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Erik Erikson's Ego-Analytic Psychology Presentation

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A short story
He was born from a Jewish Dane, whose family
appears to be more Danish than Jewish. Eric
Erikson's lifelong goal was to know his father's
identity, which he failed in the end. But first, he has
three different beliefs about his father. Due to his
appearance, he also went through an identity crisis
in his early years. In addition, he continued to
struggle with his identity during his old age. —
-He spoke mostly in German—the language of his youth
—and rarely spoke in English, his primary language, for
more than 60 years. In addition, he retained a long-held
affinity for Denmark and the Danish people and took
perverted pride in displaying the flag of Denmark, a
country in which he never lived.
Emphasized qualities of the
Describe the social and
historical forces influencing the
Each stage of his development
theory provided opportunities
for a basic ego strength or
virtue to grow.
Post Freudian Theory
Freudian Theory is the foundation for his life-cycle approach to personality.
Erikson intended his theory of personality to expand rather than diminish the influence of
Freudian psychoanalysis, in contrast to earlier psychodynamic thinkers who cut almost all
ties to that discipline. To refute Freud's premises and to present a fresh "way of looking at
Psychosocial Theory
Encompasses 8-stages compared to the 5-stages of development of Freud.
Infancy, Early Childhood, Play Age, School Age, Adolescence, Young Adult, Adulthood, Old Age
In each stage of his development theory, Erikson suggested that a specific psychosocial
struggle contributes to personality formation.
Existential Crisis - A turning point in one’s life that may either strengthen or weaken
This Theory placed more emphasis on both social and historical
In four key areas, Erikson expanded Sigmund Freud's
comprehension of the ego by demonstrating how it is a
creative problem-solver that develops from each person's
unique genetic, cultural, and historical environment.
Second, he clarified a social dimension that was hinted
at but never explicitly stated in Freud's stages of
development to include every stage of life, from early
childhood to old age. Fourth, he investigated how
culture, society, and history have shaped people's
personalities to provide examples.
Identity Crisis and Psychosocial
Development Theory
Frankfurt, Germany; June 15, 1902
Raised alone by his mother, Karla
Abrahamsen until she was married
to Dr. Theodore Homburger
His interest in the development of
identity was sparked by this early
His own experiences in school led to
the further development of his
interest in identity
Endured bullying at his Jewish temple
school for being different
Was sent away from grammar school
due to his Jewish heritage
Spent a short time in art school but
quickly left
Accepted a teaching position at a
progressive school founded by
Dorothy Burlingham, a friend of Anna
Got 2 credentials from the Vienna
Psychoanalytic Institute and the
Montessori Teachers Association
Met Joan Serson, got married in 1930
and had 3 kids
His son, Kai T. Erikson is a well-known
American Sociologist
Erikson immigrated in 1933 to teach at
Harvard Medical School
Eventually had teaching jobs at Yale,
the San Francisco Psychoanalytic
Institute, the Austen Riggs Center, the
University of California at Berkeley,
and the Center for Advanced Studies
of the Behavioral Sciences
Authored "Childhood and Society",
"The Life Cycle Completed", and
"Gandhi's Truth," which won the
Pulitzer Prize and the National Book
Died on May 12, 1994 due to an
infection. He was 91 years old.
