Uploaded by Sanna Torr

all about dating

Hi , I'm glad we finally meet each other online and thank God that sent you to me ....I'm so lucky to have find
you online ... 1, What is the status of your marriage and how many kids do you have? I've been widowed since 6yrs and i have one daughter she's 12year old her name is Jane.... 2, What are you doing for a living? I'm Self
Employed Construction/Electrical Engineer studied the course Construction Engineer with a Master Degree currently into sales of used and new machines to less privileged countries, 3, Do you exercise regularly? I wish. Don't have time. 4, Are you considerate and thoughtful of others? Very much so. 5, Do you treat others as you would like to be treated? for me its Absolutely. 6, How often do you lose your temper? for me Not very often; rarely.
7, What do you do when you're alone? Read, listen to music, or watch a movie. 8, If you could live anywhere, where would it be? : i would love to live beside the woman i love and she love me in return in a warm and cozy
place 9, What are your three favorite states? Texas , Maine and Idaho. 10, Do you have any pets? i have a Yorkie Terrier dog. 11, Do you enjoy cooking? YES. 12, Are you patient?i am Extremely patient.yes 13, Are you
romantic? i am Very romantic. Heart on shirtsleeve.Hey, there is so much 14, Do you love unconditionally? for me
There's no other way. 15, What's more important to you, love or money?for me its Love, but money makes it
easier. 16 , Have you ever been unfaithful to your mate? : for me i have never been Once. 17, When you go anywhere are you usually on time? i am Almost always. 18, How often do you like to go out? for me Maybe once a week. 19, When dining out what food do you enjoy? Sea-food, Italian, and of Pizza.. 20, How much do you enjoy
a walk on the beach? Very much.. 21, How much do you like reading? I enjoy reading a good book. 22, How long have you been on the site ?Am new member 23,Have you had any date online before ..?Never this my first time 24,
Do you own a home and car?I own a home and car in TROY , NEW YORK living with my daughter . 25,Are you financially
secure?Yes am financially secure. 26,How long have you been into online dating stuff? Just A Week,Am new to all
this... 27,How many people have you meet or dated online?I have not dated anyone online you are the first woman i will talk to on here.. 28,What are the experience you have had since you have been online?None. 29,What is your
favorite? Blue And Black 30,How many brothers or sisters do you have?Well am the only son of my parent,they did their best to take good care of me,I lost my daddy when i was 18 years old and mom about 15 years ago it really painful but i just have to face the future they are the most important things in my life and moreover my late wife she was caring and loving wife,Well i do believe life is short will just need to face it as it come i think you understand me..I was born Dublin ireland,, so i kinda of grew up in ireland ,But if i could meet the love of my heart am ready to relocate
.. I will looking forward to your reply Hugs and kisses Moses ==============================================================================================
== Starting a new life together Its good to get an upfront and sincere response from you. We need time to talk to each other and get to know much more about each other, There are lot of things we need to know about each
other and I'm not a kind of man that rush into relationship or marriage. It takes time, time will tell and we
have to wait for the lord timing,We have to be so sure and certain of ourselves about making sure that this relationship is what we want out in life, We have to be sure and certain of ourselves that this relationship is our future and everything. We don't just jump or rush into things anyhow. Everything in life happen for a reason, my being lonely for a very long time makes me want a companion and a woman to share my feelings with,
I'm in search of a soul mate to spend the rest of our lives together. No one is perfect and we could only give
it a trial. Though it is right for us to learn from our mistakes. Which makes you resisting and having hard time
trusting a man again in your life. A Relationship is all about TRUST, SINCERITY and HONESTY, all this paramount
fact must exist in a relationship before anything can work out of it. I'm a man of my word and will always stand
by my word. I'm a caring and loving man, Open minded and Upfront in every aspect of a relationship.Being scared
wouldn't solve it. Your being scared will definitely overcome you because you are being unfaithful and not being
Trustworthy in the lord. Faith is the substance of things not seen, but the evidence of things being hoped for,
why not put your Faith and Trust in the Lord. ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 1st... Acquainted to you I just see myself keep searching for your email and believe me i am getting so acquainted to you . Ever since we started sending the recent messages we've sent to each other...I've been so
much thinking about you and to be sincere i am thinking about you.Wow! So here I stand, among the digital masses. We're not so different after all. Here I stand,surrounded by people who've met on-line, People who've loved and lost, and people who are found, and somehow, in a desperate world, found each other. So what do I say
that hasn't already been written, or been already said? Hmmm, pretty tough! Okay... try this: I no longer need
to hope for love by going to clubs, (y'know I can't dance!) supermarkets, church socials,by passing notes in
class as a kid, or instant messages as an adult. I don't have to search for love, in ads, on the internet, in chat rooms, text messages, camera phones, faxes, and e-mails. I don't have to wait for good and bad feedback
, have to need a good laugh, wait to talk, be told to shut up, look for hope, pray for a miracle, wait for an angel, see hope for God's love here on earth, wish for a special friend, crave for love's passion, envy other's romance or wonder if someone will ever love me. Thanks for coming into my life. Hugs and Kisses, Sweet Moses.
