Uploaded by Angel Benson

HSCI 710 Discussion 1 Challenges of the Healthcare System

Angel Benson
August 22, 2022
HSCI 710: Healthcare Delivery Systems
Discussion 1: Challenges of the Healthcare System
The single biggest challenge your health care system will face within the next five to ten
From my perspective, I see that expenses are abrogating such countless things in the medical
field and the stimulus to reduce bedside care numbers connects with more less fortunate patient
fulfillment and likely higher secondary expenses of more nosocomial issues. Hospitalists,
medical attendants, CNAs, nurses, and all medical care workers are under pressure and the
pressure of the tight squeeze is by all accounts considerably less time with correspondence
between one another and the patients. Individuals who work in the medical field are for the most
part very stressed and stretched thin on a persistent level.
Lack of a referral system will likewise be an issue. Fundamental focus should be on primary care
services where more community education, and screening endeavors should be completed. This
doesn't need specialists. Paramedical staff working under the management of a general physician
can do the work. Following this an unmistakable pathway for referral ought to be defined so as
decrease the load of sensibly fewer challenging diseases in exceptional centers. Costs are
expanding and there is a ton of wastage of resources.
What are some of the challenges facing your national health care system?
Currently, the healthcare system is somewhat in shambles. Cybersecurity remains a top challenge
for leaders in healthcare. I have experienced this even at my own place of work (a health
department). Our data was under ransom attack and could not be accessed for weeks. The
attackers are becoming more brilliant and more vital. In the beginning of 2020, when
administrators were occupied with other major problems connected with COVID-19, digital
assailants made use. Between the long periods of February and May 2020, there were 132
breaches reported, almost 50% more in similar time span the earlier year. The medical services
industry is particularly powerless against ransomware, information breachers, and insider
dangers (Walden Uni., 2021). Hospital executives and healthcare administrators should keep on
working intimately with their data frameworks groups, and cybersecurity teams to stay on high
alert and secure sensitive information and frameworks.
Of the challenges you listed, which do you think is the biggest and why?
The greatest challenge that will be reoccurring is the cost of healthcare. Many people experience
issues managing the cost of different medical services and dental expenses in the U.S. These
troubles are practically identical to percentage of people who experience issues managing the
cost of other household expenses, like housing, transportation, and food. Moreover, significant
portions of adults older than 65 report trouble paying for different parts of medical services,
particularly benefits that Medicare does not cover , for example, hearing services, dental and
physician prescription costs (Kearney, 2021).
The expense of medical care regularly keeps individuals from getting required care or filling
prescriptions. Many say they put off or avoided some kind of medical care or dental care in the
previous year in view of the expense. Three out of ten (29%) likewise report not accepting their
prescriptions as recommended within the last year due to high costs (Kearney, 2021).
Healthcare as a whole is broken in many different places. We have a long way to go to make
healthcare in the U.S. safe, effective, and affordable. When health consumers have all the facts,
they are likely to make better, more educated decisions that can lead to a higher quality of care.
Primarily, consumers are driving the decisions, instead of the other way around. We’ve all
discussed different healthcare problems, most are interconnected, meaning if it’s possible to
improve one, the others follow suit.
1. Walden University. (2021, March 25). Five-challenges-faced-by-todays-healthcareadministrators. Walden University. https://www.waldenu.edu/online-mastersprograms/master-of-healthcare-administration/resource/five-challenges-faced-by-todayshealthcare-administrators
2. Audrey Kearney Follow @audrey__kearney on Twitter, L. H. F. @lizhamel on T. (2021,
December 14). Americans' challenges with health care costs. KFF.
Betty, this was a really good read. Recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals is another
reason for the cost of healthcare increasing.
Recruiting and Retaining Healthcare Professionals
One of the main enlistment challenges in the health care industry is a general deficiency of
accessible ability and talent. According to Mercer's study, the United States should enlist 2.3
million new healthcare workers by 2025 to stay aware of the populace. Staff turnover in hospitals
focuses to representative disappointment, a main source of poor service to patients. Therefore,
executives involved in recruitment and retention in health care must find ways to minimize this
turnover. Combating staff issues and improving quality of care will be 2 of the main goals while
battling recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals. Investing more in recruitment could be
a part of the solution.
The ability to source quality candidates is vital to winning the battle for healthcare service staff
talent. Non-clinical workers today have more choices than ever, so it’s important to implement
ways to stand out to candidates. To address high turnover rates, healthcare organizations need to
invest more in recruiting as mentioned above, and retention.
Recruitment challenges in the healthcare industry - APS ... (n.d.).
https://www.apspayroll1.net/blog/recruitment-challenges-healthcare-industry/ Recruitment and
retention in health care.
Columbia Southern University. (n.d.). https://www.columbiasouthern.edu/blog/january2021/recruitment-and-retention-in-healthcare
Valerie great job. I agree having enough skilled and experienced nurses could definitely be a
challenge moving forward in healthcare.
Nursing shortages
Right now, there is such a shortage on nurses, and those being trained now, are not being trained
as efficiently. Nursing shortages lead to mistakes, higher morbidity rates and death rates. In
emergency clinics with high patient to-nurse ratios, (which accounts for many hospitals in the
U.S currently), nurses experience burnout, disappointment, and the patients experience higher
mortality rates than offices with lower patient-to-nurse ratios. A few states have started to pass
regulation to restrict patient-to-nurse proportions. Regardless of this, while staffing is short,
ratios go up to address the issue. The quality of nurses will continuously be overlooked more and
more as time passes, just to account for the need.
The nursing profession must adopt a framework of continuous lifelong learning that includes
basic education, academic progression, and continuing competencies. More nurses must receive
a solid education in how to manage complex conditions and coordinate care with multiple health
professionals. They must demonstrate new competencies in systems thinking, quality
improvement, and care management and a basic understanding of health care policy. Graduatelevel nurses must develop an even deeper understanding of care coordination, quality
improvement, systems thinking, and policy.
Haddad, L. M., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2022, February 22). Nursing shortage. NCBI; StatPearls
Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493175/
Wood, R. (2011). Transforming Education. Nih.gov; National Academies Press (US).