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只接不定詞(to V)當作受詞的動詞
_______ (喜歡、享受) _______ (沒有)
________ (練習)
_______ (擅長)
_______ (保持、持續)
_______ (完成)
_______ (避免)
________ (介意)
_______ (喜歡)
_______ (喜愛)
_______ (討厭)
_______ (開始)
_______ (開始)
下列動詞可接動名詞(Ving)或不定詞(to V),但意義不同
動名詞 _______________________ ex: He stops watching TV.
stop (停止) +
不定詞 _______________________
動名詞 _______________________
ex: Jerry forgot sending the e-mail.
forget (忘記) +
不定詞 _______________________
ex: Jerry forgot to send the e-mail.
動名詞 _______________________
ex: I remember closing the windows.
remember (記得) +
不定詞 _______________________
ex: I remember to close the windows.
ex: He stops to watch TV.
1. ( ) Ben should avoid
(A) get
(B) got
hurt when he rides the bike.
(C) to get
(D) getting
2. ( ) Doris wants her children
(a) to do
(b) doing
3. ( ) Do you mind
(a) waits (b) to wait
4. ( ) Bill has to stop
their homework.
(c) did (d) do
for me in front of the restaurant?
(c) waiting
(d) wait
because it is bad for his health .
(a) smoke (b) to smoke (c) smoked (d) smoking
5.昨天 Monica 在家裡練習彈鋼琴。______________________________________________________
【綜合練習 2】
) 1. Mark practices
(A) play
the guitar every day.
(B) plays
(D) playing
) 2. Tim enjoys ____________ basketball with his friends every weekend.
(A) play
(B) plays
(C) to play
(D) playing
) 3. A: What do you plan to do on the weekend?
B: My mom wants me
(A) to help; with
(C) to play
my brother
(B) helping; for
his report this weekend.
(C) to help; for
(D) helping; with
) 4. A: Do you like English songs?
B: Yes, I enjoy
(A) listening
to English songs very much.
(B) to listen
(C) listen
(D) listens
1. 填入正確的動詞型態: (to V 或 Ving) 2. 寫出黑底字的中文意思
6. Mandy is good at _____________ (speak) English.
7. She plans _______________ (visit) her grandmother this week.
8. Frank enjoyed _______________ (shop) with his family last Sunday.
9. What do they do every weekend? They practice _______________ (sing) and _____________ (dance).
10. John likes _______________ (surf) every summer.
11. Dad wants me _______________ (exercise) half an hour every evening.
12. Ben’s dad is a police officer. He usually needs _____________ (work) at night.
13. Please don’t upload my videos without _____________ (ask) me.
14. Leo needs _____________ (take) the medicine three times a day.
15. Superman wants _____________ (help) people.
16. I decided _____________ (go) to the party.
17. She hopes _____________ (be) a secretary in the future.
18. Molly hates _____________ (eat) vegetables.