================================================================================================ Start Lovin 2nd That woman is you! Since i first viewed your profile, i felt a great impulsion on me and ever
since then i have been thinking about you , i thought you might be an end to my search or to say a realization
of my dreams because you are just what i am looking for and you know when i keep reading from you , i feel that
is coming to be true and i pray and hope it does. I will go on the site and delete my profile because this is what i have been waiting for the past 5yrs and i would not trade this for the whole world , so i want to see where this goes and being a one man woman , i will give this a total chance and i am sure it will take me to
where i want. I will want you to do the same and delete your profile on the site to see where we go from here
so we can concentrate on each other and see what we have for each other. When I was a little boy,I dreamt of that one person that I would share my dreams, happiness and energy with ... I could not see her face but she was
there.I always felt like she was out there, I just needed to feel her. I visualized the bond we would have and the courage she would give me to endure life's obstacles. All this years I was with others, and feeling my way
through life, learning lessons that later on would prepare me to become the person that I am now. I have felt
alone and sad. Then one day my eyes opened and I became that little boy again ... realizing that she is here now. Here in my world was the woman that I had dreamt of and I'd hoped would not miss our meeting in life ...
that woman is you! ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 3rd Crazy about you ... There is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head lately. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words so you will have to bare with me through this.I keep
thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep thinking about us and what this relationship means to me.I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship
is my future; it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this crazy love forever and ever,and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down
and catch me staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to
get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to
get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm I want to see your bad morning hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sun set, and I want all the people
who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other.I want to see you walk down that isle and I
want to take your hand for the rest of my life. I want to spend all night,and maybe the next day, making love to
you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire
goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've never been and experience them together. I want us to
go skinny-dipping in a hotel pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because we're laughing so hard. I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the biggest grins on our faces the whole time.I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't share a love like we
do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling
on the ground laughing at me. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the bedroom, or the kitchen
counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an office desk, or the shower, which ever one we feel like
at the time.I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know it's coming from the heart.I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and athing of mint
chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at
least forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling right now so I decided
to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head.I just want you to know
that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I met you. I really am crazy about you, everything about you! ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 4th Love and friendship Love and friendship is what I feel with you, it is not just that we are lovers, we are also friends, and that is what makes our relationship much better. Yes I am for real .The greatest
of lovers don't make the best of friends, remember that, and when there comes a time when you feel that things
can't get any worse, think of me, for I can try my best to bring you all the happiness in the world. I want to grow to love you more and more everyday, and I do not know right now what I would do without you.. Sometimes I would like to think my love for you is like a great dream, I don't want to wake up because I don't want to lose that love. I will be by your side whenever you need me and I hope I am and always will be in your heart and in
your dreams forever! ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 5th Only you can I am so afraid to love again. I am scared my little heart might get broken again. You promise me that you would never hurt me. But, I am just so afraid to love again. You promise me a life of
happiness. But, I am just totally afraid I will be lonely again. When, my heart got broken for the last time, I was just so afraid to cry because it was the wish of God., I want a life time with you, and for the last time.
I am not going to be afraid to love again. I believe in my heart that you are serious about us. I will be happy
to be your husband.I was afraid to love again, but God showed me the way so I am going to is guiding me in the
right direction this time. So now I am not afraid to love you and only you again! ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 6th You are one of a kind !!! If I haven't told you - I am so lucky to have you in my life. I adore and love you so much! You are a wonderful woman and words cannot convey how much you mean to me. Just thinking about these feelings makes me tingle all over - to this day I still have butterflies in my stomach . I feel like
these feelings should be left for teenagers only - I don't know if you understand what I am saying: it feels great to actually love and be love in return. I never feel less or more when I am writing to you; you always make
me feel needed.most of all you make me feel safe,emotionally and mentally. Thank you for being part of my life.
I'm very happy with you and I could not ask for a better woman than you. Thank you for being an exceptional woman
- you are one of a kind. ================================================================================================
Start Lovin 7th You are mine forever I could describe you with one word... delicious.I dream of you here with me
with nothing on but our imaginations.I can almost feel you here... caressing me... touching me..You are the fire
burning inside of me you are my passion for life.In the deep of the night I dream of your touch.I am dying to
feel your touch all over my body..I can feel the fiery passion of desire begging to be shared in a blissful night
of paradise.I love the way you love me.I want to evoke such a passion within you that leaves us both breathless.
.You are the fire that burns the passion within my soul..Loving you makes me desire you even more.Did you dream of me touching you last night?The passion we share together just leaves me wanting one thing� more!I want to make
love to you every minute of every day.When you can count all the stars in the sky; that's when I'll stop wanting you. I wish i have you present with me here Im so sad and depressed Is all I want to do is rest I go to sleep at night But my dreams I just can't fight I think of you lying in that bed And wonder if there is anything I could have said I wish you were still here But I know that you are still near I love you more than you know I just wish
you didn't have to go I just want one more day with you And I know thats what you would have wanted too I miss
you more and more each day There is so much more we had to say I know I will see you again But my life is just
started to begin. ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 8th Will always love you !!! What does your love mean to me? I'd give you the oceans and the seas
I'd give you all eternity if I could Make life easy for you, I would. I would take away all your pain Bring you
sunshine instead of rain I would take all your hurt away Your sky would never be gray. I would offer you the moon and stars But you see I can't, they are not ours All these things I would give to you But My Darling, these
things I can't do. I only have my love to offer you A love that would always be true I love you more than you will ever know With all I do for you, I hope that it shows.I hope that my love will be enough for you Bring you
happiness your whole life through And In the end when my time is due My Darling, I will still go on loving you.
================================================================================================ Start Lovin 9th... Since you became part of me ... The miracle of life shown in front of my eyes when you entered
my life.. Nothing can be compared to this feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement which tortures me
while waiting for you to send me an email, the sweet emails that keep me awake even when I'm exhausted to death, because I wouldn't miss a thing. The feeling that you know every corner of my heart.. All these things are the most beautiful signs of my love for you.every single word you say is a part of my soul, as if I have already known what you have been about to say. Every step I make is safe, because you are around me. When we first met
, I didn't even suspect what a wizard you were about to be. But apparently life can show us such wonders, that we
can stay amazed like children, wondering how this could happen to us! Well, I want to thank you for being my
best friend, for being my angel.I have never felt like this before. Nobody has taken me so far, except you, my
princess from the clouds. You brighten my days and give me the strength to carry on, fighting everyday for you.
