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Accounting Application Questions CS

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• Sheldon prepares, examines, and analyzes financial
reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and
conformance to reporting and procedural standards.
He is strong in math and good at paying attention to
details without being distracted. He uses Intuit
QuickBooks to do most of his work. What is Sheldon’s job
• Accountant
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• Lark is categorizing financial claims
for her business. She has been
given the following list and must
identify them as an asset, liability,
and owner’s equity.
1. Accounts receivable
• Asset
2. Accounts payable
• Liability
3. Land
• Asset
4. Business Loan
• Liability
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5. Machinery
• Asset
6. Mortgage
• Liability
7. Furniture
• Asset
8. Equipment
• Asset
9. Lark, Capital
• Owner’s Equity
• Olivia is a college student majoring in marketing. She
is reading through the course catalog and sees she
must take Accounting I as part of her course work.
She schedules a meeting with her counselor to ask
why she must take accounting. What do you think
her counselor will tell her?
• Accounting is often called the “language of
• Everyone involved in a business should understand
the basics of accounting.
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• Bankers usually insist that prospective borrowers submit
audited financial statements along with a loan
application. Why should financial statements be
audited by a CPA?
• To ensure there are no inaccuracies before the
lender issues the loan.
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• Name the 3 financial statements.
• Income Statement
• Statement of Cash Flows
• Balance Sheet
• Do the financial statements contain all of the information
you might want as a potential lender? What other
information would you like to examine?
• No, I would want more information about a company I lend
money to. This could include, but is not limited to:
performance track record, the business plan, future forecast,
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• Sarah is looking at a financial statement that shows the
flow of revenues (amounts earned from business
activity) and expenses (amounts paid in the course of
operations) over a year. Which financial statement is
she looking at? How do you know?
• Income Statement
• It mentions revenue and expenses.
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• Leonard is looking at a statement that details the
movement of cash through the organization over a
quarter. Leonard sees that cash is entering and leaving
the company by means of operation, investing, and
financing. Which financial statement is Leonard looking
at? How do you know?
• Statement of Cash Flows
• Leonard is looking at cash movement.
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• Haddie is looking at a financial statement that reports how much cash is in
the bank, what is owed to creditors, and the value of the company’s assets.
Which financial statement is she looking at? How do you know?
• Balance Sheet
• Assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity are the essential components of a balance
• How do you know if the balance sheet is correct?
• Accounting Equation
• What formula is used?
• Assets= Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
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• Barney has an internship at Admiral Inc. His mentor
mentions pre-paid expenses, inventory, and accounts
receivable. What is the term for these claims?
• Current Assets
• Barney’s mentor sends him to get the financial
statement with this information from the accounting
team to take to a meeting. Which financial statement is
Barney going to get?
• Balance Sheet
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• Riona is having trouble managing the financial records
for a small business. She does everything with pen and
paper. Do you believe this is the best tool to manage
the business’s finances? Why or why not?
• No, she is human and may make mistakes when using this system.
• What other options are there for managing financial
• There are numerous electronic programs out there that could be
very effective and improve efficiency of record keeping. Examples
include: QuickBooks, Sage, Xero, Zoho Books, FreeAgent,
FreshBooks, etc.
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• Companies such as Enron, Waste Management, and
WorldCom have gotten in trouble for keeping huge debts
off the balance sheet, falsely increasing depreciation on
the balance sheet, or inflating revenues. Why do you think
these companies were willing to commit fraud? What
ramifications can these individuals face for their actions?
• Answers may vary. Possibly greed, lack of ethics, arrogance,
belief that they won’t get caught, to increase amount of
investors, high stakes, etc.
• Fines, prison time, class-action suit, losing your job
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• Judge the value of ethical behavior in accounting. Why
is ethical behavior valuable?
• Answers may vary. Possible responses: If your business is known to
be unethical it would be difficult to attract investors or lenders.
Additionally, unethical employees may lose their job, face jail time,
or fines.
• If you were hiring a new accountant for a business
called Knox Water Works, what qualities would you look
for in the employee? How would you assess this quality?
• Honesty, trustworthy, integrity, etc.
• Ask scenario based questions, ask about past experiences, etc.
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