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Crane Hook Design Optimization

ABSTRACT:The repeated loading and unloading causes stress on crane hooks, which eventually leads
to their breakdown. Crane hook fatigue failure has these causes. Crane hook stress is
examined and decreased to the maximum stress than current (trapezoidal) crane hook to
avoid failure. Crane hook stress can be lowered compared to a typical crane hook by
altering the geometry. The cross section of the hook has used as a primary parameter in this
study to optimise its design for a given weight. The crane hook's fatigue life will be
extended as a result of the reduction in stress (have better life comparing with standard
crane hook). Crane hooks have four different cross-sectional shapes: rectangular, circular,
square, and oblong. Using SOLIDWORK and SOLIDWORKS Simulation, these crane
hooks are deigned and simulate and the effects of each redesigned crane hook are evaluated.
The findings of hook tests are dependent on a variety of factors, including the hooks'
optimum stress, optimum deformation, endurance time, and total weight.
Key words: Crane Hook, Rectangular Profile, Circular Profile, von-misses stress, Fatigue
In the field of material handling, equipment refers to equipment that is used in the
transportation, storing, control, and defense of raw ingredients, finished goods, and finished
goods during the processes of manufacture, delivery, uses, and disposal. Material handling
equipment refers to the mechanical apparatus that is used in the overall operation of the
system. Engineered systems, industrial vehicles, and bulk material handling equipment are
the four broad categories into which material handling equipment falls. [1]
Using a crane hook, which is a curved bar, you may raise heavy weights in hoists. The
crane hook is a equipment that is commonly used in businesses, factories, and construction
sites to raise big loads and move them from one location to another. It is also known as the
lifting hook. This component is one of the most significant and fundamental parts of a
crane. A crane hook is, in essence, a hoisting fixture that is meant to engage a lifting a
shackle pin, cable socket, or chain. It must adhere to all applicable health and safety
regulations when used. [2]
Cranes are included in the category of weight handling equipment (WHE). They are
primarily intended for use in heavy lifting and, with the correct attachment, digging
activities in a variety of terrain and weather circumstances. A crane is a piece of machinery
used for lifting and lowering a weight as well as moving it horizontally, which includes the
crane's supporting structure and foundations as well as the load itself. For a wide range of
industrial and construction operations, crane configurations come in many shapes and sizes.
Cranes are primarily distinguished by their carrier and the type of boom they have. [4] A
variety of cranes are often employed in the construction industry. Among the most
prevalent crane types are overhead, mobile cranes, tower cranes (telescopic and gantry),
telescopic mobile cranes, and loader cranes (jib and deck cranes). All of the crane's
components are shown in Figure 1-1.
The hoist is either in a permanent equipment building or on a trolley that travels
horizontally across tracks, depending on the kind of girder. A gantry crane is another name
for it (twin-girder). In order to support the crane's frame, the gantry system is comprised of
equalised beams and wheels that run in a perpendicular direction to the trolley's travel path.
The hoist and trolley assembly of an above your head crane, also pronounce as a "suspended
crane," works in a manner similar to that of a gantry crane, except that One or two fixed
beams allow it to only travel in one direction, which are typically at the factory's assembly
area, either on the side walls or on elevated columns. The tower crane is a newer form of
the balancing crane, with a more modern look. In the building of skyscrapers, tower cranes,
which are anchored to the ground and may also be attached to the side of a structure, provide
the ideal mix of height and lifting capacity. Construction workers use mobile cranes, which
are capable of traversing area without the requirement for a secure runway and trusting
solely on gravity as a source of stability, in order to complete their projects. Hydraulically
operated articulated arm, known as knuckle boom crane or an enunciating crane, is attached
to a truck or trailer for loading or unloading purposes. Jib cranes are those that have a
horizontal element (jib or boom) that is fixed to a wall or to a floor-mounted column, rather
than the ground, rather than the ground. Jib cranes can be seen in both industrial and
military situations. There is a crane known as a "deck crane." Cargo operations and boat
unloading/retrieval in places without shore unloading facilities are both made possible by
these systems, which are installed aboard ships and boats. Telescopic cranes are known for
their long booms, which are constructed from several linked tubes. The boom's overall
length is increased or decreased by a tubes are extended or retracted by a hydraulic or other
motorised mechanism. [5]
Fig. Components of a service crane, as well as terminology
1.1 Crane hooks are available in a variety of designs.
Crane hooks are categorized based on the materials used in their manufacture as well as the
intended use, and certain characteristics are more significant than others depending on these
and other considerations, such as the intended application. It is possible to classify the many
styles and sizes of crane hooks, manufacturing methods, modes of operation, or any other
distinguishing qualities that they possess. They are available in a number of designs to
satisfy a range of requirements, and they are rated for various types and sizes of loads.
1.1.1 Crane hooks classified according to the form they take
Crane hooks come in two flavours: single crane hooks and double crane hooks, each with
its own unique form factor. There are a lot of single crane hooks in use nowadays. Both of
these possibilities have a major distinction in how many hooks they have; the C-hooks are
an example of an alternate sort of hook (what you're seeing here is a slightly different design
for a single hook). Figures 1-2 and 1-3 show the single and double hooks of the crane,
respectively. Single crane hooks are popular due of their simplicity and ease of usage are
the finest solution for equipment built for loads up to 75 tonnes.
Figure 1-2: Hooks for a crane
A Double (Ramshorn) Crane Hook works on a similar concept, but it has a larger bearing
capacity, making it suitable for loads up to 75 tonnes. Two throat openings distinguish the
Ramshorn hook from other types of shank hooks. Shipyard cranes and container cranes
typically use them in tandem. It is possible to find two types of Ramshorn hooks: a solid
lower hook design in Ramshorn Form A, and an open lower hook design in Ramshorn Form
B. Using the hook's hole, rigging may be attached.
Figure 1-3: Double (Ramshorn) Hook of Crane
1.1.2. Crane hook categorized by Its manufacturing Mathod
We can forge and laminate many types of lifting equipment, including crane hooks.
Using only one piece of high-quality, low-carbon steel that has been meticulously forged
and cooled, Forging Crane Hooks are created. As a one-piece design, these hooks are
generally made of inexpensive materials that are easy to work with. 5 Compressive forces
are exerted to a work piece in a solid state utilising dies and tools in the forging process.
Crane hooks that are comprised of many steel plates that have been welded together for
increased strength and safety are known as Laminated Crane Hooks. If any of the
components of these hooks are destroyed, they will still be able to perform their intended
job. There are two kinds of laminated hooks: single and double. A crane hook with only
one lamination is depicted in Figures 1-4 (left).
Figure 1-4: Laminated hook of crane
A common crane hook is made of either wrought iron or carbon content steel. Crane hooks
made of less-alloy steel are able to withstand enormous loads, but this isn't just due to their
substance. Forging, heat treatment, and steel quality all have a role in the long-term
durability of a crane hook. It is impossible to stress the importance of correct forging.
Forging is superior to other metalworking procedures in terms of structural integrity.
Improved strength, toughness, load-bearing capacity and fatigue resistance are achieved by
removing any flaws in the hook such as gas pockets or cavities that might affect its longterm performance.
Carbon steel is a common material used to make crane hooks. Heat treatment can be used
to enhance its machinability, strength, and ductility. The four major carbon steel grades are
a range of carbon steels is available from low to extremely high carbon content, including:
low, medium, and high. When heat treating carbon steel forgings, it is possible to increase
the material's resistance to wear and tear, yield strength, and impact strength. When
compared to stainless steel forging, carbon steel forging has a lower cost per part than the
other steel forgings.
Chain or rope slings hooked to the hook are commonly used to carry the weight. Standard
(single) and ramshorn (double) hooks are the two most prevalent design hooks. Flat-die or
close-die forged hooks, as well as ramshorn hooks, are formed of a sequence of sharpened
plates. A single-piece forged hook can raise weights of up to 100 tonnes. Hooks are usually
made of low carbon steel. Hooks are carefully anealed after forging and machining
throughout the manufacturing process. [6]
When a crane hook is constantly in use, the nanostructure of the hook changes, creating a
variety of problems such as wear, tensile strains, and excessive thermal stress. If the crane
hook is used repeatedly, these stresses can get more intense, finally resulting in the
breakdown of the crane hook. It is possible to prevent all of the above-mentioned issues by
making minor design tweaks.
