Luigi Paolasini LECTURE 6: “The dark side of magnetism: magnetic in metals” - Free electron gas model. - Magnetism in metals. - Itinerant exchange interactions. L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Localized electron model - localized atomic magnetic moments - described by the phenomenological Heisenberg Hamiltonian - magnetism carried out by the partially filled shells - saturated magnetic moment with integer number of µB - valid for rare earths 4f magnetism (Hund rules) Itinerant electron model - metallic bonding - competition between electronic correlation and kinetic energy - electron delocalization and band description of electronic states - non integral value of magnetic moment at saturation. (ex: Fe 2.2 µB, Co 1.6 µB) Hubbard Hamiltonian take into account both the kinetic and the Coulomb interactions L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - Electrons move freely in a volume V=L3 - We ignore the periodic potential due to the lattice periodicity - Each state is doubly degenerate (spin-up and spin-down states) Total number of electrons Density of states Double occupation Fermi energy k-space Fermi sphere Spin-up and spin-down states L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 At T=0 : the electron momentum distribution fill the k-space up to wavevector kF. Density of states at the Fermi energy EF Fermi distribution Density of states At T>0 : the occupancy of states is governed by the Fermi-Dirac distribution: Chemical potential Chemical potential µ = EF at all T, because the degenerate limit valid for most of metals!! The Fermi surface is the set of point in k-space whose µ = EF L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - An applied magnetic field rises or lowers the electron sub-bands in n⇑ and n⇓ - The excess of electron in n⇑ si compensated by the deficit n⇓ - We neglet the smearing of the Fermi surface due to finite temperatures - We neglet the orbital contribution (g=2) Electron density with spin up (down) In the degenerate case (T=0), the magnetization is given by: B Pauli susceptibility - Weak because concerns only the electron on the Fermi surface - Temperature independent Because χP<<1 L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - Molecular field magnetization of electron gas (Pauli paramagnetism) - Bootstrapping mechanism -δn⇓ are flip in n⇑ sub-band close to EF+δE δn⇑=1/2g(EF) δE Kinetic energy cost =>unfavourable >0 B=0 This energy cost can be compensated by the molecular field λM produced by the band splitting M=(n⇑-n⇓ )µB Molecular field energy: Notice that the molecular field is due to exchange interaction that, in turn, is a consequence of Coulomb interaction L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Antisymmetric wavefunction (ferromagnetic coupling and fermionicity) Electron density Probability density for two spin up (averaged over the Fermi sphere) Exchange charge density L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Averaging over a Fermi sphere we have : (for spin-up band) And considering also the spin-down density we have the effective charge density: The effective charge density is reduced because the exchange correlations This imply a renormalization of electron energy, which is the basic starting point of Hartree-Fock approximation L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Stoner and Wohlfarth model for itinerant magnetism The Stoner parameter I describes the energy reduction due to electron correlation Edmund Clifton Stoner Magnetization Energy renormalization of electrons sub-bands where L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Fermi distributions ~ evaluated at E=E±IR/2 and for µ=EF Approximation: f(x-Δx/2)-f(x+Δx/2) ~ -Δx f’(x) + (Δx)3 f’’’(x)/3! + ... >0 <0 if the magnetization M>0 >0 Condition for a spontaneous ferromagnetism We can evaluate this term at T=0 L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 At T=0 we have: Stoner criterion for ferromagnetism where Strong Coulomb interactions and/or large density of states at the Fermi energy cause a spontaneous ferromagnetism! L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 If the Stoner criterion is not satisfied,the system do not have a spontaneous magnetization. However the Stoner term induces an enhancement of the Pauli’s susceptibility. In an external applied magnetic field B Zeeman term Magnetization B Stoner enhancement of magnetic susceptibility ⇒ Coulomb interactions enhance the Pauli susceptibility. L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 We suppose that the electron density of the states is concentrated at EF Spin-up bands We set Spin-down bands and L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Strong deviation in the critical behaviour near the Curie temperature TC Experimental determined critical exponent : M~(1-T/TC)1/3 ≠(1-T/TC)1/2 Ni TC= 631 K The Stoner model does’nt take into account the excited states (magnetic excitations)!! L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Pauli paramagnetism is associated to the spin polarization of conduction bands. What about the orbital contribution? A magnetic field applied to a metal produces cyclotronic orbits which are distributed in quantized levels Lev Davidovitch Landau Energy eigenvalues Landau tubes Cyclotronic frequency - The electron states are not uniformly spaced in k-space - Eigenfunctions product of plane waves in z-direction and a function of (kx2+ky2)1\2 - The Landau tubes are parallel to kz direction, resulting in a cylindrical geometry. L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 A magnetic field applied on an electron gas break up the electron distribution, and gives rise to the formation of Landau levels. Landau diamagnetic susceptibility: The diamagnetic Landau susceptibility is weak compared to the Pauli susceptibility All metals are paramagnetic, because χP>χL Band structure effects The effective mass m* of the electrons may be renormalized and the Fermi’s density of states g(EF) will be enanced by a factor (me/m*). L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 Both the Pauli paramagnetism and the Landau diamagnetism will be enhanced by (me/m*), and we can prove that: The total susceptibility of a metal is then: If m* < 1/√3 me ~ 0.58 me => χ < 0 => diamagnetic metal Ex. Bismuth: m*= 0.01 me => is a strong diamagnet Notice also that the diamagnetism of core electrons in general is weaker with respect to the contribution of conduction electrons L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - We suppose to have a spatially modulated magnetic field: - The electron gas will respond to this perturbation and the magnetization will be also spatially modulated: Spatially varying magnetization The q-dependent susceptibility is then (Fermi surface) L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - In analogy with the paramagnetic case, also the q-dependent diamagnetic susceptibility can be calculated: χL=-χP/3 L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - We consider the effect of a local perturbation of the magnetic field on the magnetization of the free electron gas - Magnetic field: delta function Fourier expanded - The susceptibility of the electron gas have a spatial oscillatory dependence of the form: Real space susceptibility L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 - Provide a long-range exchange interaction between conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments - Effective in rare-earths and transition metals binary compounds where 5d conduction electrons interact with itinerant 3d electron of metals - The resulting exchange interaction have an oscillatory behaviour: At large distances (q>>1/kF) - The exchange interaction can be positive (ferromagnetic) or negative (antiferromagnetic) depending on the distances between the magnetic moments L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 4f - Hybridization between Fe 3d and 5d electrons - Reduction of elemental Fe moment - The net 3d and 5d moments are anti-parallel - Local 4f-5d exchange interaction L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6 L. Paolasini - LECTURES ON MAGNETISM- LECT.6