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Billy Elliot Study Guide: Themes, Characters & Techniques

Module D – Texts and the Human Experience
Billy Elliot
Rubric Summary:
How texts represent individual and collectve uman experiences.
Human qualites and emotons associated wit or arisin rrom t ese experiences.
Evaluate t e ways lan ua e is used to s ape t ese representatons.
Given insi t into t e anomalies paradoxes and inconsistences in uman be aviour and
Consider t e role or storytellin t rou out tme to express and refect partcular lives and
Rubric Concepts/Key Terms:
Individual and collectve uman experiences
- Individual = identty and conrormity
- Collectve = community and conrormity
Reciprocal Relatons ips
Individual vs society
Anomalies paradoxes and inconsistencies in uman be aviour and motvaton
- Anomalies = unconventonal non-conrormity outsider
- Paradoxes = contradictory
- Inconsistencies = variances
- Human be aviour = actons
- Motvatons = reason desire
T e role or storytellin t rou out tme to express and refect partcular lives and cultures
- Bildun sroman = comin or a e individual rowt and development.
Key Informaton:
Social Drama – Social flm drama is a flm enre t at moves and inspires people to c an e policy
practce and individual be aviour. A dramatc sensitve and aut entc treatment or social issues
w ic powerrully connects audiences to t e emotons and people t at lie be ind our assumptons
stereotypes and prejudices.
Bildungsroman (coming of age) – A narratve dealin wit one person's rormatve years or spiritual
educaton. Seein t e rowt in a partcular c aracter as t ey encounter adversity overcome t ose
c allen es and row to become rulflled.
Director: Step en Daldry
Release Date: November 2000
Possible Themes:
e stru le wit adversity
e searc ror identty
e pursuit or dreams
e importance or nurturin relatons ips
Descripton of Main Characters:
Billy Elliot
Jackie Elliot
Tony Elliot
Mrs. Wilkinson
Michael Cafrey
Billy is t e main prota onist in t e flm w om stru les wit internalised
confict and interpersonal c allen es t rou as e races is love ror dance and
t e male dominated e emonic minin industry in is small town. He turns to
dance to escape t e imminent expectatons and pressures to rollow in t e
rootsteps or is rat er and brot er.
Jackie stru les reatly wit t e loss or is wire an avin to take care or is
ramily on is own. He experiences t is pressure rurt er t rou t e loss or is
job at t e mines stru lin to provide ror is ramily t rou t e olidays. Jackie
also experiences a similar internalised confict as Billy as e must c oose
between ivin up on Billy and is passion and t ereby losin t e possibility or a
bond between t em or becomin a scab – a miner w o worked durin t e
strike rat er t en protestn wit is co-workers and eldest son Tony.
Tony is ruelled by is all t e adversity e as experienced in t is lire. T e loss or
is mot er and job causes is c aracter to be urt and an ry at t e world.
Ballet teac er w o introduces Billy to t e Royal Ballet Sc ool. Unrulflled in er
marria e er usband doesn’t ave a job er dau ter is t e same a e as Billy
and e speaks to er about ballet.
Accepts Billy rrom t e be innin or t e flm. Introduces Billy to ‘cross-dressin ’
as e learns t at Mic ael as seen is dad do it w ic infuences im. Billy can
confde in Mic ael as e isn’t arraid to talk about is passion wit im and e
becomes is closest rriend.
Film Metalanguage and Cinematc Techniques:
T e ract or two t in s
bein seen or placed
close to et er wit
contrastn efect.
Visual Motf
A dominant or recurrin
idea in an artstc work.
T e use or symbols to
Represents t e confict or t e flm as t ere is contrast
between Billy in li t or is surroundin s and t e internal
desires e as ror ballet and avin to breakout or t e
social standards and ender roles t at e is bein
somew at rorced to conrorm to.
T e politcal turmoil and Billy’s ‘famboyant’ dance sit in
oppositon wit one anot er.
Ballet Shoes – Billy’s ballet s oes are a visual motr w ic
symbolise is passion ror dance and is pro ression or
acceptn imselr w en comparin it to at frst idin t em
under is bed to wearin t em around is neck.
Caged wire – Billy and is rat er are ofen distant rrom
eac ot er in scenes t is placement or c aracters act as a
reoccurrin symbolic motr ror t e distance t ey ave and
t e lack or nurture in t eir relatons ip.
Cubical – W en Mrs Wilkinson tells Billy’s ramily t at e
as promisin talent Billy leaves is ome afer t e
encounter as e is overw elmed as e reels as t ou
as to decide between t e expectatons is rat er and
brot er ave ror im or to purse is passion. T is led im to
confne imselr wit a cubical setn w ic symbolises t e
pressure e is reelin wit in. His escape to t e cubical is a
reoccurrin event as it is one or t e rew places Billy can be
(in music and flmm move
wit out
rrom one piece or music
or scene to anot er.
