parameter Only importing parameters Exceptions are possible Who am I? Ans. A. Functional Method 38. How many times static constructor is executed? Ans. A.1 39. What message is displayed at the bottom of the current screen where the user must make changes to the values on the current location. After pressing the “Enter” key on the current screen, the user will be taken to the next screen only if appropriate corrections are made. Ans. D.Error 40. What is true about interface Ans. B. They have only method definition 41. State True or False 1. A Static constructor is always named as CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR 2. It gets executed with every new instance of the class. Ans. A. 1-TRUE, 2-False 42. What changes will you do to the source code to improve its performance?(B) Ans. A-Avoid using SELECT B-Avoid using nested loop E-Avoid using SELECT statement within loop 43. Match the following 1. Set screen 2. Call screen 3. Leave screen Ans. A. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C. 44. What are the characteristics of Abstract Class? Choose two most appropriate options Ans. A- Abstract method cannot be implemented in the same class in which it is defined. D-Abstract class contain both definition and Implementation but cannot be instantiated. 45. How to improve the performance of below source code? Ans. A. Sort internal table T_SFLIGHT using field FLDATE before the read statement 46. Match the following for component of screen painter 1. Attribute 2. Layout 3. Element list 4. Flow logic editor Ans.A, 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D 47. When overflow occurs which exception is raised? Ans. B. CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 48. Which statements are true about static methods? Ans. A, C, D A-Can utilize only static components during implementation C-An instance is not required to access these methods D-Keyword to define static method is CLASS-METHODS 49. Which site can be used to check SAP Provided fixes? Ans. A. SAP Marketplace 50. Predict the output Ans. A. Syntax Error CLASS find_time DEFINITION….. 51.__(Unreadable)________________can be defined as ____ method? Ans. C. Any 52. ___(Unreadable)_________before the screen is displayed to the user? Ans. C. PBO 53. For which object you need to use Function code in menu painter. Ans. A-Menu Items, B-Application and Standard toolbar buttons, C-Function Keys 54. Topic: ABAP_Basic, Sub_Type_Module Pool _____(Unreadable)_______ SET PARAMETER ID statement in PAI module,we can set______ field attribute in the screen. Ans. C. SPA 55. In module program screen, there is an input field INPUT of type Char. In the flow logic, VALUES statement is used like below FIELD input values (‘AA’, ’AB’, ‘LH’ ) What exactly does this statement do during execution?(Choose 3 most appropriate options) Ans. B- It will restrict the user to enter only ‘AA’, ‘AB’ or ‘LH’. C- It will give error if user is not entering ‘AA’, ‘AB’ or ‘LH’. D- It will add F4 help values to INPUT having only ‘AA’, ‘AB’ or ‘LH’. 56. In the input screen, there is a statement written below. What will this do? PROCESS AFTER INPUT FIELD name MODULE validate ON REQUEST. Ans. B- Module ‘validate’ will be executed only if value for “carrid” field changes to another value. 57. Choose the most appropriate options for static attribute in a class. Ans. B-only one per class D- Statement : CLASS-DATA E-Also known as class attributes 58. Choose the error performing SELECT statements in the given options. Ans. A- SELECT* on a large table C-SELECT inside LOOP…ENDLOOP 59. Which of the following commands cannot be used for subscreen? Ans. ALL 60. Inputs on screen used to be handled in……? Ans. A-PAI in flow logic 61. The number of subscreen areas depend on how many subscreens are there in the…….? Ans. Main Screen 62. Topic: ABAP, Sub-topic: Performance Analysis T-code for SQL trade is. Choose the most appropriate option. Ans. C- ST05 63. What is the new version of Accenture’s internal ABAP quality analysis tool. It has the ability to perform static as well as runtime quality analysis. Ans. A. ACRTS 64.__(Unreadable)________SCREEN encountered? Choose the most appropriate options. Ans. A. The system immediately terminates the current screen’s PAI event and goes to the PBO event of the screen specified in NEXT SCREEN attribute. 65. Identify what is true about the abstract classes. Ans. ALL 66. Determine the output CLASS color DEFINITION….code… Ans. B-Syntax Error 67. Topic: ABAP, Sub-topic: Performance Analysis Which among the following tools can be used for performance check of program during runtime. Choose the two most appropriate options. Ans. B-SAT, D-ST05 68. What is true about local classes? Ans. C. Only 1 is true 69. Topic: Module pool, Sub_Topic: Tab strip which topics are true for tab strip? Choose the most appropriate options Ans. A- It allows to navigate between subscreens. B- Tablestrip screens may change with or without application server. 70. How to create transport request? Choose three most appropriate options. Ans. A- using t-code- SE09 B- using t-code- SE10 C-While saving any custom object 71. Choose the right syntax to make field invisible. Ans. A- loop at screen if screen-name =’P_MATNR’. screen-invisible =’1’. endif. modify screen. endloop. 72. Why is code review needed? Ans. A-Fix mistakes overlooked during development phase B-Improve Quality C- Reduce cost of rework 73. Identify the components of a class. Choose the 3 most appropriate options. Ans. A- Attributes, B-Events, D-Methods 74. Match the following 1. Required field check 2.Field format check 3. Foreign key check Ans.- 1-A, 2-B, 3-C 75. What is tcode for creating global classes? Ans. C-SE24 76. What is the fixed provided by SAP, when there are instances where standard SAP transactions do not work or give dump? Ans. A-SAP notes What initializes screens and responds to the user’s requests on the screens a) b) c) d) Screen Flow logic Dynpro Screen elements Answer : b What refers to the combination of the screen and its Flow Logic. a) b) c) d) Screen Flow logic Dynpro Screen elements Answer : c What is used to maintain all components of the screens a) b) c) d) Screen painter ABAP editor Menu painter ABAP dictionary Answer : a What is used to maintain the graphical user interface (GUI) which consists of the function key assignments, standard toolbar, application toolbar, menubar and titlebar. a) b) c) d) Screen painter ABAP editor Menu painter ABAP dictionary Answer : c What is used to maintain the graphical user interface (GUI) which consists of the function key assignments, standard toolbar, application toolbar, menubar and titlebar. a) b) c) d) SE51 SE80 SE41 SE81 Answer : b, c Where can be screen created? 2 answers are correct. a) b) c) d) Screen painter ABAP editor Menu painter ABAP dictionary Answer : a,b What cannot be created in screen painter? a) Screen attributes b) Screen layout c) Field attributes d) Menu items e) Flow logic Answer : d What is optional in screen attributes? a) Short description b) Screen type c) Next screen d) Screen number Answer : c What is optional in screen attributes? a) Short description b) Screen type c) Next screen d) Screen number Answer : c In screen there is an input field. When user enter value into it, I want to check if the value is available in my custom table? Where should I write the logic for the same? a) b) c) d) Process Before Output (PBO) Process After Input (PAI) Process On Help-Request (POH) Process On Value-Request (POV) Answer : b In screen there is an input field. When user enter value into it, I want to check if the value is available in my custom table? Where should I write the logic for the same? a) b) c) d) initialization Process After Input Start-of-selection At selection screen Answer : b Which command below is not supported in flow logic editor? a) b) c) d) Field Initialization Chain Loop at Answer : b In a module pool program, there are 3 screens. 100, 200 and 300. While running the transaction of this program, I want screen 300 to be shown first. How to do it? a) b) c) d) e) Create 300 first Mention 300 in t-code of program Call screen 300 in 100 and 200 All of above None of above Answer : b In a module pool program, there are 3 screens. 100, 200 and 300. While running the transaction of this program, I want screen 300 to be shown first. How to do it? a) b) c) d) e) Create 300 first Mention 300 in t-code of program Call screen 300 in 100 and 200 All of above None of above Answer : b In screen there is an input field MARA-MATNR. In flow logic, its written to validate the value, but upon activation it says MARA-MATNR is not available. What is best way to resolve this? a) b) c) d) Declare work area MARA Declare variable MARA-MATNR Declare MATNR Declare MARA using TABLES keyword in top include Answer : d In screen there is an input field MARA-MATNR. In flow logic, its written to validate the value, but upon activation it says MARA-MATNR is not available. What is best way to resolve this? a) b) c) d) Declare work area MARA Declare variable MARA-MATNR Declare MATNR Declare MARA using TABLES keyword in top include Answer : d How to execute module pool program? a) b) c) d) e) F8 Custom t-code Execute in new window All the above None of the above Answer : b How to execute module pool program? a) b) c) d) e) F8 Custom t-code Execute in new window All the above None of the above Answer : b What is not an automatic check in module pool screen? a) b) c) d) e) Mandatory field check Proper format Foreign key check Valid value Function of push button Answer : e What is not an automatic check in module pool screen? a) b) c) d) e) Mandatory field check Proper format Foreign key check Valid value Function of push button Answer : e This message type is displayed at the bottom of the next screen; therefore, the user cannot make any changes to the values on the current screen. Which is the message type? a) b) c) d) e) success information error warning abend Answer : a User defined checks can be done using which of the following methods? a) b) c) d) e) Issue error or warning message in PAI Module Issue error or warning message based on the outcome of SELECT statement in flow logic Use VALUES statement in flow logic to define the valid values All of above None of above Answer : d How to set default values to the screen fields? a) b) c) d) e) Assign values in PBO module Using SET GET Using SPA GPA Using DEFAULT keyword Using VALUE addition Answer : a,b, c Where to create screen status? a) b) c) d) Screen Layout Screen painter Menu painter Screen attributes Answer : c What is populated in SY-UCOMM a) b) c) d) Function module Function code Function type Function level Answer : b What is populated in SY-UCOMM a) b) c) d) Function module Function code Function type Function level Answer : b For which of the below item, function code cannot be assigned? a) b) c) d) e) Menu items Application and Standard toolbar button Function keys Push buttons Radio button Answer : e For which of the below item, function code cannot be assigned? a) b) c) d) e) Menu items Application and Standard toolbar button Function keys Push buttons Radio button Answer : e For which of the below item, function code cannot be assigned? a) b) c) d) e) Menu items Application and Standard toolbar button Function keys Push buttons Radio button Answer : e GUI status can be set in PBO by the statement using which of the following? a) b) c) d) SET SET SET SET PF-STATUS ‘xxxxx’. PFSTATUS ‘xxxxx’. STATUS ‘xxxxx’. PF-ST ‘xxxxx’. Answer : a To determine what function code the user invoked during the execution of Module pool, check which field? a) b) c) d) Ok code SY-UCOMM Both fields are updated and can be used any time. Both fields are updated. But sometimes, SY-UCOMM is not updated. So always check the OK Code. Answer : d In which event, it is recommended to initialize fields in module pool? a) b) c) d) e) INITIALIZE PBO PAI POH POV Answer : b What is the normal default function type? a) b) c) d) T P S E e) ‘ ‘ Answer : e Function type used to conditionally execute PAI modules with AT EXIT-COMMAND a) b) c) d) T P S E e) ‘ ‘ Answer : d In which event it is possible to conditionally execute modules? a) b) c) d) PBO PAI POH POV Answer : b In which event it is possible to conditionally execute modules? a) b) c) d) PBO PAI POH POV Answer : b With this addition to the “MODULE” statement, a module will be executed only if the specified field’s value is not equal to the initial value appropriate to its data type a) ON INPUT b) ON REQUEST c) both d) None Answer : a PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE validate. MODULE exit AT EXIT-COMMAND. In screen there is an input field MARA-MATNR which is mandatory field. User didn’t enter any value into the field and pressed exit button with function type ‘E’. What will happen? a) MODULE validate gets executed. b) System prompts to enter value in mandatory field c) MODULE exit gets executed d) None of above Answer : c When the system encounters this ABAP statement, it immediately terminates the screen’s PAI event and goes to the PBO event of the screen specified in the “Next Screen” attribute. a) CALL SCREEN b) SET SCREEN c) LEAVE SCREEN d) All e) none Answer : c When the system encounters this ABAP statement, it immediately terminates the screen’s PAI event and goes to the PBO event of the screen specified in the “Next Screen” attribute. a) CALL SCREEN b) SET SCREEN c) LEAVE SCREEN d) All e) none Answer : c The BACK, EXIT, and CANCEL functions must be handled in which event? a) PBO b) PAI c) POH d) POV Answer : B What is the output of the code below? MODULE user_command INPUT. WRITE:/ “List”. ENDMODULE. a) List is printed b) List won’t get printed c) List is printed if any push button is there in screen d) None of above Answer : b What is true about subscreen? a) It is same as main screen with reduced size b) Main screen contains one or many subscreens c) You can have more than one subscreen area d) None of above Answer : b,c How to create subscreen? a) A subscreen is created just like any other screen of Module pool b) The screen type for a subscreen is called “Subscreen”. c) Subscreen should be created in layout of main screen d) There is no as such subscreen, it is main screen with reduced size Answer : a,b What is CALL SUBSCREEN used in PBO for? a) To convert main screen to subscreen b) To create a subscreen c) To include a subscreen in a predefined area on the “main” screen d) None of above Answer : c What is CALL SUBSCREEN used in PBO for? a) To convert main screen to subscreen b) To create a subscreen c) To include a subscreen in a predefined area on the “main” screen d) None of above Answer : c CALL SUBSCREEN” statement cannot be used inside in ( 2 ans) a) loop b) chain c) module d) PBO Answer : a,b CALL SUBSCREEN” statement cannot be used inside in ( 2 ans) a) loop b) chain c) module d) PBO Answer : a,b Which one below will work only when used in first PBO module? a) Suppress dialog b) Call screen c) Call subscreen d) Set Answer : a There is a password input field in screen, which field below in SCREEN internal table can be used to make it such a way that user is not able to see what is entered here? a) screen-invisible = ‘TRUE’. b) screen-invisible = ‘1’. c) screen-invisible = ‘0’. d) screen-invisible = ‘X’. Answer : b A tabstrip is defined in screen with name TSTRIP. What should be declared in top include of main program? a) CONTROLS: tabstrip TYPE TABSTRIP. b) TYPE : tstrip TYPE TABSTRIP. c) CONTROLS: tstrip TYPE TABSTRIP. d) DATA : tstrip TYPE TABSTRIP. Answer : c Which system variable will contain program name? a) SY-REPID b) SY-REPORT c) SY-PROGM d) SY-PROG Answer : a Which system variable will contain program name? a) SY-REPID b) SY-REPORT c) SY-PROGM d) SY-PROG Answer : a Which is not a feature of ABAP OOPS? a) Encapsulation b) Polymorphism c) Abstraction d) Enumeration e) Inheritance Answer : d What provides a sketch or a blueprint for all instances created from it? a) Method b) Class c) Reference object d) Both a and b e) Both b and c Answer : b What provides a sketch or a blueprint for all instances created from it? a) Method b) Class c) Reference object d) Both a and b e) Both b and c Answer : b What is true about a class? ( 2 answers are correct) a) It is possible to define a class inside another class b) It is not possible to define a class inside another class c) Local auxiliary classes for global classes can be defined d) Local auxiliary classes for global classes cannot be defined Answer : b, c What is true about a class? ( 2 answers are correct) a) It is possible to define a class inside another class b) It is not possible to define a class inside another class c) Local auxiliary classes for global classes can be defined d) Local auxiliary classes for global classes cannot be defined Answer : b, c CLASS lcl_company IMPLEMENTATION. ENDCLASS. What is the above part of class used for? a) Define the attributes of class b) Define methods of class c) Implement methods of class d) All of above e) None of above Answer : c CLASS lcl_company IMPLEMENTATION. ENDCLASS. What is the above part of class used for? a) Define the attributes of class b) Define methods of class c) Implement methods of class d) All of above e) None of above Answer : c TYPE REF TO is used for? a) Declare instance of class b) Declare reference object of class c) Create object d) None of above Answer : b This attributes usually contain information that applies to all instances. Data that is the same in all instances. a) Instance b) static c) Both d) None of above Answer : b This attributes Can only be viewed only within the class and no Direct Access from outside of the class a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) None of above Answer : a Which component selector can be used for accessing instance attributes of class? a) -> b) => c) :: d) <-> Answer : a What can access all attributes in their class and can therefore change the state of an object? a) Method b) Instance c) Variables d) All e) None Answer : a What can access all attributes in their class and can therefore change the state of an object? a) Method b) Instance c) Variables d) All e) None Answer : a When object (instance) is created in memory, this is the first method that is executed automatically by the runtime environment. a) Instance methods b) Static methods c) Constructor d) Functional method Answer : c What are not possible in constructor method?