Uploaded by Rodrigo Rondon

100-500day Easy with this new Youtube method

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Hello everyone, firstly thank you so much for purchasing
this ebook.
In this ebook I am telling you a simple yet powerful
method to generate income from YouTube. You don't
need huge investment to start. $10 would be enough.
This is a perfect method for newbies and intermediate
marketers. Once you go through the guide, make sure
you implement it..And if you are stuck in anywhere i am
here for help :)
Further I will be taking you step by step and how you can
leverage this method and make at least $100 a day in less
than a week. $100 / day is easy to make, You just need
1-2 sales a day which is very achievable.
Method explained
In simple language we will leverage small YouTube
channels to generate sales for our offer or service
without spending a dime on ads.
No we are not doing it in a traditional way like everybody
does in the past. The services or the products we will be
offering are way different from traditional products. I am
sure you have seen channel owners pitching some sort of
products and services.. We will do the same and the best
part is you don’t need to fulfill these yourself , everything
will be outsourced. How and which channel to utilize you
will find it later.
Finding channels on YOUTUBE
Now to start with you need to find the baby channels.
The baby channels are the channels that don’t have a
huge audience but a small and targeted audience that are
active and engaging. The channels that have 5K to 30k
subscribers are the baby channels and you need to find
channels within this reach only. Don’t waste your time
chasing bigger channels because they will be getting a lot
of emails from large brands on a daily basis so it's very
difficult for us to generate a response.
There are millions of channels on YouTube all in different
languages and countries targeting different audiences.
Now I am going to give you examples of channels that
you can target but in the end use your own brain to find
that unique product or service and find a channel that
has the same interest.
Here are some few examples on how I will be finding
channels to market my service to:
• I will be looking for an online education channel that
provides information on certain types of job criteria.
And the service I will be offering is resume writing Or
Linkedln profile Optimisation.
You see how this service is 100% related to the
people of that channel and I am sure anybody
looking for this channel is looking for some sort of
job and if the channel owner will give a Shout Out to
us people would certainly buy.
So , you just need a product which directly relates to
the channel audience.
job s info rnJat ion
job Information
Jobs Information
• I would search for is Fitness channels. People are
crazy for fitness and for the fitness channel I will be
offering customized diet plans. For obvious reasons ,
people following fitness channels will be on some
sort of diet , so you have good chances of sales.
Guess what, where you can get these diet plans ,
• I will be searching for gaming channels. There are
tons and tons of gaming channels on YouTube. I will
be offering them game art or some sort of gaming
frame designs or maybe intros and outros off games.
• Next I will be looking for NFT channels and nft is
trending these days. There are lots of channels
popping up and you can just ride the wave . I will be
offering NFT art as a service.
• Next is the niche that has millions of channels on
YouTube and new channels are popping up day in
Day Out. Family vlogging. Now I have seen these
channels with a few thousand to Millions of
subscribers but keep in mind that the less
subscribers the better you are going to generate a
response. Now what I will be offering here is some
sort of art like pencil sketch portraits, watercolor
portraits etc.
• I will be looking for pet channels. I will be offering
pet art drawings and pictures of their pets.
• dropship channels. There is huge potential here. As
dropshipping is not going to Slow Down in coming
years so you have plenty of time to experiment with
this. Now for this channel I will be offering a list of
trending dropship products.
• Baby channels. Now for this channel I will offer some
sort of coloring book designs .
• Social media channels Now there are a lot of
channels that provide information on how the social
media works and provide insights on how to increase
your presence so to match interest these audiences I
will be offering templates to post , or instagram icons
or cover photos.
I hope you got my point on choosing the right channels
for you. All there is need to find a service that can relate
to the channel’s audience.
Order fulfillment
We will be using fiverr to fulfill our Orders and services.
This is what i used the most, you can choose etsy as well,
they have lot of unique items to offer.
The second way to generate some ideas is to go through
fiverr/etsy itself.
There are lots of categories you can have a look and
choose a unique service or product and then find the
channel to promote to.
Once you have chosen your niche and product. Now it's
time to reach out to channel owners via Email. They have
their email on their about section of their channels.