T e arran ement or t e
scenery props costume
etc. on t e sta e or a
t eatrical producton or
on t e set or a flm.
elements t at make up
a scene and creates an
overall impression.
An establis in
s ot is
a s ot in flmmakin or
television t at sets up
t e context ror t e
scene a ead desi ned
to inrorm t e audience
w ere t e acton will be
takin place. It s ows
t e
relatons ip
between people and
objects and establis es
t e scene's eo rap y.
A narratve t at be ins
alone denotn t at e isolates imselr to t ink clearly. He
isolates imselr in t e c an e rooms or t e boxin all as
e yells at Mrs Wilkinson about t e pressure e is under
and says to er “you’re t e same as everybody else always
tellin me w at to do”
Piano – T e Piano w ic belon ed to Billy’s mot er
symbolised all t at t ey p ysically ad lef or er. T e piano
also representn Billy’s possible connecton to t e arts as
e is ofen seen playin it. W en Mrs. Wilkinson and Billy
read t e leter rrom is mum non-die etc piano
instrumental plays w en e reads “always be yourselr”
Once Billy reac es t e end or is street dancin away rrom
is ome and ar uin ramily and Mrs. Wilkinson e its a
ated rence. T is t en seamlessly transitons between t e
seasons as w en e stands up a ain and t e camera pans
Inrront or im it is wintertme and snowin illustratn t e
tme w ic as passed as e stru les to make up is mind.
Costuming – Billy’s outit in t e openin scene matc t e
wallpaper in is room. T e yellow colour or is top is t en
contrasted wit t e smo rrom t e mines.
Setting – T ere is clear contrast between t e spacious
dance rooms and t e cramped messy ome t at Billy lives
T e ballet takin place in t e sports all establis es ow
Billy is out or place just by is locaton. T is is rurt er
extended by t e visual motr or t e ca ed wire w ic
expresses is entrapment w ic is seen t rou t e flm.
Placement – Billy’s involvement in t e remale dominated
sport or ballet is juxtaposed by t e irls dressed in t eir
tutus and ballet fats and Billy in is boxin ear.
Props – T e transiton between t e boxin loves and t e
ballet s oes are visual motrs w ic refects t e rowt Billy
is experiencin .
Lightng – T ere is an abundant use or natural
li tn wit in t e ome leavin muc or t e setn dim
and sometmes ard to see. W en Billy is seen perrormin
at t e conclusion or t e flm in is moment or triump all
li ts point to im.
Introduced to t e main prota onist and is carerree c ildlike innocence and establis es t e bildun sroman enre.
T ere is diegetc music playin rrom t e record player in is
ome w ic e be ins to play wit delicacy and care “I was
dancin w en I was twelve” symbolic connecton to Billy
and foreshadows is ruture success as a ballet dancer in is
adult years usin a cyclical narratie.
Establis es t e emotonal connecton billy as wit dancin
and is appiness. He’s playrul innocence’s serves as an
escape and a contrast to e emonic masculinity or t e
male dominated minin industry in Dur am.
T e flm be ins wit
a youn Billy Elliot dancin in
and ends in t e same or
a similar way.
Camera Angles
T e camera s ot an le i
s used to speciry t e
w ere
t e camera is placed to
take a s ot. T e positon
t e camera in
relaton to t e subjects
can afect t e way t e
viewer perceives t e
shot is
a s ot w ic cuts away
rrom t e main scene in
s ow
t e reacton or
c aracter to it a basic
unit or flm rammar.
A recordin
or t e
musical accompaniment
or a flm w ic ofen
emoton or rurt er
establis in a scene.
A state or afairs or an
t at
deliberately contrary to
w at one expects and is
ofen wryly amusin as a
A conversaton between
two or more people as a
reature or a book play
or flm.
bedroom to diegetc music playin rrom is record player.
T e flm t en ends wit an adult Billy Elliot bein t e lead
dancer in a producton or Swan Lake. Representn
success and t at is inital love and passion or dance as
been rulflled.
Cross Cutting Reacton Shot – W en Mrs Wilkinson tells
Billy’s ramily t at e as promisin talent Billy jumps up
onto is dinin room table and t e use or high and low
angled frequently cut shots symbolisin t e a itaton and
inner turmoil contained wit in im w en is two diferin
world collide. It t en cuts between Billy stru lin to scale
t e wall blockin is ears and coverin is race to Tony
Mrs. Wilkinson and Jackie ar uin .
Close up shot (intmate distancem – T e proxemic range or
t e camera w en dancin provides t e reelin or live and
comrort Billy reels w en dancin .