Crane Hook Fatigue Analysis and Motivation to Work on Weight Optimization
During the lifting of small automobiles at the National Motors Body Builder division of the
automotive assembly plant, an accident occurred due to crane hook failure, which resulted
in vehicle damage. This disaster occurred because the crane hook's lifting ability and life
cycles were not considered. Since a result, the fatigue and stress study of crane hooks is of
importance, as this analysis aids in determining lifting capability and estimating crane hook
1.2. Statement of Problem
The constant loading and unloading of a crane is a dangerous situation. These will cause
the crane hook to fail due to fatigue, resulting in major accidents. The crane hook's life (its
capacity to resist the applied force) will be reduced as a result of the continual loading
cycle. As a result, the crane hook's fatigue life and fatigue damage must be investigated.
To prevent crane hook failure, stress created in the hook necessity be investigated and
lowered as much as feasible while achieving upgrated overall outcomes. Actually, by
expanding the connection area (high stress contraction region of cross section) and by
scheme idea, the optimised hook stress is lowered compared to the conventional hook,
implying that the crane hook's strength is indirectly improved. When compared to the
normal crane hook, the effective cross-section stress and total weight of the crane hook can
be reduced, and the fatigue life of the crane hook can also be improved.
1.3. Objective
1.3.1. General Objective
The main goal of this study is to use the finite element approach to optimise and fatigue
analyse crane hooks.
1.3.2. Specific Objective
The study's particular goal is to:
Decrease stress caused on the crane hook's high stress concentration location.
This crane hook has a longer fatigue life compare to regular crane hook.
Compare the deformation, stress, and minimum available life of the optimised and
trapezoidal (conventional) crane hooks.
1.4. Importance of the Study
The purpose of this research is to lower the weight of the crane hook, i.e., to make it lighter,
as well as to save material waste for the Manufacturer Company. The crane hook's weight
decrease indirectly reduces the crane's overall weight. This helps the crane conserve (lower)
fuel use. The crane hooks were mass-produced by the manufacturing firm, which resulted
in further material savings and cost savings. Another essential aspect of this research is that
it aims to lower the maximum tension imposed on the crane hook (make having better
fatigue life than the existing crane hook). The fatigue life of the crane hooks is evaluated
using a fatigue sensitivity analysis, which aids in estimating the fatigue life with the
imposed over load. The crane hook's durability will increase if the maximum stress is
1.5. The study's scope and limitations
Tis research focuses on modifying the crane hook's cross section to reduce stress and
weight. Also addressed is the fatigue study of crane hooks using FEM. Then, using the
results, compare the modified and regular crane hooks. Other optimization and analysis
approaches aren't taken into account in this research.
1.6. The Study's Organization
This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter of the report acts as an
introduction. It explains the background, the problem, the research purpose, the
organisation, the methodology, the study's scope and limits, and the study's significance.
The theoretical and empirical literatures are discussed in the second chapter. Crane hook's
historical context, previous thesis methods, crane hook-related journals, and publications
were all discussed. In Chapter three, the structural design component of the thesis, materials
and methodologies of the study that are critical to fulfilling the specific objectives of the
thesis are also established. The portion on analysis was also included. The steps and
explanations for using SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION to do a finite element analysis on
any object. The fourth chapter discusses the study's findings and comments. Compare and
contrast the outcomes of each modified crane hook model with the trapezoidal (regular)
crane hook. The study's last chapter contains the study's conclusions, suggestions, and plans
for future work.
M. Shaban et. al [1], With the aid of ABAQUS software, the stress pattern of the crane
hook in its loading condition was examined, and a solid model of the crane hook was
created. In a 3D model of a crane hook, a real-time arrangement of stress concentration is
obtained. On an acrylic model of a crane hook, the stress distribution configuration is
checked for accuracy using the shadow optical method (Caustic method). The geometry of
the crane is adjusted to extend its functioning life and minimise letdown rates by
determining the stress concentration area. The entire work is an effort to develop a finite
element analysis (FEA) approach for stress measurement by verifying the results. An
important part of minimising hook failure is accurately estimating stresses and their
magnitudes as well as their likely locations. During the stress test, they determined the cross
section of the region with the greatest amount of stress. An increase on the hook's inner
side where highest stress is located reduces stresses. The caustic technique is a very
effective approach for detecting stress distribution in complex mechanical parts like hooks.
The caustic approach may precisely anticipate the stress value at each hole site by drilling
numerous dispersed tiny holes on the hook. [7].
E. Narvydas et. al [2], Using finite element analysis, we explored the circumferential stress
concentration features of lifting hooks with shallow notches of trapezoidal cross-section
using shallow notches of lifting hooks (FEA). The stress concentration features were
frequently utilised in the valuation of the strength and durability of constructions and
machine elements in the past. The findings of the FEA were used, and a general equation
was chosen to suit them. This results in formulas for the rapid engineering assessment of
stress concentration factors that do not need the use of finite element models to be
developed. According to the design standards for lifting hooks, ductile materials must be
used in order to avoid brittle letdown; in this regard, they explored the strain-based
standards for failure, taking into consideration the stress triaxiality.
Ram Krishna Rathore et. al [3] , This document includes the following sections: A
common strategy for the optimization of multiple response situations begins with the use
of correlations between response functions and control parameters are calculated using
regression models. Afterwards, a structure for combining numerous reply role into a single
amount, such as an objective role, is activated, and finally, an optimization approach is
utilised to determine the optimal control function arrangements for the various reply
functions. Another technique presented in this study is to calculate the parameter response
functions by using an artificial neural network (ANN), which is described in detail in the
paper. In combination with objective functions, a multi objective genetic algorithm
(MOGA) is utilised to determine the optimal functions are controlled during the
optimization stage. The example of a crane hook has been used to optimise the responses
of several form parameters to withstand a new loading situation under consideration.
According to the results, for trans-disciplinary form optimization issues, the suggested
technique is shown to be efficient by estimating mass savings and a sufficient safety factor.
There is a strategy for optimising multiple responses that is proposed in this study. An
artificial neural system represents each response function and is used to determine the
connection between the response function and the control function. Using unconstrained
objective functions, numerous responses are integrated into a single answer, and a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is used to optimise across many disciplines. The
proposed approach has three distinct characteristics. To begin, it uses the design of
experiments in conjunction with the primary composite design method. Second, to compute
the solutions for each parameter in relation to the output function, artificial neural networks
are utilised. The multi-objective genetic algorithm is then used to optimise the replies of an
artificial neural network. The shape responses for mass and safety factor were calculated
using the crane hook model. Crane hooks were used to demonstrate this. To be more
explicit, the suggested optimization technique simply includes guessing at the survey
findings. As a result, the scope of the proposed approach might be expanded to cover more
criteria for the responses. In this situation, manufacturable limitations are required to
investigate the various reactions at various control element values.
Rashmi Uddanwadiker [4], the finite element approach was used to conduct a stress study
of the crane hook, and the findings were confirmed using photo elasticity. The feature of
birefringence is used to conduct the photo elasticity test. It was necessary to conduct two
phases of analysis to determine the stress pattern within the hook under loaded conditions.
The first step was to do a FEM stress analysis on an approximate model, and the second
step was to verify the results using a photo elastic experiment. Second, assuming the hook
is a curved beam and verifying this assumption using a finite element model of the actual
hook. When the findings of the ANSYS were compared to those of the analytical
calculations, it was discovered that the results were in accord with a tiny percentage error
of 8.26 percent. On the basis of the stress concentration area, form alterations were made
to the hook in order to boost its overall strength and durability.
SpasojeTrifkovic’ et. al [5], The stress condition in the hook is investigated in this research
utilising both approximate and precise approaches. Initially, they assumed the hook
material was a straight beam, and then they assumed it was a curved beam, and they
estimated stresses in various regions of the hook material. Analytical approaches were
applied with the assistance of computers, which included the use of FEM.