(2 Ans) a) IMPORTING b) EXPORTING c) RETURNING d) EXCEPTIONS Answer : a,d Where is global exception class created? a) SE24 b) SE38 c) SE37 d) SE41 Answer : a Which is the parent class from which all the exception classes are inherited? a) CX_ROOT b) CX_BASE c) CX_PARENT d) CX_EXCEPTION Answer : a Which is the parent class from which all the exception classes are inherited? a) CX_ROOT b) CX_BASE c) CX_PARENT d) CX_EXCEPTION Answer : a Class LCL_TREE is parent class and LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE are inherited from LCL_TREE. In main program its not possible to instantiate LCL_TREE, however its possible to instantiate LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE. What can be the reason LCL_TREE can’t do the same? a) LCL_TREE is private class b) LCL_TREE is abstract class c) LCL_TREE is exception class d) None of above Answer : b Class LCL_TREE is abstract class where it have two methods BRANCH (abstract method) and LEAF (instance method). LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE are inherited from LCL_TREE. Where should be LEAF be implemented? a) Either LCL_MANGO or LCL_APPLE b) LCL_TREE c) LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE d) LCL_MANGO or LCL_APPLE or LCL_TREE Answer : b Class LCL_TREE is class where it have two instance methods BRANCH and LEAF. LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE are inherited from LCL_TREE. Where should be LEAF be implemented? a) Either LCL_MANGO or LCL_APPLE b) LCL_TREE c) LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE d) LCL_MANGO or LCL_APPLE or LCL_TREE Answer : b Class LCL_TREE is class where it have two instance methods BRANCH and LEAF. LCL_MANGO and LCL_APPLE are inherited from LCL_TREE. The method LEAF is defined in PUBLIC SECTION and have one importing parameter COLOR. In LCL_MANGO, the method LEAF must be redefined. What is true about redefinition? a) Another importing parameter TEXTURE can be added while redefinition b) No new importing parameters can be added while redefinition c) Method name LEAF can be renamed to APPLE_LEAF d) It is not possible to redefine method LEAF in child classes Answer : b What contains only method definition and a class inheriting should implement them? a) ABSTRACT class b) INTERFACE c) both d) None Answer : b What needs to be done for Including an ALV Grid Control Instance in a dialog program? a) SAP Grid Control b) Custom container control c) both d) None Answer : c How to Trigger the created event in a method of the same class? a) EVENTS / CLASS-EVENTS eventname b) RAISE EVENT eventname c) [CLASS-]METHODS…FOR EVENT…OF d) SET HANDLER Answer : b Any changes in Custom developed ( or workbench) objects are saved under? a) Workbench request b) Custom request c) Customizing request d) Both a & b Answer : a Changes in SAP standard objects using SNOTES are always saved under which task? a) Development b) Repair c) unclassified d) Workbench e) customizing Answer : a How can transport request be created? a) During program creation, when TR is asked b) Through SE09 c) Through SE01 d) All above e) None of above Answer : d Program ZLOADTEST is saved in TR LSH234. It is released after completion. There is a defect raised for the same. Developer changed the program. Where can it be saved? a) TR LSH234 b) A new TR must be created c) Either a or b d) Its not possible to change the program once released e) None of above Answer : b Program ZLOADTEST is saved in TR LSH234. It is released after completion. There is a defect raised for the same. Developer changed the program. Where can it be saved? a) TR LSH234 b) A new TR must be created c) Either a or b d) Its not possible to change the program once released e) None of above Answer : b What among below can maps profiles specified in the user master record to decide if the user has enough authorizations. a) AUTHORITY-MAP b) CHECK-AUTHORITY c) AUTHORIZATION-CHECK d) AUTHORITY-CHECK Answer : D What among below can maps profiles specified in the user master record to decide if the user has enough authorizations. a) AUTHORITY-MAP b) CHECK-AUTHORITY c) AUTHORIZATION-CHECK d) AUTHORITY-CHECK Answer : D Among below options, what generally users have restricted/no authorizations access in production system? ( 3 ans) a) Changing source code b) debugging with replace c) transport request creation d) Opening t-codes which are non-critical Answer : a,b,c One of the SAP transactions is giving dump with unknown errors. How to deal with it? a) Debug the transaction, find the issue and modify the source code b) Check if SAP note is available, download and apply c) Nothing can do since it is standard transaction d) All above will work e) None will work Answer : b Developer has completed the program ZUPDATE. What must he/she do next to improve code quality? ( 2 ans) a) Examine source code using ACRTS tool b) Send code for peer review c) Release the code to quality system d) Nothing his/her job is done Answer : a,b In Accenture delivery suite, what helps in instilling more discipline, providing for reduced risks and more reliability in delivery? a) Standard tools and architectures b) Multliple workforces c) Delivery centres d) Productivity Answer : a ABAP Questions 1. If a table does not have MANDT as part of the primary key, it is ____. A: A structure B: Invalid C: Client-independent D: Not mandatory 2. In regard to CALL, which of the following is NOT a valid statement? A: CALL FUNCTION B: CALL SCREEN C: CALL TRANSACTION D: CALL PROGRAM 3. Name the type of ABAP Dictionary table that has these characteristics: Same number of fields as the database table Same name as database table Maps 1:1 to database table A: Pooled B: Cluster C: Transparent D: View 4. An event starts with an event keyword and ends with: A: Program execution. B: END-OF-EVENT. C: Another event keyword. D: END-EVENT. 5. What is the system field for the current date? A: SY-DATUM B: SY-DATE C: SY-DATID D: SY-SDATE 6. The following code indicates: SELECT fld1 fld2 FROM tab1 APPENDING TABLE itab WHERE fld1 IN sfld1. A: Add rows to the existing rows of itab. B: Add rows to itab after first deleting any existing rows of itab. C: Select rows from tab1 for matching itab entries. D: Nothing, this is a syntax error. 7. You may change the following data object as shown below so that it equals 3.14. CONSTANTS: PI type P decimals 2 value '3.1'. PI = '3.14'. A: True B: False 8. The SAP service that ensures data integrity by handling locking is called: A: Update B: Dialog C: Enqueue/Dequeue D: Spool 9. Which of these sentences most accurately describes the GET VBAK LATE. event? A: This event is processed before the second time the GET VBAK event is processed. B: This event is processed after all occurrences of the GET VBAK event are completed. C: This event will only be processed after the user has selected a basic list row. D: This event is only processed if no records are selected from table VBAK. 10. Which of the following is not a true statement in regard to a hashed internal table type? A: Its key must always be UNIQUE. B: May only be accessed by its key. C: Response time for accessing a row depends on the number of entries in the table. D: Declared using internal table type HASHED TABLE. 11. TO include database-specific SQL statements within an ABAP program, code them between: A: NATIVE SQL_ENDNATIVE. B: DB SQL_ENDDB. C: SELECT_ENDSELECT. D: EXEC SQL_ENDEXEC. 12. To measure how long a block of code runs, use the ABAP statement: A: GET TIME. B: SET TIME FIELD. C: GET RUN TIME FIELD. D: SET CURSOR FIELD. 13. When a secondary list is being processed, the data of the basic list is available by default. A: True B: False 14. Given: DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 10, qty type I, END OF itab. DO 25 TIMES. itab-qty = sy-index. APPEND itab. ENDDO. LOOP AT itab WHERE qty > 10. WRITE: /1 itab-qty. ENDLOOP. This will result in: A: Output of only those itab rows with a qty field less than 10 B: Output of the first 10 itab rows with a qty field greater than 10 C: A syntax error D: None of the above 15. After a DESCRIBE TABLE statement SY-TFILL will contain A: The number of rows in the internal table. B: The current OCCURS value. C: Zero, if the table contains one or more rows. D: The length of the internal table row structure. 16. You may declare your own internal table type using the TYPES keyword. A: True B: False 17. After adding rows to an internal table with COLLECT, you should avoid adding more rows with APPEND. A: True B: False 18. Which of the following is not a component of control break processing when looping at an internal table? A: AT START OF B: AT FIRST C: AT LAST D: AT NEW 19. A dictionary table is made available for use within an ABAP program via the TABLES statement. A: True B: False 20. Which of the following would be best for hiding further selection criteria until a function is chosen? A: AT NEW SELECTION-SCREEN B: SELECTION-SCREEN AT LINE-SELECTION C: SUBMIT SELECTION-SCREEN D: CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 21. What must you code in the flow logic to prevent a module from being called unless a field contains a non-initial value (as determined by its data type)? A: ON INPUT B: CHAIN C: FIELD D: ON REQUEST 22. The AT USER-COMMAND event is triggered by functions defined in the ____. A: screen painter B: ABAP report C: menu painter status D: ABAP Dictionary 23. In regard to a function group, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: Combines similar function modules. B: Shares global data with all its function modules. C: Exists within the ABAP workbench as an include program. D: Shares subroutines with all its function modules. 24. In regard to SET PF-STATUS, you can deactivate unwanted function codes by using ____. A: EXCLUDING B: IMMEDIATELY C: WITHOUT D: HIDE 25. In regard to data transported in PAI when the FIELD statement is used, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: Fields in PBO are transported directly from PAI. B: Fields with identical names are transported to the ABAP side. C: Fields not defined in FIELD statements are transported first. D: Fields that are defined in FIELD statements are transported when their corresponding module is called. 26. The order in which an event appears in the ABAP code determines when the event is processed. A: True B: False 27. A field declared as type T has the following internal representation: A: SSMMHH B: HHMMSS C: MMHHSS D: HHSSMM 28. Which of the following is NOT a component of the default standard ABAP report header? A: Date and Time B: List title C: Page number D: Underline 29. Assuming a pushbutton with function code 'FUNC' is available in the toolbar of a list report, what event is processed when the button is clicked? A: AT USER-COMMAND. B: AT PFn. C: AT SELECTION-SCREEN. D: END-OF-SELECTION. 30. In regard to field selection, what option of the SELECT statement is required? A: FOR ALL ENTRIES B: WHERE C: INTO D: MOVE-CORRESPONDING 31. The following program outputs what? report zjgtest1 write: /1 'Ready_'. PARAMETER: test. INITIALIZATION. write: /1 'Set_'. START-OF-SELECTION. write: /1 'GO!!'. A: Set_ GO!! (each on its own line) B: Set_ Ready_ GO!! (all on their own lines) C: Ready_ GO!! (each on its own line) D: Ready_ Set_ GO!! (all on their own lines) 32. To declare a selection criterion that does not appear on the selection screen, use: A: NO-DISPLAY B: INVISIBLE C: MODIF ID D: OBLIGATORY 33. An internal table that is nested within another internal table should not contain a header line. A: True B: False 34. What is output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, letter type c, END OF itab. itab-letter = 'A'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'B'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'C'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'D'. APPEND itab. LOOP AT itab. SY-TABIX = 2. WRITE itab-letter. EXIT. ENDLOOP. A: A B: A B C D C: B D: B C D 35. To select all database entries for a certain WHERE clause into an internal table in one step, use A: SELECT_INTO TABLE itab_ B: SELECT_INTO itab_ C: SELECT_APPENDING itab D: SELECT_itab_ 36. After a successful SELECT statement, what does SY-SUBRC equal? A: 0 B: 4 C: 8 D: Null 37. This selection screen syntax forces the user to input a value: A: REQUIRED-ENTRY B: OBLIGATORY C: DEFAULT D: SELECTION-SCREEN EXCLUDE 38. If the following code results in a syntax error, the remedy is: DATA: itab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF rec_type WITH UNIQUE KEY field1 WITH HEADER LINE. itab-field1 = 'Company'. itab-field2 = '1234'. INSERT TABLE itab. itab-field1 = 'Bank'. itab-field2 = 'ABC'. INSERT TABLE itab. SORT itab. LOOP AT itab. write: /1 itab-field1, itab-field2. ENDLOOP. A: There is no syntax error here B: Remove the SORT statement C: Change INSERT to APPEND D: Add a WHERE clause to the loop 39. If this code results in an error, the remedy is: SELECT fld1 fld2 FROM tab1 WHERE fld3 = pfld3. WRITE: /1 tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2. ENDSELECT. A: Add a SY-SUBRC check. B: Change the WHERE clause to use fld1 or fld2. C: Remove the /1 from the WRITE statement. D: Add INTO (tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2). 40. When modifying an internal table within LOOP AT itab. _ ENDLOOP. you must include an index number. A: True B: False 41. To allow the user to enter values on the screen for a list field, use: A: OPEN LINE. B: SET CURSOR FIELD. C: WRITE fld AS INPUT FIELD. D: FORMAT INPUT ON. 42. Before a function module may be tested, it must first be: A: Linked B: Authorized C: Released D: Active 43. To include a field on your screen that is not in the ABAP Dictionary, which include program should contain the data declaration for the field? A: PBO module include program B: TOP include program C: PAI module include program D: Subroutine include program 44. If a table contains many duplicate values for a field, minimize the number of records returned by using this SELECT statement addition. A: MIN B: ORDER BY C: DISTINCT D: DELETE 45. The system internal table used for dynamic screen modification is named: A: ITAB B: SCREEN C: MODTAB D: SMOD 46. Within the source code of a function module, errors are handled via the keyword: A: EXCEPTION B: RAISE C: STOP D: ABEND 47. Which system field contains the contents of a selected line? A: SY-CUCOL B: SY-LILLI C: SY-CUROW D: SY-LISEL 48. The following statement writes what type of data object? WRITE: /1 'Total Amount:'. A: Text literal B: Text variable C: In-code comment D: Text integer 49. For the code below, second_field is of what data type? DATA: first_field type P, second_field like first_field. A: P B: C C: N D: D 50. Which of the following describes the internal representation of a type D data object? A: DDMMYYYY B: YYYYDDMM C: MMDDYYYY D: YYYYMMDD 51. A BDC program is used for all of the following except: A: Downloading data to a local file B: Data interfaces between SAP and external systems C: Initial data transfer D: Entering a large amount of data 52. In regard to PERFORM, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: May be used within a subroutine. B: Requires actual parameters. C: Recursive calls are allowed in ABAP. D: Can call a subroutine in another program. 53. What is the transaction code for the ABAP Editor? A: SE11 B: SE38 C: SE36 D: SE16 54. In regard to HIDE, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: Saves the contents of variables in relation to a list line's row number. B: The hidden variables must be output on a list line. C: The HIDE area is retrieved when using the READ LINE statement. D: The HIDE area is retrieved when an interactive event is triggered. 55. Database locks are sufficient in a multi-user environment. A: True B: False 56. The complete technical definition of a table field is determined by the field's: A: Domain B: Field name C: Data type D: Data element 57. In regard to LEAVE, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: May be used to return immediately to a calling program. B: May be used to stop the current loop pass and get the next. C: May be used to start a new transaction. D: May be used to go to the next screen. 58. The following code indicates: SELECT fld6 fld3 fld2 fld1 FROM tab1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE itab WHERE fld3 = pfld3. A: The order of the fields in itab does not matter. B: Fill the header line of itab, but not the body. C: Table itab can only contain fields also in table tab1. D: None of the above. 