Cross Cut – T e cross cut tec nique is used to switc
between Billy at ballet class and Tony and Jackie protestn
ror t e miners t ese scene avin contrastn emoton and
POV Shot – W en Billy enters t e all ror boxin is eyes
are immediately drawn to t e ballerinas illustratn
desire to dance and t e distance w ic stands between im
and is passion.
Tracking Shot – At t e end or t e flm w en adult Billy is
about to perrorm a trackin s ot rollows be ind im to
build suspense as it is our frst limpse into is transiton
and t e fnal step or is journey.
T e use or non-diegetc music t rou out t e flm
expresses Billy’s emotons and is love or dance and is a
central aspect to t e storyline. Usin music and dance as a
means or escapism rrom t e lire is brot er and rat er
expect im to live and rurt er t e social and ender norms.
T e irls in t e s ot are assistn to dra a piano into t e
all w ilst wearin tutus. T e irony or t is s ot lies in
contrast between t e social expectaton or women and t e
assumpton t at ballerinas are delicate is c allen ed by t e
irls workin to et er to brin t e piano into t e boy’s
“you’re a dis race to t em loves your rat er and t e
traditons or t is boxin all” – T e dialo ue indicates Billy’s
perrormance in boxin as been poor previously and is
as become rrustrated wit
im. T e social
expectaton or Billy’s ad erin to a partcular identty is
clear t rou t is dialo ue. It is also evident t at Billy is
unable to rulfl t is perceived identty.
Essay Plans:
Q1: How is determinaton required for success? Discuss in relaton to Billy Elliot.
THESIS: T e determinaton to pus rorward and overcome adversity is essental ror t e ac ievement
or one’s oals and t ereby success. Success can be measured by t e level or commitment involved
and t e results w ic come wit suc eforts.
P1 – Pursuit or Dreams:
Establis sequence – Introduces t e context to t e audience and reinrorcin t e comin or
a e enre (bildun sromanm.
Mise en Scene / Juxtapositon – T e setn w ic is establis ed is ei tened by t e
arran ement or t e set and rorms a clear tone overall impression ror t e scene. Wit Billy
bein juxtaposed to is town t rou costumin and placement. Exceedin is expectatons
or t e miners and pursin is dreams.
POV Camera S ot – A POV s ot is used w en Billy is in t e boxin all as it illustrates is
desire to dance denotn is lon in to be wit t e ballerina’s.
P2 – Deryin Gender Stereotypes:
Close-Cut S ot (Reactonm / Dialo ue – Billy and is rat er ave a eated ar ument due to
Billy’s interest in ballet and skippin boxin . Jackie says t at “boys don’t do ballet”
reinrorcin t e connotatons t at surround boys in remale dominated sports.
Climax / Reacton S ot – T e ‘dance or defance’ scene in w ic Billy perrorms ror is rat er
and conrronts im and t us t e ender roles oldin im back.
Symbolism – Billy’s ballet s oes become a visual motr w ic symbolises is passion ror
dance and is pro ression or selr-acceptance.
Irony – T e ballerina’s assist in brin in in t e piano into t e sports all in t eir tutu’s
t ereby c allen in t e expectatons or women.
P3 – Ac ievement and Triump :
Allusion / Fores adowin – Swan Lake is ofen rererred to t rou out t e flm
rores adowin is fnal moment or triump .
Trackin S ot – At t e end or t e flm w en adult Billy is about to perrorm a trackin s ot
rollows be ind im to build suspense as it is our frst limpse into is transiton and t e fnal
step or is journey.
Cut S ot – In t e fnal scene Billy leaps into t e air t e camera cuts to Jackie in a moment or
awe admirin t e ac ievements or is son as e apricates t e dedicaton Billy put into
perrectn is craf.
Cyclical Narratve – A cyclical narratve is used to illustrate ow rar Billy ad come and ow
is success came rrom is ard work and dedicaton.
Q2: How does Billy Elliot invite us to see the world diferently and challenge our assumptons?
THESIS: T e anomalies or t e uman experience entces viewers to conrront t eir personal
assumptons and c allen es t eir already in rained beliers on ot ers in society.
P1 (Context) – Establis in Sequence / Mise en Scene / Soundtrack / Fores adowin – T e openin
or t e flm presents Billy as a carerree boy and reinrorces t e Bildun sroman enre. Wit t e son
Cosmic Dance by T. Rex places wit in t e scene as die etc music rrom t e record player
rores adowin is ruture success. Billy is also in contrast wit is surroundin s or t e minin smo
wit is yellow s irt and bedroom walls as costumin establis es t e emotonal connecton Billy as
wit dancin and ow it brin s im joy. As t e flm uses music and dance as a means or escapism
rrom t e lire is brot er and rat er expect im to live and rurt er t e social and ender norms.
P2 – Social Constructons and Stereotypes:
Compositonal Juxtapositon – Billy’s passion and internal desire to dance is juxtaposed wit
t e politcal turmoil or t e miner crisis.
