Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water S1 Science Test Unit 5 The wonderful solvent - water Name: ____________________________( ) Time and Marks Class: ____________________________ Part A: 35 min / 100 marks Date: ____________________________ Parts A & B: 45 min / 120 marks Note: 1 Attempt ALL questions. 2 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheets. Part A (Level 1) A Matching (4 marks, 1 mark each) During the purification of water in water treatment plant, different chemicals are added for different purposes. Match the chemicals on the left with the functions on the right by writing a to d in the blanks on the answer sheets. 1 Lime a Kill micro-organisms. 2 Chlorine b Prevent tooth decay. 3 Alum c Adjust the acidity of water. 4 Fluoride d Stick impurities in water together. B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each) Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions. 1 2 How much of our body weight is made of water? A 30% B 50% C 70% D 90% The figure on the right shows a waterfall. What types of impurities can be found in water from the waterfall? (1) Soluble impurities (2) Insoluble impurities (3) Micro-organisms A (1) and (2) only. B (1) and (3) only. C (2) and (3) only. D (1), (2) and (3). © Oxford University Press 2005 - 40 - Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 3 5 The wonderful solvent water The figure on the right shows some bottled water. The water is purified by 4 5 A sedimentation. B distillation. C filtration. D chlorination. Which of the following can be removed from water by sedimentation? A Sand B Dye C Bacteria D Salt The figure on the right shows a filter column. It is used to remove solid impurities from water. Which of the following are correct for P, Q, R and S? 6 P Q R S A Rock chips Coarse sand Small stones Fine sand B Coarse sand Fine sand Small stones Rock chips C Fine sand Coarse sand Small stones Rock chips D Small stones Rock chips Coarse sand Fine sand Which of the following are the most common micro-organisms in water? (1) HIV 7 8 (2) Amoeba A (1) and (2) only. B (1) and (3) only. C (2) and (3) only. D (1), (2) and (3). (3) E. coli Which of the following methods cannot kill micro-organisms in water? A Boil the water. B Add fluoride to the water. C Add ozone to the water. D Add chlorine to the water. Which of the following is the largest reservoir in Hong Kong? Where is it? Reservoir Location A High Island Reservoir Sai Kung B High Island Reservoir Tsuen Wan C Plover Cover Reservoir Tsuen Wan D Plover Cover Reservoir Ma On Shan © Oxford University Press 2005 - 41 - P Q R S Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 9 10 C 5 The wonderful solvent water Which government department is responsible for purification of water in Hong Kong? A Water Treatment Plant B Water Supplies Department C Food and Environmental Hygiene Department D Department of Health Which of the following is not a water solute? A Salt C Coffee powder B Chicken powder D Sesame Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each) Complete the following sentences. 1 a is used in drinking fountains in schools and household water filters to kill micro-organisms in water. 2 The water cycle consists of 3 In Hong Kong, water comes from two sources: 4 Water is a good 5 Sugar, salt, snow and quartz are some common examples of 6 If a solution is j , no more solute can be dissolved when we continuously add the solute into the solution. Questions (56 marks) D 1 b , c , transportation and e d . collected in reservoirs and water imported from g . It can dissolve a lot of substances and form h . i . The figure below shows a set of apparatus for distillation. Q R P muddy pond water X © Oxford University Press 2005 - 42 - f . Y S Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 5 The wonderful solvent water a Name P, Q, R and S. (4 marks) b What is the function of R? (2 marks) c Water flows in and out from R through X and Y. Which one allows water to flow out? Which one allows water to flow in? Why should such arrangement be made? (4 marks) d What impurities can be removed by distillation but not by filtration? (2 marks) e What should the reading of Q in the figure be? (1 mark) f Briefly describe how distillation can purify water. (3 marks) Mrs Wong is drying some wet clothes. The wet clothes can dry up quickly. a Why do the wet clothes dry up? b In the figure, Mrs Wong said, ‘The wet clothes can dry up quickly.’ What does ‘quickly’ refer (1 mark) to in this sentence? (1 mark) c Why does Mrs Wong think that the wet clothes can dry up ‘quickly’? (2 marks) d Besides the reasons in c, give two other factors that can make the wet clothes dry up more quickly. (4 marks) e How is the time for drying affected if Mrs Wong folds the clothes before hanging them up to (3 marks) dry? Why? f Some families use drying machines to dry up clothes. State a way of how the clothes dry up (2 marks) in drying machines. © Oxford University Press 2005 - 43 - Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 3 5 The wonderful solvent water The following are the logos of two government departments which are responsible for controlling water pollution in Hong Kong (A and B). B A 4 a Name these two departments. b What actions do these departments take in controlling water pollution? List one example for (4 marks) each department. c List four pollutants commonly found in the waters in Hong Kong. (4 marks) d List two pollution problems caused if we do not treat the sewage properly. (4 marks) (2 marks) The figure below shows the process of dissolving copper sulphate in water. copper sulphate yellow flame a Write down two methods used in the figure to increase the rate of dissolving copper sulphate. (4 marks) b Besides the methods in a, suggest another method that can also increase the rate of dissolving copper sulphate. (2 marks) c What is wrong in the above experiment? (2 marks) d If no more copper sulphate can dissolve, what is the solution at this point called? (1 mark) A student filters the solution and separates it into two. Then he puts them in a classroom and a refrigerator separately to cool down. e After cooling down, what are formed in the solutions? What are their shapes? f What is the difference between the materials formed in the classroom and in the refrigerator? (2 marks) - End of Part A - © Oxford University Press 2005 - 44 - (2 marks) Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water Part B (Level 2) (20 marks) Water Crisis In Hong Kong, growing population and new industries are demanding for more water. Hong Kong may be running out of water shortly. A meeting is held to discuss this problem. If you are one of the members, how will you answer the following questions? Stage 1: Understand the water supply in Hong Kong 1 What are the sources of water supply in Hong Kong? (2 marks) 2 Give two activities that consume large amounts of water at home. (2 marks) 3 The 3Rs principle is a rule of conserving water. What does ‘3Rs’ mean? (3 marks) Stage 2: Give possible suggestions During the meeting, there are several suggestions. Raise the price of water. This Mr Lee not only can encourage people to use less water, but also can increase our income. Miss Wong Build a new treatment plant to purify water. It can recycle the sewage Buy more water from and increase the water the Mainland China. supply. Mr Ho 4 Give a disadvantage for each suggestion. (3 marks) 5 If you have to choose one of the above suggestions, which one will you choose? Why? (3 marks) 6 Suggest three more solutions to solve the problem. (3 marks) Stage 3: Conclusion and Execution After discussion, Mr Lee’s suggestion is accepted. Besides, people should learn the importance of conserving water. 