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RWTHonline Registration Guide for Exchange Students

Registration in
RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting
Project Student/Sandwich-PhD Student
As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
1 Registering as an Applicant
Open your browser and go to RWTHonline (https://online.rwth-aachen.de).
Applicants will be notified about the necessary registration on the system’s homepage.
Click on the link register in RWTHonline.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
1.1 Fill Out and Confirm Registration
You will be taken to the form Registration – Basic User.
The fields with a yellow outline are mandatory. Please enter your information.
1. Your Master data (1) including title, name, date of birth and nationality
2. Account data (2) including your preferred language for any correspondence and an
email address. All information needed to activate your RWTHonline account will be
sent to this email address.
i You can change this address as soon as you have created a student user account and you have access to your study and address data in RWTHonline.
3. Confirm (3) the information you entered.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
1.2 Review Information and Send
As soon as you have confirmed your information, a control window will appear.
Review your entries.
If you would like to correct an entry, click BACK (1), make the changes and then
click on CONFIRM DATA again.
When everything is correct, click SUBMIT DATA (2).
i Your data have now been submitted and will be processed for internal processes.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
You will receive an email confirmation:
1.3 Email Confirmation
After submitting your registration you will receive an email confirming your registration data
for RWTHonline (1). The email includes a link, which you can use to activate your account
i You must activate your account within 7 days. After 7 days the link becomes invalid (3).
After successfully activating your account, you can log on to RWTHonline using the password you created. (4)
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
1.4 Activate Login
Click on the link to activate your account found in the email confirmation (→ Chapter 1.3,
(2)). You will see the following message:
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
A registration page with your username will appear (1). Create a password (2) and complete the registration (3).
Be sure to store your login data (username and password) in a safe place. You use
these to log on to the RWTHonline Application Wizard. You are unable to apply and
enroll via RWTHonline without them!
If you have forgotten your log in data, please contact:
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Registering as an Applicant
1.5 Create/Change an Account – Notification
As soon as you have finished your registration, you will be taken to RWTHonline automatically. The message “The account has been created!” will appear.
Click Weiter
You will be taken to your business card. From here you can apply to RWTH Aachen by
clicking on “Applications.”
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Login for RWTH Students
2 Login for RWTH Students
If you are already studying at RWTH Aachen University or are an RWTH Aachen University
employee and would like to study at the University, you do not need to re-register.
Log on to RWTHonline as follows:
Open your browser and go to RWTHonline (https://online.rwth-aachen.de) .
Click on LOGIN ACCESS under “Login for students and employees.”
i If you have never studied or are not studying at RWTH Aachen University yet, go to
“Chapter 3 - Open RWTHonline Application Wizzard”.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Login for RWTH Students
You will be taken to the page RWTH Single Sign On.
Enter your personal TIM ID (1) and your password (2) for CAMPUS-Office/web services. Click on Login (3).
If you do not know your username or have forgotten your password, please use the
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Login for RWTH Students
If you are logging in for the first time, a declaration of consent will appear. Please click on
Akzeptieren (accept). You will now be taken to the RWTHonline homepage.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Login for RWTH Students
You will be taken to your business card/workplace. From here you can apply to RWTH
Aachen by clicking on “Applications” and access your Self Service.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Open RWTHonline Application Wizard
3 Open RWTHonline Application Wizard
You will be taken to your business card/workplace after logging in.
Click on the link Applications in the Studies section.
You can change your language settings for the Application Wizard at any time by clicking
The page My Applications will open.
Click the link Enter new application in the yellow OPERATION box.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
4 Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
You are now viewing the homepage of the RWTHonline Application Wizard.
Please pay attention to the tips and warnings the Application Wizard gives you, so
that your application is complete and valid!
Select your Start of course.
IMPORTANT: Applicants with a nationality from Non-EU/EER countries are being asked,
if they possess an academic degree from a German university. Please answer this question
appropriately with YES or NO.
Using the drop down menu, select the semester for which you are applying (1) and click
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
You will now be guided through selecting your degree program. The yellow fields are
Describe the degree program, for which you are applying:
Select Type of studies: Short-term programme. (1)
Your intended degree will appear. (2)
Select the degree program, for which you are enrolling.
IMPORTANT: You can find the correct degree program on your admission notice
that you have received from RWTH Aachen University before. (3)
By clicking the link “Further information,” (4) you will be taken to the RWTH website.
There you will find further information for incoming students.
i The entrance semester (5) is the semester, in which you will begin or continue
your studies in a subject. In your case it is always the 1st course semester.
Select the form of studies: (6)
i Please select “First degree” if you have not completed a study program and select “Second degree” if you have already completed one or more study programs
or if you apply as Sandwich-PhD student.
Check off the boxes that apply to you (7).
Click CONTINUE (8).
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
You will now be taken to the page Personal data. You already provided some of this information when you registered.
Review and complete the information.