Dialo ue – “You’re a dis race to t em loves your rat er and t e traditons or t is boxin
all” –> T e dialo ue indicates t at Billy’s poor perrormance in boxin means e isn’t
ad erin to t e societal expectatons placed upon im.
Irony – T e ballerina’s assist in brin in in t e piano into t e sports all in t eir tutu’s
t ereby c allen in t e expectatons or women.
P3 – Pursuit and Acceptance:
Allusion / Fores adowin – Swan Lake is ofen rererred to t rou out t e flm
rores adowin is fnal moment or triump .
Trackin S ot – At t e end or t e flm w en adult Billy is about to perrorm a trackin s ot
rollows be ind im to build suspense as it is our frst limpse into is transiton and t e fnal
step or is journey.
Cut S ot – In t e fnal scene Billy leaps into t e air t e camera cuts to Jackie in a moment or
awe admirin t e ac ievements or is son as e apricates t e dedicaton Billy put into
perrectn is craf.
Cyclical Narratve – A cyclical narratve is used to illustrate ow rar Billy ad come and ow
is success came rrom is ard work and dedicaton.
Q3: Analyse how the flm Billy Elliot allow for signifcant and meaningful connecton to be drawn
from the story. (Rough translaton of trial questonn
THESIS: T e in erent need to experience meanin rul connectons in one’s lire w et er t at be to
people places or beliers are t e rundamental aspects or a rulflled uman experience. T rou
developin closely knit connectons wit ot ers or uncoverin t e beliers w ic draw you rorward in
lire will allow ror your most aut entc selr to be put rort in t e world.
P1 (Context) – Establis in Sequence / Mise en Scene / Soundtrack / Fores adowin – T e openin
or t e flm presents Billy as a carerree boy and reinrorces t e Bildun sroman enre. Wit t e son
Cosmic Dance by T. Rex places wit in t e scene as die etc music rrom t e record player
rores adowin is ruture success. Billy is also in contrast wit is surroundin s or t e minin smo
wit is yellow s irt and bedroom walls as costumin establis es t e emotonal connecton Billy as
wit dancin and ow it brin s im joy. As t e flm uses music and dance as a means or escapism
rrom t e lire is brot er and rat er expect im to live and rurt er t e social and ender norms.
P2 – Dysrunctonal ramily
Visual Motr (Ca ed wirem – Billy and is rat er are ofen distant rrom eac ot er in scenes
t is placement or c aracters act as a reoccurrin symbolic motr ror t e distance t ey ave
and t e lack or nurture in t eir relatons ip.
Close-Cut S ot (Reactonm / Dialo ue – Billy and is rat er ave a eated ar ument due to
Billy’s interest in ballet and skippin boxin . Jackie says t at “boys don’t do ballet”
reinrorcin t e connotatons t at surround boys in remale dominated sports.
Monta e – T e monta e or scenes compiled or Billy’ success in ballet as e ac ieves is
pirouete and is told to “prepare” is juxtaposed wit t e turmoil experienced by is ramily at
t e miner’s strike. T ese scenes are compiled to et er to ampliry t e tense state t ey’re in
and t e determinaton t ey s are.
P3 – An uis due to unacceptance
Cross Cutn Reacton S ot – W en Mrs Wilkinson tells Billy’s ramily t at e as promisin
talent Billy jumps up onto is dinin room table and t e use or i and low an led
rrequently cut s ots symbolisin t e a itaton and inner turmoil contained wit in im w en
is two diferin world collide. It t en cuts between Billy stru lin to scale t e wall blockin
is ears and coverin is race to Tony Mrs. Wilkinson and Jackie ar uin .
Visual Motr (Cubicalm – Overw elmed by is need to c oose e confnes imselr in a cubical
symbolisin t e pressure e is under and t e reelin s or entrapment. T e cubical also
represents a place or privacy as e can t ink clearer alone.
C aracterisaton – Billy becomes to row rrustrated wit t e people around im. In t e
journey to fnd imselr e is infuenced by t e people around im bein told w at to do and
w o to be.
P4 – Pursuit or Dreams
Allusion / Fores adowin – Swan Lake is ofen rererred to t rou out t e flm
rores adowin is fnal moment or triump .
Trackin S ot – At t e end or t e flm w en adult Billy is about to perrorm a trackin s ot
rollows be ind im to build suspense as it is our frst limpse into is transiton and t e fnal
step or is journey.
Cut S ot – In t e fnal scene Billy leaps into t e air t e camera cuts to Jackie in a moment or
awe admirin t e ac ievements or is son as e apricates t e dedicaton Billy put into
perrectn is craf.
Cyclical Narratve – A cyclical narratve is used to illustrate ow rar Billy ad come and ow
is success came rrom is ard work and dedicaton.