Heloino uou tc
Roberta's Gym
H': I.1F
: :': fv1 ‘.’ I . NJ
I’m here to help you look and feel greaL with effective body welght workouts and exercises.
Bum calories and extra fat wlth simple workout routines you can easily do at home No equlpment or
gym necessary.
New yideo workouts Monday to Fridey and then Sunday as well.
Le . u• u
Now you will need to create a list of at least 50 channels
that you need to outreach, the more the better. And if
you want to try more than one service at a time it would
help you to generate response and sales even faster.
Now open spreadsheet, type in the name of the channel
, subscribers count and something to personalize Like
there most famous video title..Or grab their latest video
Grab the headline and put into the spreadsheet. Now
once you have collected at least 50 channels you need to
send them by personalization. I repeat again and again do
not send emails unless and until you personalize them.
To be honest I don't send more than 20 emails a day and I
send 10 emails from one Gmail account and usually I get
3-4 responses.
And if you plan to provide more than two services you
need to have emailing software and a warm up service.
You can use your own domain as well.
But to start with it's easy to use your own Gmail account
and it should be old, that's the only requirement.
Your first email:
Here is a template you can edit yourself to try to act like a
normal subscriber who is appreciating the effort , do not
pitch in the first email. Try to be a normal subscriber who
is happy with his efforts.
Hi , (Channel name)
My name is (XYZ). I am a huge fan of your channel and
watch all the videos as well. The video made “Recent
video title” is great and The video “most famous video
title” i have watched 20 times and counting. I
recommended it to my family and friends as well. I really
appreciate your efforts you put in youtube videos. Huge
congrats on this successful channel.
Hope to hear from you.
Good day.
Second email:
Now once you have got their reply it’s time to follow up
this is the template you can use to pitch your service .
This could be your last email in sequence because at this
point they have agreed and if they don’t just say OK
thank you for your time and move on to another channel.
Hey, Thank you so much for replying, it means a lot. As
your audience resonates so much with me i have a
partnership offer. I into fitness myself and do provide
people personalized diet plans. It would be great if you
could do shoutout to me in one of your videos and I am
ready to provide 20% of the sales. Is it fine with you? Pls
let me know.
Looking forward for reply.
Offering Services
Now once you have got a reply and they agreed it’s time
to close the sales.
You can propose your service to him in two ways :
• you can ask him for shoutout about to your service
by giving him a free product in return
• you can offer partnership in sales. This works very
well for me. Offer them 20% of the sales or 10% of
the sales which you feel comfortable in. Don't forget
to create a URL tracker specifically for that channel
owner you can use bitly or else you can create a
coupon code for that particular channel owner.
Getting your HQ suppliers
Now once you have got your service and your channels
ready now you need to know which service provider to
use. As we will be using fiverr it's necessary to find HQ
suppliers that provide top notch service.
These are prerequisite for choosing a supplier
• a level 2 supplier
• average response rate is 5 to 6 hours or less
• have positive ratings
• have one to two orders in queue
• have portfolios in his profile
Now once you find all these in a supplier you can know
this is HQ supplier choose him over everybody.
I will create and generate nft design aFt Collection
1k, 10k, 100k
Landing page creation
Once you have got your channel selected and you are
starting to get responses you need to provide proof that
you are a serious business owner that wants shoutout of
your service.
To create a landing page it’s easy to use any sort of free
themeforest.net It would
template. You can use htt
be great, if you could afford , use clickfunnels or
leadpages to create a simple one page landing page for
your service. You can search on YT only, there are
numerous tutorials.
Make sure you provide each and every information on
your landing page and your portfolio is very important .To
get it for use you can go to the fiverr and get
non-watermarked photos to display on your landing
page. Some important thing to include in landing page:
• Your contact info
e Portfolio
• Pricing
Now, once you got a Channel owner/s start giving you
shoutout, its time to making some sales. Trust me, you
will get a lot of enquiries, so make sure you have
everything in place.
Once you make a sale, simply provide the details to your
supplier , collect the work and deliver it to your customer.
Your margins are very important to make this scalable
and profitable.
Suppose , the supplier provides a service for $50 keeping
in mind you have to provide 10-20% of each sale to the
channel owner , always ask for a higher price.
So this is it, the method is simple yet working, Now just
go out and make some sales.