See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric Technique with Unique Identity Number and IOT Chapter · January 2020 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-3172-9_31 CITATIONS READS 4 1,790 3 authors, including: Sandeep Kumar Deepika Ghai Sreyas Institute Of Engineering and Technology Lovely Professional University 47 PUBLICATIONS 174 CITATIONS 24 PUBLICATIONS 124 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Multimodal Biometric View project Zigbee Based Communication System for Future Micro-Grids Using Http and MQTT Protocols View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sandeep Kumar on 08 July 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric Technique with Unique Identity Number and IOT Kone Srikrishnaswetha, Sandeep Kumar and Deepika Ghai Abstract Elections play an important role in our democratic country as people can select a person as a leader for the government. This paper was about a new proposed methodology having a highly secured process. This consists of mainly Aadhar, biometric and IOT. Aadhar ID is a unique card for everyone, biometric face recognition for security and IOT for the safe and immediate results. This proposed system has automatic counting of votes: highly data secured system, sending of data immediately and safe voting. Keywords EVM · Secured components · Face recognition · Unique ID card · Cascade classifier technique · IOT 1 Introduction India is a country where elections play a major part in the government. It is a method of selecting a candidate for the government to rule [1–6]. This paper explains about secured voting and the process of using biometric for better elections. Selecting a candidate for the government was important, so people have trust in the electronic voting machine as it gives the correct voting [5–12]. So the EVM should be designed so has to be highly secured and safe. They are many technologies like polling booths, ballots and punch cards, e-voting, block chains, using a microcontroller, network security, i-voting, online voting, and GSM module. But still, they are many challenges in EVM at present days [13–22]. So this paper explains a proposed methodology of secured EVM using face recognition biometric, a unique card with IOT [15, 24–28]. Biometric face recognition is useful for the identification of people, and voter cannot K. Srikrishnaswetha (B) · S. Kumar Department of Electronics and Communications, Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India e-mail: S. Kumar e-mail: D. Ghai School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, India e-mail: © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 H. S. Saini et al. (eds.), Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 107, 311 312 K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Fig. 1 Data for using EVM past 20 years repeat their voting. Aadhar was the unique ID number for everyone. IOT is useful for sending of results immediately [22, 23, 29–31]. Data for using the technology in EVM from the last 20 years in the research community were increasing as shown in Fig. 1, and data are taken from Science Direct. 2 Literature Analysis See Table 1. 3 Problem Statement According to the literature analysis, there are a few major technical problems in the voting process. First, manually counting of vote’s process is not accurate and secure as shown in Fig. 2 [4, 6, 21]. Second, fingerprint biometric is not safe and secured at present days due to fake fingerprint as shown in Fig. 3. A person who does not have hands is not allowed for voting due to this process [12, 15]. Third, missing of votes was a great loss for the voting process. In India, 2019 elections, nearly 21 billion people lost their vote and few got a chance of double voting in few places. This happened due to the improper registration of voter’s details and no proper ID proof of a person as shown in Fig. 4a, b. Another problem is recounting and declaration of delay in voting. In the gap of the voting process and results, there is a chance of hacking [7–11]. Existing machines are not connected to the online. So the transportation also takes time after the polling of all the phases is completed. Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … 313 Table 1 Comparison of literature work of voting machine S. No. Author name Year Methodology Remarks 1 Shahzad et al. [1] 2019 EVM, blockchain, i-voting, e-voting This is about blockchain which is a solution at the polling process and security purpose. It is useful at the authentication of votes 2 Salah et al. [2] 2018 IOT, Network and data security This paper explains about three levels of high-, lowand intermediate-level layers 3 Han et al. [3] 2018 Online voting, privacy preservation, end-to-end verification. Here, it was about the process of the e-voting system 4 Karim et al. [4] 2017 Automatic calculation of results, integrated database, and EVM. In this, the system is used for smart voting. They used fingerprint by Arduino. Registration was good, and it generates SMS to the voter. It gives high data security 5 Rahman et al. [5] 2017 EVM, Arduino and fingerprint scanner This is for mainly securing purpose and to make the process faster. The fingerprint is used for detecting the voter is authorized or not 6 Kalaiselvi et al. [6] 2016 EVM, identity card and biometric Fingerprint and Aadhar used for the transparent voting process 7 Anish et al. [7] 2015 GSM module, Arm 7 Cortex This is used for sending and receiving results 8 Ashok et al. [8] 2014 LCD, microcontroller, sensors This explains the accuracy of votes and display of results 9 Pandey et al. [9] 2013 EVM and online process Aadhar was for identifying people. The easy process online 4 Proposed Methodology The proposed methodology consists of two steps, namely registration of voter details and voting process, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The hardware components used are Raspberry Pi3 works by using virtual network computing (VNC) viewer which is visual desktop-sharing system of PI, webcam, buttons for voting, monitor and connecting cable and software used was Python version 3.5 and (SSH) Secure Shell 314 (a) K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. (b) Fig. 2 a Hand counting, b digital ballots (a) (b) Fig. 3 a Fake fingerprint, b improper fingerprint (a) Fig. 4 a Voter ID, b voter ID for the same person (b) Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … 315 for access to the PI terminal. From the above literature analysis, we proposed a new methodology for counting problems, biometric, registration of voter and declaration of results. In the proposed methodology, the webcam with good quality is used to build a realtime face detector and achieve better accuracy. Monitor/screen is used for entering Aadhar number, face recognition and to identifying the authorized & unauthorized voters with automatic counting of votes. Hardware consists of monitor, voting buttons, connecting cable and wires and webcam as shown in Fig. 7. VNC viewer works by connecting to the server with IP address using username and password as shown in Fig. 8. Algorithm (Registration) Step1 Step2 Step3 Enter ID number Capturing of images of face Captured successfully Fig. 5 Registration method Start Enter ID Face Detection Training Storing of trained images 316 Fig. 6 Voting process of the proposed methodology K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Start Wro Enter Aadhar Number Unauthorized Correct Wro Face Recogni -tion Unauthorized Corre Select candidate by pressing on button Voting display on screen Fig. 7 Hardware setup Result saved & stored by using PI Result sent by IOT Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … 317 Fig. 8 Connection with IP address Step4 Images are stored with IDs in haarcascade path. Step5 Successfully trained Steps6 Registration completed Registration of voter details: Registration was important step and is used to register details of the voter. Figure 9 shows the entering of ID number in register process, and Fig. 10 shows the capturing of images while registering of details, and after that, the captured images are trained and stored in the dataset. These are used for the voting process for face recognition. Voting process: According to the proposed methodology, voting process consists of three steps ,i.e., entering of Aadhar, face recognition, storing and sending of data using IOT. (1) Entering of Aadhar: The process starts by clicking on the start button. Immediately it displays to enter Aadhar number; if it is correct, we can go with the next step or else the person is unauthorized. (2) Face recognition: After entering the Aadhar number, if the person is authorized immediately the webcam will on and face recognition starts. If the face was matched with the registered images, then it displays authorized and the person can go with voting by clicking on one of the voting buttons. After this, the result will display on the screen. Face recognition works by using Haarcascade frontal face algorithm (Fig. 11). 318 K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Fig. 9 Entering of ID number Fig. 10 Results of successfully capturing of images (3) Haarcascade frontal face algorithm: It is an object or human face detecting algorithm in which cascade can train images from many of positive images and negative images. Every image has 24 × 24 base windows to calculate features. Haarcascade identifies features with rectangular boxes; white indicates the lighter position and black indicates darker positions. Integral images are that which can calculate the images pixel values at origin (x, y) and can calculate by adding of all image pixel values of the present pixel. How the pixel calculation is carried out is explained below: Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … 319 Fig. 11 Storing and training of images 6 3 2 8 5 3 9 1 2 1 1 6 0 5 8 4 3 6 5 7 5 3 1 7 3 The first table is the numerical values from the image of the left side. 9 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 0 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 37; 37/9 = 4.11 It requires nine operations. 