BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 1 of 17 EMPLOYER BAUER ENGINEER KN INTERNATIONAL PROJECT TITLE BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD DOCUMENT TITLE METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR ETISALAT MANHOLE WORKS Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 2 of 17 REVISION RECORD This cover page is a record of all revisions of the document identified above by number and title. All previous cover pages are hereby superseded and are to be destroyed. Rev. No. Rev. Date 00 13-09-2022 Prepared By AL MASAOOD Checked By Review by Approved by Revision NMDC NMDC Description MFZ Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 3 of 17 Contents 1. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 4 2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... 4 A. ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 4 NMDC .................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. OSHAD .................................................................................................................................................. 4 ABU DHABI OCCUPATIONAL AND HEALTH CENTER ....................................................................... 4 HSE 5 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................. 5 ERP 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ......................................................................................................... 5 PTW 5 PERMIT TO WORK ................................................................................................................................ 5 MS 5 HSEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 5 PPE 5 TBT 5 3. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 CODES AND STANDARDS................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 DRAWINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 5 3.4 REQUIRED APPROVALS ................................................................................................................... 5 4 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 OTHER RESOURCES ................................................................................................................. 6 PLANT & EQUIPMENT - THIS SECTION INCLUDES EQUIPMENT TO BE USED –................................................................ 6 5 MANPOWER .......................................................................................................................................... 6 6. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 7 PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................................... 7 6.1 SITE PREPARATION......................................................................................................................... 7 Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 4 of 17 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE.............................................................................................................. 8 8. HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................... 8 8.1 EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 9 8.2 HAZARDS FACED WHEN CARRYING THE WORKS. ............................................................................... 9 9. GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 9 9.1 ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................ 9 9.1.1 THE PROJECTS MANAGER .............................................................................................................. 9 9.1.2 THE QA/QC ENGINEER ................................................................................................................ 10 9.1.3 SITE ENGINEER & FOREMAN ........................................................................................................ 10 9.1.4 QHSE MANAGER / SAFETY OFFICER.............................................................................................. 10 9.2 DISTRIBUTION............................................................................................................................... 10 9.3 STATEMENT OF INTENT ................................................................................................................. 11 10. APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................... 11 10.1 APPENDIX B - RISK ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 11 1. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES This document describes the methods and resources to be deployed for the open excavation and backfilling for the Trial Pit to identify the Etisalat sleeve location and depth prior to obtain NOC for Etisalat cabling works at Bauer Assembly Yard Project. 2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS MNGC AL MASAOOD NATIONAL GENERAL CONTRACTING, Dubai OSHAD ABU DHABI OCCUPATIONAL AND HEALTH CENTER Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 5 of 17 HSE HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT ERP EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PTW PERMIT TO WORK MS METHOD STATEMENT HSEMS HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PPE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT TBT TOOLBOX TALK 3. REFERENCES 3.1 CODES AND STANDARDS • • • • • Federal law 8 of 1980 Ministerial order 32 of 1982 ADNOC Safe Working Guide line to works near the Gas Pipe line OSHAD regulations Consultant’s project specifications 3.2 DRAWINGS • • • Proposed LV cabling Route Layout_ attached Consultant approved IFC Structural Drawings Consultant approved Architectural Drawings. 