59. The ABAP statement below indicates that the program should continue with the next line of code if the internal table itab: CHECK NOT itab[] IS INITIAL. A: Contains no rows B: Contains at least one row C: Has a header line D: Has an empty header line 60. What will be output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, fval type i, END OF itab. itab-fval = 1. APPEND itab. itab-fval = 2. APPEND itab. FREE itab. WRITE: /1 itab-fval. A: 2 B: 0 C: blank D: 1 61. To allow the user to enter a range of values on a selection screen, use the ABAP keyword: A: DATA. B: RANGES. C: PARAMETERS. D: SELECT-OPTIONS. 62. If an internal table is declared without a header line, what else must you declare to work with the table's rows? A: Another internal table with a header line. B: A work area with the same structure as the internal table. C: An internal table type using the TYPES statement. D: A PARAMETER. 63. Assuming an internal table contains 2000 entries, how many entries will it have after the following line of code is executed? DELETE itab FROM 1500 TO 1700. A: This is a syntax error. B: 1801 C: 1800 D: 1799 64. To remove lines from a database table, use ____. A: UPDATE B: MODIFY C: ERASE D: DELETE 65. All of the following may be performed using SET CURSOR except: A: Move the cursor to a specific field on a list. B: Move the cursor to a specific list line. C: Move the cursor to a specific pushbutton, activating that function. D: Move the cursor to a specific row and column on a list. 66. When is it optional to pass an actual parameter to a required formal parameter of a function module? A: The actual parameter is type C. B: The formal parameter contains a default value. C: The formal parameter's \"Reference\" attribute is turned on. D: It is never optional. 67. Coding two INITIALIZATION events will cause a syntax error. A: True B: False 68. Adding a COMMIT WORK statement between SELECT_ENDSELECT is a good method for improving performance. A: True B: False 69. To save information on a list line for use after the line is selected, use this keyword. A: APPEND B: EXPORT C: WRITE D: HIDE 70. To bypass automatic field input checks, include this in PAI. A: AT EXIT-COMMAND B: ON INPUT C: ON REQUEST D: LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. 71. Within a function module's source code, if the MESSAGE_RAISING statement is executed, all of the following system fields are filled automatically except: A: SY-MSGTY B: SY-MSGNO C: SY-MSGV1 D: SY-MSGWA 72. The following code indicates: REPORT ZLISTTST. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: text-001. FORMAT HOTSPOT ON. WRITE: text-002. FORMAT HOTSPOT OFF. AT LINE-SELECTION. WRITE / text-003. A: Text-002 may not be selected. B: The value of text-002 is stored in a special memory area. C: Text-002 may be clicked once to trigger the output of text-003. D: None of the above. 73. The ____ type of ABAP Dictionary view consists of one or more transparent tables and may be accessed by an ABAP program using Open SQL. A: Database view B: Projection view C: Help view D: Entity view 74. A concrete field is associated with a field-symbol via ABAP keyword A: MOVE B: WRITE C: ASSIGN D: VALUE 75. The output for the following code will be: report zabaprg. DATA: char_field type C. char_field = 'ABAP data'. WRITE char_field. A: ABAP data B: A C: Nothing, there is a syntax error D: None of the above 76. Page footers are coded in the event: A: TOP-OF-PAGE. B: END-OF-SELECTION. C: NEW-PAGE. D: END-OF-PAGE. 77. The event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. occurs before the selection screen is displayed and is the best event for assigning default values to selection criteria. A: True B: False 78. The TABLES statement declares a data object. A: True B: False 79. Assuming tab1-fld7 is not a key field, how can you prevent reading all the table rows? SELECT fld1 fld2 fld3 FROM tab1 INTO (fld4, fld5, fld6) WHERE fld7 = pfld7. WRITE: /1 fld4, fld5, fld6. ENDSELECT. A: Take fld7 out of the WHERE clause. B: Create an index in the ABAP Dictionary for tab1-fld7. C: Use INTO TABLE instead of just INTO. D: Take the WRITE statement out of the SELECT_ENDSELECT. 80. Which of the following is NOT a required attribute when creating an ABAP program? A: Application B: Title C: Status D: Type 81. When creating a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary, which step automatically creates the table in the underlying database? A: Adding technical settings to the table B: Checking the table syntax C: Saving the table D: Activating the table 82. Within the ABAP program attributes, Type = 1 represents: A: INCLUDE program B: Online program C: Module pool D: Function group E: Subroutine pool 83. If this code results in an error, the remedy is: SELECT fld1 SUM( fld1 ) FROM tab1 INTO_ A: Remove the spaces from SUM( fld1 ). B: Move SUM( fld1 ) before fld1. C: Add GROUP BY f1. D: Change to SUM( DISTINCT f1 ). 84. Which keyword adds rows to an internal table while accumulating numeric values? A: INSERT B: APPEND C: COLLECT D: GROUP 85. Assuming itab has a header line, what will be output by the following code? READ TABLE itab INDEX 3 TRANSPORTING field1. WRITE: /1 itab-field1, itab-field2. A: The contents of the third row's itab-field1. B: The contents of the third row's itab-field1 and itab-field2. C: The contents of the third row's itab-field2. D: Nothing. 86. The following code indicates: SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK B1. PARAMETERS: myparam(10) type C, Myparam2(10) type N, SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK. A: Draw a box around myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen. B: Allow myparam and myparam2 to be ready for input during an error dialog. C: Do not display myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen. D: Display myparam and myparam2 only if both fields have default values. 87. Which statement will sort the data of an internal table with fields FRUIT, QTY, and PRICE so that it appears as follows? FRUIT QTY PRICE Apples 12 22.50 Apples 9 18.25 Oranges 15 17.35 Bananas 20 10.20 Bananas 15 6.89 Bananas 5 2.75 A: SORT itab DESCENDING BY QTY PRICE. B: SORT itab BY PRICE FRUIT. C: SORT itab. D: SORT itab BY PRICE DESCENDING. 88. Which keyword adds a line anywhere within an internal table? A: APPEND B: MODIFY C: ADD D: INSERT 89. To read a single line of an internal table, use the following: A: LOOP AT itab. _ ENDLOOP. B: READ itab. C: SELECT SINGLE * FROM itab. D: READ TABLE itab. 90. Which Open SQL statement should not be used with cluster databases? A: UPDATE B: MODIFY C: DELETE D: INSERT 91. To include a field on your screen that is not in the ABAP Dictionary, which include program should contain the data declaration for the field? A: PBO module include program B: TOP include program C: PAI module include program D: Subroutine include program 92. This flow logic statement is used to make multiple fields open for input after an error or warning message. A: GROUP B: FIELD-GROUP C: CHAIN D: LOOP AT SCREEN 93. Given: PERFORM subroutine USING var. The var field is known as what type of parameter? A: Formal B: Actual C: Static D: Value 94. Full Buffering would be appropriate for A. Transaction Tables B. Small Static tables C. Internal Tables D. Tables with generic Keys 95 What is the basic object of data Dictionary A. Domains B. Documentation C. Data Models D. Dynpro 96 Search help cannot be attach to: A. Domain B. field of a table C. check table D. Type 97 Sub query usually are more efficient because: A. data is filtered in the database B. data is filtered on the network C. data is filtered in the sapgui D. data is filtered at the application server 98. It is better to buffer a table when A. When a table is read infrequently B. When a table is linked to check tables C. When a table is read frequently and the data seldom changes D. When a single record is to be picked up 99. In Inner and outter join A. buffers are always used B. Choice of buffer can be made to use C. buffers are always bypassed D. None of above 100. What is invalid attribute of a domain A. Type B. Fixed values C. Length D. Header 101. Data element is an example of A. Physical Definition B. Business Object C. Semantic Domain D. Technical Domain 102. What is true A. A view contains data B. Views can be buffered C. Views can not be buffered D. None of above 103. Command flushes the database buffers A. $TAB B. $RESET C. $INIT D. $FREE 104. How many lists can exist in parallel in an interactive reporting? A. An Interactive report can have 1 basic list and up to 20 Secondary lists. B. An Interactive report can have 1 basic list and up to 19 Secondary lists. C. An Interactive report can have 1 basic list and up to 19 Secondary lists. D. An Interactive report can have 1 basic list and up to 21 Secondary lists. 105. What are the check tables and value tables? (Multiple Answer) A. Check table will be at field level checking. B. Value table will be at domain level checking C Value table will be at field level checking D. Check table will be at domain level checking. 106.What are presentation and application servers in SAP? (Multiple Answer) A. Application server is actually a program named Sapgui.exe. It is usually installed On a user’s workstation. B. Application server is a set of executables that collectively interpret the ABAP/4 Programs and manage the input & output for them. C. Presentation server is actually a program named Sapgui.exe. It is usually installed On a user’s workstation. D. Presentation server is a set of executables that collectively interpret the ABAP/4 Programs and manage the input & output for them. 107.What is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous updates? (Multiple Answer) A. In synchronous processing, the program waits: control returns to the program only when the task has been completed. B. In asynchronous processing, the program does not wait: the system returns control after merely logging the request for execution. C. In asynchronous processing, the program waits: control returns to the program only when the task has been completed. D. In synchronous processing, the program does not wait: the system returns control after merely logging the request for execution. 108.What are the main events an interactive report have? (Multiple Answer) A. Top-of-page during line selection. B. At line-selection. C. At user-command. D. AT New 109.How many types of tables exist in data dictionary? (Multiple Answer) A. Transparent tables B. Internal Table C. Pool tables D. Hash Table E. Cluster tables F. Master Data Table 110. What is the difference between UPLOAD and WS_UPLOAD? (Multiple Answer) A. WS_UPLOAD - File transfer with dialog from presentation server file to internal table. Data which is available in a file on the presentation server is transferred in an internal table. ASCII & Binary files can be transferred. B. UPLOAD - To read data from the presentation server into an internal table without a user dialog, use the function module WS_UPLOAD. The most important parameters are listed below. C. UPLOAD - File transfer with dialog from presentation server file to internal table. Data which is available in a file on the presentation server is transferred in an internal table. ASCII & Binary files can be transferred. D.WS_UPLOAD - To read data from the presentation server into an internal table without a user dialog, use the function module WS_UPLOAD. The most important parameters are listed below. 111.Is Session Method, Asynchronous or Synchronous? A. Asynchronous B. Synchronous C. Synchronous and Asynchronous D. None of above 112. What are the differences between SAP memory and ABAP memory? (Multiple Answer) A. SAP Memory is a memory area in the internal session (roll area) of an ABAP program. Data within this area is retained within a sequence of program calls, allowing you to pass data between programs that call one another. It is also possible to pass data between sessions using SAP Memory. B. ABAP Memory is a memory area to which all sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session (as with ABAP memory) or to pass data from one session to another. C.ABAP Memory is a memory area in the internal session (roll area) of an ABAP program. Data within this area is retained within a sequence of program calls, allowing you to pass data between programs that call one another. It is also possible to pass data between sessions using SAP Memory. D.SAP Memory is a memory area to which all sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session (as with ABAP memory) or to pass data from one session to another. 113. Which data type cannot be used to define parameters. A. Type N B. Type C C. Type F D. Type P 114. What are the 2 boxes in your system for coding for Abap and their logins? Development System & IDES/Sandbox 115. If I get a problem on a report in Production server how can I modify the report. If the problem in production server we have to alter the program in Developemnt Client and transport it to QA client Test it throughly and then Transport it to Production. 116. Tell me about Tokens. Tokens are Issues sent by the Client to us. 117. How to Fix the bugs and where you will do those things. It Actuall Depends what kind of bugs they asked about: If it is a problem in Program, then we alter them in the SE38 (Develpment) and transport it after testing to Prd Server. 118. What is a sandboxes. SAND BOX is nothing but a test client other than Develpment Client or QA. 119. How to conncet the from ur office to clinet in US. It will be configured by the BASIS guys.. In the sap logon pad they will enter the application server id and Routing String and the SERver type in the Sytem Number.... with that we will connect 120. Tell me about VPN and the connections. Its a another way to connect to other PC. its a 3rd party utility.... 121. How to login ur system. Thru SAP Logon enter the client number ,user id & password. 122. What is the purpose of SE14. Database Utility to perform table maintenance such as deleting the table or adjusting the table when there is a structure change. 123. What is the purpose of SM30. SM30 is a table Maintanance for the Ztable Created by us. 124. In Data dictionary in the table creation,What is the purpose of Technical settings. To identify the Size of the Table Created and to Set whether buffering needs to be done for the table or not. 125. What is the purpose of buffering in technical settings and for what type of tables are using buffering. It will reduce the Network tarffic but disadvantage is it will not update the Server back immediately. 126. In reporting tell me all the events in a sequentail order. - Initialization. - At Selection-Screen - Start-of-Selection. - Top-of-Page. - At Pfn. - End-of-Page. - End-of-Selection. 127. One of my users has access to SE38 transaction, and so he can run the program developed by you. You have attached this report/transactional program to a particular Z* transaction. To restrict the users to Execute this program, what you do it from programming side? Check for Authorization object S_TCODE with value "Z----" in initialization event. (Code: Authority-check object 'S_TCODE' id 'TCD' field 'ZBC_REQ'.) 128. When we create a customer the information is updated in structure RF02D and Some tables like KNA1 are updated. How can we find the tables for master data transactions? Go to ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> application hierarchy - SAP -> (or SE81 transaction code) follow the customizing based tree for your application. Double click on a lowest level to get for the correct marked development class. Then, here you can find all the tables, views, logical databases etc.., 129. Within the TOP-OF-PAGE event the following code represents: write: /1 text-001. A: B: C: D: A selection text. A basic list row. A page footer A page header 130. Given the two ABAP Dictioary tables below, the Customer number field in table one must contain a value from table two. The Customer number field is known as a ____. Table one: Customer number (Primary key) Company code (Primary key) Other data Table two: Customer number (Primary key) Customer name Other data A: B: C: D: Secondary index Matchcode object Validation field Foreign key 131. The structure of a table has been changed in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Which of the following adjustments in the relevant database table is correct, if you want to retain the previous data? A. Delete and recreate the database table. B. Change the database directory (ALTER TABLE) where the structure change with ALTER TABLE is supported by the database. C. Convert the table. 132. Must Exits be predefined by SAP programmers? A. No B. Yes 133. What is the difference between external & internal subroutine? 1. Internal subroutines in the sense ..subroutines which are defined and used in a same program...external in the sense if you create a sub routine in one program and you're calling this subroutine in another program ..then this is external subroutine. 2. The name itself implies the internal subroutines defined by form /perform.. can be called within the same prog in which they were declared.....external subroutines can be called outside the program....... 134. Why do we use ALV? 1. ALV gives many advantages than a list like sorting summing getting graphics like that stuff. 