PROTECTIVE RELAYING Principles & Philosophies FORTUNATO C. LEYNES, FIIEE Chairman Board of Electrical Engineering Professional Regulation Commission Vice President Manila Electric Company 15th IIEE Region 8 Conference June 26, 2010 Protective Relaying The branch of electric power engineering concerned with the principles of design, construction/ installation, operation and maintenance of equipment (called “relays or protective relays”) which detect abnormal power system conditions, and initiate corrective action as quickly as possible in order to return the power system to its normal state. Power System Protection - Meralco ARE PROTECTIVE RELAYING PRACTICES BASED ON THE PROBABILITY OF FAILURE • protective relaying practices are based on the probability of failure to the extent that present-day practices are the result of years of experience in which the frequency of failure undoubtedly has played a part; • the probability of failure, seldom if ever, enters directly into the choice of a particular type of relaying equipment except when, for one reason or another, one finds it most difficult to apply the type that otherwise would be used; • more importantly, the probability of failure should be considered only together with the consequences of failure should it occur; • the justification for a given practice equals the likelihood of trouble times the cost of the trouble; • regardless of the probability of failure, no portion of a system should be entirely without protection, even if it is only back-up relaying. Power System Protection - Meralco EVALUATION OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING • the cost of repairing the damage. • the likelihood that the trouble may spread and involve other equipment. • the time that the equipment is out of service. • the loss in revenue and the strained public relations while the equipment is out of service. By expediting the equipment’s return to service, protective relaying helps to minimize the amount of equipment reserve required, since there is less likelihood of another failure before the first failure can be repaired. Power System Protection - Meralco PROTECTION SYSTEM OBJECTIVES 1. To remove the faulty device from the power system to prevent or minimize hazards to people, equipment damage, and adverse effect upon the normal operation of the remaining system. 2. To provide alternate means for removing the faulty device, for the same reason as in 1, when there is a protective equipment failure such as a breaker or any primary protection. 3. Prevent operation of protective system for heavy load surges and power swings or other conditions that will not cause damage or adversely affect operation of the system. 4. Recognize when a catastrophic system failure is imminent or has occurred and take necessary steps to minimize the disturbance and facilitate the speedy restoration to normal Power System Protection - Meralco FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROTECTION SYSTEM • • • • Economics ‘‘Personality’’ of the relay engineer and the characteristics of the power system Location and availability of disconnecting and isolating devices [circuit breakers, switches, and input devices (CTs and VTs)] Available fault indicators (fault studies and such) Power System Protection - Meralco HOW DO PROTECTIVE RELAYS OPERATE? These are the parameters that may cause the protective relays to operate: – – – – – – – magnitude (voltage, current, power) frequency phase angle duration rate of change direction or order of change harmonics or wave shape Power System Protection - Meralco RELAY CLASSIFICATIONS BY FUNCTION 1. Protective relays 2. Regulating relays 3. Reclosing, synchronism check, and synchronizing relays 4. Monitoring relays 5. Auxiliary relays 6. Other relay classifications • by operating principles • by performance characteristics • etc. Power System Protection - Meralco RELAY CLASSIFICATIONS BY SPEED OF OPERATION 1. Instantaneous. These relays operate as soon as a secure decision is made. No intentional time delay is introduced to slow down the relay response. 2. Time delay. An intentional time delay is inserted between the relay decision time and the initiation of the trip action. 3. High speed. A relay that operates in less than a specified time. The specified time in present practice is 50 milliseconds (3 cycles on a 60 Hz system). 