Bhupender Singh et al [6], A crane boom has been modelled using PRO/E WILDFIRE
2.0 and ALTAIR HYPER MESH with OPTISTRUCT 8.0 SOLVER Software to identify
the variance in stress and displacement in various portions of the boom, and feasible steps
have been made to minimise high stress levels and excessive displacements. Finite Element
Analysis was used to achieve the following goals.Reduction in size (4.86 kg, approx.5kg).
Stresses are within limits Weight (at higher load pointscc
Reduced costs (Rs-180/- for a single component, for example).
The investigation also came to the conclusion that the greatest amount of stress occurs
around the fixing position [12].
Y. Torres et. al [7], Initially, the possible causes of a failure of the crane hook in service
were researched and identified. Experimental analysis, mechanical behaviour of steel of r,
and specifics of rules controlling the construction and usage of lifting hooks are all included
in the investigation into this accident. The levels of stress are within tolerable limits. The
weight grows as the load levels increase in difficulty. The levels of stress are within
tolerable limits. The weight grows as the load levels increase in difficulty. Simulation
shows the thermal history of the hook, as well as an exported hook. Because of the strainaging embrittlement of steel utilised in its construction, the calamity was produced. Brittle
fracture occurred as a result of a crack in the material caused by welding on the lifting hook.
Takuma Nishimura et. al [8], crane-hook damage estimate was the focus of this research.
Load circumstances were considered to be critical in determining crane-hook damage.
Crane hook FEM model based on one of its designs was build’s For each feasible load
condition and deformation value, the FEM model was used to create an extensive database
of possible load circumstances and their respective deformation values. Using the database,
we were able to determine the kind of loads that were destroying the crane hooks. Using
the image processing, the deformation of a crane-hook may be determined based on
specified feature points on the crane-design. Hook’s Comparison of measured and
modelled deformation values in the database allowed us to determine the damaged crane
hook's critical load condition. The crane-critical hook's load condition was assessed using
these computed load conditions.
Takuma Nishimura and colleagues [9] discovered that crane hooks had been damaged
in some way. There were a number of factors that might have contributed to the failure of
the crane-hooks. Finite element analysis was used to generate a crane-hook model based
on an actual design from the corporation (FEA). Our comprehensive database was created
after we ran the FEM model, which allowed us to gather data on a wide range of possible
loading scenarios and the deformation values that were connected with them. It was feasible
to identify the load conditions that led to the failure of the crane hooks using the data. On
the basis of the crane-design, hook's a number of feature points were selected, and image
processing was used to calculate the deformation of the crane-hook in question. The critical
load condition of the injured crane-hook was established by comparing real deformation
values from the damaged crane-hook to simulated deformation values in the database.
Given these estimated loads, a statistical distribution was used to derive a critical load
condition for the crane-hook, which was represented as a probability distribution based on
the Bayesian approach.
C. Oktay AZELOGLU et. al [10], A number of lifting hook stress calculation methods,
each based on a different set of assumptions, are examined in this research. Following
optical elastic testing, curved beam theory, and Finite Element Method analysis, the stress
field on the hook could be determined. It follows that several methods of determining the
stress field on the hook are evaluated side by side. Lifting hook calculations in field
applications were given some advice, and this was thoroughly explored.
Yu Huali et. al [11], The structural strength of the elevating equipment is the most
important factor in determining its load-bearing capacity. In order to build bigger tonnage
hooks appropriately, it is necessary to investigate and analyse the static characteristics of a
hook that performs under restricted stress. The hook of drill well DG450 was the subject
of this investigation. First and foremost, utilising Pro/E, a 3-D entity model of the hook was
created based on the distinctive modelling technique used in the design. Second, the FEM
programme ANSYS was used to do a static analysis on three unsafe work circumstances at
the maximum load of the hook before the static analysis. As a result, the instructional
significance and technical application value of this work to the design and development of
the bigger tonnage drill well hook are illuminated. In this work, Bernard Ross and
colleagues (2007) detail the extensive technical examination of the crane accident that was
done in order to debunk the Mitsubishi hypotheses of failure, which were later verified by
a jury verdict. In addition to wind tunnel testing, structural studies of the boom were
presented, as was the metallurgy of failed pieces from a key king-pin assembly, as well as
soils engineering study linked to ground stresses and displacements during the lift. There
was a strong emphasis on the importance of SAE J1093, the 2 percent design side load
requirement, and Lampson's reasoning for an 85 percent crawler crane stability criterion,
among other things.
Gopichand A.et al. [12] The Taguchi technique is used to optimise the design parameters
once they have been tested and proven. In all, three parameters were taken into
consideration, and mixed levels were created as an L16 orthogonal array. The area of the
crane hook's cross section, the material used, and the radius of the crane hook are the design
criteria. The shapes rectangular, triangular, round, and trapezoidal were included in the
cross sectional area parameter. Also included are two distinct radiuses of 150 mm and 200
mm in structural steel and cast iron, as well as two different materials. By combining the
parameters, there are four tiers of crane hooks and sixteen different versions of crane hooks.
The optimal combination of parameters is calculated based on the results of SN ration
charts for each parameter. The triangular cross section, cast iron material, and 200 mm
radius of curvature are the optimal input parameter combinations for minimising
VonMisses stresses. When the curvature of the member is significant, such as in the case
of hooks and rings with varied cross sections, the curved beam flexure formula is employed
as an analytical approach for stress computation.
Nishant soni .et al. [13] the cane hook's mass has been optimised under the impact of static
load, including peak pressure load, in order to achieve this purpose. In order to optimise
the shape of the crane hook and to verify the final geometry, he used finite element analysis.
Optimized cane hook is 14 percent lighter than the original crane hook because of geometry
and manufacturing restrictions that were taken into consideration throughout the
optimization process. Curved beam theory is employed.
Rashmi Uddanwadiker and colleagues [14] were able to compute the stress pattern
formed as a result of the load on the hook. He conducted a comparison between the
analytical stress result and the stress estimated from the FEM analysis and discovered that
there was an 8.26 percent difference between the two. His whole research project is an
attempt to standardise a finite element analysis technique by testing the findings with the
aid of photo elasticity. He discovered the location where there is a significant concentration
of tension as a result of the analysis. If the inner side of the hook at the point of highest
stress is enlarged as part of the design enhancement, the stress will be lowered. Using a
crane hook in a loaded situation, Shaban M. and colleagues investigated the stress pattern
of the hook. Using the ABAQUS software, a solid model of a crane hook is created in order
to acquire a real-time pattern of stress concentration in the 3D model of a crane hook in a
3D environment. It is feasible to extend the working life of the component and minimise
the failure rates by measuring the stress concentration region and modifying its form. The
entire project is a phase in the formation of a FEA technique, which includes verifying the
findings for the purpose of stress computation. They tested if increasing the width of the
inner curve of the hook would result in a reduction in stress. The value and location of the
asset are extremely critical factors in lowering the likelihood of failure.
Takuma Nishimura et al. [15] investigated the assessment of damage factors for crane
hooks in order to recognise the trend of the load situation. It has been speculated that the
loading circumstances played a significant role in the crane-hook damage. They employed
finite element modelling to evaluate the relationship between the load condition and the
deformation of the material. Because of their efforts, they have obtained a result in which
the load condition sits between the most downward and the tip-end points, the load direction
is in the direction of gravity, and the tip-end stress will be minimised. It is necessary to
create a load-deformation database that contains the relationship between the load condition
of the crane hook and the deformation of the crane hook using numerical computation.
Following the conclusion of the investigation, they discovered that the load acts in the
downward position as well as the tip-end position, and that the load direction is not the
typical downward direction in the damaged hook.
Chetan N. Benkar.et al. [16] In order to estimate the stress pattern in its loaded condition,
I worked on a crane hook model created with the aid of the SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION
14 workbench to create a 3-D solid model. He was able to establish a real-time pattern of
stress concentration on the models of crane hook by taking into account various crosssectional areas. When the cross sectional areas were kept constant, he estimated stress
patterns for various cross section topologies such as rectangles, triangles, trapezoids, and
circulars, and then compared the changes in results for each topology of the cross section.
And he discovered that a rectangular cross sectional area produces the least amount of stress
and deformation.