You revealed the deepest emotions and feelings I've kept inside of me for so long. Feelings I didn't even suspect to be. But most of all, you showed me the real taste of love. You are my best friend and the one I want for life, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow. You are the one I want everybody to know it! I haven't had a stronger feeling like this one I have now though,I want to wake up with you....Here it goes like a "Song'... I Want To Wake Up With You I wanna wake up with you I wanna be there when you open your eyes I want you to be The first thing that I see... I wanna lay by your side, Baby I wanna feel every beat of your heart And throughout the
night I wanna hold you tight... All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be.The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you
And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first
thing that I see I wanna wake up with you I wanna lay by your side, baby I wanna feel every beat of your heart And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me has been sleeping
Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first thing
that I see... I wanna wake up with you Love Always, Your Prince From The Castle in the Clouds... ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 10th... My Hope For us I don't know how to approach this with you in person, every day I fight a
battle with myself my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not to be stupid that it
would just cause damage to our friendship and that you wouldn't be interested.I know that there is probably very
little I can say to change your mind either way; I am not totally discounting the possibility that the way I feel
about you could be reciprocated, but as I have very little luck in this area in the past my hopes are fairly small.I wanted to put into words my feelings in the hopes that although you may never see the words in writing or
even hear them from my lips that you would still know that I care deeply for you, I feel that given the chance this could turn into more, but I guess that will depend on you and how you feel about me.I can't pinpoint what
exactly it is that makes me feel that you do have some feelings towards me. Maybe it's due to the way that when
I talk to you, how you nearly always look me in the eyes; so few people do that.I wish I could vocalize my feelings to you but my fear prohibits me so much I think that by the time I finally gain the courage, that you
will be with someone else. My biggest fear is that I would tell you and I would see a look of fear or horror on
your face that would break me.I wish I could tell you how every time you don't turn up online I fear that I will
never see you again or that you will get into trouble with people; I just want to protect you so much.I see you
sometimes and you look down even though you may pretend otherwise. I wish you would open up to me and let me in to your life. I know it wouldn't be easy but I still believe that I could be good for you, if only you could return my feelings. I know I may not be the best looking man, you know, all I could offer you is my heart and
soul.I fear that this will not turn out the way I hope but I pray that it does. As I said before, you may never
know the true extent of my feelings although I would imagine you have some suspicions.This may be a crush or infatuation but I swear to you that it does not feel like it, as I have had crushes before but never really felt
the kinds of emotions I do for you.I hope that if I can muster the courage to tell you how I feel, that whatever
your feelings, it will turn out okay and that at the very least we can be good friends, but I long for so much more. My Hope For us ================================================================================================
Start Lovin 11th... Love always, I know I can't give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love
you. My heart is yours,and even though I know I�ll make mistakes, I will never break your heart. I�ll be right
beside you as we chase our dreams together, and you will never have to wonder if I still care.. I think about you all day long and when i dont hear from you my mind is consumed with thoughts of being close to you again. When i hear from you and write to you I feel like everything in the world is right, and I know I don't have to
ask God for anything because as long I have you in my life I have everything I could ever want.. All I want to
do is spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. Love always, ================================================
Start Lovin 12th... I LOVE YOU !! Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You came
into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so
certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I'm walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete.. I know you've said
we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the
rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship
might think that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each
other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and for you
.. I would do anything, I love you so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person. I LOVE YOU!! =
=============================================================================================== Start Lovin 13th... Honey you make me happy .. Honey, I never knew I would be this happy. But you know what... it is the greatest feeling in the world to be content and might I say, I am very, very content with you and only
you. No one else can make me feel the way you make me feel.I love you so very much, with all my heart and soul, always, forever and ever! Having you in my life is truly a blessing. You bring so much happiness into my life and
so much love into my heart! I do not know if I tell you this enough but I want you to know it each and every day. And with every moment, my love for you grows stronger and deeper. And from what I said, I truly know that you are my one and only, my partner for life, my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, and I will love you forever and ever! Love always, ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 14th... My Dearest , woman to be ... My Dearest, life can be cruel but when it all comes together there is no moment as sweet. That is how I feel about you entering my life. You have rekindled the flame called love in me. You have given one more reason to look forward to tomorrow. Now, you are a significant part of my life and I look forward to the day when we can make it permanent. I love you so much. I love you for your kindness, for your caring and giving nature, for your beauty - both inner and outer, and most of all I love you because you are you. The fact that you show me who you really are and not what you think I may want. Sweetie, let this be a testament to my true feelings for you. The whole world can see and know how I feel for you. I love you ================================================================================================
Start Lovin 15th.... I will like to make a wish Here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime: Be your best friend. Get caught with you in the rain. Dance with you in the rain. Stargaze on a clear night. Watch the sunset together. Spend all day with you doing nothing. Moonlit walks on the beach. Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment. Go on a carriage ride through the park. Do a crossword together. Go to brunch. Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger). Go for a twilight horseback ride. Watch a bad movie together. Spend the rest of my life with you. Have our picture taken together. Eat ice cream with you. Make love to you passionately. Go to a museum together. Talk to each other using only body language. Give you space when you need it. Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do). Discuss current events in a heated debate. Have you see the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a tree/table. Go for a walk at dusk together. Be one with you. Send you a singing telegram. Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you. Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you. Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes. Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic. Spend my life making you happy. Spend my life making our family happy. Feel your heartbeat. Go roller/ice skating together. Give you a backrub just because. ALWAYS being honest with each other. Go hiking/camping together. Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together. Laugh at someone together.. Share a plate of spaghetti. Give you a stuffed animal just because. Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of. Treat you like my Lancelot. Go on a road trip across America. Count thunder together during a thunderstorm. Envelop you in my soul. Know you better than you know yourself. Go to a Renaissance Fair. Plant a tree in our yard together. Look over at you during an office/military/family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you. Be able to say "I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries. Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most. Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding. Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss. Grow old with you. Love Always, ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 16th... I am so thankfull to God . I am so thankful I met you! You are the most important person in my life. I never thought I would find someone like you to share my life with, and now I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love the way you make me laugh, how we tell each other everything. Wherever you are is where I want to be. There's no one else on earth. It feel like we're the only ones here. I fall madly in love with you more and more each day. If there�s one thing in this world I know, it's that I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU!! ================================================================================================
Start Lovin 17th... My love for you . It should be emphasized that the kind of love existing in our relationship is void of fantasy or a whirlwind romance. If you don't know, my love for you isn't the comparative analysis of "M&B"stories or any other fictional romance. But this is the love that is enveloped with the seal of reality without any shadow of doubt..Not that there are no other fish in the ocean upon whom I can sling my hook, but who can be like YOU that loves me with such generosity of heart? I love a hand that meets my own with a grasp that causes some sensation and which only your's can do. I love you not only because of beauty but for your sense of decency,delicacy, kindness and other complementary qualities. I can't help doting on you. Therefore all my gestures of love towards you come straight from the bottom of my heart, I swear ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 18th... The love i have for you is unconditionally ... Dear Lover, It doesn't take a genius to work out how much I love you, but it takes a very clever man to work out why. You are the gentle breeze in my world of chaos, the calming presence that tells all to be still. When I am down you lift me up, when I am tired you spur me on. When I sleep I snuggle in the warmth of your embrace and feel safe. You are my security blanket, from the everyday rigors of life. I cherish the day we met, and the love we share. Thank you for being my rock, my confidant, my friend, my gentle breeze .... My love unconditionally, ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 19th... My love My love , every day I wish you were here with me, holding me tight in your strong arms. Every night I lay in my bed dreaming of you, so sweet and peaceful. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Missing you so much is breaking my heart into many pieces. I wish you would come to me, my love. I love you more then anything in this world. I want to walk on the beach with you. It would be so peaceful and romantic as we sit and watch the sun as it sets.Being with you makes me happy. You keep me alive. I'm so lucky I found you, the woman of my dreams. I hope I never lose you, if I did then it would break my heart so badly.Thinking of you makes me smile 'cause knowing that you love me so much means the world to me. You're so sweet like the smell of roses and you're so romantic like the sunset. Your love is what's keeping me strong. I am so depressed right now and your love is all that is keeping me strong. I love you so much.I can wait to be with you physically one day. Forever that is. Love always, ================================================================================================ Start Lovin 20th... I had a dream of our love together ... My Love My Life, I had a dream about you... It started with me sitting on the couch. You walked over to me and as you stood there, I caressed your leg, running my hands up your thigh, then up under your denim shorts to feel your sexy ass. My caresses instantly got your passion stirring and you leaned over to kiss me. You crawled on the couch over me, straddling me and kissing me deeper.We started to get more into it the more we kissed. My hands were roaming your body now, then caressing your neck and face as I slowly kissed you. I felt you moan softly in my mouth as you lowered yourself a little more onto me, and start to grind against me,feeling how hard and excited I was. The next thing I knew, you were tugging at my shirt, pulling it up and over my head--then you ran your hands all over my chest as you continued to gyrate against me. My hands grabbed your hips, pulling you down against me, and then I slid them under your shirt, slowly caressing your side and along your back. You arched your back a little as my hands moved back around the front, up under your breasts.. I gently massaged around them, lightly passing my fingers over your nipples, which were hard now and pressing out against the fabric of your bra. As I caressed you, you reached down and pulled your T-shirt up and off, tossing it aside. Then you gave me a sex-filled look as you undid your bra,sliding it down and dropping it to the floor. I took my time to view your gorgeous breasts, tracing my fingers along your areolas. Then I gently pinched and pulled at your nipples. I sat up, kind of on the edge of the seat cushion--we were still kissing, but now you were in my lap, with your legs wrapped around me and arms around my neck. I had my hands on your back, caressing your silky skin.. I broke our kiss and start to kiss across your cheek, over to your ear, nibbling on it. Then, I slowly kissed down your neck, nibbling and licking as I did. I continued down along your shoulder, then back across along your throat, then back up to your other ear.. Apparently you were enjoying the sensation, because I heard you softly moan as I kissed you.I kissed back down your neck, then down the front of your chest, down between your breasts, then circling around, working my way to one of your nipples. I kissed closer and closer, and then I flicked my tongue at your nipple, circling it, then sucking it into my mouth.You arched your back at this point, moaning a little louder, wanting more. I half stood up and then laid you down on your back on the couch. I knelt on the floor next to it and took one of your feet in my hands, as I massaged your foot, I leaned forward to kiss your ankle. Mmmmmm... I continued to rub your leg as I slowly kissed up your calf as you lay there on the couch.As I started to kiss and lick my way along your inner thigh, you spread your legs a little more, your hands moved up over your head. I kissed slowly up your thigh, kissing, nibbling, and making little circles with my tongue. As I got closer, I noticed you had slid your hands down your side, down to your shorts. You moaned softly and started to push down on the waistband a little.. Seeing you needed some help, I grabbed your shorts and helped you slide them down, over your hips, running my fingers down your long, silky legs and then dropped them on the floor... I Love You , Moses. ================================================================================================