4. Ultra high speed. This term is not included in the Relay Standards but is commonly considered to be operation in 4 milliseconds or less. Power System Protection - Meralco CLASSIFICATION OF RELAY OPERATION • Correct • Correct but undesired • Incorrect • No conclusion Power System Protection - Meralco CLASSIFICATION OF RELAY OPERATION CORRECT TRIPPING CORRECT TRIPPING BUT UNDESIRED F INCORRECT TRIPPING Power System Protection - Meralco PRIMARY AND BACK-UP PROTECTION Primary Protection - Schemes that are designed to specifically protect one equipment zone. In any locations, this primary relaying may overlap into other zone of protection, providing additional protection for those zones. Primary A. Limited B. Overlap Power System Protection - Meralco BACK-UP PROTECTION Schemes that are designed to operate in place of or in parallel with the primary protection. Back-up protection probably will sense faults in more that one zone, is usually slower in operation, and may isolate a larger portion of the system. Backup protection for a specific zone may be provided by a local scheme or one located remotely. Back-up A. B. C. D. E. In Place of Primary Overlap Slower Increase Coverage in Isolation Local/Remote Power System Protection - Meralco THREE MEMBERS OF PROTECTIVE SYSTEM 1. Sensor - Feeds system information to the relay, e.g., currents and voltages 2. Relay - Makes a decision as to the need for action, e.g., overcurrent relay, etc. 3. Switching or Controlling Device - Physically isolates or control the problem, e.g., circuit breaker Power System Protection - Meralco THREE MEMBERS OF PROTECTIVE SYSTEM Sensor Feedback Signals Relay Power Circuit Breaker Power System Protection - Meralco FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM OF RELAYING Decides whether system quantities are normal or abnormal Power System Voltage and current transformer Relay These devices Change Electrical Quantities to a Level low enough for the relay to use i.e. 5A, 110 V Power System Protection - Meralco Circuit Breaker Opens and isolate a faulty section of the system as sent by the relay ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM OF RELAYING CB CT Transmission Line Trip Coil Station Battery Relay Contacts Power System Protection - Meralco TYPICAL CONTROL CIRCUIT Power System Protection - Meralco DEFINITION OF OPERATION Mechanical movement of the operating mechanism is imparted to a contact structure to close or to open contacts – we say that a relay "operates," we mean that it either closes or opens its contacts - whichever is the required action under the circumstances. Power System Protection - Meralco RELAY CONTACTS “a” contact - normally open contact, it closes when the relay operates and opens when the relay resets “b” contact - normally closed contact, it opens when the relay operates and closes when the relay resets Power System Protection - Meralco INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS (Transducers) Change the magnitudes, but not the nature of the measured quantities Provide isolation from the hostile environment of the power system Types Current Transformers - CTs Potential Transformers - PTs Voltage Transformers - VTs Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers - CCVT’s Power System Protection - Meralco CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Secondary Winding Iron Core Primary Conductor Secondary Terminals Rating: Specify continuous rating of secondary winding (1A, 5A) Specify primary current which will nominally produce rated secondary current (e.g., 800A, 1,000A) Power System Protection - Meralco CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Current Ratio Polarity: - Indicated by dots (dot or square) on drawings - Indicates instantaneous relationship in the directions of primary and secondary currents. Is Ip Current entering the polarity mark on the primary will cause a current to instantaneously leave the polarity mark on the secondary Power System Protection - Meralco 100/5 200/5 400/5 500/5 600/5 800/5 1000/5 1200/5 2000/5 100/1 200/1 400/1 500/1 600/1 800/1 1000/1 1200/1 2000/1 MOST COMMON TYPES OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Core-Balanced or Ring type or Doughnut Type Bushing or the Bar-Type Wound Primary Type Rogowsky Coil - Optical CT Power System Protection - Meralco CT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Rct Ip/N Rw Is Ie Zm Ve Vs Ip Zb Rw N-turns Rct - CT Winding resistance in ohms/turn Rw - Lead (wiring) Resistance Zb - Burden Impedance Zm - Magnetizing Impedance Ve Is = Ip/N - Ie Vs = Is * (Zb + 2Rw) Ve = Vs + Is*Rct Power System Protection - Meralco Ie CT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Rct Ip/N Rw Is Ie Zm Ve Ip Vs Zb Rw N-turns Rct - CT Winding resistance in ohms/turn Rw - Lead (wiring) Resistance Zb - Burden Impedance Zm - Magnetizing Impedance N - is the “nominal” ratio of CT At Saturation point: Is = Ip/N Ve Zm will be small which result in Ie being large Power System Protection - Meralco Ie CT ERROR CALCULATION Given: • Primary Current , Ip • Total impedance burden on the CT, including lead wire resistance • CT Secondary Excitation Characteristics Neglected Factor: CT transient characteristic Power System Protection - Meralco CT ERROR CALCULATION Rct Ip/N Rw Is Ve Ie Zm Ve Vs Zb Rw Ip N-turns Ie Given : Is, Zb, Secondary Excitation Characteristic curve Steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the Burden and Is, cal. Vs From Vs, Rct and Is, cal. Ve From Ve and Sec. Excitation curve, determine Ie From Is and Ie, determine Ip/N From Ip/N and N, determine Ip Power System Protection - Meralco CT ERROR CALCULATION Rct Ip/N Rw Is Ve Ie Zm Ve Vs Zb Rw Ip N-turns Ie Given : Ip, Zb, Secondary Excitation Characteristic curve Steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. From Ip and N, det Ip/N Calculate Ve to determine Ie from curve From Ie, calculate Is, Vs