E. Narvydas.et al. [17] it was determined how much tension was concentrated at shallow
notches and the smooth lifting hook. In addition, he believed the stress concentration factor
to be extremely crucial for the evaluation of durability and machine elements. The result is
acquired and utilised in conjunction with a specified generic equation for the stress
concentration factor, which does not need the use of FEM. Stress concentration factors at
the shallow notches of the lifting hooks of trapezoidal cross-section were determined by
fitting the specified general equations to the FEA data and comparing the findings to the
shallow notches and smooth trapezoidal cross-section hooks explored in this study.
Furthermore, the disparity between the results of the fitted equations and the findings of
the FEA was in the region of 3 percent. The lifting hooks must be made of ductile material,
according to his design guideline, in order to avoid brittle failure. [17]
Tripathi Yogesh .et al. [18] has conducted FEM analysis to study the stress pattern of
crane hook in its loaded condition, for that a solid model is made with help of CATIA and
analysis by using ANSY 14.0. For the correctness of result, the stress in hook compared
with the winker- Bach theory. The induced stresses as obtained from Winkler-Bach theory
for curved beams are compared with results obtained by ANSYS software. The results are
in close harmony with a percentage error of 10.36%. And in his study concluded the
complete study is an initiative to establish an SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION based Finite
Element procedure, by validating the results, for the measurement of stress with WinklerBach theory for curved beams.
Y. Torres.et al. [19] It has been determined what caused the crane hook to break while it
was being operated. Researchers compared UNE 58-509-79 with UNE 1677-1 and 1677-5
as well as the experimental results from these standards in these research. Analyses of the
hook's temperature history and chemical composition are also included in the procedure, as
is a visual and microscopic study. Finally, they've decided on the following strategies to
decrease or eliminate hook failures. The steel product must be made using electrical melting
furnaces and oxygen converters. Additional studies show that aluminium should be larger
than 0.025 percent, nitrogen should be less than 0.0075 percent, and sulphur cannot exceed
0.03 percent.
J.D. Costa.et al. [20] the surface treatment (ion-nitriding) of fretting fatigue and fatigue
resistance of 34CrNiMo6 steel as well as the steel's fatigue resistance has been studied. A
servo-hydraulic machine is used to conduct tension testing on specimens that have been
treated and those that have not. This includes elements such as applied displacement and
fretting pressure as well as the fatigue stress amplitude and stress ratio. They were able to
demonstrate this via the use of experiments and by taking into account chemical and
mechanical properties as well. SEM and X-ray analysis of the specimens yield the
following results. Ion nitriding has been found to improve the fatigue resistance of the
34CrNiMo6 steel during all of the different life tests that have been performed on it. The
treatment increases the hardness of the surface layer and introduces compressive residual
stress to assist prevent the beginning of fractures in the surface layer. When applied loads
are larger than those encountered by untreated material, fractures emerge as a result of
fracture initiation from internal discontinuities. A final result was drawn that specimens
treated with ion nitride had a considerably longer fretting fatigue life than untreated ones.
Internal discontinuities in specimens treated with ion nitride can also lead to crack
formation in fretting fatigue. This means that the specimen's lifespan is unaffected by
fretting damage.
Prashant R. et al. [21] has conducted research on structural analysis and the improvement
of the performance of the crane hook In addition, compare the manufacturing procedure for
the crane hook. Forging is chosen over casting because the crane hooks generated by
forging are significantly stronger than those produced by casting. Forging is also less
expensive than casting. The reason for this is because when molten metal solidifies, it
retains certain residual stresses as a result of the non-uniform solidification process. As a
result, casted crane hooks are incapable of supporting large tensile loads. And deciding
reduces the cost of materials while simultaneously increasing the stress level. Finally, based
on the results of the stress analysis, it has been discovered that the cross section of the
maximum stress area. Increasing the area on the inner side of the hook at the maximum
stress region will result in a reduction in the amount of stress that occurs. Based on an
analytical calculation, increasing the thickness by 3 mm results in an 18 percent reduction
of stresses It is therefore possible to modify the design by increasing the thickness of the
inner curve, which reduces the likelihood of failure by a significant amount.
Amandeep Singh. Et al. [22] By modifying the lengths of two parallel sides of the crosssection, various options for a 30 tonne capacity are found, based on the data from the study.
As a result, it is lighter and more cost-effective to manufacture. On the basis of weight,
maximum stress, and total deformations, we taught 24 candidates to lift 30 tonnes by
changing the hook's cross sectional dimensions. This assessment is used to choose the best
three candidates out of the 24 applications. A fatigue research is conducted on these most
highly competent individuals. AISI 4340 150 is the material of choice. In addition to the
mechanical properties of AISI 4340 150, there are also certain fatigue metrics. Candidate
No.3 had the best fatigue life, with a minimum fatigue life of 8.805E7repeats, than any of
the other two, according to the results of a fatigue study conducted on the candidate. This
model is compared to a genuine crane hook to see which has the best fatigue life, and
Candidate No. 3 was chosen as the best candidate.
Jayesh Rajendra Chopda.et al. [23] The working load's lifting capacity was set at 50 kN
for the purposes of this study. All of these aspects of EOT development, analysis, and
optimization are critical. The crane hook has been installed. It was decided to model the
system using ProEngineer, and then analyse the results using ANSYS software. It is
possible to employ shape optimization to complete optimization tasks. In addition, stress
concentration alters the cross-sectional dimensions. Depending on the cross-section shape,
the crane hook's geometry is altered. A total of twelve sections are created and used to
change the structure's size based on data obtained on stress concentrations. There are six
iterations total, with each iteration occurring at a different point on the hook. Item 6 is then
picked as the most efficient one, based on the comparison of all other iterations to this base
case (the typical hook). Iteration 6 is positioned in the hook's top segment (the straight part).
The most optimised cross-section is suggested for both production and testing.
K. S. Raghu Ram.et al. [24] It's been studied in steel-melting facilities for the Traverse
Beam Crane Hook (laminated). There are eight 25-mm thick plates used to make the crane
hook, which are then welded together once they have been trimmed to size. A 125-ton load
may be supported by the structure, according to its design. As a result, a high carbon steel
with a higher yield strength is recommended due to the significant stress under this load.
During the design phase, four different types of materials are tested to see how they
perform. It's possible to employ cast steel, carbon steel, SAE 1025 water-cooled, and SAE
1096 oil-cooled steel. The CATIA v5 solid model is imported into the ANSYS simulation
environment for utilization. Importing an IGES file from a catiav5 software into ANSYS
is possible. Afterwards, compare the stress readings from each of the different types of
hooks. As a last note, carbon steel is the ideal material for fabricating things, so don't
hesitate to utilize it.
Ejaj R. Khan. Et al. [25] Design and Analysis of Crane Hooks with a Variety of Materials
was the subject of this research. Construction of the crane hook is accomplished through
the use of an analytical approach, and the design is carried out for a variety of materials,
including ASTM grade 60 (grey cast iron), high strength low alloy steel, structural steel,
SAE 1040, and wrought iron. The analytical procedure is completed by the use of curved
beam design. Following the use of the analytical technique, the design and modelling of
the crane hook are completed using modelling software (CATIA). Afterwards, load the IGS
file of the modelling into ANSYS Workbench in order to do finite element analysis. The
findings of the FEA vary based on the type of material being simulated. The high strength
low alloy steel material produces the least amount of stress, which is thus considered to be
the best possible result.
Mamta R. Zade.et al. [26] Crane hooks made of various materials were subjected to stress
and fatigue analysis during the research. When comparing trapezoidal cross section hooks
to other cross sections such as rectangular, circular, and triangular, the trapezoidal cross
section hook is chosen. To conduct additional static structural analysis with different
materials, the trapozoidal cross section is chosen. The analytical technique is used in the
development of the hook. Following the completion of the analytical technique design and
modelling of the hook in modelling software (CATIA). Furthermore, the FEA is carried
out utilising ANSYS. Bench for working on projects. By comparing the findings of FEA
with other materials, such as aluminium alloy, structural steel, and wrought iron, we can
better understand how FEA works. The material for the crane hook is chosen based on the
findings of the structural study. Wrough iron is used for the final analysis. Because the
actual hook material is structural steel 16, it is possible to compare it to wrough iron based
on the results of a fatigue investigation. Based on the data, we determined that wrought iron
is the best material.