Contract Awarded ..!!! Hello My Love, I've been looking forward to win a contract and GOD has answered my Prayer. I got a confirmation of a pending contract which has been approved and awarded to me. I'm to design and build a Collapse Bridge ." I THANK GOD THEY DID AFTER ALL THIS WHILE ". You have brought alot into my life , and i promise i will never let you down. I love you so much and i want you to know that I'm doing this to build up my career and making sure we build a wonderful family and brighter future. I am missing you everyday but soon as i complete this assigment i cant just to come you , How i wish i was already there with you .To hold you, kiss you, touch you,caress you & Hug you tight and close,go on vacations with only you just like been on our honey moon. In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms, You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together.. I want to lay next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything.. You are everything to me.You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life.So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life. I love you so much! To say this a million times is not enough to express how much I do. I love you dearly ...Beyond the stars.. I've to run over and pack my luggage with Moses now, and will talk to you before i leave. I will get you a lot of things when I'm back my Honey Drop. Cant wait to read from you Sweet SugarPie..!! Love Always, Moses. The work has to start as soon as possible (Today, if possible) .. My traveling document and papers have been put to place ,but Moses would not love to stay back home alone he would go with me since he his the eldest and i promised to take him along on my next travel, i told him if i should call you and he would come and spend time with you while i am out there for about a week or two and i will come and get him on my way back and we would then head home together but since i have not informed you , i have to book a sit for him too so we can leave this night together.I'm very sorry for the short notice .We'll be checking into an Hotel and we wont loose communication a bit because i just got a laptop with a Multi connection server,so i would be on through out the whole time and we wont loose communication. I also have planned my return trip to be destined towards your place so i can just meet you before i head back home, ================================================================================================
Containers Payment Hello My Honey, I write this message in the middle of both happiness and depression . I am also happy that I have you in my life. On the other hand, I am depressed because an equipment got lost in transit. Immediately after I got the confirmation that the contract has been approved , I shipped some equipments so that I can get them and use them here for the project. On getting to the airport today to pick the equipments, I discovered that the major one is missing. I tried to talk to the shipping company but they instisted that there is nothing they can do about it since I was the one that shipped them myself. I spoke to the man that was assigned for me as my assistant here and he told me we can find it in a company here. We went to the company and we found the equipment, but the problem is the cost compared to what I have. The price for the equipment is $13,000 and I only have $10,500 cash with me. I need to get $2,500, I tried to use my debit cards here but it couldn't work here in africa, I would have love to call my bank but my bank will never release any money from my account if I am not present in Person. This is the problem that I have honey. I would have loved to explain to the company that gave me the contract but this can wreck my career as it not presentable.. I am confused and you are the only Person that I can explain these to. I know it is not right for me to tell you all these but it is my problem and you are the only one I can tell. Honey, I know it is wrong for me to ask you for a help but I don't have any other Person to tell. I need you to borrow me this fund so that I can get the equipment as soon as possible and start the work on time, honey, I really need you to help me out so that I can finish up and come to you on time. As soon as I get to you, I will pay you the fund. I will look up to read from you soon. I Love you so much Honey . You are my last hope. ================================================================================================ An accident happened ... Problem with the Contract = This is Jane ....Knee Sugery! Hello Mom, This is Jane amosesslima. I am writing this letter to you with tears in my eyes, I would confess that i regret the first ever travel outside US with dad. I regret us coming to Nigeria. On our way out to see around the city , and where the work will be done. Some 'gang' came across us fully equipped with different kinds of armed materials like Knife , Sledge hammer and other things. They said to Us to bring all valuable things on us out and Dad was arguing and dragging with them while he told me to stay back cos he wouldn't want me to be harmed, one of them pushed Dad on the floor and one placed a knife right to my neck and i was unable to even say a word, they took Dad's credit card and all the cash he had on him and went away with my wrist watch but that is not the problem. Dad is right now in the hospital, while Dad was dragging with them, the Sledge hammer was hit on my dad's knee and on standing up to walk, he couldn't walk on his legs, we have to get a cab with some good Samaritans and get him to the hospital. The doctor told me that, It is a Tibia/Fibula Fracture of the leg. Dad is really having alot of pain at the moment and this is killing me, I dont know what to do else than to come right back to the hotel to inform you. It is a Complete Fracture which the doctor says to be A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely. The doctor gave a First aid for fractures which includes stabilizing the break with a splint in order to prevent movement of the injured part, which could sever blood vessels and cause further tissue damage. Compound fractures are treated as open wounds in addition to fractures. At the hospital, the fracture is diagnosed by taking an X-ray photograph of the injury and now i have the copy of the X-ray with me which i will attach.The doctor said he would recommend surgery which is to make an accurate anatomical reduction and restore the smoothness of the joint. Dad cannot walk right now and i dont think he can start the work tomorrow as he told me, the doctor have really tried for us and have gave him some treatments but still he cant walk on his legs, he said all he can do now is to do a surgery and he said we would need about $1,200 for the surgery to be done, Since the credit card has been stolen, we have no way of getting any cash and since dad runs a Fixed deposit account, the bank cannot get any cash to him unless he appears in person. We have no one to help out other than you, I was thinking if you would be of help as you've always been to us and continue to be by loaning us the money which will be paid back as soon as we get back to the state. I know it sounds blunt and plain but i feel behind every successful man there's a woman to support.. Now is the time we need your support and i believe you'll give it to us right. I firmingly believe that you will never want any thing bad to happen to Dad as i will never want anything bad to happen to him too, Dad has been the only one in my life since mom's depature and i think now you are into our lives too , I barely knew my mom, i was told she left us and now Dad is dieing also, I will kill myself if such thing happens to my Dad, he is so important to me and i cannot do anything without him what we are here for cannot be done cos he cant even walk on his legs except the surgery is done. I will have to run back to the hospital now and come back on later to see if there is an email from you. I really believe that you will do something about this ...' Thank you very much MOM ' !!! ================================================================================================ Thank you for you support ... My Love, I want to thank you for all the support that you've shown me; thank you for giving me the courage to fight for our love. After all the pain, sacrifices, hardships that we've been through, it's all worth it because of the outcome. Thank you for being so caring and sweet. Thank you for being just so wonderful in every way.Thank you for letting me love you like I do. Thank you for always being sincere. I want to thank you for your trust, for understanding all my tantrums, and of course for