and Ve From Secondary Excitation curve, determine new value of Ie 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until successive iterations yields insignificant changes in Ie Power System Protection - Meralco CT CONNECTION Delta Connection For balance 3 - phase fault : Relay Ip Is = Ip/N * 3 For phase - to - phase fault : Is = Ip/N * 3 / 2 in two lines Is Is = Ip/N * 3 in remaning line Is is 30 degrees phase shifted relative to Ip. Delta-connected CT will not produce Zero-sequence currents. Zero-sequence currents will be “trapped” inside the delta and cannot be measured by the relays in the CT secondary. Power System Protection - Meralco CT CONNECTION Wye Connection Is1 Is2 Is3 Ir Ip1 I p2 Relay Is1 = Ip1/N Ir = Is1 + Is2 + Is3 Ip3 Is is in phase with Ip Wye connection will detect all kinds of fault and loads With the saturation of any one CT, a fake residual current will be produced Power System Protection - Meralco CT CONNECTION Core Balance CT Induced Current is a function of: Ia + Ib + Ic = 3Io Will not respond to 3-phase and phase-to-phase faults Power Cables Normally used for low voltage ground fault applications Power System Protection - Meralco CT ACCURACY CLASS Secondary Terminal Voltage ANSI C57.13 800 700 600 500 Errors will not exceed 10% for secondary voltage equal to or less than value described by curve 8Ω C400 400 300 200 100 C800 4Ω C200 2Ω 1Ω C100 Class C - Indicates that the transformer ratio can be calculated Class T - Indicates that the transformer ratio must be determine by test 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Secondary Amperes Power System Protection - Meralco CT SATURATION CURVE Power System Protection - Meralco PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING A critical factor in the success of any nation is electric power. Providing, operating and maintaining an effective power system is an important challenge. One key element to be considered in power system design is system protection. System Protection is accomplished via the coordinated application of protective devices including fuses, circuit breakers, reclosers, sectionalizers and other relays. Protective relays are devices which monitor power system conditions and operate to quickly and accurately isolate faults or dangerous conditions. A well designed protective system can limit damage to equipment, as well as minimize the extent of associated service interruption. Power System Protection - Meralco PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING Factors Which Influence Design of a Protective System •Sensitivity •Selectivity •Reliability •Dependability •Security •Speed •Economics •Experience •Industry Standards Power System Protection - Meralco PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING Sensitivity - the minimum signal required to produce an output. A more sensitive relay will be able to discern a “smaller” condition. Sensitivity is very important when the input quantities are very small Selectivity - the ability of the relay to recognize a fault or abnormal system condition, and to discriminate between those upon which it should and should not operate or at a slightly delayed manner Power System Protection - Meralco PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING Reliability - the level of assurance that the relay will function as intended. Reliability is considered in two parts, dependability and security Dependability - the ability of the relay to trip for all faults and conditions for which operation “tripping” is desired. Security - the ability of the relay to not operate “trip” for any fault or condition for which tripping is undesired. Power System Protection - Meralco PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE RELAYING Speed - The ability of the relay to operate in the required time period. The ultimate goal of the protective equipment is to isolate the fault as quickly as possible. Economics - The cost of installation, operation, and maintenance of the protection system which must be weighted against potential losses due to equipment damage or service interruption. Experience - Those problems which experience has shown to be most likely are given highest priority. Larger, critical systems are protected from less probable events. Power System Protection - Meralco PROTECTIVE RELAYING Industry Standards The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and other organizations provide industry standards through ANSI or IEC. These include specific standards for many applications. ANSI-C37.90-1989 - Relays and Relay System Associated with Electric Power Apparatus IEEE STD 242-1975 - Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power System Power System Protection - Meralco FAULTS VERSUS ABNORMAL CONDITIONS One important concept in protective relaying is the difference between faults and abnormal conditions. Faults are short circuits or arcs, actual system failures. Abnormal conditions are such as overvoltage, undervoltage, or overexcitation. Abnormal conditions are undesirable events, and can often lead to faults or equipment failure. Most relays are applied to protect