Kunjan B. Vanpariya.et al. [27] two critical responsibilities are analysing and reducing
the weight of crane hook designs. According to the results of a comprehensive literature
review, the best choice has been identified as Reduce the cross sectional area of the hook
in order to optimise the hook's weight. To keep the cross sectional area to a minimum, we
used a combination of characteristics and variables. Cross section height (h) and cross
section outer width (w) are the factors to take into account (bo). It's important that the
material's Allowable stress is less than or equal to its Hook radius (C), Hook diameter (D),
and Stress inner side I (I). The investigation's primary material is high-tensile steel
(AISI4140). MATLAB software is used for Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
while optimising the weight of lifting hooks. Use the optimization findings to build a new
model. Proe Wildfire 5.0 is used to construct the initial 3D model, which is then imported
into ANSYS Workbench through a step file and subjected to an analysis under a 1.5 tonne
load. Following the research, compare the new results of the FEA with the results of the
present crane hook.
Mahesh Solanki.et al. [28] Crane hook weight optimization for various cross sectional
diameters was examined. The model depicts several cross sectional crane hooks, including
rectangular, circular, triangular, and trapezoidal crane hooks. The hooks for this talk are the
analytical methodology and the finite element analysis method. Based on the analysis
findings of all cross sections, determine which cross sectional analysis resulted in the
trapezoidal cross section. To make a more accurate comparison, the analytical stress and
von Misses stress of all cross sectional hooks are determined under a 20-ton applied load.
To do the FEA analysis, a cad model of the crane hook is produced in Creo 2.0. The crane
Hook's static structural analysis is carried out using the Anysis workbench 14.5. The
construction material used in this experiment was SAE 1040 steel. We can determine how
much stress is in the crane hook by changing the cross sectional area of the hook and
removing material from the low stress concentration area, then comparing the design stress.
A comparison of the conclusions obtained with the old and revised models is done based
on weight, deformation, and stress. And it was discovered that the new crane hook is
optimising the results.
Sunil J. Tiwari.et al. [29] Analyze the various papers in order to construct the laminated
ladle hook and to optimise it using the Finite Element Analysis tool without sacrificing on
strength or safety while remaining within the prescribed limits as indicated by the norm.
Finally, laminated crane hooks are frequently employed in the handling sector for lifting
liquid metal that has been stored in large ladles. In terms of safety, the element of safety
has been increased significantly, resulting in the hook being bulky. Due to the fact that the
crack propagates continuously and is more clearly detectable, ductile fracture is preferable
over brittle fracture in most cases. Crack 17 propagates rapidly in brittle fracture, and the
hook collapses abruptly as a result of this rapid propagation. Because it is difficult to
diagnose, this sort of fracture is extremely harmful. The finite element approach has grown
into a valuable tool for the design and optimization of structural components and systems.
Final recommendation: Only a few articles have been published so far on stress analysis
and design optimization of laminated crane hooks, which is a significant gap in the
Niranjan Desai.et al. [30] the stress, geometry, and weight of the crane hook were all taken
into consideration while optimizing its performance. A single load is studied, and a variety
of cross sections, including square, circular, and trapezoidal, are examined and assessed in
detail. Because of the usage of SOLIDWORKS Simulation, the study is carried out as a
combination of theoretical calculations and finite element analysis. As a consequence of
the findings, a trapezoid cross section of a hook outperforms a circular or square cross
section in terms of maximum stress for any given cross sectional area. The specifications
of the trapezoidal cross section are adjusted in order to discover the values that give the
best overall performance and reliability. And it was determined that the largest value for h
will result in the lowest weight. However, it is critical that the hook's proportions are
maintained. A very large value of h will result in an increase in the overall extents of the
hook profile and a reduction in packaging efficiencies. Following the analysis, a trapezoidal
cross section is chosen for comparison with other materials. In this optimization, the
following materials are taken into consideration: A-36 steel, 6061-T6 aluminium, and Ti6AL-4V titanium. As much as 80% of the weight reduction achieved by switching from
steel to aluminium or titanium. This suggests that, in terms of performance, aluminium or
titanium are far superior to steel in most cases.
Omkar P. et al. [31] there have been studies conducted on the design of a trapezoidal crane
hook utilising the curved beam design theory. The Analytical Design is used to create the
first version of the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model of a lifting crane hook. The UGNX 8.0 software was used to simulate the intended trapezoidal section crane hook. Then,
using SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION Workbench, load the CAD model into the
programme. By applying the load up to 20 tonnes, the results of the FEM analysis were
calculated. The applied loads of 15, 18, and 20 tonnes are used to verify the model of the
hook. And choose three distinct raw materials from among structural steel, AISI 4140 steel,
and AISI 4340 steel, amongst others. The von-Misses stress created in the model by the
FEM technique is being compared with the Taguchi L9 orthogonal array for particular
findings; the von-Misses stress developed in the model by the FEM method Consider the
possibility of fatigue failure in brittle and ductile materials. Apart from that, there are
additional types of failures such as bending stresses in combination with tensile pressures,
wear-induced hook weakening, plastic deformation caused by overloading, and severe heat
stresses. And, after taking into account the Taguchi results of stress and deflection, we can
conclude that AISI-4340 for a 20-ton weight is the most suitable material for the
manufacture of the crane hook.
2.1. Gap of the Literature
In general, the research cited beyond investigated the stress placed on crane hooks by
various ways, as well as the factors that contribute to the rupture of crane hook. They
compared the trapezoidal cross section hook to various regular cross sectors, including
circular, triangular, and rectangular cross sections, dependent on the amount of stress they
were subjected to, and determined that the trapezoidal cross section hook was the best.
While several research have been conducted on hook weight reduction by the use of
different materials and cross sections, their findings have shown that when the weight is
reduced, the stress increases as compared to the trapezoidal (standard) hook. However,
there has been no study done on the optimization of weight and stress in parallel by
modifying the cross section of the crane hook's cross section. That is, by comparing the
trapezoidal (normal) crane hook with a modified one, we may reduce the weight and stress
on the crane hook.
By taking use of this gap, the weight and maximum stress of the modified crane hook are
lowered in a manner that is parallel to that of the trapezoidal (regular) crane hook. The
fatigue life of the improved crane hook is predicted to be larger than that of the trapezoidal
(regular) crane hook, according to the research.
3.1. Crane hook dimensions in accordance with standard
The proportionate dimensions of a sole shank hook are depicted in the table below. All of
the specifications of the shank crane hook are explained in detail in figure 3-1 and table 31, and the standard (proportional) measurements are included in both figures. The high and
low stress application areas of the cross section are marked; these are the areas of the crane
hook that need to be modified in order to achieve better outcomes in terms of weight and
maximum stress.
Figure 3-1: cross sectional picture of the standard hook
Table 3-1: The trapezoidal (standard) crane hook's total dimensions
From the top to the section of the weight
The shank's length (B) = 103
applied, the distance (L1) = 318
Load-applied region of cross section's
The crane hook's total height (L) = 393
inner breadth b2 = 60
Lock pin to applied load distance surface
Distance from bottom of the shank to the
(e3) = 165
load applied portion (e2) = 215
The crane hook's nose part's height (a3) =
The inner breadth of the cross section's
high stress concentration area (bi) = 71
Curvature discrepancy (a2) = 63
Cross-sectional height of high-stress
concentration area (h) = 90
The crane hook's inner curvature diameter.
Cross-sectional height at the load-applied
(a1) = 80
region (h2) =75
Only the dimensions of the high concentration stress area (h), inner and outer width of the
cross section (bi), and height of the cross section (h) were employed in the analytical stress
analysis technique (bo). Because the curved beam flexure formula is used in the analytical
stress analysis approach.