loving me and accepting who I really am. Thank you for the patience, even though sometimes I'm stubborn and childish. You know I can't imagine my life without you. You've really left a mark in my life. You taught me how to fight for something that is truly worth while; you taught me how to trust myself and for all that, I love you so much!! Thinking of you and missing you always, ================================================================================================ Thank You the Surgery Went Successfully! Dear Love, I do really appreciate all your effort and i never mean you didn't care but i do understand how things come out, the surgery was done and i had to rest for a while that is why i haven't written to you so far. I have intended on not working here anymore after this bad incident as i do believe that people are bad here and i don't want to risk i and my son life anymore. I have intended on coming back home and will count my coming here as a waste of time but you do understand me that i don't want to risk our life as i really want to be with you and i would not want to miss the chance of being with you just because of anything. Since we got a one way trip ticket since we intend to come to you from here , I need you to loan me about $2800 for us to get ticket back home and come to you and when we get to you , we will all go home together and i will get you paid with everything you have loaned me. Please i just cant stay here anymore , i really need to get home and i know you would not want to miss our meeting in life too . I will be waiting to read from you so i can instruct you where to send the funds to. Kindly let us know the airport we will be flying to also so we can just book it as soon as we get the funds from you... I Love you so MUCH!! Moses. ================================================================================================
2nD Start Loving...21st To that special person . Dear That Special Someone For Me, I know you are out there and it's just a matter of time before we find each other. I am looking forward to that day with all my heart. I am preparing myself for you each day. Imagining what you could be like. No matter what, you are for me and I will love you regardless what happens through the years. I hope to grow old with you for the rest of my life. To celebrate good times with you and support each other through the bad times.We will not always have good times but we will always love each other and work through our problems. So I promise you forever. I look forward to that day and until then, I will be waiting for you with open arms and my heart full of love just for you. Love Always, Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...22nd You are my sunshine Good Day My Sunshine,If tomorrow the sun were to rise in the eastern sky, as it always does, but this time to rise without my life within this world, I want you to know how much I love, admire, and respect you. You're a terrific woman, one who through everything going on, has stayed by my side as much as possibly allowed. One who has loved and supported me and given me strength and a shelter for my heart to come home to. A safe haven for my love to grow within. In the short time that I've known you, not a day has gone by that I wasn't already in love with you. At times you have wavered but your heart has always led you back to me. Your patience in this situation has been unbending, beyond what any other woman would have been able to handle. This time that we've been forced to stay apart has given me a clear insight to the kind of woman you are and I am honored that you have given me your heart, and that you have taken mine with such a gentle kind love. You've stood by me in all this. You've lent me your ear when I've needed to vent. You've given me your advice when I felt lost. You've offered my your unwavering support when I've been scared and you've given me your strength when I didn't think I could take another second in this. But you've also pushed me hard when I've needed it, even when I tried to resist it. When I've been too tired to go on you've been behind me pushing me forward. You've cried with me when I've been hurt and you've cried for me when I've been sick. Only a best friend would do this and you truly are the best friend I have ever had. I look forward to your being my best friend for the rest of my life. I love you so very much.I admire you for your strength, your kindness, your gentleness and your patience. Not just in this situation, and not just to me but in the way I've heard you speak of others. You have an uncanny ability to exude warmth and love in just a few words. To inspire myself and others to focus better, try harder, strive deeper. To heal, to be strong, to be happy in spite of myself, and to always keep going forward, even when the wall in front of me seems insurmountable.. You are my biggest champion and the greatest love I have ever known.You point out the good things about me when I am feeling at my lowest. When I can't find a real Daughter for anyone to love me, you show me that you do. When I can't find a real Daughter to smile, you make me laugh. And when I look in the mirror and see nothing but a dark ugliness showing in my reflection, you force me to look deeper and make me feel good about myself again. You don't give up on me but more importantly you continually refuse to let me give up on myself. When my days were darkest and death seemed to shadow my every breath you were the only ray of sun shine in my eyes. It was you and your love that kept leading me back from the bowels of Hell that threatened to swallow me. And it was you who kept me from being afraid. When I would fall to my knees in weakness, the knowledge and warmth of your love gave me the strength to stand up again. My biggest fear now is that I will never be fully worthy of your love, but I will forever keep trying to be the Person you see me as. And I will for ever and always continue to love you, deeper than the blue skies blanketing our summer days.You are my heart, my world, my soul, my spirit, my best friend and my every breath.I am honored now to be your one true love. I will be ever more honored to one day be your HUSBAND..And I will pass from this world happily smiling into your loving eyes and with a promise to wait for you for forever ... until it is your time to join me in eternity. I will truly love you for forever. Love Always, Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...23th My life all for you .. It seems like we've been together for so long that I think I've known you forever. I feel the nearness of you even though I know we are miles apart. I feel your touch knowing we haven't been around together. I feel your breath knowing we haven't kissed. I have all these feelings because I am connected to you not physically but mentally and wholeheartedly. I have you in my heart since the day we got together. I could feel my heart beating fast everytime I see your messages for me and your outpouring of love just enveloping with passions and emotions and I cannot help but shed a tear or two for all the wonderful things you say to me. I am looking forward to all those and we'll see to it that we do most, if not all, the things that you want us to do together. ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...24th I want to hold your hands to entangle it with mine and tell you we'll be holding our hands tightly together for us to be stronger and face whatever there is to face in our future. I want to carress your face and look into your eyes to tell you that we will be honest and loyal to each other while others will envy us. I want to feel our hearts beating like one because our love is one until the last breath we take knowing our love will never end. ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...25th I would like to feel your strong body knowing I will share it because you want me to and because our love knows no bound. Yes, I would do anything for you because you arise in me all the burried passion I have neglected over the years of being lonely.....and being alone.As am ready to loose all i have been working for since i was born just because of you,The love i have for you i cant just count it anymore because its grows everyday and per minute i just hope you wont hurt my feelings. ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...26th You and I will communicate and not let our anger get into our lives. We will laugh more and argue less. We will walk on the beach and see the waves break. We will eat ice cream with one cone for us to share. And yes.....we will share and keep our love together.......FOREVER, MY DARLING!!! ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...27th Hey Beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet. I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful Person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you. I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown From time to time you ask me why I chose you ... what is so special about you? Well, the reaDaughter is simple; I chose you because you are YOU!!! I have never had anyone treat me the way you do. I have never had anyone just make me feel beautiful. You do that to me! You make me feel special and wanted. As liberal as I can be, I would never do anything to hurt you. You mean more to me than you realize. I am hoping that one day I can prove all of this to you! I want you for you! so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, with all my heart and soul, always and forever! ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...28th Dearest One, Although sometimes I question things, deep inside I know that you are the only one for me. When I'm alone, you are the only one I'm thinking of. Everything about you tells me that we can be together forever. Only you can make me feel like time STOPS Only you can make things better when it feels like the end. Only you can be the one to smooth my fears away. For this I'm grateful and I hope you never leave me. I love you. Love Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...29th If only I'd known that you were out there, then I could have been searching long before I met you. If only I'd known that there was a woman like you, I could have searched the ends of the earth. If only I'd known that I would someday meet someone like you, who gives me everything, would do anything for me, gives me all their love... I could have done anything and everything in my power to find you you sooner. But, now that I have found you I'll never let you go. Because of you all of my wishes and dreams have come true! I love you with ALL of my heart!! Love Always Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...30th I am thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the countless hours we spend writing to each other. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I love you and only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go. Moses ================================================================================================
2nD Start Loving...31th Baby, I can't begin to explain how you have enriched my life. These past days have been one blessing after another. I sit and think that it is so hard to believe that just a few daysago we were two lonely dreamers on the dating site (which i hope you are not more on). knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love. And, now forever your husband. I know I don't express it nearly as often as I should, but baby, don't doubt me. I love you more now than I ever thought possible. And that love grows each and every day. Every time you smile, and every time you have that look in your eyes. I am yours, you hold my heart. I love you, and thank you for making me the luckiest man on earth.......Undying Devotion Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...32th All day long,I thought about you.Even when I tried not to think about you, I thought about you. When I closed my eyes, I thought about you. When I opened my eyes, I thought about you. When I thought about the beauty of the sea Daughter, I thought about you. When I thought about the warmth of the upcoming holidays, I thought about you. When I heard a love Daughterg on the radio, I thought about you. When I checked my email, I thought about you. Even when I said goodnight to the stars, I thought about you. And when I slipped beneath the softness of my blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, I thought about you. I just can't stop thinking about you. Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...33th I love you. You are my best friend and confidant. Together we are one union, that of love, a love that is unlike any that I have ever felt or experienced before. How did such a blessing evolve? You amaze me. You make me dance, when before I wanted to walk. You make me sing, when before I only whispered. You make me see, when before I was blind. You are the constant in my life. I fell in love with you when I realized how blissful love is. It is rare, but, when your heart finds it there is nothing that deters you away. You have baptized me with your love. What a blessing. What a priceless gift. How did I get to be so lucky? Lucky to have found you. My love, always, forever ... I love you. Love always, Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...34th Here is to a woman I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so innocently, but with care and grace and perfect love. The perfect thought is us together forever. The sweetest word is your name. And the greatest thing is your love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left my mouth and chased my lips, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes have made me who I am, one to love you more. All the times I felt I've found the one, and all the times I've mourned over a bleeding heart, all the times I've given it all I've got is are as many as I have found my face in the mud. . I love you so much, those five words I tell you so much can't have more meaning than anything else ever possibly could. I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I love you with all that I am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest of the night when I whisper out to you know just what to do. You listen to hear my voice echoing how much I love you.There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that our hearts have come to dwell together, as one. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my best friend. You are my one true love. The day we met was fate. Our lives intertwining was fate. You are my destiny. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Love is the only thing that makes life worth living. Your love. With all my heart I am forever yours. I have never in my life met someone more beautiful, enjoyable, loving, and comforting as you. I had no idea then that I would fall in love again, but now that I have, I am so grateful. I am grateful for us to have wandered into one another's world so softly and unexpectedly. Nature took its course on our hearts and joined them in a way never imaginable.I want you to know, that from the very depths of my heart, I love you. And I love everything that creates you, from your hair - that I wish I could play in more often... to your forehead - that I wish I could kiss while you sleep; from your eyes - that sparkle when you smile (just for me)... to your nose - that I wish I could rub my nose against; from your lips - that I just know were made perfectly to fit against mine... to your chin - that I would love to place my finger under to pull you close for a kiss; down your neck and to your heart - that in my own, I claim as mine, and down past every inch of every part of your existence.I wish more than anything that you and I could grow together, love together, learn together, and laugh together, forever.I sincerely feel that between the two of us, we have the kind of love that some people never get a chance to experience. I promise to love you as much as I can, as best as I can, and for as long as I can. And no matter what, it's very important to me for you to know that you are an irreplaceable spirit that will always be a part of me. Love always Moses ================================================================================================