3.3 DOCUMENTS • • Adnoc Guidelines Approved Material specifications and technical data 3.4 REQUIRED APPROVALS • Approval of location and setting out must be obtained from ADNOC/ Authorised Team ( Royal Gas) prior to proceeding with the works. Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Page : 6 of 17 Shop drawings Method statement • • 4 Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 MATERIALS The following list of material will be required within the scope of this method statement. 4.1 OTHER RESOURCES PLANT & EQUIPMENT - THIS SECTION INCLUDES EQUIPMENT TO BE USED – 4.1.1 Plant and Equipment: - Hand Showel - Wheel Loaders - Ladder - Measuring Tape, Total Station, Dumpy Level etc. 4.1.2 Power Tools – N/A 4.1.3 PPE – Safety Hardhat, Hi-Viz Jacket, Safety Glasses, Gloves, Steel Toe Capped Boots, Water Barriers/ safety Cones. 5 MANPOWER As required, the following is provided indicatively: S. No. Position/Role Quantity Resource 1 Project Manager 1 Contractor 2 Site Engineer 1 Contractor 3 Foreman 1 Contractor 4 Safety Officer 1 Contractor 5 Surveyor 1 Contractor 6 Skilled Labourer As required Contractor 7 General Labourer As required Contractor Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. 6. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 7 of 17 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE PROCEDURES 6.1 SITE PREPARATION 6.1.1 6.1.2 Existing Services - construction team would investigate and acquire information about site services that might have been placed/embedded below the ground. Services, wherever found shall be rerouted and protected to place will not affect site activities. Setting out – surveyor would conduct the site survey to mark/stake-out the lines and levels of the objective excavation as indicated in the approved drawing. The responsibility for carrying out this Method Statement and execution shall be that of the Project Engineer, unless otherwise specifically mentioned in this procedure. The Quality Engineer/ Project Engineer shall be responsible for inspection & testing. 6.2 EXCAVATION 6.2.1 The area to be excavated shall be identified and properly marked and clear before starting the works. 6.2.2 The depth of excavation shall be periodically checked by a surveyor to avoid over-excavation. the bank of the excavated area shall be sloped 30 degrees and shall be maintained to avoid a collapse of the bank into the excavated area. 6.2.3 All excavated material shall be kept a minimum of 1.0 meter from the edge of excavation or shall be stockpiled to the area designated by the Engineer. 6.2.4 The excavation of the trial pit shall be done by hand tools as per the ADNOC safety works guidelines. (with in the 3 m radius from the gas pipe) 6.2.5 For all excavation activities, adequate safety barriers, signboards, advance warning signs would be used. 6.2.6 All the trial pit excavation activity shall be done in under the supervision and witness by the Royal Gas/ ADNOC. Excavation shall be carried out to the lines & levels shown on the drawings and adequate, working space shall be considered, Slopes & formation surfaces he trimmed true to the required profiles. Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. • Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 8 of 17 The sides of excavation for structures such as basements & foundations shall be adequately supported. Furthermore, the sides shall be battered/ left exposed/ externally supported as per site conditions • Vertical excavations in soft soil shall be supported or battered suitably, if the depth is more than 1200 mm. The decision of angle of batter shall be as per conditions, angle of repose, site conditions or as agreed by the Q Engineer in addition to the formal approval. The approval shall be taken from the consultant if required. If the worker at the bottom of excavation is to work in sitting or lying down position, buddy shall be provided to guard. Buddy shall stand outside the trench & keep the worker in his sight all the time. 6.3 BACKFILLING 6.3.1 After completion of the compaction under blinding, tie beams and ground slab. Backfilling shall commence using similar excavated material. Care shall be taken to remove bolder, vegetations and any other deleterious materials. 6.3.2 Prior to backfilling, the compacted surface shall be accepted by the Engineer. 6.3.3 The thickness of the backfill shall not be greater than 300mm. 6.3.4 The sub-grade once approved, the excavated materials or any material source approved by the Engineer shall be placed in layers not more than 300 mm thick followed by compaction test when the surface level is ready. 6.3.5 Backfilling followed with compaction shall continue till the final level is achieved. 