2. SAP LIST VIEWER is ALV . its main advantage is by using ALV technique we can find totals ,subtotals ,sort in any order etc there itself in the list output of course we need to write all those functionalities while using ALV...also many functional modules are defined under ALV concept... 135. Why do we use GET CURSOR and what is it? 1. While generating a interactive report we will use get cursor..use is to get the value of the fiel under the cursor.. 2. GETCURSOR is used to trace the position of the cursor in the list .. suppose we want to double click on any filled in the list and want to trace data using that field we use getcursor ..... 136.Both the events AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT USER-COMMAND are processed after user input. Then what is the difference between these and when we should use what? 1. At selection screen is used to validate the fields in a selection screen...and at user command is used to modify the screen in a selection screen and in genarating secondary lists.. 2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN is used where you have a seperate selection screen using select-options or parameters where as AT USER-COMMAND is used where no selection screen is mainly used while setting pf-status which means creating our own menu with function codes etc... 137. BDC_INSERT is used to Insert rows in BDC. 138. What is the structure of the BDC table? The BDCDATA consists of the following fields: § PROGRAM [CHAR 40] - Online program name. § DYNPRO [NUMC 4] - Screen number. § DYNBEGIN [CHAR 1] - Flag to indicate the start of a new screen. § FNAM [CHAR 132] - Field name of a screen field to be filled with data. § FVAL [CHAR 132] - The actual value to be filled into the specified screen field. 139. What is the difference between BDC_OKCODE and BDC_CURSOR? BDC_OKCODE: is used for storing commands during the recording. like '/00' is the command for 'ENTER' Key. BDC_CURSOR: contains the cursor position. it contians the field in which cursor will be. Example code: perform bdc_field perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'PROJ-PSPID'. using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=BU'. 140. What are the 3 methods that we use in sequence in a Batch input session method ? 1) BDC_OPEN_GROUP for opening the Batch Input Session 2) BDC_INSERT for inserting the transactional data into SAP 3) BDC_CLOSE_GROUP for closing the Batch Input Session 141. What is your approach for writing a BDC program? Identify the Tcode and do the recording in SHDB to populate the BDCDATA. Once the recording is done , one can Transfer it to the Batch input program. In the batch Input program , The transactional data is read from the file to an internal table. Then one can loop over the transactional data in the internal table and start uploading the data in SAP either by CALL TRANSACTION method or by creating sessions through the batch input program. 142. What is the transaction for Recording BDC ? The Tcode is SHDB. 143. How do you read files from the Application server ? You can use the commands: OPEN DATASET ---> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write mode. READ DATASET ---> Read the file CLOSE DATASET ---> Close the dataset once the date has been read . 144. How do you read files from the presentation server ? You can use the Function Modules : GUI_UPLOAD --> To read data from file into an internal table GUI_DOWNLOAD --> To write data from internal table to a file on presentation server 145. Difference between SAP transaction and database transaction SAP corresponds to single database 146. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically? a) YES b) NO 147. Fields in database can be changed . TRUE 148. In regard to CALL, which of the following is NOT a valid statement? A: CALL FUNCTION B: CALL SCREEN C: CALL TRANSACTION D: CALL PROGRAM 149. Valid Joins on ABAP : • • • • • Equi Join Inner Join Outer Join Self Join All 150. To measure how long a block of code runs, use the ABAP statement: A: GET TIME . B: SET TIME FIELD . C: GET RUN TIME FIELD 151. Choose most appropriate option SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK ABC FRAME__________ . SELECTION SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN ABC WINDOW . SELECTION SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN ABC . ALL OF ABOVE 152. Difference between select single * and select * upto 1 row SELECT SINGLE returns the first matching row for the given condition and it may not be unique, if there are more matching rows for the given condition. SELECT ... UP TO 1 ROWS retrieves all the matching records and applies aggregation and ordering and returns the first record. Inorder to check for the existence of a record then it is better to use SELECT SINGLE than using SELECT ... UP TO 1 ROWS since it uses low memory and has better performance." According to SAP Performance course the SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS is faster than SELECT SINGLE because you are not using all the primary key fields. 153. Edit_mask is To apply the report output formatting options same as in the WRITE statement in report writing. DATA TIME TYPE T VALUE '093017'. WRITE (8) TIME USING EDIT MASK '__:__:__'. "Output: 09:30:17 In this example, the internal length (of type T) is six characters, while the output length is eight. 154.ABAP programmer can create a table with fields not referring to data elements? TRUE 155. BDC Transaction Vs Session Call transaction: 1.Synchronous Processing. 2.Synchronous and Asynchronous database updates. 3.Transfer of data for individual transaction, 4.Not suited for bulk transfer. 5.No automatic errror handling. Session: 1.Asynchronous Processing. 2.Synchronous database updates. 3.Transfer of data for multiple transactions. 4.Best suited for bulk transfer. 5.Automatic errror handling. 6.SAP's standard approach for data transfer 156. You may change the following data object as shown below so that it equals 3.14. CONSTANTS: PI type P decimals 2 value '3.1'. PI = '3.14'. A: True B: False 157. TO include database-specific SQL statements within an ABAP program, code them between: A: NATIVE SQL_ENDNATIVE. B: DB SQL_ENDDB. C: SELECT_ENDSELECT. D: EXEC SQL_ENDEXEC. 158. Which fetaure of SQL is not in Open SQL. • • • Buffering can't be done. Open SQL is not portable. It is compatible to all databases 159. The following code indicates: SELECT fld1 fld2 FROM tab1 APPENDING TABLE itab WHERE fld1 IN sfld1. A: Add rows to the existing rows of itab. B: Add rows to itab after first deleting any existing rows of itab. C: Select rows from tab1 for matching itab entries. D: Nothing, this is a syntax error. 160. After a DESCRIBE TABLE statement SY-TFILL will contain A: The number of rows in the internal table. B: The current OCCURS value. C: Zero, if the table contains one or more rows. D: The length of the internal table row structure. 170. What is the system field for the current date? A: SY-DATUM B: SY-DATE C: SY-DATID D: SY-SDATE 171.A BDC program is used for all of the following except: A: Downloading data to a local file B: Data interfaces between SAP and external systems C: Initial data transfer D: Entering a large amount of data 172. After adding rows to an internal table with COLLECT, you should avoid adding more rows with APPEND. A: True B: False 173. Which statement is NOT TRUE about Transparent Table : • Transparent table correspond to single database table. • Transparent table and database table have same name,same fields. • Transparent table and database table have different name,different fields 174. Which is Interactive report event • TOP OF PAGE • SET PF • AT LINE SELECTION 175. ABAP programmers can create their own data types? a) TRUE b) FALSE 176. Which of the following is NOT a required attribute when creating an ABAP program? A: Application B: Title C: Status D: Type 177. TCode for SQL Trace? ST05 or DB05 178. Table T000 stores what? Client master data 179, Which of the sentences below is false? a. b. c. d. ABAP is 3G language ABAP is procedural ABAP is built on OO concepts ABAP is event driven language 180. Local time of the presentation server is stored in which system variable? SY-TIMELO Note: Application Server’s time is stored in SY-UZEIT 181. Syntax for Native SQL Exec…End Exec 182. TCode for Data Model? SD11 183. How to catch an exception? Catch…EndCatch 184. For what purpose HIDE is used for? HIDE keyword is used to store the selected data (record) in the backend. This is used in the “Interactive List”. 185. How to fetch data from a specific client? Using the addition “CLIENT SPECIFIED <client number>” in the Select query. 186. Conversion Exits are attached at what level? At the Domain level 187. TCode for Spool viewer and Spool Administration? SP01 and SPAD respectively 188. Which of the following can not be created using SE11? a. b. c. d. Views Type Pools Lock Objects Search Help e. ALL 189. Authority check is performed by ABAP using: a. b. c. d. Authority-Check Authority_Check_Dataset System does it automatically None 190 Selection screen is? An interface between program and user 191. Which clause is used for Search help? MATCHCODE OBJECT 192. Which statement is true? a. Primary index contains all the primary fields b. Secondary index can contain non primary fields 193. What happens in the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN? Validations 194. How many types of Messages are there? 6= A, X, E, W, I and S 195. Relationship between Domain and Data elements. a. One domain can correspond to many Data Elements b. One Data Element can have only ONE domain 196. Which statement triggers TOP-OF-PAGE event? Both WRITE and SKIP statements 197. Which Search Help has highest precedence? Search Help attached at Field Level 198. ABAP Programs are – a. Client dependent b. Client independent Table data are – c. Client dependent d. Client independent 199. Difference between APPEND and COLLECT keywords? Append: Always adds a row Collect: may or may not add a row 200. Which FM is used to transfer the data from the Presentation Server to Application Server? GUI_UPLOAD 201. Instruction to write data to a file on application server? TRANSFER 202. How can you view the short dump (run time errors)? Using TCode ST22 203. How can standard internal tables be accessed? a. Sequentially b. Directly 204. Which system variable to get the Page Number in a list? SY-PAGNO 205. <> means what? NOT EQUAL TO 206. What creates data objects? a. b. c. d. Data Parameters Constants ALL of the above 207. TCode for processing queue files? SM35 (Queue file => BDC Session => BDC Group => Batch Input Session) 208. Where ABAP processor does resides? Application Server 209. What will be the output? a. Initialization. Write: / ‘A’. b. Top-Of-Page. Write: / ‘B’. c. Start-Of-Selection. Write: / ‘C’. Ans: B, C. (A will not be output!) 210. What is meant by SAP R/3? SAP R/3 is Real time 3 tier architecture. 211. Text elements are language dependent. True or False? True. 212. NUMC is not a numeric data type. True or False? True. 213. What is the order of preference for F4 Help (also called as Search Help)? Search help order: Field level -> Data Element level -> Domain level 214. What are LPOS and SPOS in F4 Help? LPOS determines which column comes in the final hit list in which order (left to right) and SPOS is used for restricting screen (row-wise, from top to bottom) 215. TCode for Layout set? SE71 216. Other names for layout set? Form Painter, SAP Script Painter or even SE71 217. TCode for Menu Painter? SE41 218. TCode for Screen Painter? SE51 219.Table containing standard texts? TTDTG 220. Difference between printer modes (Simplex, Duplex and Tumbled Duplex). 221. Program to load images into SAP system for usage in SAP Scripts? RSTXLDMC. 222. Command used to print several lines in same page (that is, same paragraph)? PROTECT…ENDPROTECT 223.There cannot be more than one Main window in a page. True or False? False 224. Which of the following can be included in the flow logic of a screen? a. b. c. d. PBO PAI POV POH Ans: All of the above. 225. TCode for Output Type Configuration (also known as Output Determination Configuration)? NACE 226. Superscripts and Subscripts are used in? Character formats. 227. Mandatory basic settings for a SAP Script? First Page and Default Paragraph 228. Which data type cannot be used for parameter declaration? a. b. c. d. D N C F Ans: F 229. Which variable is used to store the number of loop counter for looping over the table control? SY-LOOPL 230.Forms can have only one main window between different pages. True or False? False 231. SAP Scripts are used to - Print form data 232. TCode to define Barcode? SE73 (also known as SAP Font Maintenance) 233.Sub-screens do not have their own GUI Status. True or False? True 234 TCode for searching BAPI? BAPI (TCode itself is BAPI) 235.TCode for Workbench Organizer? SE09 236. How to exit the List Processing? By using the syntax LEAVE LIST PROCESSING Note: It is notLEAVE TO LIST PROCESSING 237. Different types of traces available. SQL, RFC, Buffer and Enqueue Trace 238. Program to process BDC Sessions in background? RSBDCSUB 239. Select All Entries is used for? to avoid too much use of select statement in loop. 240. Invalid Data type? HEX 250. TABLE FOR TRANSACTION codes- TSTC 251. What is the name of the system variable that stores content of entire line where double click has occurred. sy-lisel 252. Exit statement exits the current loop 253. An ABP report is selecting data from MARA and storing in GT_MARA. GT_MARA is being read with key MATNR in the loop of another internal table.The best performance of read statement is achieved by declaring GT_MARA as: hash table 254. A table T000 contains: client data 255. conversion exit of a data variable is attached to: domain 256. what are diff data we store in SAP system? a. Master data b.Transaction data c.Customizing data d.System data e.All of the above 256. Transaction variants are: For customizing the transaction 257. ABAP is ---fourth---- generation language 258. Find the wrong stmt A field of a structure can be made a foreign key 259. The value 03 in the ACTVT field of an authority check stmt would authorise user to ----------the object: Display 260 Which instr is used to move contents of an internal table to a file on the application server TRANSFER 261. How can you supress default title of a list no std page heading 262. Time as per the user time zone is stored in the system variable sy-timlo 263. the trans code for sql trace is ST05 264. HIDE command in report is used to: retain content of field with output line 265. there is an internal table with fields A,B,C in that sequence. The statement AT NEW B wud be triggered on Change in A 266. The trans code to view a data model is SD11 267. Programs are a. Client independent 268. If the type specification is missing the field is of type character 269. What are the most important precaution one should take for using the "FOR ALL ENTRIES" command Ans :Before the select ,check if the internal table used in "FOR ALL ENTRIES " clause is not empty 270. What is true about extract sets/fields groups They store data in compressed forms 271. In SAP R/3 which one of these allocates the resources in application layer. Dispatcher 272. Which of the foll is/are client dependent Layout forms 273. Find the odd man out: Each session has its own ABAP memory area 274. Syntax for Native SQL Exec…End Exec 275. Authority check is performed by ABAP using: Authority-Check 276. Selection screen is? An interface between program and user 277. Which FM is used to transfer the data from the Presentation Server to Application Server? GUI_UPLOAD 278. TCode SQL Trace? ST05 279. Table T000 stores wht? CLient Data 280. Which of the following is available in abap. TAN LOG ANTILOG EXP MOD ans MOD 281. Find the odd-man out ABAP Memory can be used to share data between different sessions in different R/3 Systems. ABAP Memory can be used to share data between diff sessions on same system. SAP memory get and send data from selection screens fields. ANS Its the 4th option. Cant remember the option, the above 3 options r wrong, so select the other option. 282. Selection screen comes after Initialization? YEs 283. PARAMETERS <p>.....LOWERCASE..... What will P be input as? Uppercase Lowercase As it is ANS: converts to lowercase. 284. What is the sys var for: Date Sy-Datum Time Sy-UZEIT Username Sy-UNAME 285. Which statement triggers TOP OF PAGE event? WRITE 286. Which event occurs first? INITIALIZATION 287. What happens after AT SELECTIONSCREEN: VALIDATIONS 288. TABLE FOR TRANSACTION codes: TSTC 289. loop tablename-fldname='Accenture' Append table Endloop ANS: Infinite loop. 290. Which event is triggered when 'At Line-Selection' ANS 'PICK' 291: Progs are client indepENDENT client dep Both 292: For structures like tables must have primary key? TRUE 293. Where can we see the o/p of the background processes? SP01 294. RS-SET-SELECTIONSCREEN-STATUS it sets the screen's status. 