3.1.2. Material Selection Materials are compared based on their mechanical characteristics
Besides the qualities of the material used in its fabrication, the behaviour of an electronic
component in service is influenced by a variety of additional elements in numerous
applications. When a component or structure is subjected to fatigue loading, this is
especially true. In these cases, the fatigue resistance of the component or structure can be
greatly influenced by factors such as service environment and surface condition, as well as
fabrication method and structural design details. Because of the importance of the above
characteristics, the function of the material in obtaining a sufficient fatigue life may be
minor in some circumstances, as long as the material is free of serious faults. Steel is a
common type of material for fatigue resistance design because of its strength. Steels are
commonly utilised as structural materials in fatigue applications because they provide great
fatigue strength and good processability at a reasonable cost, making them a popular choice
among manufacturers. The tempered marten site steel structure is the most suitable for
fatigue resistance because it gives the greatest degree of uniformity. In fatigue applications,
a high hardenability steel provides excellent strength with just little quenching, and so
produces minimal residual stresses, which is desirable. In comparison to coarse pearlite
structure formed by annealing, normalised structures have a finer structure and hence
provide superior fatigue resistance.
Table 3-2: Materials are compared based on their mechanical characteristics.
Structural Steel
Grey Cast Iron
AISI 1010 Steel
Elastic Modulus
Poisson’s Ratio
Shear Modulus
Mass density
Ultimate tensile
Yield strength
There are five fatigue strength considerations to consider in order to diminish the strength
or life of steel material. Because the strength of a material diminishes as its temperature
rises, the temperature factor, CT, is used to account for this phenomenon. The reliability
factor, CR, recognizes that adopting a lower value of endurance limit is necessary in order
to get a more trustworthy (above 50%) estimate of endurance limit. CR = reliability factor
The surface factor CS represents the influence of surface finish. For the purposes of this
investigation, forged steel has a surface factor of 0.6. In other words, surface scratches or
geometric irregularities have little effect at the site of maximal stress concentration. The
bending operation shall have a gradient factor CG and a load factor CL for bending that are
0.8 and 1, respectively, for parts having a diameter more than 50 mm and that are subjected
to reverse bending.
Where: Se’ = 0.5Su
However, depending on the assumption and the criteria for the material type, the value of
the correction factors is 0.48. This results in 555 MPa and 266.4 MPa as the maximum
endurance and correction limits, respectively.
The Strength of 1000 cycles for bending load type
Sm = 0.9Su = 999 Mpa
Determine the procedure for calculating the S-N Curve diagram values of Fatigue
The S-N curve of structural steel is displayed by default on the SOLIDWORKS
SIMULATION workstation; however, the material under consideration is AISI 1010 Steel
normalised in this study. With the use of the generalised S-N formula, it is possible to solve
the S-N curve values for this material.
log10(S) = A log10(N) + B
The values of the two constants A and B are unknown, but they may be calculated as
follows. The strength at N = 106 is S = Se (endurance limit), while the strength at N = 103
is S - Sm (strength at a critical point). By substituting these numbers in Equation (2), we
may derive the following results:
log10(Se) = A log10(106) + B
log10(Sm) = A log10(103) + B
Resolving for A and B:
A = 1/3 log10( Se/Sm ) And
B = log10( Sm2/Se )
Thus the universal S-N method is given by:
log10(S) = 1/3log10( Se/Sm ) log10(N) + log10( Sm2/Se )
Now you may get the matching strength by replacing any number of cycles (N) in equation
(4). (Alternating stress).
Similarly, the Sm, Se, and fatigue S-N diagram values for structural steel, such as AISI
1010 steel, may be determined by applying the general S-N formula. In the following table,
the S-N curve values of three distinct materials are compared and contrasted. The
mechanical characteristics of these materials, as well as their fatigue resistance, were
discussed in the preceding section. In this case, the available fatigue life is also compared
(S-N curve results). The values of the S-N curve for structural steel, AISI 1010 steel, are
shown in Table 3-3 in relation to one another. Table 3-3 compares the alternating stress and
the related number of cycles for each material in different combinations. It is possible to
calculate the values of alternating stress by substituting the numbers of cycles into equation
The majority of the research reviewed in this study is related to structural steel, which is
used to fabricate (produce) crane hooks. This study, on the other hand, used AISI 1010 steel
normalised, which was superior when compared to the other two materials, as well as the
structural steel specified. We will now compare the materials based on the S-N curve or the
fatigue life of the materials as well.
Figure 3-2 compares the fatigue life of several materials, including structural steel, grey
cast iron, and AISI 1010 steel, depending on the application (S-N curve). As illustrated in
Figure 3-2, the graph is drawn using the material property as a starting point. The results
of the AISI 1010 steel normalised test reveal that when the stress reaches 2411.31 MPa, the
steel can survive 10 cycles, and when the stress reaches 266.4 MPa, the steel can survive
106 cycles. The AISI 4340 steel annealed counter plot reveals that at 1618.4 MPa and 178.8
MPa, respectively, the steel can withstand 10 and 106 cycles before breaking. 106 cycles
is the greatest number of cycles possible in structural steel, which is 110.4 MPa, while the
smallest number of cycles possible is 999.28 MPa. The findings of AISI 4130 steel
normalised demonstrate that when the stress reaches 1455.48 MPa, the steel can withstand
10 cycles of fatigue, and when the stress reaches 160.8 MPa, the steel can withstand 106
cycles of fatigue. As a result, the normalised AISI 4340 steel has a longer life span than the
other two materials.
Figure 3-2: Comparison of S-N curve for structural steel, AISI 4340 normalized and
annealed steel
3.2 Crane hook design analysis and optimization methodologies
Design optimization is a critical component of the engineering design process.
Optimization is the phrase used to describe the process of identifying the optimal design.
In general, a design optimization process entails establishing values for design variables in
order to optimize an objective function while still fulfilling performance and other
constraints. Design optimization is becoming more popular in the engineering design
sector, thanks to the development of more powerful software packages and the creation of
new design optimization issues provided by the decision-based design (DBD) paradigm.
Design optimization model is a subjective procedure that necessitates the use of
engineering judgement as well as technical abilities. Depending on the specific design
circumstance, there are likely to be a plethora of variables, factors, restrictions, and criteria
associated with various performance metrics to consider. This means that you may pick
and choose from a wide selection of applicable optimization models. [49]
Crane hooks are designed and analysed using a curved beam as the basis for their
construction. Crane hooks with trapezoidal, circular, rectangular, and triangular cross
sections are the most often encountered shapes in usage. In accordance with the research
reviewed in this study, the trapezoidal cross section hook is superior than the other cross
sections. This research is concerned with the investigation of crane hooks that have
trapezoidal cross sections as well as the modification of normal hooks in which the weight
optimization is accomplished by altering the cross section of the hook. A total of three
modified cross sectional hooks are used in this investigation. Sometimes an accident occurs
as a result of the stress concentration component in it, and so a stress analysis is required
before it can be implemented. SOLIDWORKS Simulation Workbench 17.2 investigates
stress analysis, as well as other topics. Both the modelling and the analysis are now
performed by computer programmes. As a result, it must be built to provide optimum
performance while avoiding failure.
For the purpose of this study, four different types of cross-sections for crane hooks were
investigated: model-1, model-2, model-3, and trapezoidal (standard). The kind of crosssection determines how the theoretical stress calculation is carried out. SOLIDWORK 17
software was used to create the models for all four cross-sections. After that, the igs file is
saved and utilised for further analysis. This analysis is achieved by modelling the four
different types of crane hook cross sections in SOLIDWORK and importing the igs file
into the SOLIDWORK Simulation workbench programme. By applying load and suitable
boundary constraints, the analysis of the crane hook cross sections is generated. The
findings of stress acquired in SOLIDWORK Simulation are compared with those obtained
from theoretical calculations, and the portion with the least amount of stress concentration
is chosen for further optimization.
When performing this type of optimization, geometry optimization is utilised as a
supporting technique. Furthermore, the cross-sectional dimensions are altered depending
on whether there is a high or low concentration of stress. Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3
are three new modelled (modified) cross sections that have been added to this section. By
reducing and altering the high stress concentration area of the cross section in the manner
of model 1, we were able to get better results. Which are accomplished by altering the inner
and outer widths of the cross sections while maintaining the height of the cross section
constant. The geometry of the curved member of hook cross section is adjusted in the
manner of model 2 by lowering the lengths of both sides of the curved member. In the
instance of model 3, by increasing the cross section of the area of high stress concentration,
the stress concentration is reduced. Additionally, the cross section of the low stress
concentration area may be reduced and changed. Finally, using the FEM analysis, the new
modified crane hook models are compared to the trapezoidal (existing) crane hook models,
with the best crane hook being picked from the comparison.