2nD Start Loving...35th Each night before I sleep your sweet words through my mind. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that you, and you alone have made me whole.Without you I would simply be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest. Because of your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever more.Our banter that may seem odd to others makes us giggle to no end. The difference between you and I are very few, yet they are there. But we accept those differences, embracing them because they are part of something we love about one another.It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we were together.Love is not a job, love simply is. Unconditional love is what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life.I will love you forever and a day. Thank you for being there, loving me and knowing what my true heart wants. Love always, Moses. ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving....36th Baby, I can never explain the feeling I have had over this last week, it seems months, maybe it is because every moment you have been gone has been filled with memories playing over and over in my mind, beautiful memories. The fear that clenches my stomach is beyond comprehension, to live another day with out you would not be living, you are my breath, my pulse, you make me whole. I am empty; fill me with passion for life Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...37th I know right now we can't be together but I will be waiting for you when God reviews us. I pray every night and day that he sees the love I have for you. I feel like I can't breathe.You let me be me and make me feel so special.. I know God has something good in store for us. He is not an evil God but a loving God. And when we are in each other's arms , that love will be more amazing than what we have now. I can't wait to hold you soon, with God's Approval. In the Lord we will seek together and live a great and Godly life. I miss you and love you with all my heart. Till we are in each others arms ... I will be waiting. Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...38th I wonder what would have become of me if you were not right with me. Your love is the sunshine that shines every day of my life; you are the rain that showers in my soul ... love is a magic; it works like a miracle. Your love is magic, I am so glad to be with you.I'm lying in my bed, thoughts in my head, visions of you, but I cant get through the night. Each time I closed my eyes, I started thinking of you. I am very tired and trying hard to sleep but I just couldn't sleep. You are always on my mind and I'm going crazy because of you. You lying by my side would make the darkest night shine brightly. Your ignorance is making my heart ache and broken into pieces which can't be mended. I love you, my dearest sweetie pie.no matter what or how, I wish to be with you all my life and into the afterlife. Love always, Moses ================================================================================================ 2nD Start Loving...39th Loving you comes so easy to me. You are the wind beneath my wings, the cream in my coffee and the flowers in my garden of life.Sweetheart, we've laid our sorrows in each others� hands and we've guarded them with tenderness. We've trusted our grieving of those we love to our hearts and we protected it with our gentleness, like delicate breezes touching the water. With unbending confidence even through the worst pain, we have given each other strength beyond compare, and we have hung together in the toughest of times.We will stand together in the best of times and continue to share a love, devotion and care that will span far more than our lifetime Holding each other through darkness of night and waking to the brightness of day - knowing that God is where we are - we will know peace again. Our love has survived it all and I thank God for you every day. Love always, Moses ================================================================================================
2nD Start Loving...40th Most seem to see not what they want in life, but what is expected for them to have and achieve. As for me, the moment that I meet you, a war began. The war of Love, My objective with meeting you was to be friends and never progress. Except one thing went terribly wrong .... I knew that divine love had me under attack. I was lost, alone, and afraid and the thought of loving you scared me. I have seen through the battle and have come out on top. I love more than I could ever love any human being. You are my woman, my ray of sunlight after the rain, my piece of cake when sweets are craved, my everlasting joy, my undetainable pump that pulsates to keep me alive and have you near, you are my baby. I love you for you have shown me love's divine attack. This is one battle that I am glad to have lost, and sharing the prize of never-ending love. Love always, Moses ================================================================================================
2nD Start Loving...41th Words become a burden, when it is you that I am trying to express my love to. You see, it is a very deep, heart-felt love! One that only the right words can do justice to. You lighten my day regardless of what the day really may be. If it is raining, the very thought of you turns the rain drops into drops of your love for me, that saturates my very soul with the assurance that I will never have to be without your love again. Am I dreaming? Is it real? These are the questions that I asked myself when I awaken from the experience of your love for me. Then I realize that it is real. You do love me and I do love you! What joy! That is something that I never had before, and when it is threatened, my body goes through convulsions or something; I experience pains like I never thought possible. The fact is, I love you with this heart-felt love that is beyond verbal expression. For you give me joy. So, while I know that it would be beneath what I really and truly feel in my heart for you, just let me express my heart-felt love for you by merely saying, I love you. With undying love, You make me so happy. Your the constant smile on my face. The fire in my heart. The love of my life. The tingle in my body. The joy in my tears. The laughter in my voice. The Daughterg in my heart. The breath of my life. Your my everything and make my life complete.I want you to know that you make me whole. Sending you tender kisses and all my love. A very good morning to you. You are the essence and charm of my life. You mean music to my ears, concern to my heart and add value to my life. You are worthy of all love and praise from the bottom of my heart. I have never been lucky much in life and the world has not been so loving and caring to me. But your presence has brought fragrance to my life and I have started loving life as never before. You have added a meaning to my life. It has never been like this before. You are the loving companion I always wanted and adored in my life. You are the most beautiful woman on earth and any man would love being with you. I appreciate you have chosen me. We will always be with each other in every mode of life, in all ups and downs and in all untrodden paths of life. I promise to give you the life you always dreamt of. We will surely make the best couple on earth. We will have several adventures of life together and even promise you the most wonderful intimate time. You too will remember me always. I love you more than any other man on earth. I want you to promise being with me always. I cannot survive without you. You are the one whom I trust and with whom I can share the most loving and most bitter experiences of life. I long for the time you will be in my arms and we will spend hours together. The most important thing is that when one has a loving friend like you becoming a life partner, what can be greater than that. You are the one who can understand me, know me, be with me, help me, love me ... You will soon realize how strongly I talk from the bottom of my heart. I promise to share all the burdens of life together and have a wonderful time together. I promise to be a good and responsible partner and best father in future. Hope you have the same committed attitude towards me. Love you sweet heart. I have so much to offer you and I have been holding the feelings deep inside my heart. I have tried to open up a little but there is a lot more in the pool for you. Your eyes reveal the feelings from the bottom of your heart though you are always shy to speak it out. You can take your own time to order your words. Love you, http://www.lovelettersdo.com 
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