100 * 9 = 900. 1 7 13 21 22 7 20 25 35 15 36 40 55 72 23 46 56 76 111 24 48 60 79 107 41 The second table is the integral image values of the left side. (76 − 20) − (24 − 5) = 37; 37/9 = 4.11 It requires four operations. 56 + 100 * 4 = 456 (operations) The image can be reduced by using this integral image. By converting a large image into small, accuracy increases. The rectangular frame on the image is calculated by (x, y) coordinates, width and height of the frame. [Y : y + h, X : x + w] 320 K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Algorithm (IOT) Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5 After voting process, the data is stored in Raspberry Pi in Excel format Data are sent to the main location through e-mail. If else, data can be checked in Raspberry Pi by the authorized person. It can be send manually also. Results are released without delay. Algorithm (Voting Process) Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Enter Aadhar ID number Immediately opening of webcam. Capturing of live face and recognizing Display of authorized or an unauthorized by matching the trained images and live data. Step5 Selecting of voting button Step6 Voting done successfully if authorized. Step7 Display of results. Storing and sending of data using IOT: By using IOT, data of result are stored and immediately sent to the office through mail. By this, late declaration of results can be avoided. 5 Result Experimental results is performed in three categories, i.e., authorized, unauthorized and face spoofing as shown in Figs. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. 1. Authorized The process starts with entering Aadhar number as shown in Fig. 12. If the number entered was correct, then immediately face recognition starts. If the person was authorized, he/she can go with voting process as shown in Fig. 13. Finally, votes are stored in excel format as in Fig. 14, and the result was sent through a mail immediately after voting as shown in Fig. 15. 2. Unauthorized person as shown in Fig. 16. 3. Figure 17 proved that images are not detectable; only live detection was possible in this methodology. In the process, if a person was unauthorized, then he/she was not eligible for voting, and even though they click on voting button, it does not take the vote as shown in Fig. 16. Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … Fig. 12 Enter Aadhar ID Fig. 13 Display of authorized and voting 321 322 K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Fig. 14 Result stored in Excel format Finally, the proposed methodology works better than the existing technology for the identification of a human face. The results are shown in Table 2. Accuracy = 100 ∗ ((TP + TN)/N) (FAR) = TP/(TP + FN) (FRR) = TP/(TP + FP) From the above comparison, we can say that our proposed methodology was better in accuracy, and it reduces error percentage. 6 Conclusions In our country still, the process of elections is not secured. This paper proposed a highly secured process for fair voting. This proposed method can go with automatic counting of votes, face recognition, better registration process, storing and sending of results and declaration of results. So, by this, we can avoid duplicate voting, wrong registration, fake biometric and late declaration of results for the better elections for the better country. Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … Fig. 15 Receiving of mail 323 324 Fig. 16 Unauthorized person Fig. 17 Images cannot be detectable K. Srikrishnaswetha et al. Secured Electronic Voting Machine Using Biometric … 325 Table 2 Comparison of different techniques parameters S. no. Method Accuracy % Error % FAR (precision) % FRR (recall) % 1 Skin + edge 66.2 33.78 19.8 – 2 E + skin + edge 82.7 17.2 22.8 – 3 RGB 69 – 43.05 – 4 RGB + CBCR 77 – 36.14 – 5 RGB + H 83.5 – 33.82 – 6 RGB + H + CBCR 90.83 – 28.29 – 7 Proposed 96.2 3.8 0.04 0.02 Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge that the photographs/images used in this paper are their own and approved for publishing online. References 1. B. Shahzad, J. Crowcroft, Trustworthy electronic voting using adjusted blockchain technology. IEEE Access 7, 24477–24488 (2019) 2. M. Ahmad Khan, K. Salah, IoT security: review, blockchain solutions, and open challenges. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 82, 395–411 (2018) 3. X. Yang, X. Yi, S. 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