the system or equipment from either faults or abnormal conditions. This will govern the philosophy of protection. Power System Protection - Meralco ZONE OF PROTECTION Relay schemes are designed to protect specific areas or equipment. The electric grid is divided into zones which can be isolated via circuit breakers, fuses or sectionalizers. Each zone is individually protected, and is defined as a ZONE of Protection. Protective relay schemes are designed to isolate a given zone for any tripping condition. This minimizes or prevents equipment damage, thus, permitting more rapid restoration of the system, and, minimizes the extent and duration of the interference with the operation of the whole system (overtrip). Zones are established encompassing certain system elements such as generators, busses, transformers, and lines. This allows protective relaying schemes to be tailored to the equipment of a specific element. When a fault occurs, the zone including the failed equipment is isolated from the rest of the system. Power System Protection - Meralco ZONE OF PROTECTION The boundaries of the zone of protection are defined by the current and voltage transformers, which provide the system information to the relays. • Each zone of protection includes the isolating circuit breakers, as well as the protected equipment. • Each zone overlaps the adjacent zone, and the circuit breaker will be in two zones. This is necessary to ensure that “blind spots” cannot exist, and that all the portions of the power system are protected. • A fault in the overlap area will trip both zones. This especially desirable in the case of a circuit breaker failure. Power System Protection - Meralco ZONE OF PROTECTION 3 6 Zone of Protection 5 1 52 87B 50/51 2 4 G CT REQUIREMENTS FOR OVERLAPPING ZONES Power System Protection - Meralco PROTECTION COORDINATION In order to increase dependability, and insure that all faults will be cleared, protective relays from a given zone of protection will usually operate as backup devices for faults in the adjacent zones. Utilities generally design their systems for single contingency, meaning, that the system can survive the loss of any single device (including protective relays). In order to provide this backup function while still isolating the minimum amount of equipment, the protective relays must be coordinated. That is, if the relays in the faulted zone fail to operate (single contingency), the relays in the adjacent zone(s), will operate after a time delay. In this means, dependability is increased with only a small risk to security. Power System Protection - Meralco PROTECTION COORDINATION 51 LOADS 50/51 TO SOURCE R 51 LOADS Power System Protection - Meralco DEVELOPMENT OF PROTECTIVE RELAYS •Electro-mechanical relay •Solid-state relay •Digital relay Power System Protection - Meralco ELECTRO-MECHANICAL RELAYS • The most commonly used • Uses the induction disc principle (watthour meter) • Provides individual phase protection Power System Protection - Meralco SOLID-STATE RELAYS • Characteristic curve is obtained through use of RC timing circuits • No moving parts • Used to retrofit electromechanical relays • Fast reset • Less maintenance Power System Protection - Meralco DIGITAL RELAYS • Selectable characteristic curves and protection functions • Metering and control functions • Event and/or disturbance recording • Remote communication • Self-monitoring • “All in” Power System Protection - Meralco DIGITAL RELAYS Power System Protection - Meralco DEVICE FUNCTION NUMBERS 1 2 21 24 25 27 30 32 37 46 47 50 51 Device master element Description A device, such as a control switch, etc., that serves, either directly or through such permissive devices as protective and time-delay relays, to place equipment in or out of operation. time delay starting or A device that functions to give a desired amount of time delay before or after any point of closing relay operation in a switching sequence or protective relay system, except as specifically provided distance relay A device that functions when the circuit admittance, impedance, or reactance increases or decreases beyond a predetermined value. volts per hertz relay A device that operates when the ratio of voltage to frequency is above a preset value or is below a different preset value. The relay may have any combination of instantaneous or time synchronizing or A synchronizing device produces an output that causes closure at zero-phase angle synchronism-check relay difference between two circuits. It may or may not include voltage and speed control. A synchronism-check relay permits the paralleling of two circuits that are within presc undervoltage relay A device that operates when its input voltage is less than a predetermined value. annunciator relay A nonautomatically reset device that gives a number of separate visual indications upon the functioning of protective devices and that may also be arranged to perform a lockout function. directional power relay A device that operates on a predetermined value of power flow in a given direction such as reverse power flow resulting from the motoring of a generator