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Hormones that build Muscle and Strength

Hormones that build Muscle and Strength
The Human growth hormone (HGH), Insulin like growth factor one (IGF-1) which is in turn
stimulated by human growth hormone and testosterone are the three main hormones that build
muscle mass and strength in human beings.
Human growth hormone (HGH) and IGF-1: Human growth hormone is produced by the pituitary
gland which is located in the brain. Growth hormone stimulates the liver to produce IGF-1, the
hormone ultimately responsible for anabolic muscle growth. As with testosterone, the
production of growth hormone declines with age. Both hormones have an inverse relationship
to body fat, meaning that the less GH and IGF-1 you produce, the more body fat you will
accumulate. Your body releases growth hormone during its rapid eye movement (REM) cycles
of sleep and uses this time to repair any damaged muscle cells. Improving your quality of sleep
will, in turn, help your workout efforts. Exercise also releases growth hormone, particularly
compound movements that use multiple joints, for example, squats or bench presses. The more
muscle fibers you are using, the more GH your body will create. The hormone Insulin also helps
in building muscle mass but to a lesser extent.
Testosterone: Testosterone is a male hormone produced mainly by the testicles but also by the
adrenal glands, which are situated on top of the kidneys. Testosterone is responsible for the
development of male physical characteristics, muscle mass, strength, fat distribution, and sex
drive. In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, albeit in lower
quantities. Testosterone is classified as both an androgenic and anabolic steroid hormone.
Androgenic refers to male characteristics, while the term anabolic refers to the growth of body
tissue. Testosterone is arguably the most important hormone for bodybuilding. The amount the
body produces gradually wanes with age. The use of supplementary anabolic steroids including
growth hormone to build muscle has been popular for decades. They work very well, but also
carry potentially serious health risks. It is for this reason that any form of testosterone or
growth hormone supplementation is banned in sports.
Foods that increase human growth hormone (HGH), IGF-1 and testosterone
Melatonin and growth hormone: Melatonin is released as you sleep. It regulates your sleep
cycles and helps you get longer and deeper sleep associated with enhanced HGH production. A
melatonin-rich breakfast increases melatonin secretion in the night. Melatonin-Rich Foods are:
eggs, fish, mustard seeds, tomatoes, nuts, grapes, raspberries and pomegranate.
Another study found that a tryptophan-rich breakfast coupled with exposure to bright light in
the day significantly boosted HGH levels. Tryptophan-dense foods include eggs, milk, grains,
beans and meat. Work these foods into your breakfast and take a short stroll in the bright of
day for a good night’s sleep. Melatonin supplements happen to be very popular sleeping aids in
the US. It’s one of the most commonly used supplements.
Arginine and growth hormone: Arginine is one of the amino acids that boost the synthesis of
the human growth hormone. Arginine-rich foods include: red meat, seeds, nuts, chicken, brown
rice and soybeans.
Glutamine and growth hormone: Glutamine is a potent amino acid that has been shown to
increase HGH production even at small doses, significantly. A 2 mg dose has been documented
to boost GH secretion by up to 78 percent. Glutamine-rich foods include: spinach, fish, meat,
eggs and yogurts (avoid sweetened variants; they have a lot of processed sugar).
Ornithine and growth hormone: Ornithine is one of the amino acids responsible for protein
synthesis and muscle mass. Research has shown that people who take ornithine about half an
hour after working out experience increased HGH synthesis. Foods rich in ornithine include:
beef, chicken, soya beans, fish and eggs.
The following foods/nutrients increased insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels in humans:
Milk, fish, poultry, red meat and dietary fat (both saturated & unsaturated fats).
Testosterone boosting foods: Some of the testosterone boosting foods are the following: Garlic,
whole eggs, beans, almonds, oysters and shellfish, spinach, beef, lemons, fish, milk,
pomegranate and banana.