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Wiley ChemicalProcessEngineeringVolume1 DesignAnalysisSimulationIntegrationandProblemSolvingwithMicrosoftExcel-UniSimSoftwareforChemicalEngineersComputationPhysicalPropertyFluidFlowEqui

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Chemical Process Engineering: Design, Analysis, Simulation and Integration, and Problem Solving With
Microsoft Excel – UniSim Design Software, Computation, Physical Property, Fluid...
Book · April 2022
DOI: 10.1002/9781119510192
2 authors:
Akintunde Kayode Coker
Rahmat Sotudeh
University of Wolverhampton
Polytechnique Montréal
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To purchase this product, please visit https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/9781119510222
Chemical Process Engineering Volume 1: Design,
Analysis, Simulation, Integration, and Problem
Solving with Microsoft Excel-UniSim Software
for Chemical Engineers Computation, Physical
Property, Fluid Flow, Equipment and Instrument
Rahmat Sotudeh-Gharebagh, A. Kayode Coker
March 2022
July 2022
Written by two of the most prolific and respected chemical engineers in the world, this groundbreaking two-volume set is the
“new standard” in the industry, offering engineers and students alike the most up-do-date, comprehensive, and state-of-theart coverage of processes and best practices in the field today.
This first new volume in a two-volume set explores and describes integrating new tools for engineering education and practice for
better utilization of the existing knowledge on process design. Useful not only for students, professors, scientists and practitioners,
especially process, chemical, mechanical and metallurgical engineers, it is also a valuable reference for other engineers, consultants,
technicians and scientists concerned about various aspects of industrial design.
The text can be considered as a complementary text to process design for senior and graduate students as well as a hands-on
reference work or refresher for engineers at entry level. The contents of the book can also be taught in intensive workshops in the oil,
gas, petrochemical, biochemical and process industries.
The book provides a detailed description and hands-on experience on process design in chemical engineering, and it is an integrated
text that focuses on practical design with new tools, such as Excel spreadsheets and UniSim simulation software.
Written by two industry and university’s most trustworthy and well-known authors, this book is the new standard in chemical,
biochemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and petroleum refining. Covering design, analysis, simulation, integration, and, perhaps
most importantly, the practical application of Microsoft Excel-UniSim software, this is the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage
of all of the latest developments in the industry. It is a must-have for any engineer or student’s library.
A. Kayode Coker, PhD, is an engineering consultant for AKC Technology, an honorary research fellow at the University of
Wolverhampton, UK, a former engineering coordinator at Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Company, and chairman of the Department
of Chemical Engineering Technology at Jubail Industrial College, Saudi Arabia. He has been a chartered chemical engineer for
more than 30 years. He is a fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK, and a senior member of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers. He holds a BSc honors degree in chemical engineering, a master of science degree in process analysis
and development and PhD in chemical engineering, all from Aston University, Birmingham, UK, and a Teacher’s Certificate in
Education at the University of London, UK. He has directed and conducted short courses extensively throughout the world and has
been a lecturer at the university level. His articles have been published in several international journals. He is an author of seven
books in chemical engineering, a contributor to the Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, Vol 61 and a certified trainthe-mentor trainer. He is also a technical report assessor and interviewer for chartered chemical engineers (IChemE) in the U.K.
He is a member of the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, UK, is in “Leading Engineers of the World for 2008.” He is
also a member of “International Who’s Who of ProfessionalsTM” and “Madison Who’s Who in the U.S.”
Rahmat Sotudeh–Gharebaagh, PhD, is a full professor of chemical engineering at the University of Tehran. He teaches
process modeling and simulation, transport phenomena, plant design and economics and soft skills. His research interests
include computer-aided process design and simulation, fluidization, and engineering education. He holds a BEng degree in
chemical engineering from Iran’s Sharif University of Technology, plus a MSc and a PhD in fluidization engineering from Canada’s
Polytechnique. He has been an invited Professor at Qatar University and Polytechnique de Montréal. Professor Sotudeh has
more than 300 publications in major international journals and conferences, plus four books and four book chapters. He is the cofounder and editor-in-chief of the journal, Chemical Product and Process Modeling, a member of the Iranian Elite Foundation, and
an official expert (OE) on the oil industry with the Iranian Official Expert Organization.
To purchase this product, please visit https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/9781119510222
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