upon loss of its prime mover. undercurrent or A device that functions when the current or power flow decreases below a predetermined underpower relay value. reverse-phase or phase- A device in a polyphase circuit that operates when the polyphase currents are of reversebalance current relay phase sequence or when the polyphase currents are unbalanced or when the negative phasephase-sequence or A device in a polyphase circuit that functions upon a predetermined value of polyphase phase-balance voltage voltage in the desired phase sequence, when the polyphase voltages are unbalanced, or relay when the negative phase-sequence voltage exceeds a preset value. instantaneous A device that operates with no intentional time delay when the current exceeds a preset overcurrent relay value. ac time overcurrent relay A device that functions when the ac input current exceeds a predetermined value, and in which the input cur-rent and operating time are inversely related through a substantial portion Power System Protection - Meralco DEVICE FUNCTION NUMBERS Description A device that is used to close and interrupt an ac power circuit under normal conditions or to interrupt this circuit under fault or emergency conditions. 59 overvoltage relay A device that operates when its input voltage exceeds a predetermined value. 64 ground detector relay A device that operates upon failure of machine or other apparatus insulation to ground. NOTE This function is not applied to a device connected in the secondary circuit of current transformers in a normally grounded power system where other overcurrent device numbers with the suffix G or N should be used; for example, 51N for an ac time over 67 ac directional overcurrent A device that functions at a desired value of ac overcurrent flowing in a predetermined relay direction. 68 blocking or "out-of-step" A device that initiates a pilot signal for blocking of tripping on external faults in a transmission line or in other apparatus under predetermined conditions, or cooperates with other devices to relay block tripping or reclosing onthat an in out-of-step condition 69 permissive control device A device with two-positions one position permitsorthe closing of a circuit breaker, or the placing of a piece of equipment into operation, and in the other position, prevents the circuit breaker or the equipment from being operated. 79 reclosing relay A device that controls the automatic reclosing and locking out of an ac circuit interrupter. 81 frequency relay A device that responds to the frequency of an electrical quantity, operating when the frequency or rate of change of frequency exceeds or is less than a predetermined value. 86 lockout relay A device that trips and maintains the associated equipment or devices inoperative until it is reset by an operator, either locally or remotely. 87 differential protective A device that operates on a percentage, phase angle, or other quantitative difference of two relay or more currents or other electrical quantities. 94 tripping or trip-free relay A device that functions to trip a circuit breaker, contactor, or equipment; to permit immediate tripping by other devices; or to prevent immediate reclosing of a circuit interrupter if it should open even though itsindividual closing circuit is maint 95-99 used only for specific Theseautomatically, device numbers are used in specific installations if none of the functions applications assigned to the numbers from 1 through 94 are suitable. 52 Device ac circuit breaker Power System Protection - Meralco DEVICE FUNCTION NUMBERS (Suffixes) Suffix Letter A B G GS L M N T V U X Y Z Relay Application Alarm only or automatic Bus protection Ground -fault or generator Ground -fault protection Line protection Motor protection Ground -fault protection Transformer protection Voltage Unit protection Auxiliary relay Auxiliary relay Auxiliary relay Amplifying Information System neutral type protection Toroidal or ground sensor type Relay coil connected in residual CT circuit Generator and transformer Power System Protection - Meralco BASIC STEPS FOR RELAY SETTING & COORDINATION STUDY • • • • • Data collection Fault current calculation Equipment performance Special requirements Selection and plotting of preliminary settings • Check final settings Power System Protection - Meralco SETTING & COORDINATION • Organized time-current study of all devices in series from the utilization device to the source. • Comparison of the time it takes the individual devices to operate. Power System Protection - Meralco SETTING & COORDINATION • Determine the characteristics, ratings and settings of overcurrent protective devices against a fault • Provide protection against overloads on equipment • Data useful for selection of instrument transformer ratios, fuse ratings, CB ratings and settings Power System Protection - Meralco QUESTIONS? Power System Protection - Meralco PROTECTIVE RELAYING Principles & Philosophies FORTUNATO C. LEYNES, FIIEE Chairman Board of Electrical Engineering Professional Regulation Commission Vice President Manila Electric Company 15th IIEE Region 8 Conference June 26, 2010