295. Instruction to transfer the data from the presentation Server to Application Server GUI_Upload 296. Instruction to transfer the data from the Application Server to presentation Server GUI_Download 297. Which Of the following is client dependent? Layout Forms 298. Wht is the keyword used in the PARAMETERS Values Value Default ANS DEFAULT 299. This data type has a default length of one and a blank default value. A: I B: N C: C D: D Ans:C (char has default value as blank and N has default value of 1) 300. A DATA statement may appear only at the top of a program, before START-OFSELECTION. A: True B: False 301. If a field, NAME1, is declared as a global data object, what will be output by the following code? Report zabaprg. DATA: name1 like KNA1-NAME1 value 'ABAP programmer'. name1 = 'Customer name'. CLEAR name1. performwrite_name. FORM write_name. name1 = 'Material number'. WRITE name1. ENDFORM. A: B: C: D: Customer name ABAP programmer Material number None of the above Ans:C 302. All of these allow you to step through the flow of a program line-by-line except: A: B: C: D: Enter /h then execute Execute in debug mode Enter /i then execute Set a breakpoint Ans: C 303. Which of the following may NOT be modified using the ABAP Dictionary transaction? A: Type groups B: Search help C: Lock objects D: Function groups 304. In a line of code, text-100, is an example of which type of text element? A: Text symbol B: Selection text C: Text title D: Text identifier 305. The editor function that formats and indents the lines of code automatically is called ____. A: B: C: D: Auto align Pretty printer Generate version Syntax check Ans:B 306. A DO loop increments the system field ____. A: B: C: D: SY-LOOPI SY-TABIX SY-LSIND SY-INDEX Ans: D 307.The event that is processed after all data has been read but before the list is displayed is: A: B: C: D: END-OF-PAGE. START-OF-SELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION. AT LINE-SELECTION. Ans:A→C 308. The field declared below is of what data type? DATA: new_fld(25). A: B: C: D: P N I C Ans: D 309. In regard to the INITIALIZATION event, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: Executed before the selection screen is displayed. You should use SET PF-STATUS here. You can assign different values to PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS here. Executed one time when you start the report. Ans: B 310. The event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. occurs before the selection screen is displayed and is the best event for assigning default values to selection criteria. A: True B: False 311. The business (non-technical) definition of a table field is determined by the field's ____. A: B: C: D: domain field name data type data element 312.In regard to the three-tier client/server architecture, which of the following is a true statement? A: The presentation server processes the SAP program logic. B: An application server is responsible for updating database tables. C: Typically, there is a one-to-one ratio of database servers to presentation servers. D: The application server layer is the level between a presentation server and a database server. Ans: D, b 313. What will be output by the code below? DATA: alph type I value 3. write: alph. WHILE alph> 2. write: alph. alph = alph - 1. ENDWHILE. A: B: C: D: 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 Ans: D 314. To allow the user to enter a single value on a selection screen, use the ABAP keyword ____. A: B: C: D: SELECT-OPTIONS. PARAMETERS. RANGES. DATA. Ans: B 315. What will be output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, fval type i, END OF itab. itab-fval = 1. APPEND itab. itab-fval = 2. APPEND itab. REFRESH itab. WRITE: /1 itab-fval. A: B: C: D: 1 2 blank 0 Ans: B 316. You can define your own key fields when declaring an internal table. A: True B: Falses Ans: A 317. When modifying an internal table within LOOP AT itab. _ must include an index number. A: True B: False Ans :a 318. If itab contains 20 rows, what will SY-TABIX equal when the program reaches the WRITE statement below? SY-TABIX = 10. LOOP AT itab. count_field = count_field + 1. ENDLOOP. WRITE: /1 count_field. A: B: C: D: 0 10 20 30 Ans: b (Loop at reset the value of SY-TABIX to what it was before entering loop) 319. Given: SELECT SINGLE vbeln FROM VBAK INTO vbak-vbeln WHERE mandt = sy-mandt AND vbeln = pvbeln. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. WRITE: /1 vbak-vbeln. ENDIF. If VBAK is a client-dependent table, what will be the result? A: Output of vbak-vbeln if the record is found. B: Output of vbak-vbeln if the record is not found. C: No output if the record is found. D: Nothing, there is a syntax error. Ans D 320. To select one record for a matching primary key, use ____. A: SELECT B: SELECT INTO C: SELECT SINGLE D: SELECT ENTRY Ans: C 321. In regard to MOVE-CORRESPONDING, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: Moves the values of components with identical names. Fields without a match are unchanged. Corresponds to one or more MOVE statements. Moves the values of components according to their location. Ans: A →D 322.All of the following are valid Open SQL statements except: A: B: C: D: OPEN DATASET. CLOSE CURSOR. DELETE. COMMIT WORK. 323. To read an exact row number of an internal table, use this parameter of the READ TABLE statement. A: B: C: D: INDEX TABIX ROW WHERE Ans: B →A 324. To remove lines from a database table, use ____. A: B: C: D: UPDATE MODIFY ERASE DELETE Ans: D 325. Which table type would be most appropriate for accessing table rows using an index. A: B: C: D: Hashed table Standard table Sorted table None of these may be accessed using an index. Ans: C 326. The following code indicates: SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK B1. PARAMETERS: myparam(10) type C, Myparam2(10) type N, SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK. A: B: C: D: Draw a box around myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen. Allow myparam and myparam2 to be ready for input during an error dialog. Do not display myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen. Display myparam and myparam2 only if both fields have default values. Ans: A 327. If this code results in an error, the remedy is: SELECT fld1 SUM( fld1 ) FROM tab1 INTO_ A: B: C: D: Remove the spaces from SUM( fld1 ). Move SUM( fld1 ) before fld1. Add GROUP BY f1. Change to SUM( DISTINCT f1 ). 328. Given: IF MY_IND = 'X'. COMMIT WORK. ELSE. ROLLBACK WORK. ENDIF. If my_ind is initial, this will result in: A: Changes are written to the database. B: Changes are undone without writing them to the database. C: A database error. D: An abend. 329. When writing a SELECT statement, you should place as much load as possible on the database server and minimize the load on the application server. A: True B: False Ans: B 330. To allow the user to enter values on the screen for a list field, use: A: OPEN LINE. B: SET CURSOR FIELD. C: WRITE fld AS INPUT FIELD. D: FORMAT INPUT ON. Ans :D 331. In regard to subroutines and function modules, to ensure that an actual parameter is the same type as its corresponding formal parameter, you should ____. A: B: C: D: code a SY-SUBRC check specify a reference field verify the types yourself when coding use the DESCRIBE FIELD statement 332. In the following code, what does function FC12 do? AT USER-COMMAND. CASE SY-UCOMM. WHEN 'FC11'. SCROLL LIST LEFT BY 20 PLACES. WHEN 'FC12'. SCROLL LIST FORWARD. ENDCASE. A: Shifts the list rows up. B: Moves the cursor. C: Scrolls the list to the right. D: Performs a page up. Ans c→ d 333. What must you code in the flow logic to prevent a module from being called unless a field contains a non-initial value (as determined by its data type)? A: ON INPUT B: CHAIN C: FIELD D: ON REQUEST Ans: A 334. Which of the following is not a component of dialog programming environment? A: B: C: D: Transaction code Screen ABAP module pool Background job 335. To modify several fields in a screen without referencing each individual field name: A: Access the SPA/GPA parameter for each of the fields. B: Assign the fields to a single ABAP Dictionary structure. C: Group the fields in a CHAIN. D: Identify the fields via their group name. Ans:C 336. To allow the user to execute a specific function, write code within the event ____. A: B: C: D: START-OF-SELECTION. AT LINE-SELECTION. INITIALIZATION. None of the above Ans:A 337. Page headers for a secondary list should be coded in which event? A: B: C: D: TOP-OF-PAGE. START-OF-SELECTION. TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION. AT USER-COMMAND. Ans: C 338. Given: PERFORM subroutine USING var. The var field is known as what type of parameter? A: B: C: D: Formal Actual Static Value Ans:B 339. In regard to Runtime Analysis, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: System-level performance problems are identified. Helps you analyze the performance of any program created within the ABAP Workbench. * Helps identify potentially inefficient database accesses. Measurement results are saved in performance data files. 340. The following code indicates: CALL SCREEN 300. A: B: C: D: Start the PAI processing of screen 300. Jump to screen 300 without coming back. Temporarily branch to screen 300. * Exit screen 300. Ans:C 341. When making a function module call, pass internal tables via the parameter ____. A: B: C: D: EXPORTING IMPORTING USING TABLES 342. To prevent duplicate accesses to a master data field: A: B: C: D: Create an index on the master data field. Remove nested SELECT statements. Use SELECT SINGLE. Buffer the data in an internal table. Ans: A→C 343. The following code indicates: SELECT fld1 FROM tab1 INTO TABLE itab UP TO 100 ROWS WHERE fld7 = pfld7. A: Itab will contain 100 rows. B: Only the first 100 records of tab1 are read. C: If itab has less than 100 rows before the SELECT, SY-SUBRC will be set to 4. D: None of the above. Ans: b 343.To place a checkbox on a list, use A: B: C: D: WRITE CHECKBOX. FORMAT CHECKBOX ON. WRITE fld AS CHECKBOX. MODIFY LINE WITH CHECKBOX. Ans:c 344.The following code indicates: CALL SCREEN 9000 STARTING AT 10 5 ENDING AT 60 20 A: B: C: D: Screen 9000 is called with the cursor at coordinates (10,5)(60,20). Screen 9000 must be of type "Modal dialog box." Display screen 9000 in a full window. Screen 9000 may only contain an ABAP list. Ans:A 345. Given: PERFORM my_sub USING fld1 fld2. FORM my_sub using value(fld1) fld2. ENDFORM. The parameter fld1 is passed by: A: B: C: D: Value Reference Value and result None of the above 346. In the flow logic, what must you code in both PBO and PAI when you have included a table control in your screen? A: B: C: D: CHAIN_ENDCHAIN AT EXIT-COMMAND LOOP_ENDLOOP SET PF-STATUS 347. Within the source code of a function module, errors are handled via the keyword: A: B: C: D: EXCEPTION RAISE STOP ABEND Ans:B 348. Which of these is NOT a valid type of function module? A: Normal B: Update C: RFC D: Dialog Ans:D 58. To call a local subroutine named calculate answer, use this line of code: A: B: C: D: PERFORM calculate answer. CALL calculate answer. USING calculate answer. SUB calculate answer. Ans:A 59. All of the following may be performed using SET CURSOR except: A: B: C: D: Move the cursor to a specific field on a list. Move the cursor to a specific list line. Move the cursor to a specific pushbutton, activating that function. Move the cursor to a specific row and column on a list. 60. The table control attribute <ctrl>-LINES indicates the total number of lines in the internal table. A: True B: False Ans A 62. A select statement has built-in authorization checks. A: True B: False Ans:B 63. In regard to the DESCRIBE LIST statement, which of the following is a true statement? A: B: C: D: Retrieves the ABAP report name. Retrieves the number of list lines and pages. Retrieves the window title. None of the above. 64. By definition, what fields make up the standard internal table key? A: B: C: D: All the table's fields. All the non-numeric fields. All the numeric fields. The first field. 65. To be able to modify a group of fields on the selection screen with a single statement, use: A: B: C: D: AS CHECKBOX SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE MEMORY ID MODIF ID 66. To both add or change lines of a database table, use ____. A: B: C: D: INSERT UPDATE APPEND MODIFY Ans:D 67. To select one record for a matching primary key, use ____. A: B: C: D: SELECT SELECT INTO SELECT SINGLE SELECT ENTRY Ans:C 68. After adding rows to an internal table with COLLECT, you should avoid adding More rows with APPEND. A: True B: False Ans:A 69. What addition to the READ TABLE statement must be used when reading a hashed or sorted internal table to ensure that a binary search will be used? A: WITH KEY B: WITH TABLE KEY C: SEARCH TYPE D: WHERE Ans A(for hashed or sorted we use with table key and for transparent table we use with key) 70. If this code results in an error, the remedy is SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE fld3 = pfld3. WRITE: /1 tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2. ENDSELECT. A: B: C: D: Add a SY-SUBRC check. Change the * to fld1 fld2. Add INTO (tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2). There is no error. Ans: C (there is no into statement so wrong syntax) 71. To summarize the contents of several matching lines into a single line, use this SELECT statement clause. A: B: C: D: INTO WHERE FROM GROUP BY Ans:D 72. What is output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, letter type c, END OF itab. itab-letter = 'A'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'B'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'C'. APPEND itab. itab-letter = 'D'. APPEND itab. LOOP AT itab. SY-TABIX = 2. WRITE itab-letter. EXIT. ENDLOOP. A: B: C: D: A ABCD B BCD Ans: a 73. This selection screen syntax forces the user to input a value: A: B: C: D: REQUIRED-ENTRY OBLIGATORY DEFAULT SELECTION-SCREEN EXCLUDE 74. To create a list of the top 25 customers, you should use A: B: C: D: DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES READ TABLE itab INDEX 25 LOOP AT itab FROM 25 APPEND SORTED BY Ans:D 75. The following code indicates: DATA: itab1 LIKE struc1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, itab2 LIKE struc1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. itab1[] = itab2[]. A: Set the type of itab1 to the type of itab2. B: Move the header line of itab2 to itab1. C: Move all the rows of itab2 to itab1. D: Move the last row of itab2 to itab1. 77. In regard to Native SQL, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: A CONNECT to the database is done automatically. You must specify the SAP client. The tables that you address do not have to exist in the ABAP Dictionary. Will run under different database systems. Ans:D 78. To change one or more lines of a database table, use ____. A: B: C: D: UPDATE INSERT INTO MOD Ans:A 79. Which is the correct sequence of events? A: B: C: D: AT SELECTION-SCREEN, TOP-OF-PAGE, INITIALIZATION START-OF-SELECTION, AT USER-COMMAND, GET dbtab INITIALIZATION, END-OF-SELECTION, AT LINE-SELECTION GET dbtab, GET dbtab LATE, START-OF-SELECTION Ans:C 80. Which of the following is NOT a numeric data type? A: B: C: D: I N P F Ans: B 81. Which of these sentences most accurately describes the two-level domain concept? A: Two different Domains may use the same Data element. B: A single field may use two different Domains. C: Two different Data elements may use the same Domain. D: A single field may use two different Data elements. Ans:C 82. Which of the following is NOT a required attribute when creating an ABAP program? A: B: C: D: Application Title Status Type Ans: a 83. Page headers for a basic list can be coded in the event: A: B: C: D: NEW-PAGE. AT LINE-SELECTION. INITIALIZATION. TOP-OF-PAGE. Ans:D 85. The complete technical definition of a table field is determined by the field's: A: B: C: D: Domain Field name Data type Data element 86. Assuming a pushbutton with function code 'FUNC' is available in the toolbar of a list report, what event is processed when the button is clicked? A: B: C: D: AT USER-COMMAND. AT PFn. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. END-OF-SELECTION. Ans:A 87. The major difference between DO and WHILE is: A: B: C: D: WHILE requires a logical expression. You cannot use the CONTINUE statement with WHILE. A WHILE loop may not be nested within another WHILE loop. Endless loops are not possible with WHILE. Ans:A 88. You can change the length of a data object of type I by adding ( ) after the field name in the data declaration, as in the following statement: DATA: counter(3) type I. A: True B: False Ans:A 89. Which of the following is not a valid ABAP relational operator? A: CP B: NC C: O D: NS Ans: C 90. A concrete field is associated with a field-symbol via ABAP keyword A: B: C: D: MOVE WRITE ASSIGN VALUE 91. The following event may be explicitly coded, but it is also implied. A: B: C: D: END-OF-SELECTION. START-OF-SELECTION. AT LINE-SELECTION. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. Ans:A 92. Which of the following describes the internal representation of a type D data object? A: DDMMYYYY B: YYYYDDMM C: MMDDYYYY D: YYYYMMDD Ans:D 93. What is the transaction code for the ABAP Editor? A: B: C: D: SE11 SE38 SE36 SE16 Ans:B 94. Given: REPORT ZINTERAC. WRITE 'First List'. AT PF5. WRITE: 'Second List'. After running the report, how would the user receive the output, "Second List?" A: No further action is required B: Double-click the "First List" row C: Press the keyboard function key F5 D: This is not possible for the given code Ans:C 95.To branch from dialog processing to list processing, use: A: B: C: D: LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING. CALL SCREEN. LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. 