Modeling & Simulation of Mechanical Systems Sheet 2 Figure 1 illustrates Fabrication of SiO2/5083Al metal matrix nanocomposite using FSP as a mechanical System, through your study of this mechanical System, answer the following questions: Figure 1 Fabrication of SiO2/5083Al metal matrix nano-composite using FSP as a mechanical System. Q1 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT PARAMETERS THAT ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT WHEN MODELING THIS MECHANICAL SYSTEM? WHAT ARE SOME OF THE OUTCOMES IN THE USE OF THOSE MODELS? Q2 WHAT ARE THE MAJOR STEPS IN BUILDING A MODEL FOR FABRICATION OF AS A MECHANICAL SIO2/5083AL METAL MATRIX NANO-COMPOSITE USING FSP SYSTEM? Q3 WHAT KEY ISSUES MIGHT ARISE FOR EACH OF THE OVERALL MODELLING STEPS? WHAT MAJOR AREAS OF PSE OFTEN RELY ON THE USE OF MODELS? Dr/ Eid M. E. Ibrahim Q5 Dr/ Eid M. E. Ibrahim Q6 Dr/ Eid M. E. Ibrahim