Main Concepts
In Freud’s psychoanalytic theory he
believed that for a psychologically healthy
person, the ego is sufficiently developed
to rule in the id, even though its control is
still weak and might erupt and overwhelm
the ego at any time
In Erikson’s theory, the ego is the part of
the mind that gives coherence to
experiences, conscious or unconscious
Erikson agreed with Sigmund Freud that many
aspects of ego's functioning are unconscious,
but he believed the ego has an overall unifying
purpose that leads to consistent behavior and
Erikson recognizes the ego as a positive force
that creates a self-identity, a sense of “I” rather
than just a negative role of avoiding anxiety
During childhood, the ego is weak, pliable, and
fragile but through adolescence it begins to
strengthen and take form
Three Interrelated Aspects of Ego
Body ego - refers to experiences with our
body; a way of seeing our physical self as
different from other people
Ego ideal - represents the image we have of
ourselves in comparison with an established
Ego identity - the image we have of
ourselves in the variety of social roles we
To Erikson, the ego exists potentially at birth, but
it must emerge from within a cultural environment
Pseudo species - an illusion perpetrated by a
particular society that is somehow chosen to
be the human species
One of Erikson’s principal contributions to
personality theory was his extension of the
Freudian early stages of development to include
school age, youth, adulthood, and old age
Erikson believed that the ego develops
throughout the various stages of life
according to an epigenetic principle, a
term borrowed from embryology which
implies a step-by-step growth of fetal
Erikson’s stages are epigenetic (comes
from the Greek words epi, “upon,” and
genesis, “emergence”)
“Epigenesis means that one characteristic
develops on top of another in space and
In Freud’s psychosexual stages, children are more focused on coming in
terms with their own sexuality. For Erikson, children are trying to understand
and relate themselves to the world and to others
The development of the ego is clearly outlined in Erikson’s psychosocial
stages of life cycle. Ideally, at each stage the ego develops certain
strengths or basic virtues that enables an individual to move forward
Each of Erikson’s psychosocial stages centers on an emotional polarity or
conflict that children encounter at certain critical periods
Seven basic points:
growth takes place according to epigenetic principle
in every stage of life is an interaction of opposites;
syntonic (harmonious) element and dystonic (disruptive)
conflict between the opposite elements produces an ego
quality or ego strength - basic strength
too little basic strength at any stage results in a core
pathology for that stage
Erikson never lost sight of the biological aspect of human
events in earlier stages do not cause later personality
personality development is characterized by identity
Infancy (birth to 2 years)
the first psychosocial stage a period in comparison to
Freud’s oral phase of development
a time of incorporation where infants “takes in” not only
through the mouth but through their various sense organs
as well
Oral-sensory mode - a phrase that includes infants’ principal
psychosexual mode of adapting'; two modes receiving and
accepting what is given
Stage 1: Basic Trust vs Basic Mistrust
Infants’ most significant interpersonal relations are with
their primary caregiver, their mother
Hope - basic strength
Withdrawal - core pathology
Early childhood (2 to 3 years)
the second psychosocial stage which is a period in comparison
to Freud’s anal stage
Freud regarded the anus as the primary erogenous zone, while
Erikson describes that young children receive pleasure not
only from mastering the sphincter muscle but also from
mastering other body functions such as urinating, walking,
throwing, holding etc.
Anal-urethral muscular mode - children learn to control their
body, especially in relation to cleanliness and mobility; toilet
Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Shame is a feeling of self-consciousness, of being looked at
and exposed while doubt is the feeling of not being certain, the
feeling that something remains hidden and cannot be seen
Will - basic strength
Compulsion - core pathology
Play age (3 to 5 years)
the third stage of development which is the period
covering the same time as Freud’s phallic phase
Freud placed the Oedipus complex at the core of phallic
stage, while Erikson believed that the Oedipus complex is
part of social development during play age where preschool children develops their locomotion, language skills,
curiosity, imagination and the ability to set goals
Genital-locomotor mode - the primary mode during play age;
the interest in genital activity is accompanied by their
increasing facility at locomotion
Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt
Although they begin to adopt initiative in their selection
and pursuit of goals, other goals like, leaving home must be
either repressed or delayed; taboos
Purpose - basic strength
Inhibition - core pathology
School age (6 years to puberty)
covers development from about age 6 to approximately age 12 or 13
that matches the latency years of Freud’s theory
for school-age children, their wish to know becomes strong and is
tied to their basic striving for competence
Latency - allows children to divert their energies to learn the
technology of their culture and strategies of social interactions; egoidentity which is the feeling of "I" or "me-ness"
Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority
Industry means a willingness to remain busy with something to
finishing a job, while inferiority happens if the work is insufficient to