96. In regard to SET PF-STATUS, you can deactivate unwanted function codes by using ____. A: B: C: D: EXCLUDING IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT HIDE 97. Function module source code may have its own local data. A: True B: False Ans:A 98. The ABAP statement you will typically use in a 'CANCEL' function is: A: B: C: D: CALL SCREEN 0. COMMIT WORK. ROLLBACK WORK. UPDATE. Ans:C 99. After double-clicking a line on a basic list, what will the system field SY-LSIND equal? A: 0 B: 2 C: 1 D: The value is unchanged. Ans C 100. The following code indicates: REPORT ZLISTTST. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: text-001. FORMAT HOTSPOT ON. WRITE: text-002. FORMAT HOTSPOT OFF. AT LINE-SELECTION. WRITE / text-003. A: B: C: D: Text-002 may not be selected. The value of text-002 is stored in a special memory area. Text-002 may be clicked once to trigger the output of text-003. None of the above. Ans:C 101. All of the following are considered to be valid ABAP modularization techniques except: A: B: C: D: Subroutine External subroutine Field-group Function module Ans:C 102. In an R/3 environment, where is the work of a dialog program performed? A: B: C: D: On the application server using a dialog work process service. On the presentation server using a dialog work process service. On the database server using a dialog work process service. None of the above. Ans: B→A 103. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of internal tables in ABAP? A: B: C: D: Standard Sorted Hashed Unique Ans:D 104. In regard to a subquery, which of the following is a true statement? A: SELECT SINGLE may be used. B: UPDATE may not use a subquery. C: Allows you to program a second SELECT as part of the WHERE clause. D: The outer SELECT is processed first. Ans:C 105. In regard to internal tables, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: May be used to buffer data in memory. Data values are retained when the program is finished. Typically used for storing data from one or more database tables. Consists of rows with the identical structure. Ans: 106. To code a horizontal line on a selection screen, use SELECTION-SCREEN: A: B: C: D: COMMENT HLINE ULINE SKIP Ans:C 107. To select all database entries for a certain WHERE clause into an internal table in one step, use A: B: C: D: SELECT_INTO TABLE itab_ SELECT_INTO itab_ SELECT_APPENDING itab SELECT_itab_ Ans:A 108. To code a blank line on a selection screen, use SELECTION-SCREEN: A: B: C: D: COMMENT EXCLUDE ULINE SKIP Ans: D 109. To limit the number of records selected from the database, use ____. A: B: C: D: WHERE WHEN IF CASE Ans:A 110. To limit your SELECT statement to user-entered SELECT-OPTIONS, use ____. A: B: C: D: IN EQ NE BT Ans:A 111. -----112. The CASE statement may not contain a logical expression, as in CASE my_fld> 3. A: True B: False Ans:B 113. The ____ type of ABAP Dictionary view consists of one or more transparent tables and may be accessed by an ABAP program using Open SQL. A: B: C: D: Database view Projection view Help view Entity view Ans: B →A 114. Name the type of ABAP Dictionary table that has these characteristics: Same number of fields as the database table Same name as database table Maps 1:1 to database table A: B: C: D: Pooled Cluster Transparent View Ans:C 115. Page headers for a secondary/details list can be coded in the event: A: B: C: D: GET. INITIALIZATION. TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION. NEW-PAGE. Ans:C 116. Page footers are coded in the event: A: B: C: D: TOP-OF-PAGE. END-OF-SELECTION. NEW-PAGE. END-OF-PAGE. Ans:D 117. This data type has a default length of eight and a default value = '00000000'. A: P B: D C: N D: C Ans: B 118. Which of these sentences most accurately describes the GET VBAK LATE.event? A: This event is processed before the second time the GET VBAK event is processed. B: This event is processed after all occurrences of the GET VBAK event are completed. C: This event will only be processed after the user has selected a basic list row. D: This event is only processed if no records are selected from table VBAK. Ans:B 119. Given: DO. Write: /1 'E equals MC squared.'. ENDDO. This will result in ____. A: output of 'E equals MC squared.' on a new line one time B: an endless loop that results in an abend error C: output of 'E equals MC squared.' on a new line many times D: a loop that will end when the user presses ESC Ans.B 120. The following code indicates write: /5 'I Love ABAP'. A: Output 'I Lov' on the current line B: Output 'I Love ABAP' starting at column 5 on the current line C: Output 'I Lov' on a new line D: Output 'I Love ABAP' starting at column 5 on a new line Ans: D 121. Which of the following is NOT a component of the default standard ABAP report header? A: Date and Time B: List title C: Page number D: Underline Ans: A 122. This data type has a default length of one and a default value = '0'. A: B: C: D: P C N I Ans: C 123. A BDC program is used for all of the following except: A: B: C: D: Downloading data to a local file Data interfaces between SAP and external systems Initial data transfer Entering a large amount of data 124. In regard to CALL, which of the following is NOT a valid statement? A: B: C: D: CALL FUNCTION CALL SCREEN CALL TRANSACTION CALL PROGRAM Ans: D 125. The output for the following code will be reportzabaprg. DATA: my_field type I value 99. my_field = my_field + 1. clearmy_field. WRITE: 'The value is', my_field left-justified. A: B: C: D: The value is 99 The value is 100 The value is 0 None of the above Ans: C 126. CONSTANTS: var_one (3) type C value 'DOG'. IF var_one = 'dog'. WRITE: /1 'Bark!'. ELSE. WRITE: /1 'Meow!'. ENDIF. WRITE: var_one. This will result in the output: A: B: C: D: Bark! DOG DOG Meow! DOG None of the above Ans: C 127. Dialog programs must be executed via a transaction code. A: True B: False 128. Within an interactive list event, you can override the value of SY-LSIND. A: True B: False 129. To indicate that your new function module is ready to be freely used by anyone, you should: A: B: C: D: Activate it. Release it. Add documentation. Send out an e-mail. Ans: A 130. To set up a screen field to allow default values to be stored across user sessions: A: B: C: D: Turn on the field attribute flag for SPA/GPA. Enter a value in the search-help field attribute. Set the field to display only. Use the identical names concept. 131. All of the following are true statements regarding SET TITLEBAR except: A: B: C: D: Sets the title of the output list window. A title is active for all screens until another SET TITLEBAR statement occurs. Changes the report's title attribute. A title is defined for a single program. 132. Which of the following is NOT included in the Performance Trace tool for analyzing database accesses within a program? A: B: C: D: SQL Trace Analysis Runtime Trace Analysis Enqueue Trace Analysis RFC Trace Analysis 133. Which system field contains the contents of a selected line? A: B: C: D: SY-CUCOL SY-LILLI SY-CUROW SY-LISEL Ans: D 134. To include a field on your screen that is not in the ABAP Dictionary, which include program should contain the data declaration for the field? A: B: C: D: PBO module include program TOP include program PAI module include program Subroutine include program 135. To exchange data between reports without an external subroutine call, you may use: A: B: C: D: IMPORT_MEMORY data_object MEMORY ID 'ID'. READ_DATA data_object. EXPORT data_object TO MEMORY ID 'ID'. SAVE data_object MEMORY ID 'ID'. 136. Function module source code may not call a subroutine. A: True B: False Ans: B 137. All of the following will delete all rows of an internal table with a header line except: A: B: C: D: CLEAR itab. REFRESH itab. CLEAR itab[]. FREE itab. Ans:A 138. After a DESCRIBE TABLE statement SY-TFILL will contain A: B: C: D: The number of rows in the internal table. The current OCCURS value. Zero, if the table contains one or more rows. The length of the internal table row structure. Ans:A 139. To allow the user to enter a range of values on a selection screen, use the ABAP keyword: A: B: C: D: DATA. RANGES. PARAMETERS. SELECT-OPTIONS Ans: B →D 140. An internal table that is nested within another internal table should not contain a header line. A: True B: False Ans:A 141. If the following code results in a syntax error, the remedy is: DATA: itab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF rec_type WITH UNIQUE KEY field1 WITH HEADER LINE. itab-field1 = 'Company'. itab-field2 = '1234'. INSERT TABLE itab. itab-field1 = 'Bank'. itab-field2 = 'ABC'. INSERT TABLE itab. SORT itab. LOOP AT itab. write: /1 itab-field1, itab-field2. ENDLOOP. A: B: C: D: There is no syntax error here Remove the SORT statement Change INSERT to APPEND Add a WHERE clause to the loop Ans:C 142. In regard to the OCCURS parameter, which of the following is a true statement? A: Determines the maximum number of rows when using APPEND itab SORTED BY. B: Sets the upper limit for adding rows with APPEND itab. C: Allocates memory in blocks of 800 Bytes. D: None of the above Ans:A 143. To get the number of rows in an internal table, use the ABAP statement: A: B: C: D: READ TABLE itab INDEX nlines. DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES nlines. COUNT TABLE itab LINES INTO nlines. COLLECT itab LINES nlines. 144. Which of the following is NOT a true statement in regard to a sorted internal table type? A: B: C: D: May only be accessed by its key. Its key may be UNIQUE or NON-UNIQUE. Entries are sorted according to its key when added. A binary search is used when accessing rows by its key. Ans: C →A 145. To ensure that you select data directly from the database, use ____. A: CLIENT-SPECIFIED B: BYPASSING BUFFER C: ORDER BY D: GROUP BY 146. If this code results in an error, the remedy is: SELECT fld1 fld2 FROM tab1 WHERE fld3 = pfld3. WRITE: /1 tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2. ENDSELECT. A: B: C: D: Add a SY-SUBRC check. Change the WHERE clause to use fld1 or fld2. Remove the /1 from the WRITE statement. Add INTO (tab1-fld1, tab1-fld2). Ans:D 147. Given: SELECT-OPTIONS: s_opt FOR kna1-kunnr NO-EXTENSION. The user may enter only a: A: B: C: D: From value To value Single range Exclusion range 148. Which of the following is not a standard pre-defined data type? A: B: C: D: E: D O F X T Ans: B 149. Which of the following would be stored in a table as master data? A: B: C: D: Customer name and address Sales order items Accounting invoice header Vendor credit memo Ans: A 150. The following statement will result in a syntax error. DATA: price(3) type p decimals 2 value '100.23'. A: True B: False Ans: B 151. What standard data type is the following user-defined type? TYPES: user_type. A: B: C: D: N C I Undefined Ans: B 152. Which of the following is NOT a character data type? A: B: C: D: F D T X Ans: A 153. The transport route of an ABAP workbench object is determined by the object's: A: B: C: D: Client designation Program type Development class Naming convention 154. The SAP service that ensures data integrity by handling locking is called: A: B: C: D: Update Dialog Enqueue/Dequeue Spool 155. In regard to the AT USER-COMMAND event, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: The standard system function 'BACK' is processed here. Executed when a function key is pressed. SY-UCOMM contains the current function code. Function codes from your own menu painter status are processed here. 156. The order in which an event appears in the ABAP code determines when the event is processed. A: True B: False Ans: B 157. In regard to the START-OF-SELECTION event, which of the following is a true statement? A: B: C: D: Executed before the selection screen is displayed. This is the only event in which a SELECT statement may be coded. Executed when the user double-clicks a list row. Automatically started by the REPORT statement. Ans:D 158. In regard to a screen's flow logic, which of the following in not a true statement? A: Contains PBO and PAI module statements. B: Uses the same syntax as the ABAP modules. C: Determines the processing sequence of ABAP logic for a screen. D: Controls what happens before a screen is output and what happens after user input. Ans B 159. In regard to performance, which of the following is a true statement? A: B: C: D: WHILE is faster than DO. Nested selects are efficient. CHECK is very inefficient. NE in a WHERE clause is better than EQ. Ans: A 160. This flow logic statement is used to make multiple fields open for input after an Error or warning message. A: GROUP B: FIELD-GROUP C: CHAIN D: LOOP AT SCREEN Ans C 161. Errors to be handled by the calling program are defined in a function module's ____. A: B: C: D: exceptions interface source code exporting interface main program Ans :A 162. In regard to a function group, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: Combines similar function modules. Shares global data with all its function modules. Exists within the ABAP workbench as an include program. Shares subroutines with all its function modules. Ans: C 163. All of the following pertain to interactive reporting in ABAP except: A: B: C: D: Call transactions and other programs from a list. Secondary list shows detail data. Good for processing lists in background. AT USER-COMMAND Ans:C 164. A template that groups up to ten fields for testing access privileges is known as ____. A: B: C: D: Authorization Authorization object User profile Authority profile Ans: B 165. To allow a basic list line to branch to a different SAP transaction use: A: B: C: D: LEAVE TRANSACTION SUBMIT TRANSACTION EXECUTE TRANSACTION CALL TRANSACTION 166. If a table contains many duplicate values for a field, minimize the number of records returned by using this SELECT statement addition. A: B: C: D: MIN ORDER BY DISTINCT DELETE Ans:C 167. To select data from more than one table, you may use all of the following except: A: B: C: D: INNER JOIN. LEFT OUTER JOIN. A database view. None of the above Ans:D 168. Assuming itab has a header line, what will be output by the following code? READ TABLE itab INDEX 3 TRANSPORTING field1. WRITE: /1 itab-field1, itab-field2. A: B: C: D: The contents of the third row's itab-field1. The contents of the third row's itab-field1 and itab-field2. The contents of the third row's itab-field2. Nothing. 169. The following code indicates: READ TABLE itab WITH KEY field1 = sy-langu field2 = counter. A: Read table itab row-by-row until finding an entry other than field1 = sy-langu and field2 = counter. B: Read the row with an index number equal to the value stored in counter. C: Read the internal table using the binary search method to find field1 = sy-langu and field2 = counter. D: Read the first row found in itab that has field1 = sy-langu and field2 = counter. 170. Predefined selection criteria values assigned to a report are called: A: B: C: D: Variants. Matchcodes. Search-helps. Screen-batches. 171. Which of the following will NOT add rows to an internal table? A: B: C: D: INSERT APPEND COLLECT MODIFY Ans:D 172. The following code indicates: INITIALIZATION. concatenate 'IEQ' sy-uname into surname. A: The field surname will be output in the page header. B: SELECT-OPTION surname will contain the user name in its from value at runtime. C: The user name is set equal to the value contained in field surname. D: A default value of 'IEQ' is assigned to the PARAMETER surname. Ans:B 173. The SAP service that handles system output is called: A: B: C: D: Update Batch Enqueue/Dequeue Spool Ans: D 174. Data types contain data values and data objects describe the data. A: True B: False 175. An event starts with an event keyword and ends with: A: B: C: D: Program execution. END-OF-EVENT. Another event keyword. END-EVENT. 176. An ABAP data type may be declared with reference to the SAP data type P. A: True B: False 177. Pressing the enter key in PC mode while entering code in the ABAP editor will do all of the following except: A: B: C: D: Insert a blank line after the current line Insert a blank line before the current line Select the beginning of a block of lines Split the current line at the cursor position 178. Data types may be defined in the ABAP dictionary. A: True B: False Ans: A 179. To trigger an interactive event from within an ABAP program without user interaction, use the statement: A: B: C: D: SET USER-COMMAND SET PF-STATUS CALL FUNCTION AT USER-COMMAND 180. What value must ch_field contain so that "Nice job!" will be output? Write: /1 'Nice'. CHECK ch_field NE 'X'. Write: 'job!'