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Entrepreneurial Mind: Small Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities in
Small Business
Small Business is Beautiful
• Business is an organized effort of individuals for the production of
goods and services in order to make profit. To organize a business,
the entrepreneur must combine four resources: human, financial,
material and informational.
•There are two kinds of small business. The very small business where
the owner is the principal worker and he employs one or more
assistants is called micro business. The other one is the bigger small
business where the owner mainly directs the work of the employees.
•These are the common characteristics of small business:
It is privately owned.
It has few or no layers of management.
Generally, it has insufficient resources to dominate its field of business.
Small Business is Beautiful
• The determination of what constitutes a Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is based on its total
assets. This is provided in Republic Act No. 6977, as
amended (also known as the “Magna Carta for Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)“, previously
called the “Magna Carta for Small Enterprises”.
Small Business is Beautiful
The term MSME refers to any business activity
or enterprise engaged in industry, agribusiness and/or
services, whether single proprietorship, cooperative,
partnership or corporation whose total assets must
have value falling under the following categories:
MICRO : not more than P3,000,000
SMALL : P3,000,001 – P15,000,000
MEDIUM : P15,000,001 – P100,000,000
Features of a Small Business
A small business is low in capital but high in labor intensity
Most small businesses do not have sufficient financial resources so
they cannot purchase big machines or modern equipment. What is only
possible for them to do is to use labor instead of machine in their business
operations. There are usually in retailing and service industries.
A small business is efficient in specialized skill or service
It can well produce goods or services that are designed to the
particular needs of an individual or a few clients.
A small business succeeds in small, isolated or overlooked markets
In rural communities where markets are small due to the few
residents, a small business is viable. E.g. Sari-Sari Stores, Tailoring Shops, etc.
Features of a Small Business
A small business often operates in unstable markets
With little capital, they are not afraid to experiment or test the
market. They can easily respond to changing economic conditions. If these are
not favorable, they can quickly get out.
A small business is closer to the market place
Not a few small businesses conduct their operations right inside the
market place. Being closer to the buyers, compared with corporations, they
get first-hand information about consumer tastes and preferences. Such
advantage enables the small business to respond quickly to the needs of the
Generally, the owner of small business are also the managers
Most of our small enterprises in the country are like these. The
owner-manager employs his wife and children. If the business grows, the
owner hires more employees, usually relatives and town mates.
Features of a Small Business
Capital comes from the owner or small group
In our country, a small business is usually financed by the family
through its own savings and/or loans. If ever the business is funded by a small
group, it comes from relatives and close friends.
The area of operation is small
This means the business is community-based. The owner and the
employees live in the community where the enterprise is located.
The size of the enterprise is small in relation to the industry
For example, the shoe industry is a large one. But there are many
stores of shoes. Clearly, one shoe store cannot dominate the market for shoes.
In the case of big businesses, there are only few enterprises like the bear
industry, OPEC, car manufacturers, etc.
Differences between Big and Small Enterprises
1. Small businesses as a group change through a cycle of births
and deaths. In the case of big enterprises, change is through
expansion or contraction.
2. Small business risk or reward estimate is done by the
individual owner who either gets profits or loss, while in large
corporations, the risk or reward calculation is done by
3. Small business has little or no economic power. On the other
hand, big business has tremendous influence on the
economy, including the political sector.
Advantages of the Small Business
Personalized relationships with customers and employees
Retailers and shop owners deal with their customers on personalized
services. The small business owners are involved in social, cultural and political
affairs in the community. Such personalized services or relationships with
customers are a big economic advantage which big corporations do not have.
Flexibility in management
The owners being the boss or manager, he can easily introduce
changes in his product or services, experiment on price strategies, or change
store hours to fit market conditions. Furthermore, small business owners are
quick to learn changes in the needs and interests of their customers, and also
the activities of their competitors.
Government incentives
The national government has been promoting the organization of
small enterprises. It extends both financial and technical assistance,
particularly production and marketing to small entrepreneurs. Such programs
of the government are relevant to the nature of our economy.
Advantages of the Small Business
Simple record keeping
Small enterprises require dew and simple sets of records. They may
consist only of a cash receipt journal which records all sales, and a cash
disbursement journal which records all expenses or payments.
Small business owners are the masters of their own destinies. They
are not employees. They make their own decisions. They do not apply for
vacation or sick leaves. They do not worry about being late, absent or laid off.
To many individuals, this is the kind of life they enjoy.
Disadvantages of the Small Business
Difficulty of raising capital
Without financial assistance from the government, a small business has
limited ability to obtain funds from others. Initially, it is the owner who provides
capital for his business. If additional funds are needed, these can be obtained from
relatives, friends or banks.
Risk of failure
A small business does not have enough financial resources to survive bad
economic conditions. Its inability to absorb losses and unforeseen events forces
the owner to go out of business.
Limited management skills
Owners of small businesses generally lack of management skills. They
have no formal education or training in management and marketing.
Lack of opportunities for employees
Most of the employees of a small business are sales staff. Only very few
of them become supervisors. In the Philippines, small enterprises are familyowned. Those who are holding managerial and supervisory positions belong to the
family or relatives in most cases.
Why Small Businesses Fail
• Lack of experience
• Lack of money
• Wrong location
• Mismanagement of inventory
• Poor credit practices
• Poorly planned expansion
• Unsound or too little analysis in choosing the business