Project: News Application- part 1 Objective: 1. Implement a distributed system using GKE. 2. Connect and debug the components of the distributed system. 3. Apply patterns from previous labs. Repository: System Description: The Local News application is used as a sample in the book Kubernetes Native Development by Benjamin Schmeling and Max Dargatz. It serves to demonstrate a wealth of concepts to use Kubernetes along the software lifecycle. Figure 1 News Application As the name implies, it is about displaying news. The location where the respective news is placed on the map depends on the location mentioned in the news text. An example would be a news article with the following title: "Next Sunday, there will be the Museum Embankment Festival in Frankfurt". The Local News application will analyze the text based on Natural Language Processing (NLP), will find out that the news refers to Frankfurt, and will place it into the city of Frankfurt on the map. Figure 1 shows a screenshot of the user interface for the local news application. The pins represent the respective news and when the user clicks on it will display the details about the news. Figure 2 System Components Figure 2 provides a brief overview of the components. • • • A Feed-Scraper is regularly polling a set of given news feeds and will send the news data such as title and description to the News-Backend. The News-Backend first stores the news data in a database and then sends a request to the Location-Extractor to analyze the text, extract the name of the location (only the first location that is found is considered), and return it to the backend. The response will contain the longitude and latitude of the location which will then be added to the original news data and updated in the database. If a user wants to see the map with the news, she can use the News-Frontend. This web application renders the map with the news by requesting the news, in the bounds defined by the map's current clipping, from the News-Backend. The backend queries its database and returns the news with the stored location. The front end marks the map with the news' location and if the user hovers over the markers she will see the news text. Deployment Procedure: 1. Let’s start by cloning the GitHub repository. cd ~ git clone 2. Then, a Docker image will be created for each component a) The first one is the feed scraper. Run the following commands after changing <project-id> to your project id. cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project/feed-scraper docker build . -t<project-id>/feed-scraper docker push<project-id>/feed-scraper b) Then, the location Extractor will be created. Again, run the following commands after changing <project-id> to your project id. cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project/location-extractor docker build . -t<project-id>/location-extractor docker push<project-id>/location-extractor c) The next component is the news-backend. Run the following commands after changing <project-id> to your project id. cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project/news-backend docker build . -t<project-id>/news-backend docker push<project-id>/news-backend d) Finally, the docker image of the news-frontend will be created. As usual, change <project-id> to your project id before running the following commands. cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project/news-frontend docker build . -t<project-id>/news-frontend docker push<project-id>/news-frontend e) Note that the used database is of type PostGIS which can store geographic objects in the PostgreSQL object-relational database. The docker image of PostGIS is pre-existed one as can be accessed as postgis/postgis. Thus, there is no need now to create it. 3. Create GKE deployments and services for the system. This will follow the following order to maintain the dependencies of the components. a) Deploy the PostGIS database into GKE. Both deployment and a ClusterIP service will be created. Note that the important environment variables in the YAML file are the username, password, and database name. cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project kubectl create -f postgis.yaml b) Then, deploy the location-extractor component into GKE. Both deployment and a ClusterIP service will be created. • First, edit the file ~/SOFE4790U_Project/location-extractor.yaml and update the 34th line by replacing <project-id> with your project id. • Then, run the following commands cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project kubectl create -f location-extractor.yaml c) The next step is to deploy the back-end component into GKE. Both deployment and a Load Balancer service will be created. • First, edit the file ~/SOFE4790U_Project/news-backend.yaml and update the 40th line by replacing <project-id> with your project id. • Then, run the following commands cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project kubectl create -f news-backend.yaml • Note that the news-backend.yaml contains a reference to both PostGIS and locationextractor services as environment variables d) Now, it’s time to deploy the feed-scraper components. It’s will feed news into the backend for processing and storage. As no other component will access it, only GKE deployment is needed. Thus, no services will be deployed for that component. • First, edit the file ~/SOFE4790U_Project/feed-scraper.yaml and update the 23rd line by replacing <project-id> with your project id. • Then, run the following commands cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project kubectl create -f feed-scraper.yaml • Note that the feed-scraper.yaml contains a reference to the backend service as an environment variable. e) Finally, the front end will be deployed. The front end will access the backend via its external IP. • The first step is to find the external IP of the news-backend service by running kubectl get services • First, edit the file ~/SOFE4790U_Project/news-frontend.yaml and update the 40th line by replacing <project-id> with your project id and the 39th line by replacing <backend IP address> with the external IP of the news-backend service. • Then, run the following commands to deploy both the deployment and a LoadBalancer service into GKE cd ~/SOFE4790U_Project kubectl create -f news-frontend.yaml • Note that the news-frontend.yaml contains only a reference to the backend service as an environment variable. f) To run the front end, • get its external IP. Note, you may wait until an IP is assigned to the service. kubectl get services • Navigate it in a browser via http://<frontend-IP>/ 4. (optional) You may follow the following steps to debug components. a) Get the name of pods for each component kubectl get pods b) Check the logs of the feed scraper. The logs will contain any errors and logs of processing news kubectl logs <feed-scraper pod> c) Check the logs of the location-extractor components. The logs will contain any errors and logs of processing locations. kubectl logs < location-extractor pod> d) Check the logs of the backend-extractor components. The logs will contain any errors and logs of processing news. kubectl logs < news-backend pod> e) Check the content of the PostGIS database. • Log into the database CLI f) kubectl exec -it <postgis pod> -- psql -d news -U postgres • Display the table select * from news limit 4; • Exit from the database CLI by typing exit To call the location-extractor service, we can use the PostGIS shell as • Log into the shell kubectl exec --stdin --tty <postgis pod> -- /bin/bash • Install curl (only once) apt update apt install curl • Call the location extractor service by typing this single-line command. curl -X GET locationextractor:8081/get_loc?text=Luiz+In%C3%A1cio+Lula+da+Silva+returns+to+power+after+na rrowly+winning+the+country%27s+presidential+election. • Exit the shell exit Design: the following patterns/changes are to be applied to the distributed system. 1. Deploy the location-extractor function (get_loc) into openFaas. You should change the service reference at the backend YAML file. 2. Apply autoscaling to the backend deployment. 3. Use a persistent volume for the path /tmp/pgdata within the PostGIS image 4. Use a request splitter between two deployments of the front end in a ratio of 0.7:0.3. Note that you should access the front end from the request splitter service only. Thus a single IP is needed to access any of them. How they can be implemented? How the YAML files should be updated? Deliverables: 1. A report that includes the design part. 2. An audible video of about 5 minutes maximum showing the deployment and service for each distributed system component. You should run the front end as proof of correct implementation. You may use the debug section (step 4) in your video. 3. Another audible video of 5 minutes maximum showing each component of the design section and how they are implemented and deployed. You should run the front end as proof of correct implementation. You may use the debug section (step 4) in your video.