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CommonLit Responses

CommonLit Responses
How does paragraph 7 contribute to the development
of ideas?
Central Idea: Despite the violence civil rights activists endured,
the sit-in movement influenced desegregation and inspired
other protests.
Paragraph 7 contributes to the development of the ideas in the text by
providing an example of another movement inspired by the civil rights sitins. In this article titled 'The Sit-In Movement' by USHistory.org, the author
states "Bolstered by the success of direct action, CORE activists planned
the first freedom ride in 1961." The sit-in protesters peaceful protests
showed that change could be achieved through nonviolence and loving one
another. When others saw how successful these protests were, it inspired
them to start peaceful protests for other segregated things, not just eating
Paragraph 7 contributes to the development of the text because the
Freedom Riders were inspired by the nonviolent sit in. In the article "The
Sit-In Movement". it states "These groups became the grassroots
organizers of future sit-ins at lunch counters, wade-ins at segregated
swimming pools, and pray-ins at white-only churches." These people
inspired others to all these acts that were for the right thing even though
they were against the law. later in the text it also states " By the success of
direct action, CORE activists planned the first freedom ride in 1961." These
pieces of evidence tell us that the direct action like the sit-ins inspired
CORE to create the Freedom Riders, because they wanted to end
segregation for good.
Paragraph 7 contributes to the central idea by explaining that they didn't
stop at sit-ins. In "The sit-in movement" it says "Bolstered by the success of
direct action, CORE activists planned the first freedom ride in 1961." They
saw how sit-ins slowing helped the process of desegregation and they
wanted to do more to help. Just like sit-ins, it was dangerous but they
wanted to help. Paragraph 7 helps us understand that they did many types
of protests to end segregation.