Three different types of geometric adjustments were employed in this study in order to
optimise the weight and maximum stress of the hook. There are three models: model-1,
model-2, and model-3. Furthermore, the results of each modified hook are compared to the
results of the trapezoidal hooks based on a variety of factors, including maximum stress,
maximum equivalent strain, maximum deformation, weight, and fatigue life of the hooks,
among others. The applied load is the same for all cross sections, and it is 4.5 tonnes in
total. And then I compared each of the updated hooks to the others, and finally I chose the
best (better) model.
Methodology to be adopted depends on our approach towards a particular situation and
conditions in which the experiment is performed. There could be various approaches for
the same experiment.
Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram for the methodology adopted
We are going to implement all the above steps and then find appropriate results needed for
your project.
4.2 Need of the Research:
A vital viewpoint towards investigate is the need of the exploration. We first take a glance
at the present situation of the world and afterward focus our emphasis on a specific point.
Here for this situation we are taking a shot at crane hook. Vitality area identified with each
segment of society needs a lift towards crane hook. Hook design and material needs to
improvement for better technical advancement.
4.3 Literature Review:
E. Narvydas and colleagues (2012) used finite element analysis to analyse circumferential
stress concentration factors with shallow notches of lifting hooks with trapezoidal crosssections in trapezoidal cross-section (FEA). The stress concentration factors were
frequently utilised in the evaluation of the strength and durability of constructions and
machine elements in the past. The findings of the FEA were used, and a general equation
was chosen to suit them. This results in formulas for the rapid engineering assessment of
stress concentration factors that do not need the use of finite element models to be
developed. It is required that ductile materials be used in the design of the lifting hooks in
order to avoid brittle failure; in this regard, they explored the strain-based criterion for
failure, allowing for the stress triaxiality [8].
This study is written by Ram Krishna Rathore and colleagues (2012). A common strategy
for the optimization of multiple response situations begins with the use of regression
models to calculate the correlations between response functions and control parameters.
Afterwards, a system for combining numerous response functions into a single quantity,
such as an objective function, is activated, and finally, an optimization approach is utilised
to determine the optimal control function combinations for the various response functions.
Another technique presented in this study is to calculate the parameter response functions
by using an artificial neural network (ANN), which is described in detail in the paper. A
multi objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is used in conjunction with objective functions
to determine the optimal conditions for the control functions during the optimization stage.
The example of a crane hook has been used to optimise the responses of several form
parameters to withstand a new loading situation under consideration. According to the
results, the decrease in mass and a suitable factor of safety are estimated, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the suggested technique for the optimization of multidisciplinary form
optimization issues. There is a strategy for optimising multiple responses that is proposed
in this study. Every response function is represented by an artificial neural network, which
is used to calculate the relationship between the response function and the control function.
Unconstrained objective functions are used to combine multiple responses into a single
response, and a multi objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is used to perform multidisciplinary optimization. Three characteristics distinguish the proposed approach from
others. First, it makes use of the design of experiments in conjunction with the central
composite design technique. Second, it makes use of artificial neural networks to compute
the answers for each parameter in relation to the output function. The multi objective
genetic algorithm is then used to optimise the answers generated by artificial neural
networks, and this is the last step. This has been demonstrated with the aid of the crane
hook example, in which the shape responses for the mass and the factor of safety are
computed using the crane hook model. In particular, the projected optimization approach
merely entails projecting the result of the replies to the questionnaire. As a result, it is
possible to expand the scope of the suggested technique to cover a greater number of
parameters for the answers. The estimation of the varied reactions at various settings of the
control elements in this situation necessitates the use of manufacturable limitations.
4.4 Selection of crane hook:
Our next duty was to choose a crane hook, which came after we had finished our literature
review. In order to improve lifting performance, the crane hook channel is chosen. Many
various factors, such as material and design of a crane hook, were taken into consideration
while selecting a cooling crane hook. In addition to the fact that it was critical to keep the
crane hook's material at its strongest possible while minimising deflection, it was also a
source of concern since the findings were not correct. Crane hook design: It is also critical
to consider the crane hook design in order to provide quick and effective cooling.
4.5 Study of Different Material:
Material are as essential as the cooling channel choice. We initially expected to contemplate
distinctive kinds of material accessible and some other new elective material if accessible.
We went over various distinctive material beginning with various properties, for example,
Thermal coefficient, weight, and heat flux. One intriguing group of material found was
AISI 1010 STEEL, Grey cast Iron, Strucutral steel. This a material which have a marginally
less weight however a definitely more measure of thermal conductivity were found to have
great positive effect.
4.6 Theoretical study:
When it comes to injection moulding, the cooling design is critical since it has an impact
on both the product quality and the cycle time. The cooling can be accomplished using a
regular drilling procedure, but it is restricted in its use due to the intricacies of the form
being drilled. As a result, conformal cooling channels are employed to shorten the cooling
cycle duration while also controlling the volume shrinkage in order to achieve dimensional
stability. Using advanced quick tooling and rapid prototyping methods, it has been
demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate conformal cooling channels efficiently. It is the
purpose of this study to evaluate the literature on various types of cooling channels used in
injection moulding in order to provide consistent cooling and a decrease in cycle time.
4.7 Observation:
Before performing analysis we have to configure some basic details about the cooling
channel like total length of cooling channel required, molding capacity and number of
cavity means is it a single cavity molding machine or multi cavity because in multi cavity
molding machine cooling time increases as compare to single cavity for both conventional
and conformal cooling.
4.8 Performing the Analysis:
After performing the test runs and verifying proper functioning of all the components actual
material properties were used to perform analysis. Firstly, by circular profile cooling
channel and after that polygon shaped cooling channel. Record the corresponding the
cooling time according to result tabulate the readings.
4.9 Preparation of Results:
After we have done study on performance evaluation of the crankshaft in the previous
section next is to prepare results. The first step in preparation of results is validation. We
compared the research Paper and experimental (analytic value) values of both the material.
Here on we compare the cooling channel performance with different profile for constant
temperature. For each of a profile we calculate the cooling time with help of the analysis
software and study the effect of varying on geometry cooling channel characteristics.
Another thing that we calculate is the variation in materialist properties.
4.10 Validity and analysis:
Repeat of test and observation is done for finding better result.
4.11 Conclusion:
In the evaluation of the strength and durability of machine element parts and components,
stress concentration parameters are often used. In order to optimise the crane hook's weight,
it is required to study the tension induced in the crane hook. Due to the fact that only a few
papers have been published in this area thus far, it is feasible to decide that the curved beam,
such as the crane hook, requires more investigation based on a review of existing research.
Following the findings of a previous study, we may assume that undesired material can be
removed from locations where stress concentration is low. As a result, one of the most
effective and powerful ways for completing a crane hook stress analysis is the Finite
Element Method (FEM).
Designers use SolidWorks to automate their design processes. SolidWorks is a software
programme that is used by students, designers, engineers, and other professionals to create
basic and complicated components, assemblies, and drawings of various sizes and shapes.
Today, this programme is used all over the globe to design items, manufacture machines,
and establish production systems. It is also used to create manufacturing systems.
Engineering tasks like as mechanical engineering, industrial design, and transportation
technologies are just some of the areas in which SolidWorks software has shown to be a
successful advanced tool for designers and engineers.
As a result, SolidWork was chosen for the design or 3D modelling of the hooks in this study
due to the complexity of the hooks' form and cross section. Moreover, designing these kind
of components is straightforward in solid work.
Using SolidWork 2020, as previously indicated, the geometrical modelling of the crane
hooks was completed for this investigation. First and foremost, we should be familiar with
the concept of solid labour.
Feature of solid works
Part and assembly modelling
2D drawings;
Design reuse and automation
Inimation and visualisation
Interference check
Collaborate and share CAD data (using 3D interconnect and eDrawings);
Advanced CAD file import;
Basic analysis tools (SimulationXpress and FloXpress);
Productivity tools.
SolidWorks CAM Standard.