You will be taken to the page Correspondence address. The address you enter here will
be used by RWTH to send you any necessary mail.
Fill out the address information (1). The fields with a yellow outline are mandatory.
If your permanent home address and correspondence address are identical, check
the box (2).
Click CONTINUE (3).
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
On the next page you will be asked about your higher education entrance qualification.
„I have obtained a foreign higher education entrance qualification.“ (1)
i If you eventually graduated from a German High School and have received a
German “Abitur”, please select “I have a German higher education entrance qualification.”
Fill out the information about your secondary education degree. (2)
Click CONTINUE (3).
You will now be asked about your academic background:
The screen Edit academic background will open (see below).
Fill it out.
Then, click CONTINUE (2).
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
Fill out the section Edit academic background. The fields with a yellow outline are mandatory.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
Complete the information about the university where you studied and the subjects
you studied (1).
Complete the information about the semesters you studied and any leaves of absence (2).
Complete the information about your status. Only Information about the final examination is required. (3)
You will now see your academic background. (1). Click the pencil symbol
to edit the
information (2).
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
Click CONTINUE. (3)
Applicants can make multiple entries for the academic background, e.g.
Please add one academic background for all kind of university studies that you have
completed or not yet completed (e.g. 1. Bachelor, 2. Master, 3. PhD OR 1. Bachelor,
2. Exchange studies, 3. Master).
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
As soon as you have completed the section on your academic background, you will be
prompted to upload documents necessary for admission and enrollment.
You will not be able to submit your application until all the mandatory documents have been
uploaded. Otherwise you will receive an error message:
In the left menu you will see a list of the necessary documents. (1) When filling out the
Application Wizard certain documents are required before you can submit your application.
You can see if a document is mandatory based on the warning text. The Wizard will guide
you through how to upload the documents.
IMPORTANT for Sandwich-PhD students: Upload of a confirmation of supervison by
your academic advisor at RWTH Aachen University is mandatory!
Click on Durchsuchen …(2) under New document and upload the required documents one
after another as a PDF. You can delete an uploaded document from the list (3) using the
symbol (4) and download it by clicking the
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
i The
symbol will only appear once you have gone through the entire RWTHonline
Application Wizard once.
After each upload click CONTINUE (5).
You will now be shown an OVERVIEW – APPLICATION NUMBER.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Submitting an Application via RWTHonline
Review all of the information carefully and confirm that the information provided is accurate.
Once you have reviewed the information and confirmed its accuracy, click SEND. (2)
You have now submitted your application for Short-term studies at RWTH.
You will receive a confirmation. You can view the status of your application in the
RWTHonline Self Service. You will be notified via email when the status changes.
You can select your RWTHonline SelfService directly from the application process by clicking on the link LIST OF APPLICATIONS.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
5 Next Steps
The next steps after submitting the online application are:
Check application status.
Check admission status.
Accept study place offer, after you have been admitted.
You can complete all of the steps in the RWTHonline SelfService. In order to complete your
enrolment there is no need to come to the International Office in person.
Open SelfService
Log on to RWTHonline. Your profile will open. Click on the link Applications.
The page My Applications will open.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
Click on the magnifying glass
(5) to open SelfService.
Legend for the example above
1 Application number
The application documents have been checked and they are complete
Admission granted
Study place offer accepted
Show status of application
Show summary
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
Status Inquiry
In the SelfService view you can find an overview of the status of your submitted application.
Admission you can view the status of your admission.
This status changes as soon as we have checked all documents you have uploaded during
your online application. Please note that you won’t receive an additional letter of admission
generated out of RWTHonline. The section “Results of admission procedure” is not relevant
in your case.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
Accept Study Place Offer
You will receive a study place offer as soon as your status “Admission” has changed. You
must accept the study place offer before the prescribed deadline, so that you can provide
us with the information necessary for enrollment on time.
Click on the arrow in front of “
Study place offer” and accept the study place offer.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
In the section “Enrollment”, please click “Add data” (1) and follow the instructions. You now
have to fill in details regarding your health insurance status and you have to upload your
health insurance confirmation if not yet done in the online application. (Check requirements
for valid health insurance confirmation here or send an email to incomings@rwth-aachen.de)
By clicking on the link “Tuition fee” (2) you can see the amount due and the bank account
details of RWTH Aachen University. Please transfer the amount due to RWTH Aachen
University bank account and use exactly the information shown here.
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020
Next Steps
After we have checked and approved your health insurance confirmation (1), the status
will change to “Enrolment requirements fulfilled” (2).
After your semester fees have been paid and registered, your status “Tuition fees” (3)
and “Enrolment” (4) will also change to “paid” and “fulfilled”.
Congratulations, you have completed your enrolment!
Do not forget to check the next steps after enrollment!
Registration in RWTHonline and enrolling as Exchange Student/Free Mover/Visiting Project Student/SandwichPhD Student | As of: 11/2/2020