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PitchBook for HULT: Business & Finance Research

HULT International Business School PitchBook
22nd November 2021
How can the faculties benefit with Access?
The entirety of this course could benefit from access to the tool, it could be useful in helping student navigate their understanding
of macro trends and their effect on the market as well as how companies report their finances and how to analyse their strategy
and performance.
Doctorate in
Access to our financials data for public and private data to help further learning of how to interpret financial information and use
it to performance business analysis and strategy as well as access to metrics on company profiles such as signals data which
would help them interpret non financial information.
The tool could in particular be helpful with regards to their understanding of the financial markets and running comparable
searches to value firms. Specifically the Mergers and Acquisitions element and Alternative Investments components would greatly
benefit from access to the Private Market landscape PitchBook can offer.
How can Researchers benefit from Access?
PitchBook Support
Data Points to
Enrich Research
Access to the data-points that can aid researchers in compiling their academic research
E.g. being able to see the amount of M&A deals that have happened over a period of time
Options to create graphs and charts within the platform, as well as create Market Maps
Furthermore, access to the Excel Plugin Tool to help slice the data further and to create custom templates
Contact Level Data
Contact level data, so researchers can get in touch with entities if they are running a research project using them as a case
In addition, contact data if they are looking to get in touch with research providers to sell their papers to
Private Market
Sourcing Vendors
Private Market Research is included within the cost of the platform subscription
Benefit to the Research team is that all in one place they can access research relating to general trends in the Private Market
space, such as fundraising, VC, PE and M&A, as well as more specific Emerging Technology Research
Reports can help guide or be referenced in Research Reports
You can utilise the platform to source vendors that e.g. sit within the AI Text Analysis space to get in touch with
Benefit here is that it saves time on desktop research trying to find providers
Through PitchBook you can find a list of entities, as well as contact information
Example Search: Analysing M&A Deals in Europe
As well as pulling
the raw data
through an
Advanced Search,
you can also use
the Pivot Table to
aggregate the
data. As you can
see, we are pulling
a wealth of data,
in 2021 alone,
10,957 M&A deals
You can use the charting
function also, if you would
like to visualise the datapoints coming back. This
chart is showing us which
industries have had to
most capital
invested/biggest deal
sizes, out of the European
M&A deals that have
occurred in the last 5
You can of course, analyse the raw data from the
Advanced Search Result too
Example Search: M&A Trends in Northern European
Healthcare in the last 5 Years
Whatsmore, with the charting function, you can
easily analyse trends in a visual format and include
these in presentations or coursework
You have the capability to build out searches
and analyse data-points including valuations
data which have been calculated using our
proprietary formula
Our research process
Web crawlers use advanced machine
learning to constantly scan the internet and
capture all publicly available information.
A primary research team
communicates directly with
people involved in deals to
validate data and gather hardto-find details.
Quality assurance teams relentlessly
vets their database via a mix of
preventative validations, corrective
validations and manual reviews.
Natural language processing
organizes the data and filters
out anything irrelevant.
Specialized data teams collect,
calculate and verify key data points,
including proprietary figures, to
create the deepest datasets possible.
PitchBook’s research process
combines technology and a
270-person research team.
Human judgment is the key
differentiator here—researchers
can suss out important details
that computers miss.
Our analysts calculate figures
(like valuations) that aren’t
always available online.
We also have an entire team that
reaches out to investors,
executives and others involved in
deals to get information that isn’t
publicly available.
No other data provider has a
research process this complete.