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE QA/QC shall ensure that method statement and project specifications have always been followed. QA/QC shall ensure the coordination of all necessary trades for the successful carrying out of work as per the approved method statement. 8. HEALTH AND SAFETY Workplace inspections will be carried out by the person in charge of the specific activity by Al Masaood and sub-contractors. Where subcontractors are required to carry out such inspections, the responsible Al Masaood QHSE Manager/ Safety Officer must have a system of ensuring the adequacy of the inspection process. Inspections carried out by Al Masaood will be recorded on Safety Observation form. Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 9 of 17 Adequate traffic management will be arranged to avoid traffic congestion at the site entrance and on work locations. The construction waste will be collected on skips which will be removed by the assigned subcontractor for the waste collection. The works will be carried out according to all the requirements set out in the Site HSE Plan, OSHAD Safety Regulation. For further details refer to the HSE plan. 8.1 EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS In case of emergencies MNGC ERP Plan and flow chart will be followed. Adequate fire extinguishers will be provided at the workplaces and should ensure that the access towards it is always maintained. A first aid station with full time first aider should be provided at the site entrance. Depending on the situation, the sub-contractors ERT shall keep in close communication and liaise with one or more of the parties detailed in the Emergency Numbers. (Police, Ambulance, Civil Defence and principle contractor). Sub-contractor will follow the site emergency arrangements as detailed in the Principle Contractors approved HSE documents i.e. Project OSH Plan, Project ERP Plan, Truck operational and Maintenance Procedure, Heat Stress Management Plan & Policy. Actions to be taken in the event of an emergency will also posted on the site notice board. 8.2 HAZARDS FACED WHEN CARRYING THE WORKS. • • Traffic arrangement Use of hand tools and equipment. Additional hazards involved for the works will be identified, assess the risk and adequate control measures must be taken to minimize the potential hazards to a level as low as reasonably practicable. 9. GENERAL 9.1 ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 9.1.1 THE PROJECTS MANAGER • Takes responsibility for all interfaces and other communications as required during the execution of all activities. • Review the method statements prior to execution and explain the same to his subordinates ahead of the job plan. Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 10 of 17 • Manage and lead his workforce to ensure good workmanship and a quality product. • Be aware of all test results, test frequencies and approved materials to be used. 9.1.2 THE QA/QC ENGINEER • Shall conduct inspections as per the Inspection test plan. • Ensure that all the procedures in the method statement are implemented followed. • Ensure that all necessary records such as Inspection Request (I.R.), material approval and others must be in-place prior to commence with the work. 9.1.3 SITE ENGINEER & FOREMAN • Shall execute the job as per the approved method statement, drawings, specifications, and Job Safety Analysis guidance. • Issue the correct and approved materials and explains the daily tasks to his workforce. • Work hand in hand with the Project Team to deliver a quality output. 9.1.4 QHSE MANAGER / SAFETY OFFICER • Advice and assist in ensuring that all the requirements prescribed in the HSE plan are in place. • Tools & equipment to be used is in good working order and has the correct up to date certification, where necessary workers are fully competent to carry out their tasks and are authorized to do so. • Required permits are in place before works commence safe access is provided to the working area. • Accident/incidents and near misses are reported promptly. • There is suitable provision of first aid. • There are suitable measures for the prevention and control of fire. • Site safety inspections are carried out and reported to Al Masaood management. NOTE: The Job Responsibilities shall be reviewed to suit the project conditions. All works shall be performed under competent supervision including an HSE representative on site. 9.2 DISTRIBUTION • Projects Manager • Consultant Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. • QA/QC Engineer • QHSE Manager / Safety Officer Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page : 11 of 17 9.3 STATEMENT OF INTENT MGNC are committed to comply with national and local regulations and the Client’s requirements to ensure that the project is delivered on time within budget and to the agreed quality requirements. The consultant will be notified of any changes required on site and approval will be obtained prior to the works being carried out. 10. APPENDIX 10.1 APPENDIX B - RISK ASSESSMENT (See Attached) Al Masaood National General Contracting. BAUER ASSEMBLY YARD METHOD STATEMENT FOR EXAVATION OF TRIAL PIT FOR THE ETISALAT MANHOLE. Doc. No.: 10176-MS-002 Rev. No.: 00 Date : 13 September 2022 Page Al Masaood National General Contracting. : 12 of 17