'Si St[rblitdtEPDiIE0ttni Deportnmt of Glutdion DepEd ORDER No. , s.2O22 (Pronotioa To: AUEITDUEI{TS TO DEPED ORDER NO. O47, 5.2022 Profescioaalism in the Implemeatatioa and Ilelivery of Basic Educatioa Prograos aad Servicesf of Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondar5l School Heads All Others Concerned 1. The Pronotlon of Profcsgionalism is thc Implcmcntation aad Dcltvcry of Ba:ic Educatioo Prograas and Slcrviccs has been issued as DepEd Order (DO) No. O47, s. 2022. To further strengthen professionalism within the Department and integr-ate it in all areas of work and practice in the Department, DO O47 , s. 2022 is amended to include additional provisions on emplo5rment and personnel relations, as well as the responsible use of social media. 2. Item numbers 1-4 of DO O47 , s. 2022 on tlee Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services, are amended and shall be read as follows: 1. It is the policy of DepEd to pronote effcctive aad elfrciert policies alad prograns. To realizc this, DepEd should be free from any partfuan activitics. As such, this Offic- rcminds the oflicials aad cmployecs to practice the highest forrn of professioaalism aad to obscrve the following Eeasures a. Refrain from seeking eadorsemeats, recommendatiors, coatributions, support, coasideratiou, political accomoodatio[s, or aay form of iatcrvention from other goverrncat perroaael or similar entities outside of DepEd; b. Desilt from solicitiag favorable actions from politicia.as to facilitate tbe implemeatatioa of program3, projects, or activitier, exccpt those covered by the Adopt-a-School PrograE, iaitiated by thc local goveramest units, fuaded by the Special Educatiou Fuad lSEFf, or covcred by partncnhip agrcementr and/or alloved by lar; c Refraia from rcquestiag or obtaiaiag support or eadorscncnt from aay third party ia the hirin6 transfer, promotioa, rcmoval, or aay othcr personael lnovcmeatl d. Follov the iaternal rulcs ard regulations of the Department oa protocol.s relative to communication, DepEd C-oruplex, Meralco Atrcnuc, Pasig City 1600 3 a633-72Oa /a633-722a 1a632- t36t fl a6s6-4a761 37-6209 a www.deped.gov.ph corrcslnadcncc, ead othcr approprirtc rorl ploGcsscs; and e Raise issues and coacerns regardiag bagic educatioa via foroal aad appropriate DepEd chanaels, either directly to the Office of the Secretary or througb the eoacerned As.cista-at Secretar5l or Undersccretar5l, rithout resorting to any political or third-party iaterventioa or acc-oOuodation. Failurc to comply rith aay of thc abovcmeatioacd acts shall neao outright denial of any request or appeal for coasideratioa in the OIIice of the Secretary. 2, Iu deliniag acccptablc aorms of conduct and rclationrhips in DepEd, officials aad employees are remiaded of the provisions of Republic Act Ito. 6713, otherrise Loora as the Code of Conduct aad Ethical Standarda for Public Oflicials aod Eaployees, in line vith this, DepEd oflicials aad employeea are expected to obseree the folloviag: a. Treat aad approach DepEd colleagues, employees, learaers and stakeholders with the highest degree of professionalism, skill, and excellencel b. Respect the rights of others aad refraia from doiug any act that is coatrarJ, to law, good oorals, good custorrs, public policy, public order, public safety, aad public interest; b. Servc aad pcrform oac's dutics aad rcspoasibilities ia pronpt, courteoua, aad fair Eaarcr; c. a Refrain from engagiag in aay activity or aay relationship that may impair one's ability in m.Liag objective decisions in the performaace of his/her job functions; d. Avoid rclationships, i.atcractioa, aad commuaicatioa, iacluding folloriag social media sith learaers outside of the school scttiag, except if thcy arc relatives; e. Desist from ar,y act that Eay cotrpronise oae's iategrity as that Eay coEpnornisc the hoaor of the DcpEd. a govcrrrneat employee a.ud 3. Employees aad oflicials must coasider the legal restrictious iaposed by existing statutes, rules, and DepEd Orders ia the use of social media. \ hether it be for personal use of the DepEd oflicial or employee, or ar a! essential or aa iacideatal tool in carrying out their maadate, social media rules should be coaplied rith. As such, employees and oflicials of the DepEd: a. Shall exercise caution wheu sharing posts or other corterrts and should aot participate in the spreadiag of rumors aad false information; b. Shall oot uaduly port oaDac attacks agaiast fcllow DcpEd cmployecs aad ouct utilize lcgal aad hupar rctource mcdiation proccduresl and c. Shall aot disparagc DcpEd aod must always bc rcputatioa rnd honor of the orgaaizatioa. aildful of the 4. The use of DcpEd cudl addrcsscs shall oaly be for rurk-related subscriptioar aad epplicatloas. Ia !o casc shall the DepEd email addresg be urcd for any pcrroael rociel Ecdia account, ptolilc, or activity. 3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. kX.^^..^.^ lrfr SARA Z. DUTERTE Vice President and Secretaqr Reference: DepEd Order No. (O47, s.2O22l To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: AMENDMENT AUTHORITY BUREAUS AND OFFICES EMPLOYEES OFFICIALS POLICY RULES AND REGULATIONS Amendment to DO SMMA/APA/MPC, 2022 October 25, - O321 7