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Stakeholders Lesson Plan: Sainsbury's & Business Relationships

Date: 04/11/2022
Lesson Plan – Stakeholders
Class: Year 12D
Class profile:
Different capability learners in class
Lesson objectives
Students will be able to assess the relationship and communication
between stakeholders and a business
Learning outcomes
Activities and timings
8 mins Do now and Starter
Handout – Students to choose ONE stakeholder for Sainsbury’s and
answer questions.
15 mins Main
Teacher activity
Recap on pressure group and shareholders to ensure students
understand what they are and how they influence Sainsbury’s
2 mins Teacher activity (Mini Plenary)
Ask questions to check understanding, for more able students ask
follow up questions for example; What kind of conflict do you think
might there be between a shareholder and Sainsbury’s?
20 mins Student activity
Allow students to finish this section of their assignments
15 mins Teacher activity
Discuss with students how stakeholders communicate with
Sainsbury’s, what kind of relationship do stakeholders have with them
and are there any conflicts.
Teacher to set the next task separating class in to 3 groups based on
different learning abilities
20 mins Student activity
Student’s will be provided with A3 sheet handout with two
stakeholders and a specific business.
Student’s Task
In their groups, students are to research and gather information on
how the two stakeholders communicate with the business, the
influence they have on the business and what kind of conflicts they
might have.
5 mins Teacher activity
Take feedback from each group and ask follow up questions to explore
Student activity
10 mins Allow students this time to continue their assignments based on what
they have learnt
Teacher activity
5 mins Set student homework – Students to research different organisational
structures and to find out what structure is used by Sainsbury’s and
Approx. 100 mins
Homework/Independent Students to research different organisational structures and to find out
Learning Opportunities
what structure is used by Sainsbury’s and why?
Key points for next
Ask each group one thing they have learnt before allowing them to
Handouts for Starter activity
A3 sheet for Group activity
Starter – Questions will get more harder (more information and
research – This is for more able students)