. A: 'X' B: Anything other than 'X' C: "Nice job!" will not be output by this code D: None of the above 181. To view the contents of an ABAP Dictionary table, use transaction ____. A: SE16 B: SE10 C: SE36 D: SE37 182. To write a custom text on the selection screen use SELECTION-SCREEN: A: SKIP. B: COMMENT. C: TEXT. D: FIELD. Ans:B 183. You may declare your own internal table type using the TYPES keyword. A: True B: False Ans:B 184. To make a selection criterion case-sensitive, use: A: ACCEPTING CASE B: LOWER CASE C: UPPER CASE D: CASE 185. Instead of using OCCURS 50, you could use: A: ROWS 50 B: INDEX 50 C: DEFAULT 50 D: INITIAL SIZE 50 Ans: D 186. ABAP Open SQL enables you to access all tables within the SAP system, regardless of the database system installed. A: True B: False Ans:A 187. The following code reorders the rows so that: DATA: itab LIKE kna1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. itab-name1 = 'Smith'. itab-ort01 = 'Miami'. APPEND itab. itab-name1 = 'Jones'. itab-ort01 = 'Chicago'. APPEND itab. itab-name1 = 'Brown'. itab-ort01 = 'New York'. APPEND itab. SORT itab BY name1 ort01. A: B: C: D: Smith appears before Jones Jones appears before Brown Brown appears before Jones Miami appears before New York Ans: C 188. Which Open SQL statement should not be used with cluster databases? A: UPDATE B: MODIFY C: DELETE D: INSERT Ans: D 189. You should never nest SELECT statements because this results in a syntax error. A: True B: False Ans:B 190. To properly tune the following code, you should: SELECT fld1 fld2 fld3 FROM tab1 INTO (fld4, fld5, fld6) WHERE fld7 = pfld7. CHECK tab1-fld9 = pfld9. WRITE: /1 fld4, fld5, fld6. ENDSELECT. A: Add a SY-SUBRC check after ENDSELECT. B: Remove the INTO clause of the SELECT statement. C: Take the WRITE statement out of the SELECT_ENDSELECT. D: Move the CHECK statement into the WHERE clause. 191. To declare a table control in the module pool, use: A: CONTROLS ctrl_name TYPE TABLE CONTROL. B: TYPES ctrl_name TABLEVIEW. C: DATA ctrl_name TYPE TABLE CONTROL. D: CONTROLS ctrl_name TYPE TABLEVIEW USING SCREEN 100. Ans : D 192. The ABAP keyword for adding authorizations to a program is ____. A: AUTH-CHECK B: AUTHORITY-CHECK C: AUTHORIZATION-CHECK D: AUTHORITY-OBJECT Ans:B 193. Adding a COMMIT WORK statement between SELECT_ENDSELECT is a good method for improving performance. A: True B: False Ans:B 194. To prevent certain users from using a transaction code, you can do all of the following except: A: Remove the transaction code from the user profile. B: Hide the menu path from the user. C: Add an authorization object to the transaction definition. D: Code your own ABAP authorization check in the program associated with the transaction. Ans:B 195. In regard to data transported in PAI when the FIELD statement is used, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: Fields in PBO are transported directly from PAI. B: Fields with identical names are transported to the ABAP side. C: Fields not defined in FIELD statements are transported first. D: Fields that are defined in FIELD statements are transported when their corresponding module is called. 196. The following code indicates: SELECT fld1 fld2 FROM tab1 APPENDING TABLE itab WHERE fld1 IN sfld1. A: B: C: D: Add rows to the existing rows of itab. Add rows to itab after first deleting any existing rows of itab. Select rows from tab1 for matching itab entries. Nothing, this is a syntax error. Ans:A 197. The control block ON CHANGE OF fld1_ENDON may be used between SELECT_ENDSELECT. A: True B: False Ans:A 198. The following statement writes what type of data object? WRITE: /1 'Total Amount:'. A: B: C: D: Text literal Text variable In-code comment Text integer 199. In order to change the data contents of an ABAP Dictionary table via standard functions you must first: A: B: C: D: Enter delivery class = A Turn on the Tab.Maint.Allowed flag Enter data class = USER Use a size category of 1 200. The following code will output: write: /1 'Start'. PERFORM write_next. write: 'End'. FORM write_next. write: 'next'. EXIT. write: 'more'. ENDFORM. A: B: C: D: Start next Start next more Start next End Start more End Ans:c 201. This event retrieves data from a logical database. A: B: C: D: READ SELECT GET AT USER-COMMAND Ans:C 202. Which statement does not contain a syntax error? A: B: C: D: DATA invoice_number(10) type N default '1234567890'. TYPES cust_type like kna1 occurs 0. CONSTANTS apple(10) type c value 'Apple', orange(10) type c value 'Orange'. DATA data_obj type p decimals 2 value 234.98. Ans: B 203. An administrative unit in which SAP services are started and stopped at the same time is called: A: B: C: D: Message server Instance Gateway Profile 204. ABAP Open SQL contains both Data Definition Language (DDL) statements and Data Controlling Language (DCL) statements. A: True B: False 205. Which keyword adds a line anywhere within an internal table? A: B: C: D: APPEND MODIFY ADD INSERT Ans:D 206. To total the numeric fields at a control break, use: A: B: C: D: ADD. SUM. COUNT. TOT. 207. To select unique values of a field, use ____. A: B: C: D: INTO TABLE UP TO 1 ROWS DISTINCT ORDER BY Ans:C 208. After a successful SELECT statement, what does SY-SUBRC equal? A: B: C: D: 0 4 8 Null Ans: A 209. Which dialog programming section is used to initialize a screen's field values? A: PBO B: PAI C: INITIALIZATION D: None of the above Ans A 210. Which dialog programming section is used to handle user functions? A: PBO B: PAI C: INITIALIZATION D: None of the above Ans B 211. In regard to a dialog step, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: Begins at start of PAI of the current screen. B: Ends at end of PBO of the next screen. C: Ends when the next screen is displayed. D: Begins when the next screen is displayed Ans D 212. SET SCREEN 200. LEAVE SCREEN. A: Come back to the calling screen from screen 200. B: Exit screen 200. C: Branch back to the previous screen. D: Branch to screen 200 without coming back. 213. SELECT fld1 fld2 fld3 FROM tab1 INTO (itab-fld4, itab-fld5, itab-fld6) WHERE fld7 = pfld7. APPEND itab. ENDSELECT. Which of the following is a good performance tuning technique? A: Change the SELECT statement to use INTO TABLE itab. B: Add MOVE statements to fill the header line of itab. C: Remove the internal table itab from the SELECT statement. D: This code is optimized; no change is required. 214. From program zprog1, to call a subroutine named sub_name in program zprog2, code the following: A: CALL zprog2(sub_name). B: PERFORM sub_name(zprog2). C: PERFORM (sub_name)zprog2. D: INCLUDE zprog2(sub_name). 215. All of the following are true in regard to a parameter passed by reference, except: A: A pointer to the memory location of the parameter's value is passed. B: Changing the formal parameter immediately changes the passed parameter. C: Besides USING, no additional syntax is required. D: New memory is allocated for the parameter's value. Ans:D 216. If an internal table is declared without a header line, what else must you declare to work with the table's rows? A: Another internal table with a header line. B: A work area with the same structure as the internal table. C: An internal table type using the TYPES statement. D: A PARAMETER. Ans:B 217. When coding AT FIRST fld1. _ ENDAT.within an internal table loop, you should avoid using: A: SORT itab by fld1. B: LOOP AT itab WHERE fld1 = pfld. C: SUM. D: WRITE itab-fld1. Ans B 218. To grant a set of access privileges to a user ____. A: enter the authorization profile name in the user master record B: assign the user to the authority object's list of allowed users C: include the user name in the ABAP authorization check D: none of the above Ans:A 219. Which statement correctly declares a field-symbol? A: FIELD-SYMBOLS fs. B: FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs>. C: FIELD-SYMBOLS [fs]. D: FIELD-SYMBOLS (FS). Ans:B 220. This event occurs before a selection screen is displayed and may be used to assign default values. A: INITIALIZATION. B: TOP-OF-PAGE. C: START-OF-SELECTION. D: GET. Ans:A 221. In regard to PERFORM, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: May be used within a subroutine. B: Requires actual parameters. C: Recursive calls are allowed in ABAP. D: Can call a subroutine in another program. Ans:B 222. You declare a local data object that retains its value across multiple subroutine calls using the keyword A: DATA B: TYPES C: PARAMETERS D: STATICS Ans:D 223. When creating a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary, which step automatically creates the table in the underlying database? A: Adding technical settings to the table B: Checking the table syntax C: Saving the table D: Activating the table Ans:D 224. If you forget the syntax of an ABAP keyword, how can you get help on that keyword? A: Double-click the keyword B: Click once on the keyword and press the F1 key C: Highlight the keyword and press the Enter key D: Choose the menu path Help -> Settings Ans:B 225. Entering transaction SE80 will take you to an interface tool for managing application development objects. This tool is called the ____. A: ABAP editor B: ABAP workbench C: Object list D: Repository browser Ans: B 226. The declarative keyword for defining your own data types in an ABAP program is ____. A: DATA B: TYPE-GROUPS C: TYPES D: DATA-TYPE Ans:C 227. To output a control break grand total for an entire internal table, use: A: AT LAST B: AT NEW C: ON CHANGE OF D: LOOP AT itab FROM Ans:A 228. Internal tables passed with TABLES are passed by: A: Value B: Value and result C: Changing D: Reference Ans: D 229. SELECT fld1 FROM tab1 INTO fld4 WHERE fld7 = pfld7. tot = tot + fld4. ENDSELECT. A good performance tuning technique would be to change the SELECT statement to use: A: B: C: D: GROUP-BY. SUM. TOT. MAX. 230. Database locks are sufficient in a multi-user environment. A: True B: False 231. Which keyword changes any line within an internal table? A: B: C: D: INSERT APPEND ALTER MODIFY Ans: D 232. To get the average value of a database table field as you select it, use ____. A: B: C: D: GET AVERAGE SELECT AVERAGE SELECT AVG COMPUTE AVG Ans: 233. In regard to a dynamic WHERE clause, which of the following is not a true statement? A: B: C: D: Include an internal table in parentheses without blanks. The IN operator may be used with the dynamic values internal table. The dynamic internal table may have two or more fields. The dynamic internal table may be empty. Ans C 234. In regard to a subquery, which of the following is a true statement? A: B: C: D: SELECT SINGLE may be used. UPDATE may not use a subquery. Allows you to program a second SELECT as part of the WHERE clause. The outer SELECT is processed first. Ans: C 235. What is the transaction code for the ABAP Dictionary? A: B: C: D: SE10 SE38 SE11 SE37 Ans:C 236. The TABLES statement declares a data object. A: True B: False Ans:A 237. Given this code: AT LINE-SELECTION. Write: /1 'Thanks!'. What will trigger the output of the word "Thanks!"? A: B: C: D: Executing the ABAP report Double-clicking a list row Clicking once on a list row and pressing Enter None of the above Ans:B 238. -------239. Before a function module may be tested, it must first be: A: Linked B: Authorized C: Released D: Active Ans: D 240. All of the following pertain to a subroutine's local data object except: A: B: C: D: Declared inside of the subroutine. Available only within the subroutine. Must follow the same declaration syntax as Global data. Value is known to all subroutines Ans: D 241. After coding an authorization check, what else should you code to handle a failed check? A: B: C: D: WRITE 'You are not authorized'. IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. EXIT.ENDIF. Nothing; the program stops automatically. CHECK AUTHORITY-OBJECT Ans:B 242. In regard to HIDE, which of the following is NOT a true statement? A: B: C: D: Saves the contents of variables in relation to a list line's row number. The hidden variables must be output on a list line. The HIDE area is retrieved when using the READ LINE statement. The HIDE area is retrieved when an interactive event is triggered. Ans:A 243. If you want to use a SPA/GPA parameter value as a default value for a selection screen field, use: A: B: C: D: MATCHCODE OBJECT MODIF ID DEFAULT MEMORY ID 244. To assign an initial value, include this option of the PARAMETERS statement: A: FIRST B: INITIALIZATION C: VALUE D: DEFAULT Ans: D 245. To delete duplicate lines from an internal table use the ABAP statement: A: B: C: D: SORT itab WITH UNIQUE ROWS. REMOVE DUPLICATES FROM itab. DELETE itab. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab Ans: D 246. At runtime Native SQL is converted to ABAP Open SQL. A: True B: False Ans: B 247. What will be output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, fval type i, END OF itab. itab-fval = 1. APPEND itab. itab-fval = 2. APPEND itab. FREE itab. WRITE: /1 itab-fval. A: B: C: D: 2 0 blank 1 Ans: 2 248. Given this code, what will be the resulting output? reportzabaprg. DATA: address(45) type C value '1600 Penn Ave.', street like address. address = '100 Washington Place'. WRITE: /1 'He lives at', street. A: B: C: D: E: He lives at 100 Washington Place He lives at He lives at 1600 Penn Ave. He lives at 100 Washington Place, 1600 Penn Ave. None of the above Ans: B 249. For a table field that you create, you may create your own Data Element, but you must use an existing Domain. A: True B: False Ans: B Q1>What is the sys var for: Date Sy-Datum Time Sy-UZEIT Username Sy-UNAME time ( with time zone) -- sy-timelo Q2>Which statement triggers TOP OF PAGE event? WRITE , SKIP Q3>Which event occurs first? INITIALIZATION Q4>What happens after AT SELECTIONSCREEN VALIDATIONS Q5> TABLE FOR TRANSACTION codes TSTC Q6> Domain and data elements one domain can have many Data Elements. One Data Element can have ONE domain. Q7> which has highest precendence SEARCH HELP AT SCREEN. Q8> Default Pass by value in? RFC Q9><> means? Not equal to Q10> Invalid Data type? HEX Q11> loop tablename-fldname='Accenture' Append table Endloop ans --> Infinite loop. Q12>Which event is triggered when 'At Line-Selection' 'PICK' , when there is a double click. Q13>Progs are clientindep clientdep ans --> client independent Q14> Default mode for file to open --Input mode Q15>Wht cannot b created from se11 ABAP Data dic Function Pools(Fuction groups) Q16>What is created by the following statement: R_MANTR for MARA-MANTR ans -- An internal table with the fields sign,options,low,high Q17> what occurs in next screen? Information Q18> Do....Endo which var? Sy-index Q19>For structures like tables must have primary key? False Q20>wht does Append and collect do? Append: Adds a row; collect: may or may not add a row. Q21> Where can we see the o/p of the background processes? SP01 Q22> RS-SET-SELECTIONSCREEN-STATUS it sets the GUI screen's status. Q23> Instruction to transfer the data from the presentation Server to Application Server GUI_Upload Instruction to transfer the data from the Application Server to presentation Server GUI_Download Q24> Instruction to writefm internal table to file on application server. Transfer. Q25>How can u view the short dump(run time errors)? st22 Q26> If the value is 03 in the ACTVT table then wht will the user b allowed to do? Display Q27>Which Of the following is client dependent? LAyout Forms Q28>ans --> Change In B (fr the ques AT NEW B) Q29> Select All Entries is used for? To avoid too much use of select statement in loop. Q 30>Wht is the keyword used in the PARAMETERS A)Values B)Value C)Default ANS ---- C. Q31> How can internal tables be accessed? Sequentially directly ans-- both Q32> Transaction Code for SQL TRACE - ST05. Q33> Transaction Code for data model -- SD11. Q34> T000 --- client DATA. Q35> for writting Native SQL command in SQL --- EXEC and ENDEXEC Q36> there was a question on AUTHORITY CHECK SYNTAX FOR FILE ITS AUTHORITY_CHECK_DATASET. FOR USER ITS AUTHORITY-CHECK. Q37> Question on Catch and ENd catch something -- for handling run time errors. Q38> Transaction variants are ...... for customizing customer transaction. Q39) LOck Object -- ansCannot be edited. Q40) which allocates resources to app server -- dispatcher Q41) TOP-OF-PAGE DUring Line selection -- stores secondary table header Q42) find wrong option -- ans a field of structure can be made as a foreign key Q43) find odd one out -- ans -each sap has it's own ABAP memory Q44) join statement cannot be applied on what table --- cluster table Q45)stop statement --- takes cntrl to end of selectioin event. Q46) /h -- debugging command. .Q47) search help -- Matchcode object Q48) for getting the client specific data -- use clause CLIENT SPECIFIED. Q49) Q7> which has highest precendence SEARCH HELP AT SCREEN. Q50) How do u define selection screen of a prog -- interface btw user & program Q51) Conversion exit data variable can be attached to -- Domain ( nt sure) Q52) BEST PERFORMANCE BY READ STATEMENT CAN BE THROUGH --- HASHED TABLE Q53) EXIT -- takes u out of current loop. Q54) precautions while UsingFOr all Entries --- internal table should have the data. Q55) primary index is based on primary key field of table secondary index is created on non-primary field of a table ans-- both are true. Q56) to suppress the default title --- NOn-standard header Q57) Hide option --- retain values. Q58) paramater ..lower case ans -- case sensitivity will be there Q59) system var for time with time zone -- sy-timelo . 2. What are client dependant objects in abap/sap? SAP Script layout, text element, and some DDIC objects. 3. On which event we can validate the input fields in module progams? In PAI (Write field statement on field you want to validate, if you want to validate group of fields put in chain and End chain statement.) 6. When top of the page event is triggered? After excuteing first write statement in start-of-selection event. 7. Can we create field without data element and how? In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type. 8. How do we debug sapscript? Go to SE71 give lay set name , go to utilities select debugger mode on. 9. Which transaction code can I used to analyze the performance of ABAP program. TCode se30. 10. How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table. Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button. Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and press enter. 1. What is the use of 'outerjoin' Ans. With the use of outer join you can join the tables even there is no entry in all the tables used in the view. In case of inner join there should be an entry in al the tables use in the view. 2. When to use logical database? Ans. Advantage of Logical databases: less coding s required to retrieve data compared to normal internel tables. Tables used LDB are in hierarchial structure. 3. What is the use of 'table index'? Ans .Index is used for faster access of data base tables. 4. What is the use of 'FOR ALL ENTRIES'? Ans. To avoid nested select statements we use SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. If there r more than 10000 records SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is used. Performance wise SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is better to use. 5. Can you set up background processing using CALL TRANSACTION? Yes,Using No Screen Mode. 6. What are table buffers? Table buffers reside locally on each application server in the system. The data of buffered tables can thus be accessed directly from the buffer of the application server. This avoids the time-consuming process of accessing the database. Buffering is useful if table needs to be accessed more no. of times in a program. 1. How do I set a flag for a field in any table? Create a char field of length 1. for example field STAS-LKENZ is Deletion Indicator. It means that if the value in the field is 'X' then that record has been deleted. 1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP/4 program? ANS:HEADER ,BODY,FOOTER. 2. What are field symbols .? ANS:- 3. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program? ANS:STEP 1: CONVERTING THE LEGACY SYSTEM DATA TO A FLAT FILE to internal table CALLED "CONVERSION". STEP 2: TRANSFERING THE FLAT FILE INTO SAP SYSTEM CALLED "SAP DATA TRANSFER". STEP 3: DEPENDING UPON THE BDC TYPE i)call transaction(Write the program explicity) ii) create sessions (sessions are created and processed.if success data will transfer). 4. What is a batch input session? ANS:BATCH INPUT SESSION is an intermediate step between internal table and database table. Data along with the action is stored in session ie data for screen fields, to which screen it is passed,program name behind it, and how next screen is processed. 5. What is the alternative to batch input session? ANS:Call transaction. 6. A situation: An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the program and the batch session in back ground. How to do it? ANS:- go to SM36 and create background job by giving job name,job class and job steps (JOB SCHEDULING) 10. What are the different types of data dictionary objects? ans:tables, structures, views, domains, data elements, lock objects, Matchcode objects. 11. How many types of tables exists and what are they in data dictionary? ans :4 types of tables i)Transparent tables - Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fields. Both Opensql and Nativesql can be used. ii)Pool tables & iii)Cluster tables These are logical tables that are arranged as records of transparent cannot use native sql on these tables (only opensql).They are not managable directly using database system tools. iv)Internal tables - . 13. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically? ANS:- NO. TRANSPARENT TABLE DO EXIST WITH THE SAME STRUCTURE BOTH IN THE DICTIONARY AS WELL AS IN THE DATABASE,EXACTLY WITH THE SAME DATA AND FIELDS. 14. What are the domains and data elements? ANS:DOMAINS : FORMAL DEFINITION OF THE DATA TYPES.THEY SET ATTRIBUTES SUCH AS DATA TYPE,LENGTH,RANGE. DATA ELEMENT : A FIELD IN R/3 SYSTEM IS A DATA ELEMENT. 15. Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements? ANS:YES. eg:- ITAB LIKE we are referening to a data object(SPFLI) not data element. 16. What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs? ANS:Adv:- GLOBAL EXISTANCE(these could be used by any other program without creating it again). 18. What is a collect statement? How is it different from append? ANS:If an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. 19. What is open sql vs native sql? Open SQL , native SQL are the interfaces to create the database applicatons. Open SQL is consistant across different types of existing Databases. Native SQL is the database language specific to database.Its API is specific to the databse. Open SQL API is consistent across all vendors 20. What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it? ANS:22. What are the events in ABAP/4 language? ANS:Initialization, At selection-screen,Start-of-selection,end-of-selection,top-of-page,end-ofpage, At line-selection,At user-command,At PF,Get,At New,At LAST,AT END, AT FIRST. 27. What is a function group? ANS:GROUP OF ALL RELATED FUNCTIONS. 28. How are the date and time field values stored in SAP? ANS:DD.MM.YYYY. HH:MM:SS 30. Name a few data dictionary objects? //rep// ANS:TABLES,VIEWS,STRUCTURES,LOCK OBJECTS,MATCHCODE OBJECTS. 31. What happens when a table is activated in DD? ANS:It is available for any insertion,modification and updation of records by any user. 32. What is a check table and what is a value table? Check table will be at field level checking. Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is check table for carrid. 37. What are select options and what is the diff from parameters? ANS:- 38. How do you validate the selection criteria of a report? And how do you display initial values in a selection screen? ANS:validate :- by using match code objects. display :- Parameters <name> default 'xxx'. select-options <name> for spfli-carrid. 39. What are selection texts? ANS:44. Name a few system global variables you can use in ABAP programs? ANS:SY-SUBRC,SY-DBCNT,SY-LILLI,SY-DATUM,SY-UZEIT,SY-UCOMM,SYTABIX..... SY-LILLI IS ABSOLUTE NO OF LINES FROM WHICH THE EVENT WAS TRIGGERED. 45. What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific number occurs statement? ANS:i)It is a standard data type object which exists only during the runtime of the program. They are used to perform table calculations on subsets of database tables and for reorganising the contents of database tables according to users need. ii)using SY-DBCNT. iii)The number of memory allocations the system need to allocate for the next record population. 46. How do you take care of performance issues in your ABAP programs? Performance of ABAPs can be improved by minimizing the amount of data to be transferred. The data set must be transferred through the network to the applications, so reducing the amount OF time and also reduces the network traffic. Some measures that can be taken are: - Use views defined in the ABAP/4 DDIC (also has the advantage of better reusability). - Use field list (SELECT clause) rather than SELECT *. - Range tables should be avoided (IN operator) - Avoid nested SELECTS. i)system tools ii)field symbols and field groups. ans:Field Symbols : Field symbols are placeholders for existing fields. A Field Symbol does not physically reserve space for a field,but points to a field which is not known until runtime of the program. eg:- FIELD-SYMBOL <FS> [<TYPE>]. Field groups : A field group combines several fields under one name.At runtime,the INSERT command is used to define which data fields are assigned to which field group. There should always be a HEADER field group that defines how the extracted data will be sorted,the data is sorted by the fields grouped under the HEADER field group. 47. What are datasets? ANS:The sequential files(ON APPLICATION SERVER) are called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP. 48. How to find the return code of a statement in ABAP programs? ANS:Using function modules. 49. What are interface/conversion programs in SAP? ANS : CONVERSION : LEGACY SYSTEM TO FLAT FILE. INTERFACE : FLAT FILE TO SAP SYSTEM. 50. Have you used SAP supplied programs to load master data? 51. What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs? Do you prefer to write your own programs to load master data? Why? 52. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical databases? ANS:To read data from a database tables we use logical database. A logical database provides read-only access to a group of related tables to an ABAP/4 program. adv:The programmer need not worry about the primary key for each table.Because Logical database knows how the different tables relate to each other,and can issue the SELECT command with proper where clause to retrieve the data. i)An easy-to-use standard user interface. ii)check functions which check that user input is complete,correct,and plausible. iii)meaningful data selection. iv)central authorization checks for database accesses. v)good read access performance while retaining the hierarchical data view determined by the application logic. disadv:i)If you donot specify a logical database in the program attributes,the GET events never occur. ii)There is no ENDGET command,so the code block associated with an event ends with the next event statement (such as another GET or an END-OF-SELECTION). 53. What specific statements do you using when writing a drill down report? ans:AT LINE-SELECTION,AT USER-COMMAND,AT PF. 54. What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used? ans:55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABAP/4 query tool? 56. What are the functional areas? User groups? and how does ABAP/4 query work in relation to these? 57. Is a logical database a requirement/must to write an ABAP/4 query? 59. What are Change header/detail tables? Have you used them? 60. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session? ans:we will look into the error log file (SM35). 61. What do you do with errors in BDC batch sessions? ANS:We look into the list of incorrect session and process it again. To correct incorrect session we analyize the session to determine which screen and value produced the error.For small errors in data we correct them interactively otherwise modify batch input program that has generated the session or many times even the datafile. 62. How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are the event driven batch jobs? ans:go to SM36 and create background job by giving job name,job class and job steps(JOB SCHEDULING) 63. Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you run? 65. Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages? ans:Yes. 68. What is SAPscript and layout set? ans:The tool which is used to create layout set is called SAPscript. Layout set is a design document. 71. What are IDOCs? ans:IDOCs are intermediate documents to hold the messages as a container. 72. What are screen painter? menu painter? Gui status? ..etc. ans:dynpro - flow logic + screens. menu painter GUI Status - It is subset of the interface elements(title bar,menu bar,standard tool bar,push buttons) used for a certain screen. The status comprises those elements that are currently needed by the transaction. 83. What are the general naming conventions of ABAP programs? ANS:Should start with Y or Z. 91. What are the different elements in layout sets? ans:PAGES,Page windows,Header,Paragraph,Character String,Windows. 92. Can you use if then else, perform ..etc statements in sap script? ans:yes. 104. What is the structure of a BDC sessions. ans:BDCDATA (standard structure). 105. What are the fields in a BDC_Tab Table. ans:program,dynpro,dynbegin,fnam,fval. Different kind of foreign key 2 6 3 5 4 Which of the following are the fields of structure BDBMSGOLL Message ID TCode MSGV1 Message type All Which of the following statement is not true regarding an Abstract class An abstract class can never be instantiated. It specifies one or more Abstract methods that must be implemented in the subclass It is used as means to enforce a uniform interface in subclasses None Tcode to access the translation tools Se93 Se61 Se63 Se91 What are field symbols? a) Field symbols are like pointers in C that can point to any data object in ABAP/4 and to structures defined in ABAP/4 dictionary. b) Field symbols have to be created with type specifications only. c) You cannot assign one field symbol to another. d) All operations you have programmed with the field symbol are carried out with the assigned field. e) All If COLLECT is used on internal table, which has a non-key character field, The first record’s value is used in the collected version. Cannot be predicted. Compilation error. (non-key fields must be numeric)... The last record’s value is used in the collected version. Tcode for table maintenance SM30 The start of an SAP Transaction also marks the start of what? a) DB LUW b) Asynchronous Update c) SAP LUW d) Commit Point 13) What is a SAP LUW: a) a modularised unit in ABAP programs b) all the updates for 1 SAP transaction c) a logical grouping of database updates that should all be performed at the same time d) the section of program code from setting a lock until it is released e) all actions between first and last database update in transaction 12) from transaction A you call transaction B with LEAVE TO TRANSACTION B: a) internal system session opened for B b) LEAVE can be used to return from B to A c) Data from A can be accessed in B d) A can pass data to B with export e) A can pass data using SET 13) Describe statement on internal tables is used to Find the number of lines currently in table Find initial size of the table. Find type of internal table. 14) Where will you validate the entries? PBO PAI Both 15) In which sequence events in ABAP program gets executed? classical report sequence initialization at selection-screen at selection screen on (output,value request,help request) start of selection end of selection top of page end of page interactive reports sequence at line-selection at user command at PF-nn 16) How many different type of windows in smartforms? Types of windows in smartforms : Main Secodary copies windows Final window 17) Which of the following are true? a) TABLE is used as a synonym for STANDARD TABLE b) You can only access a hashed table using the generic key operations. Explicit or implicit index operations (such as LOOP ... FROM or INSERT itab within a LOOP) are not allowed. c) All hashed tables are index tables. d) We have to define the hash procedure explicitly for HASHED TABLE. e) a and b are correct 18) from transaction A you call transaction B with LEAVE TO TRANSACTION B: a) internal system session opened for B b) LEAVE can be used to return from B to A c) Data from A can be accessed in B d) A can pass data to B with export e) A can pass data using SET 19) Program ans 123 20) In smart forms how many MAIN window you can define. 0 98 1 99 Only one main window per smart forms. But you can have 99 sub-windows. 21).How do you save data in BDC tables and What is the last entry in all BDC tables? In all BDC tables the last entry is to save the data by using the field name BDC_OKCODE and a field value of ‘/11’. 22) Debug sapscript using Utilities -> Activate debugger 23) Program type for dialog program. M 24) Which one of these allow you to derive a new class from an existing class? Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation None 25) ABAP doesn’t support which of the following concept of OOPS. Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation. Multiple Inheritance. 26) In a ABAP program, the initialization event is invoked Cannot be predicted. After AT-SELECTION-SCREEN event. Could be either way Before the AT-SELECTION-SCREEN 27). At what point does the standard selection screen (as a result of a select-options) get displayed a) After Initialization event b) Before the Report Statement c) At Start-of-Selection event d) Prior to Initialization event 28) Which of the following option cannot be called remotely? BAPI rFC FM Normal FM 29) The ____ type of ABAP Dictionary view consists of one or more transparent tables and may be accessed by an ABAP program using Open SQL. A: Database view B: Projection view C: Help view D: Entity view Ans: B -> A 30) How many screen type is there in screen painter? 4 Selection screen Sub screen Model Dialog box ( pop up) Normal screen. 31) TCode for SAP Script form? SE71 32) To output SAPscript layout sets, in the print program a) You must always start the output with OPEN_FORM and end it with CLOSE_FORM. b) Within one transaction, you can use only one OPEN_FORM and CLOSE_FORM to open and close a layout set. c) WRITE_FORM should be used within an OPEN_FORM and CLOSE_FORM. d) WRITE_FORM can be used without an OPEN_FORM and CLOSE_FORM. 33) Different types of joins in abap statement. Self join Inner join Outer join Equi Join All of the above. 34) When creating a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary, which step automatically creates the table in the underlying database? A: Adding technical settings to the table B: Checking the table syntax C: Saving the table D: Activating the table 35) What are presentation and application servers in SAP? A) Application server is actually a program name sapgui.exe. It is usually installed on user’s workstation. B) Application server is a set of executable that collectively interpret the ABAP/4 program and manage the input and output for them. C) Presentation server is actually a program name sapgui.exe. It is usually installed on user’s workstation. D) A and C E) B and C 36) Is smartforms and smart styles are client independent? Yes 37) TCode used for analysis during program execution? SE30