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Hay Group Job Evaluation Method: Guide Chart-Profile

Hay Group Guide Chart-Profile Method of Job Evaluation
It might be a merger or acquisition, new
It can be applied to any kind of job at any level.
organisation design or rationalisation, changing
Therefore, it can be used top to bottom
roles or the need to implement a pay structure
throughout an organisation – important with
which complies with the principles of equal pay
today’s moves towards integrated employment
for work of equal value. Regardless of the
conditions and the breaking down of barrier
reason, all organisations need a sound and
between traditional job groupings.
straightforward method to measure and value
Being an analytical method with non-
work on an on-going basis, one that enables an
discriminatory factors, it can be used to support
organisation to make sound judgments about
the achievement of equal pay for work of equal
internal relativities and enables comparisons
value, and is supported by a comprehensive
with external organisations too.
Equal Value Code of Practice.
Because it makes no organisational
Hay Group is a global, independent management
assumptions, it can be used in any
consultancy with an exclusive focus on people. Working
organisational context.
from 72 offices in 37 countries, our expertise draws
It is supported by Hay Group’s comprehensive
from over 60 years of rigorous, research driven work
global compensation and benefits database that
and proven methodologies. We build commitment by
uses common job sizes as the basis of comparison.
understanding what motivates people to succeed,
Therefore, provides the unique capability, in a
designing and implementing reward programmes that
single process, of accessing comprehensive external
result in an engaged and motivated workforce.
market data providing valid and rigorous pay
market comparisons.
What is it?
The concepts of step difference and job shape
Hay Group’s Guide Chart-Profile Method is the most
(profile) built into the methodology means that it
widely used and recognised proprietary job evaluation
provides insights into organisation and job design
method in the world. This widespread use reflects the
and underpins other key people processes,
many advantages of the method:
including career development and succession
The process combines a sound conceptual basis
and robustness which has enabled it to stand
the test of time, with inherent flexibility allowing
it to respond to any changes in the organisation
and individual roles.
What is involved?
Why is it important?
The method is based on the interaction and
Organisations will benefit from
relationship, in any role, of the following three
Ranked and defined jobs.
factors, Know-How, Problem Solving and
Optimal organisation structure.
Clarification of job relativity.
Job-based pay ranges.
Rational grading structures.
Effective salary administration.
Comparability with external prices.
Effective use of reward investment.
Any job or role, in whatever organisational
context, exists to provide some contribution or
Why Hay Group?
output to the organisation in which it works –
We have around 50 consultants in the UK who
its Accountability.
specialise in reward consulting, supported by an
Achievement of the Accountability demands an
information division with the largest database of
input of knowledge, skills and experience –
compensation and benefits practice in the world.
the Know-How.
We have over 2,000 clients in the UK, including
To turn the Know-How into results, it must be
two thirds of the FTSE-100 and most large public
used or processed to solve the problems which
sector organisations.
arise in the job – the Problem Solving.
To refine and make for more focused evaluation,
Further Information
each factor is considered in terms of either two or
To find out more about how Hay Group can work
three facets.
with you, please contact your usual consultant or:
Technical and procedural knowledge/
Geoff Nethersell
Planning, organising and managerial skills.
Human relations skills.
Problem Solving
Thinking environment.
Thinking challenge.
Freedom to act.
Magnitude – the scale of events on which
the job has its main impact.
Impact – the directness of impact on the
chosen magnitude.
Julie Alderdice
0121 770 9080
01753 841 234
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