AUGMENTED REALITY OVERVIEW • This presentation explores: • History of augmented reality. • What augmented reality is. • How AR works • Advantages and disadvantages of AR. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY? Augmented reality, also known as AR, is a technology that enhances the real world with digital details like images, text and animation. Users can experience AR through special goggles or via smartphone or phablet screens. • In AR, your device's camera blends an image of your actual surroundings with a digital image so that they merge into one reality. It starts with a camera-equipped device –like smart glasses— loaded with AR software. When a user points the device to an object, the software recognizes it through computer vision technology, which analyzes the video stream. • The device then downloads information about the object from the cloud, in much the same way that a web browser loads a page via a URL. So what the user sees, then, is part real and part digital. HISTORY OF AUGMENTED REALITY • In 1957, Morton Heilig created the Sensorama, which invokes all the senses of the user. ADVANATAGES OF AUGMENTED REALITY 1. AR is used in various fields such as medical, education, manufacturing, robotics and entertainment. cbPRDw5dOFI&ab_channel=Th%C 3%A0nhHo%C3%A0ng • It can be used by military people without putting their life in danger by way of battle field simulation before the actual war. This will also help them in actual war to take critical decisions. DISADVANATAGES OF AUGMENTED REALITY 1. It is expensive to develop the AR technology-based projects and to maintain it. Moreover, production of AR based devices is costly. 2. It requires basic learning to effectively use AR devices. CONCLUSION In conclusion AR is an immersive technology that extends the reality we experience by blending the virtual and real world to create an experience for the user. RESOURCES • • • n+the+good+doctor • H948GH948&sxsrf=ALiCzsYiWplgucfnw3gjzdHY4lGFBrUo7w:16641 35901702&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjyoZ2q3bD 6AhWI76QKHfIpA8sQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=633&dpr =1 • THANK YOU