Program 1: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class account { char cust_name[20]; int acc_no, balance; char acc_type[20]; public: void get_accinfo() { cout<<"\n\nEnter Customer Name :- "; cin>>cust_name; cout<<"Enter Account Number :- "; cin>>acc_no; cout<<"Enter Account Type :- "; cin>>acc_type; } void display_accinfo() { cout<<"\n\nCustomer Name :- "<<cust_name; cout<<"\nAccount Number :- "<<acc_no; cout<<"\nAccount Type :- "<<acc_type; } }; class cur_acct public: account { staticfloat balance; public: void disp_currbal() { cout<<"\nBalance :- "<<balance; } void deposit_currbal() { float deposit; cout<<"\nEnter amount to Deposit :- "; cin>>deposit; balance = balance + deposit; } void withdraw_currbal() { float penalty,withdraw; cout<<"\n\nBalance :- "<<balance; cout<<"\nEnter amount to be withdraw :-"; cin>>withdraw; balance=balance-withdraw; if(balance < 500) { penalty=(500-balance)/10; balance=balance-penalty; cout<<"\nBalance after deducting penalty : "<<balance; } elseif(withdraw > balance) { cout<<"\n\nYou have to take permission for Bank Overdraft Facility\n"; balance=balance+withdraw; } else cout<<"\nAfter Withdrawl your Balance revels : "<<balance; } }; class sav_acct : public account { staticfloat savbal; public: void disp_savbal() { cout<<"\nBalance :- "<<savbal; } void deposit_savbal() { float deposit,interest; cout<<"\nEnter amount to Deposit :- "; cin>>deposit; savbal = savbal + deposit; interest=(savbal*2)/100; savbal=savbal+interest; } void withdraw_savbal() { float withdraw; cout<<"\nBalance :- "<<savbal; cout<<"\nEnter amount to be withdraw :-"; cin>>withdraw; savbal=savbal-withdraw; if(withdraw > savbal) { cout<<"\n\nYou have to take permission for Bank Overdraft Facility\n"; savbal=savbal+withdraw; } else cout<<"\nAfter Withdrawl your Balance revels : "<<savbal; } }; float cur_acct :: balance; float sav_acct :: savbal; void main() { clrscr(); cur_acct c1; sav_acct s1; cout<<"\nEnter S for saving customer and C for current a/c customer\n\n"; char type; cin>>type; int choice; if(type=='s' || type=='S') { s1.get_accinfo(); while(1) { clrscr(); cout<<"\nChoose Your Choice\n"; cout<<"1) Deposit\n"; cout<<"2) Withdraw\n"; cout<<"3) Display Balance\n"; cout<<"4) Display with full Details\n"; cout<<"5) Exit\n"; cout<<"6) Choose Your choice:-"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1 : s1.deposit_savbal(); getch(); break; case 2 : s1.withdraw_savbal(); getch(); break; case 3 : s1.disp_savbal(); getch(); break; case 4 : s1.display_accinfo(); s1.disp_savbal(); getch(); break; case 5 : goto end; default: cout<<"\n\nEntered choice is invalid,\"TRY AGAIN\""; } } } else { { c1.get_accinfo(); while(1) { cout<<"\nChoose Your Choice\n"; cout<<"1) Deposit\n"; cout<<"2) Withdraw\n"; cout<<"3) Display Balance\n"; cout<<"4) Display with full Details\n"; cout<<"5) Exit\n"; cout<<"6) Choose Your choice:-"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1 : c1.deposit_currbal(); getch(); break; case 2 : c1.withdraw_currbal(); getch(); break; case 3 : c1.disp_currbal(); getch(); break; case 4 : c1.display_accinfo(); c1.disp_currbal(); getch(); break; case 5 : goto end; default: cout<<"\n\nEntered choice is invalid,\"TRY AGAIN\""; } } } Program 2: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class bank { char name[20]; int acno; char actype[20]; int bal; public : void opbal(void); void deposit(void); void withdraw(void); void display(void); }; void bank :: opbal(void) { cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter Name :-"; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter A/c no. :-"; cin>>acno; cout<<"Enter A/c Type :-"; cin>>actype; cout<<"Enter Opening Balance:-"; cin>>bal; } void bank :: deposit(void) { cout<<"Enter Deposit amount :-"; int deposit=0; cin>>deposit; deposit=deposit+bal; cout<<"\nDeposit Balance = "<<deposit; bal=deposit; } void bank :: withdraw(void) { int withdraw; cout<<"\nBalance Amount = "<<bal; cout<<"\nEnter Withdraw Amount :-"; cin>>withdraw; bal=bal-withdraw; cout<<"After Withdraw Balance is "<<bal; } void bank :: display(void) { cout<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(50)<<"DETAILS"<<endl; cout<<setw(50)<<"name cout<<setw(50)<<"A/c. No. cout<<setw(50)<<"A/c Type cout<<setw(50)<<"Balance } main() "<<name<<endl; "<<acno<<endl; "<<actype<<endl; "<<bal<<endl; { bank o1; int choice; do { cout<<"\n\nChoice List\n\n"; cout<<"1) To assign Initial Value\n"; cout<<"2) To Deposit\n"; cout<<"3) To Withdraw\n"; cout<<"4) To Display All Details\n"; cout<<"5) EXIT\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice :-"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: o1.opbal(); break; case 2: o1.deposit(); break; case 3: o1.withdraw(); break; case 4: o1.display(); break; case 5: goto; } } Program 3: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class stud { int rno; char name[20]; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter Your Roll Number "; cin>>rno; cout<<"Enter Your Name "; cin>>name; } void putdata() { cout<<"Roll Number is : "<<rno<<endl; cout<<"Name is : "<<name<<endl; } }; class science : public stud { int maths,sci; public: void getdata() { stud::getdata(); cout<<"Enter Maths Marks "; cin>>maths; cout<<"Enter Science Marks "; cin>>sci; } void putdata() { stud::putdata(); cout<<"Maths Marks are : "<<maths<<endl; cout<<"Science Marks are : "<<sci<<endl; } }; class commerce :public stud { int acc,stat; public: void getdata() { stud::getdata(); cout<<"Enter Account Marks "; cin>>acc; cout<<"Enter Statistics Marks "; cin>>stat; } void putdata() { stud::putdata(); cout<<"Account Marks are : "<<acc<<endl; cout<<"Statistics Marks are : "<<stat<<endl; } }; main() { science s1; s1.getdata(); s1.putdata(); commerce c1; c1.getdata(); c1.putdata(); getch(); }