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What is the CogAT

What is the CogAT?
CogAT stands for Cognitive Abilities Test
It is an abilities test of logic and cognitive processing abilities
There are 3 categories, each with 3 separate subtests
• Verbal Reasoning
• Quantitative Reasoning
• Nonverbal Reasoning
Students get between 8 and 12 minutes for each subtest and must
answer 10-25 questions per subtest
Typically, the test is administered over several days to give the
students a break between testing sessions, but that is up to the school
Why is it administered?
It is frequently used for selecting students for gifted programs
It serves as an admission test for private and charter schools
It is usually administered to all students in second or third grade, but
there are versions for younger or older students
Why should I prepare my students?
If they are gifted, help them show it!
Build their confidence
Identify students’ strengths and relative weaknesses for better
Develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills
Expose them to tasks they will see in the future: analogies, number
sequences, compare and contrast, cloze comprehension, and more
How can I prepare my students?
Explicitly teach them how to approach the tasks and give them the
opportunity to take practice tests
Expose them to critical-thinking activities
Teach them that logic and performance on these tasks improve with
Teach students how to use Scantrons correctly using this free
resources to help them feel comfortable while testing
© Li%le Victories
Subtest Category: Verbal Reasoning
Test # 1: Verbal Classification
On this test, students are given three words that are related and pick a fourth
word that is related in the same way. For example, a question could read
“red, yellow, green.” All of these are colors. The answer will also be a color.
1) shirt, shoes, socks, _____
a. makeup
c. clothes
b. fan
d. pants
Test # 2: Sentence Completion
On this test, students will be given one or two sentences with a word missing.
They must select an answer choice that makes the best sense in the
2) It was ____ outside. My popsicle was melting fast!
a. cold
c. ice cream
b. hot
d. chilly
Test # 3: Verbal Analogies
On this test, students will be given two words that are related in some way.
They must figure out how the words are related. Then, they are given a third
word and must pick the answer that goes with the third word in the same
way that the first two words are related. For example,
“tiger à fur : bird à ____.” The relationship is the animals’ covering, so the
correct answer is “feathers.”
3) tall à short : inside à ______
b. outside
d. opposite
3) d
© Little Victories
2) b
c. medium
Answers: 1) d
a. house
Subtest Category: Quantitative Reasoning
Test # 4: Quantitative Relationships
Students are given two number sentences or measurements, such as gallons
and pints. They will decide which is larger or if they are equal. The wording
and formatting of these questions can be particularly tricky for students.
Practice can help students better understand this question type.
a. I is greater than II
II. 4 − 2
b. I is less than II
c. I is equal to II
Test # 5: Number Series
Students are given a list of numbers. They must determine the pattern of how
the numbers change, then find the next number in the series. Patterns can
range from addition and subtraction, to multiplication, and even squaring.
5. 14, 16, 18, 20, ___
a. 21
b. 22
c. 24
d. 19
Test # 6: Equation Building
Students will be given two or three numbers and one or two operators
(➖, ➕, ✖, ➗) that can be used to make different number sentences. They
will combine these numbers and symbols to make possible number
sentences. One of the number sentences will equal an answer option.
6. 15 4 –
6) c
© Little Victories
c. 11
d. 12
5) b
b. 10
Answers: 4) a
a. 9
Subtest Category: Nonverbal Reasoning
Test # 7: Figure Classification
Students will see three shapes that are all related in some manner. They may be
the same color, shape, or size. They may have an equal number of sides, or they
could all be the same shape facing different directions. Students will have to
figure out how the shapes are related and then pick another shape that
completes the set.
Test # 8: Figure Analogies
This test is similar to the Verbal Analogies subtest, but instead of words, students
will be given shapes. First, they will need to determine the relationship between
the first two shapes. Then, students will look at a third shape and select the
answer choice that relates to the third shape in the same way the first two
shapes are related.
Test # 9: Figure Analysis
This test is all about folding paper. Students will be shown a square “paper” that
is folded. Then, a hole is punched in the paper. They will have to choose the
answer that shows how the paper will look when unfolded.
Answers: 7) c
8) b
9) a
© Little Victories
Important Tips for Students
Tip #1
Students don’t have to get every question right to do well on the
test. Make sure students understand this and remind them to be
confident in themselves. Encourage risk-taking in your classroom.
Tip #2
There are no penalties for incorrect answers. Teach students to
guess in the last minute, so they have no unanswered questions.
Tip #3
Teach students to predict what they think the answer should be
before they look at the given answers. Looking at the answer
choices too soon can mess up their logic.
Tip #4
Practice! Everyone gets better with practice.
Tip #5
Relax! Don’t let students take the test so seriously that they freeze
up. Teach students self-management and relaxation skills so they
are calm and cool on the test day. Remind them that the test is
designed to be tricky, and most kids do better than they expect!
Tip #6
Allow students to work with hands-on materials. This is especially
helpful for the paper folding subtest. Give them square papers to
fold and a hole puncher to practice predicting where the holes will
be when the paper opened.
© Li%le Victories
Ready to get started?
Check out Little Victories'
CogAT Test Prep- Teach and Practice
Introduce students to the test
Breakdown of each subtest for instruction
Teach each question type
Five practice questions with full explanations for the
correct answer. Great for daily class warm-ups and
Top tips for taking the test and each subtest’s top
2 Practice Tests with 8 Questions per Subtest
(144 Unique Questions)
Mock Scantron sheets in two formats so students can
practice transferring their answers to the Scantron
Answer key in 2 formats for easy grading- both on the
test and on a scantron for quick reference
Click here to check out the bundle!
Just looking for one subtest? Click on the link below!
CogAT Test Prep- Teach and Practice Verbal Reasoning
CogAT Test Prep- Teach and Practice Quantitative Reasoning
CogAT Test Prep- Teach and Practice Nonverbal Reasoning
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