Geometry Name___________________________________ ID: 1 ©h X2V0N1a7d DK_uetPa] QS`orfLtUwraorMeQ nLkLZCg.t u KAKl\lO srUiQgihKtjsQ CrUersHemrpvMe]dP. Dilations Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) dilation of 2 2) dilation of 4 y y D V H A x 3) dilation of x J V 4) dilation of 1.5 1 2 y y P x x M L 5) dilation of F I Z W 6) dilation of 2 1 2 y y T E U U M x x M Y Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -1- ©P U2g0h1T7b XK[u[tjaJ \SuoUfdtKwzaErne_ xLyLRCF.n r kAVlSlu grViygyhht[sq ^rLetspejrOvvepd\.\ p EMhaVdzeA SwjiJtphA jIunkfCilnhiMtSeU bAvlCgjekb`rIac l2X. 7) dilation of 2 K(-1, 0), C(1, 2), U(0, -2) 8) dilation of 2.5 Z(-1, 0), G(0, 2), E(1, 2), W(-1, -1) y y x x 9) dilation of 1.5 L(-1, -1), K(-2, 1), Q(3, 1) 1 4 V(-4, 2), M(-4, 4), S(0, 4) 10) dilation of y y x x Write a rule to describe each transformation. 11) 12) y y R' R T' T K' x K S x X' A' S' X A Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -2- ©v c2`0]1R7U HKsuttfag _S\oSfRt]whakrYeO cLcLhCW.A k fAjlrlb HrYiNgJhBtDsV `rSeDsVevrbvqerdV.a q EMyavdneE Awvi]tnhV wIRnWfSiBnmintMeI ]Anlngdekbrrnal q2h. Answers to Dilations (ID: 1) 1) 2) y 3) y y V' D' H' A' x x M' F' V' L' x W' J' 4) 5) y 6) y y T' E' P' U' M' x U' x x Y' M' I' Z' 7) 8) y 9) G' y y E' C' K' K' Z' x Q' x x L' W' U' 10) 11) dilation of 2 y M' V' 12) dilation of 0.25 S' x Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -3- ©g _2n0^1w7\ ]KzuptVaU qSVoZfTtPwLaFrAep TLYLXCB.C c ]AqlFlG IrPi\gehKtDst ^rSerstelrHvveldZ.N S vMXawdGe\ LwzibtEhD EISnCfMiFnxiyties HA_lOgreJbArCaJ S2r. Geometry Name___________________________________ ID: 2 ©a Y2^0F1K7i WKJuXtkaT MSOoNfltDwracrHeV nLQL[Cv.c r TAllSlO srbiDghhUtwsY arSeTsUeArivbeudz. Dilations Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) dilation of 0.25 2) dilation of y 5 2 y M S x S H x M Q 3) dilation of 0.5 4) dilation of 0.25 y y H P E F X x x N 5) dilation of 0.5 6) dilation of 1.5 y y Q x T x D K U X Q Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -1- ©u ]2V0H1d7f dKTulteax BSwoIfotEwZaqrieS YLCLaCy.T B lATlXln \r^iNgyhXtksG ]rWe`sbedrwvveydf.C C qMBaGdTeD HwJintuhp VIOnbfViFnUiut[e[ JA_lZgFetbmrvaG v2e. 7) dilation of 0.5 Y(0, -3), Z(1, -1), D(4, -1), L(1, -4) 8) dilation of 0.25 H(0, -3), G(0, 2), U(5, 1), A(5, -1) y y x x 10) dilation of 1.5 A(-2, 0), G(-2, 1), M(2, 3), U(1, -2) 1 2 U(-4, 2), L(-3, 5), X(-1, 5) 9) dilation of y y x x Write a rule to describe each transformation. 11) 12) y y K U' U K' Z' x x Z S' A' M' B' S A M B Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -2- ©y `2T0q1N7f LKVuUtXas GSAo_fFtzwRaarLew bLiLICe.i I TADlwlf frLiqgrhotGsP MrUezsNeHrFv[eGdi.q g VMSaud`eQ EwKi`tjhM jIHnXfqipnEiltjeK wAwlNgSePbFrMaF s2C. Answers to Dilations (ID: 2) 1) 2) y 3) y y S' P' F' M' S' H' x x x N' Q' M' 4) 5) y 6) y y Q' H' E' X' T' x x x U' X' D' Q' 7) K' 8) y 9) y y L' G' Z' D' U' A' x H' Y' X' U' x x L' 10) y 11) dilation of M' 12) dilation of 0.5 1 2 G' A' x U' Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC -3- ©Q b2W0t1f7F KKqu]tsan QSQoifttcwtaIrdet wLQLCCJ.L b yAdlsl_ arTisgkhItQsV ]rlehsleqrdvreDdW.H F PMqahdEeU qw`ixtQhx rIKnSfwiGniihtNed nAVlqg\eWbQrIaD d2L.