Fig8.1 Solid Work sketcher window
1.0 Introduction
As the first step in becoming proficient in the usage of SolidWorks, we will go through the
user interface, also known as the SolidWorks window. Using the left mouse button, double
click on the SolidWorks icon on the PC desktop screen to begin the process of launching
the software. If the SolidWorks 2006 icon is not visible, the software can be launched by
selecting Start - All Programs – SolidWorks 2006. SolidWorks commands may be accessed
through the use of menus, toolbars, and the mouse. The SolidWorks interface is dynamic
in the sense that it displays different toolbars and options based on the kind of document
currently open.
1.1 Document Windows
The SolidWorks window is formatted in a manner similar to that of Windows itself.
Similarly, every SolidWorks document is subject to the same restrictions. When a
document is opened, it displays divided into two panels. The graphics window is located
on the right, and it is where your model or artwork will display. In the graphics window,
you have the ability to create and alter documents. The following SolidWorks document
windows may be seen on the left panel of the screen:
Feature Manager Design tree: The structure of the part, assembly, or drawing is listed in
a manner similar to the Windows explorer tree.
Property Manager: It appears on the left panel when you pick a number of SolidWorks
commands such as drawings, fillet features, and other similar options. The Property
Manager shows selection icons to allow the user to input relevant command choices, as
well as boxes/fields to allow the user to enter relevant design and data parameters into the
Property Manager.
Configuration Manager: The Feature Manager design tree has been replaced with this
one. It facilitates the creation, selection, and viewing of numerous combinations (variations
of parts and assemblies in a single document).
1.2 The SolidWorks window
Fig 8.2 – sketcher window
The following are the primary elements of the SolidWorks user interface (see Figure 1.0
for the item numbers corresponding to each element):
1. Title bar: The name of the active document and the active document window are
displayed in the title bar, which is blue (the default colour). Those documents with no
activity are shown by a grey title bar. A * appears after the document name if no
modifications have been made to it since the last time you saved it.
2. Main Menu: A series of drop-down menus (File, Edit, View, and so on) that run across
the top of the user interface are present. The contents of the menu bar vary depending on
the work at hand and the kind of document currently open. These functions are displayed
on the SolidWorks toolbars, although the menu bar provides the whole range of functions.
3. Standard toolbar: It may be found immediately below the main menu. This toolbar is
comprised of a collection of the most frequently used command buttons on the computer.
4. View toolbar: It has a variety of frequently used command buttons that let you to zoom
in and out, rotate the part, and see it in various orientations.
5. Minimize window: The document window is shrunk as a result of this.
6. Maximize window: Increases the size of the viewing window to its maximum size.
7. Close window: Solid works are brought to a close. Any time you make a change to a
document, SolidWorks invites you to save the document to your computer.
8. Command Manager: A dynamic toolbar that displays the command buttons appropriate
for the type of document you are currently working on is shown.
9. Feature Manager Design tree tab: Displays the Feature Manager design tree in a graphical
user interface.
10. Property Manager: It appears on the left panel when you pick a number of SolidWorks
commands such as drawings, fillet features, and other similar options. Selecting appropriate
command choices and entering relevant design and data parameters is made possible by the
Property Manager, which shows selection icons and boxes/fields for the user's convenience.
11. Configuration Manager Tab: The Feature Manager Design tree has been replaced by
this one. It facilitates the creation, selection, and viewing of numerous combinations
(variations of parts and assemblies in a single document).
12. Feature Manager Design Tree: This tree lists the structure of the part, assembly, or
drawing, similar to the Windows Explorer tree.
The display pane is expanded or collapsed when you choose Show display pane.
14. Graphics area: Shows the assembly of the item or a sketch.
15. Pointer: Shows where the mouse is in relation to the user interface and allows you to
select things (not shown on Fig 1.0)
16. Tool tip: A pop-up message with information regarding a feature or function. When
you move the cursor over an object, it appears. After a few moments, it vanishes (not shown
on Fig 1.0).
17. Status bar: Provides a more detailed explanation of the function selected.
18. Status bar: Indicates whether you're working on a sketch, part, or assembly.
19. Quick tips help: A question mark button indicates if Quick Tips is turned on or off.
Toggle the symbol by clicking it.
20. Resize window: Allows you to resize the window (by clicking and dragging) if it isn't
already maximised.
21. SolidWorks Resources: Click to view the SolidWorks Resources tab, which includes
links to resources, tutorials, and daily tips, as well as command buttons for opening and
creating SolidWorks documents.
22. Design Library: To access the design library, go here. The Design Library, Toolbox,
and 3D Content Central all provide a large number of common design elements that you
can drag and drop into your design.
23. File Explorer: In your PC, it duplicates Windows Explorer. Lists papers that have been
recently opened and those that are now open. You may drag documents into the graphics
section from here.
1.2.1 The Feature Manager design tree
All of the entities in your active SolidWorks project may be selected and edited using the
Feature Manager Design tree, which is displayed on the left-hand side of the SolidWorks
document window. The design tree in an assembly is populated with a number of entities
that change depending on the current document type, such as features and drawings in part
documents, drawing views in a drawing, and parts/subassemblies in a part document.
• The Feature Manager Design tree has the following key advantages:
• Displays the creation order of the components, with the oldest at the top.
• Access to the graphics pane through links allows you to select/highlight an object in the
design tree or graphics area by clicking/hovering the cursor over the appropriate element.
• Provides graphical feedback on feature or component characteristics: If a component is
suppressed, for example, it displays in grey.
• Enables you to view the contents of the tree's folders: To enlarge or shrink the folder,
click + or –.
• When you right-click, you may access the following rapid functions: The functionalities
that are presented are determined by the kind of object and document.
Hook design in Solid Work
Fig 8.3 – rectangular profile hook
Fig 8.4 – Circular profile hook
Simulation:- From structural analysis and computational fluid dynamics to injection
molding simulation and advanced, cloud-enabled capabilities powered by Abaqus,
SOLIDWORKS Works Simulation provide integrated analysis tools for every designer,
engineer, and analyst.
6.1 For circular profile crane hook:
6.1.1 Circular Profile hook with AISI 1010 Steel Material
Material Properties
Mess Details:
Loads and Fixtures
Von- misses stress:
Equivalent strain:
6.1.2 Circular Profile hook with Grey Cat Iron Material:
Material Properties
Mess Information
Von-misses stresses
ESTRN: Equivalent Strain
Element: 4293
Element: 3561
hook_circular-Static 2-Strain-Strain1
6.1.3 Circular Profile hook with Static Structural Material:
Model Information
Material Information
Mess Information
6.2 Rectangular Profile Crane hook
6.2.1 Rectangular Profile hook with AISI 1010 Steel Material
Material Properties
6.2.1 Rectangular Profile with Grey Cast Iron:
Material Properties
Von- Misses Stress
5.1. Conclusion
It is necessary to compare the results of each updated modelling crane hook with the results
of a regular crane hook in order to determine that the maximum Von-Misses stress and total
deformation of models -1 and -2 are raised. It is less fatigue resistant than the regular crane
hook, which is included in both the model-1 and model-2 versions of the crane hook. A
decrease in the maximum Von-Misses stress and an increase in overall deformation are
observed. In comparison to normal crane hooks, the crane hook with fatigue resistance is
significantly longer in life.
Then, as the best crane hook model, the model-2 crane hook was chosen as the winner.
With the use of the model-2 crane hook analysis, we can obtain the following conclusion,
which meets the thesis's main goal.
❖ The fatigue life of the Model-2 crane hook is superior to that of the normal crane hook,
and it has been enhanced by 22.78 percent when compared to the standard crane hook,
according to the manufacturer.
According to the standard crane hook, the maximum stress of the model-2 crane
hook is 3.461 MPa (4.133 percent) lower than that of the standard crane hook.
The total deformation caused on the model-3 crane hook is more than the total
deformation induced on the standard crane hook by 0.035 millimetres. However,
when compared to the entire diameter of the crane hook, the gain in value is quite
tiny. The life of the crane hook is not affected by this, because the model-3 crane
hook has a longer service life than a regular crane hook under any applied weight.
• When compared to the normal crane hook, the weight of the model-3 crane hook
is lowered by 0.354 Kg (2.487 percent). In other words, the mass and volume of the
crane hook have been optimised. As a consequence, the model-3 crane hook is
deemed to be the most optimal option.
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