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HOTS Extensions

HOTS Lesson Extensions
Problem-solving (1)
B2 / Student is allegedly interested in business
In class we discussed different types of advertising.
Homework: You are an advertiser. Find a solution to the following case:
1. The USA, 1960s, small town.
2. A taxi company suffers losses because it is a taxi company #2 in the town. They haven’t
been able to beat their opponent - taxi company that is #1 in this town - for many years.
They want to increase sales through rebranding / advertising.
3. Think of how you would help the company by creating a rebranding or advertising
Problem-solving (2)
B2 / Student is allegedly interested in business
In class we discussed the S’s solutions and the teacher presents a real case: Avis vs. Hertz
According to the campaign,
this taxi company is number
two and that is why they try
harder. The campaign
helped the company to
drastically improve the
situation and got it from
being in the red to being in
the black and quite
HOTS Analysis + Creation + Creative Thinking
C1 / Vocabulary Aspect: Money
In class or homework.
Choose any three terms from the vocab list (e.g. mortgage, instalment, lump sum, recession
etc). And write concise explanations to them as if you had to explain them to your 6-year-old
niece / your granny / your brother - quantum mechanic / disney princess of your choice / Jack
the Sparrow / your favourite celebrity / Donald Trump. You can incorporate your attitude into
HOTS Lesson Extensions
B2 / Grammar Task Extension
Note: The group consists of male students oppressed by society not to express emotions ->
problems with expressing emotions -> the teacher tries to work on their emotional intelligence
Read out loud sentences from a grammar practice task but with an emotion that your teacher
assigns to you / you get from the jar with emotions / from wheeldecide.
Alternatively: Read out loud sentences from a grammar practice task but with an emotion that
you get from them.
The teacher praises all displays of emotions.
HOTS Analysis
A2+ / Cool-down
Can be applied to virtually any vocabulary topic. :)
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