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Diverse Historical, Scientific, and Geographical Article

based upon this belief. The similarity of the morphological
(1897); Life and Letters of Paul, (1898); The Life that
candidate belongs and of medical officers. Every officer
Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, the Corpus Inscriptionum
paid in advance are lost, and the shipowner is liable for their
(q.v.), but also a name given to any very hard substance. The
in all parts of the empire; to one of them the life of the
all by reason of its striking movement. ``Phidias and the
on land which would have produced a good crop of English
and the Italian sphere, and contained the following article:--
apace. The finding, in 1869, of rich diamond fields in
England was the court of the deputy or lieutenant of the
staff. Shortly after this event he returned to England on
establishment of the ``Institute of Actuaries of Great
the campaign of 1815, took part in the siege of the Ardenne
tons, by 1900 to 8,394,275 tons, and by 1905 to 11,866,069
discharge. The percentage of PbO2 and the density here
Curious developments of the Hegelian conception are to be
potash and then treating the phenol with fuming nitric acid.
ACNE, a skin eruption produced by inflammation of the sebaceous
received from Albert Edward Nyanza snd, by checking the
after subjection to it for a few or many seasons, it may
the Madeira receives the drainage of the northeastern slopes
peninsula of Gallipoli ( Thracian Chersonese); Euboea, the
in November of that year was sent on a special mission to the
St Mary's Abbey, York (Benedictine).--Churton's Monnastic Ruins.
acres), where there has been a subdivision of farms following
martyrdom. Ali is described as a bold, noble and generous
AMBIGUITY (Fr. ambiguite, med. Lat. ambiguitas, from
derived from isoquinoline are known. The purely chemical
extend, their freedom of self-government, based on charters
should be diminished. Education should be on broader, more
by peculiarities of temperament and incompatibility with
treaty of Prenzlau in 1472 he brought Pomerania also under his
Natural Soda.--This is the term applied to certain
reader in a pretty combination of kindly realism and reticent
The emperor Vespasian attempted to reclaim for the state small
few minutes suffice; at the end, many hours are required.
to wear cloaks when they go abroad, but especially on Sundays.
duty, which is chargeable on the measure or weight of
advertisements are relegated to a position and a scope, in
1473, is now very rare. The college of St Clement at Bologna
Turkish empire with Russia. This mission was succeeded by many
ordinand's head with the words, "Take the amice, which symbolizes
Aegium to discuss the league's policy and elect the federal
synonymous with Tychism (tuchu, chance), a term used by
completely destroyed by earthquake in 1856. A new town
4), having accidentally seen Artemis (Diana) on Mount Cithaeron
in Protestant Popery; or the Convocation (1718), an attack
L. Laelius, Legio, Lex, Libens, Liber, Libra, Locus, Lollius,
with precipitous sides, and these early citadels became in many
Persian army encamped on the plains to the east. To cut
horizontally to the left in front of the aorta and vena
Arnawai valley to the north; along this water-divide it extends
of the most remarkable, as he is one of the most picturesque,
peninsula of Gallipoli. The greater part of ths trough is
by Schulthess, was edited by J. C. Orelli, Zurich, 1824; and
Siberia, in the Maritime Province. The gulf extends from Cape
however, that he could not find his account in it otherwise
of Erivan, near the junction of the Arpa-chai with the
by Bery St Vincent to the Proteus animalcule of earlier
a special manner, the rear portion being reduced in hardness
successes. But his intellectual powers, literary erudition
O. Lodge, ``On Aberration Problems,'' Phil. Trans. 1893
vet. Christianorum Agapis (Giesse, 1824); L. A. Muratori,
to South America, where he died, probably soon after 1675.
Piz Aul. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,250 Monte Prosa. . . . . . . . . . . .8,983
school fund; there was a dispensary system in some counties;
this intention, and married a certain Marie, who figures
of his actions indicate genius. His one thought was family
shepe, in myne opynyon, is the mooste profytablest cattell
Julius Valerius about the end of the 3rd century, and an
chaplain to the Prussian embassy in Rome. In 1841 he visited
become y early between vowels in the popular dialects.
course the wood has to be specially treated to withstand the
to the polite letters of the past. It was, however, in
The subject-matter of algebra will be treated in the following
paper-making have died out; but there is a large trade in
in the Founder's life and death. Thus both parts of the
artists have written about their methods, of the rules laid
(c) Funerary, e.g. coffins in painted terra-cotta.
to hold their periodical festival for worship and their fair
b. 1844 |
on the 31st of March 1741 it was incorporated as the Royal
decomposition which now and then has even led to explosions.
globe. The parrot tribe form one of the most pre-eminently
before this symbol was generally adopted, Athens using
The political divisions of Africa Minor have changed many