accomplish the desired goals
Competence - basic strength
Inertia - core pathology
Adolescence (puberty to young adulthood)
one of the most crucial developmental stages; at the end of
this period, an individual must gain a firm sense of ego
Erikson saw adolescence as a period of social latency which is
an adaptive phase of personality development; a period of
trial and error
Puberty - defined as genital maturation that plays a minor role in
Erikson’s concept of adolescence
Stage 5: Identity vs Identity Confusion
The search for ego identity reaches a climax during
adolescence as young people strive to find out who they are
and who they are not
Young people frequently reject the standards of their elders,
preferring instead the values of a peer group or gang
Fidelity - basic strength
Role repudiation - core pathology
Role repudiation - blocks one’s ability to synthesize various selfimages and values into a workable identity
a) Diffidence - is an extreme lack of self-trust or self-confidence and is
expressed as shyness or hesitancy to express oneself
b) Defiance - is the act of rebelling against authority
Young adulthood
a time ranges from age 19 to 30 circumcised by the
acquisition of intimacy at the beginning of the stage
and generativity at the end of the stage
relatively short, that last only for a few years but for
some it may continue for several decades
Genitality - chief psychosexual accomplishment of young
adulthood and exist only in an intimate relationship
Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation
Intimacy is the ability to fuse one’s identity with
another person without fear of losing it, while isolation
is defined as “the incapacity to take chances with
one’s identity by sharing true intimacy"
Love - basic strength
Exclusivity - core pathology
seventh stage of development and a time where an
individual begin to take their place in society and
assumes responsibility
the longest stage of development spanning the years
from about age 31 to 60
Procreativity - refers to more than genital contact with
an intimate partner
Stage 7: Generativity vs Stagnation
Generativity is defined as the “the generation of new
beings, products and ideas", while stagnation
happens when people are too absorbed with
themselves; becomes self-indulgent
Care - basic strength
Rejectivity - core pathology
Rejectivity - unwillingness to take care of certain persons or groups
manifested as self-centeredness
Pseudo speciation - the belief that other groups of people are inferior
to one’s own, responsible for much human hatred, destruction,
atrocities, and wars
Old age
the eighth and final stage of development which is
the period from about age 60 to the end of life
can be a time of joy, playfulness, and wonder but it is
also a time of senility, depression, and despair
Generalized sensuality final psychosexual mode;
defined as the means to take pleasure in a variety of
different physical sensations like sights, sounds, taste,
odors, embraces, and perhaps genital stimulation
Stage 8: Integrity vs Despair
Integrity means a feeling of wholeness an ability to
hold together one’s sense of self, while despair
literally means to be without hope
Wisdom - basic strength
Disdain - core pathology;
Humans have an ever-increasing radius of
significant relations, beginning with the
maternal person in infancy and ending with
an identification with all humanity during old
As Erikson himself aged, he became less
optimistic about old age, and he and his wife
began to describe a ninth stage, a period of
very old age when physical and mental
infirmities rob people of their generative
abilities and reduce them to waiting for
death. Unfortunately, Joan herself died
before she could complete the ninth stage
Relevant Research
Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
His ideas concentrated on the study of the adult to
focus on the study of the child and highlighted the
ego as a strong, vital, and positive force
The Study of Two American Indian Tribes
In describing the behavior of the two American Indian tribes, the
Sioux and Yurok, he emphasized:
give meaning to a child's early encounters with their bodies
and other people,
direct their resources in socially positive directions
provide an overall framework of meaning for the anxieties that
social interaction causes.
Relevant Research
Erikson inquired into the influence of culture and
history on personality by studying the biography of
notable historical figures.
He examined how some people's ego power enables
them to turn the conflicts into emerging as leaders
who left quite an impact on their period.
Sex Differences in Development
Erikson thought that women's knowledge of their
reproductive potential had an impact on how they grow,
and he highlighted a woman's capacity to have children
as a major personality factor.
Relevant Research
Identity Status Model by Marcia
Daniel and Judy Levinson’s Expansion
of the Concept of Adult Development
Nigrescence by Cross
Ethnic Identity Model by Phinney
“Does Identity Precede Intimacy?” by
Wim Beyers and Inge Seiffge-Krenke
Barnes, B., & Barnes, B. (1994, May 14). PSYCHOANALYST ERIK ERIKSON DIES AT 91.
Ad d yo ur
id ea he re
Biography of Erik Erikson (1902-1994). (2020, March 20). Verywell Mind.
Engler, B. (2014). Ego Analytic Psychology . In Personality theories: An introduction
(pp. 135–151). essay, Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Feist, J., Feist, G.J., & Roberts, T. (2018). Theories of Personality 9th Edition. Erik
Erikson: Post Freudian Theory (pp. 200-217)
Ad d yo ur
id ea he re
GoodTherapy Editor Team. (2011, November 11). Erik Erikson (1902-1994).
A wrap
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