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Concord Academy Musical Audition Info

Spring Musical
Audition Dates:
● November 21st: Initial Auditions
● November 22nd: Callbacks (if called)
Note: All musical participants must audition. Not receiving a callback
does NOT mean you have not been casted for the show.
Audition Process:
● All Interested in Show: Cast, Tech, & Crew
Interest Meeting: 3:10 to 3:30 (Mandatory)
Crew Interest may leave after meeting
● All interested Cast Open Call Audition:
Group Singing
Group Choreography
3:30 to 4:30
● Main/Supporting Roles, Roles with lines/solos
Individual Auditions (All encouraged to give it a shot)
Once you have done your individual,
you are free to go.
4:30 until finished
■ Those who cannot drive will be
given first slots.
Audition Sign Up Genius:
Please sign up for one of the following choices:
● Ensemble Audition ONLY (3:30 to 4:30)
○ All auditioning students must
● Individual Audition (4:30 to Finish)
○ Includes Ensemble Audition
● Tech/Crew/Makeup/Hair/Volunteer
One Guardian Representative Required
● Schedule, Cast List, Expectations, Involvement, Important Dates
● Date: TBD in December
Individual Audition Instructions
Prepare both for Individual audition!
Prepare one short monologue from the show (provided below). Every student
wishing to audition for any speaking or singing role should prepare a
monologue. Memory encouraged! ALSO, prepare a side from the provided
sides for a character of your choice.
Prepare to sing at least 16 bars of a song from the show. Choose a song from
the show out of the list provided that shows off your voice/range and
character(s) of choice.
Prepare beyond just the vocal, show us your ability to sing, act, react, and
make strong choices during your song.
Audition Materials
Focus your phone’s camera on the QR code and click the link to access the
Google Drive folder with all Audition Materials!
Audition Material Folder Includes:
● Suggested Monologues
● Sides (Portions of script to read/act)
● Sheet Music for Audition Songs
● Reference Tracks/Music for Songs
● Character Descriptions
Beauty & the Beast Cast/Crew Information Sheet
Phone Number: _______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Names:
______________________________ Phone #_________________ Email___________________________
______________________________ Phone #_________________ Email___________________________
Character/Role interests:
Circle all you are comfortable with:
Stage Crew
*If you circled Stage Crew/Tech, please fill out the back pg. as well.
Special Skills: (gymnastics, juggling, athleticism, dance specialty, baton, etc.)
Conflicts: List any conflicts that may interfere with rehearsals after school between 3
and 6, Saturdays in Jan., Feb., & March, and the two weeks before show (February
26th-March 11th). If you have a job please note how many hours you work on a given
week and when you are usually scheduled/flexibility.
If possible: attach any school sports, dance competition, club sports, etc schedules
to this sheet for the directors team.
Tech/Crew Specific Application
What technical skills and experience do you have that you believe would
make you a valuable member to our Tech. or Stage Crew team?
What characteristics do you have that you believe would make you a reliable,
focused, and helpful member of our Tech. or Stage Crew?
Would you like to be considered for a Stage Manager or Tech/Stage Crew
Captain? If yes, what leadership skills/experience qualifies you for this role?
Please number your top 3 choices for Tech. or Stage Crew Assignment below:
● Stage Manager: Preferred to be at most rehearsals
● Prop Master
● Lighting Execution
● Sound Execution
● Screens/Projection Execution
● Camera Crew
● Stage Crew: Set, Transitions, On stage
● Other: _____________________________
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