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Philosophy Worksheet: Fallacies & Self-Reflection

Module 6
Activity: you know when you can make one (act.4)
1. Equivocation
Major: Star is a celestial body
Minor: Grace is a star
Conclusion: therefore, Grace is a celestial body.
2. Appeal to ignorance
Al ien
Major: Aliens are creatures from outer space.
Minor: No one can prove IT doesn't exist.
Conclusion: Therefore, it exists.
Major: cats are a domestic species.
Minor: Lions and Tigers are cats
Conclusion: therefore, Lions and Tigers are domestic.
4. Composition
Major: every good player makes an excellent team.
Minor: this baseball team is an excellent team this year.
Conclusion: Therefore, we can safely conclude that every player on the team is excellent.
5. Appeal to people
Major: Tiktok is one of the trending application in the social media.
Minor: A lot of people are posting creative and unique contents about themselves.
Conclusion: Using tiktok makes a lot of people be recognized
6. Hasty Generalization
Major: Filipinos are hospitable
Minor: This person is a Filipino
Conclusion: Hence, this person is hospitable
ACTIVITY 1: What’s in it for ME?
1. I am an abs _l e person.
This describes in having an ability of a person base on its will.
2. I am a c on_ _ s c i_ o us_ _ being.
this works to help us know the difference between what is right and wrong were we do
3. I can build a r el_ _ a ti_ _o n_ s hip_ _ _ with others.
It enables everyone to have a connection
4. I am reli_ab _le_ and a good i n_ f lu_ _ e n_ ce to others.
It provides to be able to be trusted and inspire people’s lives
5. I am an i nd_ _e pen_ _ _ d en_ _ t person.
This makes an individual proves that you’ve grown as a human being
1. The idea in the 1,2, and 3rd pictures represents the beliefs and religion. The first picture
represents the religion Buddhism, the symbol which is the flower indicates the purity,
spiritual awakening, and faithfulness. The religion in the second picture represents
Cristian, which symbolizes the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ that become the divine love.
And the third picture represents the Hinduism, the symbol means the source of
everything, it is considered one of the most powerful word in the Universe.
Activity 3: Finding Essence
It is something very special that it is becoming visible in all living things and becoming more
visible at human being. It emphasizes on your spirit, it becomes very relevant to the world we
lived in, were reemphasizing human dignity to do not under estimate one’s self.
Module 8
1. Pros – It helps to open everyone's eyes to the fact that no matter what your social status
is, everyone suffers. learning from its experiences in which it enables an individual to
grow from it.
Cons – Not everyone believes this and chooses to disregard it. Many people are too
ignorant to see and understand that life is never fair and that everyone suffers. in this idea
some individual may think that it is useless to live because of its worst life experiences
that may end up ending one’s life.
2. Pros – This aids in discovering the issues and reasons of a person's misfortune. for people
who have adapted from this may benefit in them in their future lives because this is
preparing them
Cons – Everyone refuses to realize that the sources of their issues are them and the
repercussions of their behavior.
3. Pros – helps to alleviate burdens by letting go of things that hold people down, such as
assumptions. this is when you have received a good outcome from all of your hard work.
Cons – refusing to let go of the things that cause them sorrow and instead choosing to
ignore them
4. Pros – This raises consciousness among all people about the nature of existence, the
source of it, and how we may possibly survive without it. It also assists us in realizing
many things in our lives. were you are in a competition and there are obstacles in your
way, but you need to cross that because that is your way to success
Cons - Most of us can not apply it to themselves, which might cause more issues because
they simply learned the methods but did not try to implement them in their life. And tend
to create short cuts, were there are no short cuts.
Module 9
1. Motion/Change – Things must have a mover, an unmoving mover, or an ultimate cause
of change.
Example: Animals evolution due to its environment.
2. Causation – in order for there to be causes at work, there must be a cause or uncaused
cause. There must be a cause or uncaused cause for there to be causes at work.
Example: deforestation
3. Possible to be and not to be – there must be a source of the existence of contingent
beings. There must be a source of directly dependent entities' existence.
Example: Matter were the physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit
that which occupies space.
4. Gradation – Different levels of being perfection lead to the conclusion that there must be
a perfect being.
Example: the beauty of nature
5. Ordered tendencies of nature – Things that without intellect cannot work for the sake of
achieving a goal.
Example: Bees producing honey
quinque viae
Possible to be and not to be
Ordered tendencies of nature
Things must have a mover, an unmoving
mover, or an ultimate cause of change.
Example: Animals evolution due to its
There must be a cause or uncaused cause for
there to be causes at work.
Example: deforestation
There must be a source of directly dependent
entities' existence.
Example: Matter were the physical substance
in general, as distinct from mind and spirit
that which occupies space.
Different levels of being perfection lead to the
conclusion that there must be a perfect being.
Example: the beauty of nature
Things that without intellect cannot work for
the sake of achieving a goal.
Example: Bees producing honey
Reading and Writing
Mod 4
Lesson 1
What I know
Answer Key
What new
Highlighted Word/s
and the Beast
What is it? Describe/Define.
sitcom drama series that airs on Hum TV on Sunday evenings.
an earlier text which serves as the source of a subsequent piece of
a fairy tale written by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot
de Villeneuve and published in 1740
a creative work designed to imitate, comment on, and/or make
fun of its subject by means of satiric
What I Have Learned
Synonym: Semantic
Definition: Hypertext is text which is not constrained to be linear.
Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts.
Characteristics: A document presented on a computer as hypertext
What I Can Do
The information from the link provided tackles about the cyberbullying in the
Philippines. Since technology is evolving in our society, it has also influenced a lot of
individualities, maybe be good or bad. This includes the social media, where people can share,
post, and do anything freely. But with this said, social media is a powerful platform, that can
manipulate people and can cause bullying in other terms cyberbullying.
Answer key
Lesson 2
What I know
Answer key
Whats new
INTERTEXT simply means connection, between, texts.
Whats more
Activity 1.1
Answer key
What I learned
1. G
2. C
3. A
4. E
5. D
Answer key
Module 5
Critical Reading as Reasoning
What I Know
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. B
What’s More
Claim: Crecencian T.V.L. senior high school graduates are capable of joining the workforce and
be globally competitive skilled workers.
Evidence: Crecencian T.V.L. instructors are highly skilled in their field of specialization.
Reasoning: Since passing the National Competency II examination is the result of the in-depth
training that they had developed while in school.
What I Have Learned
My takeaways from the lesson
My takeaways on this lesson, is that critical
reading as reasoning helps in analyzing text
with explanation.
How will I apply them tos my everyday life?
I can apply them in my everyday life by,
keeping in mind when reading, the
information in using critical reading as
reasoning with its steps.
What I Can Do
1. Cause it discusses about the impact of media during the Pandemic and it catches my
2. How did the media influence and gave an impact to the people.
Title: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): The Impact and Role of Mass Media During the
Author of the article: Patrícia Arriaga
1st paragraph
3rd paragraph
7th paragraph
5th paragraph
7th paragraph
2nd paragraph
Answer key
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
outbreak has caused a global health crisis that
has had a profound impact on how we perceive
our world and our daily lives. Not only has the
rate of contagion and transmission patterns
threatened our sense of agency, but the safety
measures to contain the virus's spread also
required social and physical distance,
preventing us from finding solace in the
company of others.
The authors identified eight major issues (health
and drugs, preparedness and awareness, social
welfare and humanity, governance and
institutions, the environment and wildlife,
politics, innovation and technology, and the
economy) and investigated how different
weights were assigned to these issues in enewspapers from these countries and how this
relates to the countries' cultural differences.
It emphasizes how employing diverse
frameworks for mass media allows for a more
comprehensive understanding of its good and
negative effects, while also highlighting the
significant problems in the context of a
pandemic catastrophe.
The author’s tone is calm and informative,
cause perceived information credibility linked
to decreased levels of unpleasant emotional
Yes, since the author mentioned, that it
highlights the most pressing issues in the
context of a pandemic catastrophe Nonetheless,
we are confident that all of the studies chosen
for our Research Topic will make significant
and lasting contributions to our understanding
of how media, individual differences, and social
factors interact to shape our lives, which can
also be used to guide public policy during these
difficult times.
Yes, cause the author has enumerated its
arguments into four areas of research
Module 6
Formulating Evaluative Statement
Lesson 1
What I Know
Answer Key
What’s New
1. From the choices above, I would the laptop with the phone, cause for me the usage of this
gadgets are essential nowadays.
2. After knowing my choices, my parents would say: 1. Don’t just simply use it, take care of
it. 2. That is expensive, if that would break we can’t by another one right away.
What’s More
Answer key
What I Have Learned
 Supported by reasons and evidence.
 A better way and have an efficient way in accessing own work
 Formulating assertion and counterclaims.
 A declarative sentence that give one’s belief about something else as if it is true though it
may not be.
 Fact, convention, opinion, and preference.
What I Can Do
1. The statement is referring to the actions of the government in responding to the crisis of
the pandemic, in which it is totally reasonable. – positive
2. From the statement it gives the positive vibes, that every individual can do something. –
3. The statement is giving advice to boost the hope an infected person. – positive
4. The statement is giving a discouragement to a student that is eager to learn. – negative
5. In the statement, it is giving some instructions to a safety protocol in avoiding the virus. –
The poem is very relatable, especially to the people who are having less of self-love. The
content, language used, and grammar are on point. Another good thing is that it describes the
credibility of hating one’s self and being one’s self, the transition from it was smooth.
However, the structure of the poem was a little off, I felt that it was forced so that it can
be executed. I would suggest that learning and studying the more words to have an effective
structure and connection to the readers.
Answer key
Lesson 2
What’s In
1. O
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
What’s New
Assertion serves as primary way for readers to agree with the claim.
Counterclaim is opposing someone’s claim/ argument
The use of assertion and counterclaim are the components used in formulating a good
evaluative statements. The content and properties of a text from the assertion. While the
counterclaims in response to claims made in a text.
What’s More
Answer key
What I Have Learned
 A counterclaim is an opposing claim
 A claim is the main argument. A counterclaim is the opposite of the claim, or argument.
 Four parts of an argument are claim, counterclaim, reason, evidence.
 Rebut means to contradict someone’s statement through a formal argument.
 The characteristics of a good critical reader, is being able to recognize and formulate
counterclaims in reaction to an argument.
What I Can Do
1. Millions of Filipinos don’t have to left the Philippines in order to look for greener pasture
2. I don’t think that most Filipinos are more excited to see the balikbayan boxes than their
OFW families and relatives.
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. D
Module 7
What’s New
Answer key
What’s More
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Module 8
Lesson 1
Basic Calculus
W3-4 Act 135 Act 12
W5 Act 123