7 Design a leaflet about how to educate people on conserving water at home. - End of Part B - © Oxford University Press 2005 - 45 - (4 marks) Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water S1 Science Test Unit 5 The wonderful solvent - water Answer Sheets Name: __________________( ) Class: ____________ Marks: __________________ Total: 100% (Part A) / 120% (Parts A & B) Section A Total Do not write in this box Part A (Level 1) A Matching (4 marks, 1 mark each) 1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each) Section B Total Do not write in this box 1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________ 6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________ C Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each) a ______________________ b ______________________ c ______________________ d ______________________ e ______________________ f ______________________ g ______________________ h ______________________ i ______________________ j ______________________ D Questions (56 marks) 1 a ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ b ___________________________________________________________________________ c ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ d ___________________________________________________________________________ e ___________________________________________________________________________ f ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ © Oxford University Press 2005 - 46 - Section C Total Do not write in this box Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water 2 a ___________________________________________________________________________ b ___________________________________________________________________________ c ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ d ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ e ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ f ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 a ___________________________________________________________________________ b ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ c ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ d ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 a ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ b ___________________________________________________________________________ c ___________________________________________________________________________ d ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ e ___________________________________________________________________________ f ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ © Oxford University Press 2005 - 47 - Section D Total Do not write in this box Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water Part B (Level 2) (20 marks) 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 7 Leaflet design: Part B Total Do not write in this box © Oxford University Press 2005 - 48 - Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water S1 Science Test (Unit 5 The wonderful solvent water) Answers Part A (Level 1) A Matching (4%) 1c 2a B 3d 4b 1 m each Multiple-choice questions (20%) 1C C 2D 3B 4A 5C 6C 7B 8A 9B 10 D 2 m each Fill in the blanks (20%) a Ultra-violet light b evaporation c condensation d raining e rainwater f Dong Jiang j saturated D g solvent h solutions i crystals 2 m each Questions (56%) 1 a P: distillation flask; Q: thermometer; R: condenser; S: distillate b It changes / condenses steam to water. 1 m each 2m c X: water out; Y: water in 1 m each This ensures there is water in the condenser even when the water tap is closed. d Micro-organisms and soluble impurities. 2m 1 m each e 100oC 1m f Boil the muddy pond water using Bunsen burner. Water becomes steam. 1m Steam condenses to water when it cools down in the condenser. Water is collected in the beaker. 1m The distillate is purified water. 1m 2 a Water in the clothes is evaporated. 1m b The rate of evaporation of water in the wet clothes. 1m c It is because there are wind and no raining. 1 m each d Increase in the air temperature and decrease in the relative humidity. 2 m each e It takes longer time to dry up as the surface area of the clothes in contact with air is decreased. 3m f 2m Increase the temperature. / Use centrifugal force. 3 a A: Environmental Protection Department; B: Drainage Services Department 1 m each b EPD: Set the law to control water pollution. DSD: Run sewage treatment plants. 2 m each c Sewage, oil, industrial wastes and plastics. 1 m each d Red tides / death of fish / skin rashes / eye infection (any 2) 2 m each 4 a Stir the solution with a glass rod and heat the solution. 2 m each b Use fine copper sulphate powders. 2m c Use blue flame instead of yellow flame when heating. 2m d Saturated solution 1m e Crystals are formed. They are regular in shape. 2m f 2m Crystals formed in the classroom are bigger than those formed in the refrigerator. © Oxford University Press 2005 - 49 - Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 5 The wonderful solvent water Part B (Level 2) (20%) 1 Rainwater collected in reservoirs and water imported from Dong Jiang. 1 m each 2 Wash clothes / wash dishes / take a bath (or other reasonable answers) (any 2) 1 m each 3 Reduce, reuse and recycle. 1 m each 4 Mr Ho: The cost of building a sewage treatment plant is too high. 1m Mr Lee: Increase the burden of citizens. / Employers might lay off some staff to minimize the cost. 1m Miss Wong: Increase the expense of the government. / Build a bigger system to transport water. 1m (Or other reasonable answers.) 5 Any reasonable answers. 3m 6 Limit the water supply to the public. / Find new resources of water supply, e.g. building a reservoir. / Encourage water conservation. (Or other reasonable answers.) 7 Leaflet design 3m 1m Content: Take showers instead of taking bath in a bath-tub. / Repair any dripping taps. / Wash more clothes and dishes at one time. / Wash vegetables and clothes in basins, not under running water. (Or other correct methods.) © Oxford University Press 2005 3m - 50 -