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Psychotherapy Exam 2 Study Guide

Exam 2 Study Guide
Material from lecture and the textbook are “fair game.” Both resources should be utilized when
completing this guide.
Chapter 11:
What results from psychotherapy efficacy studies? Effectiveness studies?
What is an effect size?
What is evidence-based practice?
What is the therapeutic alliance and why is it important?
Define the stages of change in psychotherapy.
Which psychotherapy is best?
Be familiar with the concept of common factors. Which is most important?
Know the three-stage model of common factors
What type of psychotherapy do most clinical psychologists practice?
Distinguish between eclectic and integrative approaches.
Chapter 12:
Id, ego, superego
Psychosexual stages
Defense mechanisms (be familiar with those covered in lecture)
Transference and countertransference
Manifest vs Latent content in dreams
How is Brief Psychodynamic & Time-Limited therapies different than the traditional approach?
What is resistance according to psychodynamic approaches?
Be familiar with IPT, including how it was developed, how it’s structured, how effective it is
Chapter 13:
Self-actualization, positive regard, prizing
Empathy, UPR, genuineness, congruence
What is necessary & sufficient for therapy (according to Rogers)?
Why is humility important?
Be familiar with Gestalt Therapy – conceptualization, principles, techniques, Fritz Perls
Be familiar with Emotion Focused Therapy and the associated techniques
Chapter 14:
In what ways is behavior therapy different from the others?
Describe Pavlov’s contribution to Conditioning
Describe Watson’s contribution to conditioning
Classical conditioning – generalization, discrimination, extinction, spontaneous recovery
Distinguish between the different approaches of Exposure Therapy.
o How is Systematic Desensitization different?
Operant conditioning – contingencies, reinforcement (pos & neg), punishment (pos & neg),
token economies, shaping
Describe Skinner’s contribution to conditioning
Describe the difference between a primary and secondary reinforcer
How does Aversion Therapy work?
Understand Behavioral Activation in the treatment of depression
Be familiar with Behavioral Consultation
Chapter 15:
 Know the three-stage model
 ABCDE model
 Beck’s Cognitive Triad
 What are thought distortions? How are they integrated into therapy?
 What does it mean that “beliefs are hypotheses?”
 Be familiar with CBT – triangle, approach to treatment
 What is mindfulness? Conceptualization & techniques
 What is ACT?
 Be familiar with DBT. Conceptualization & techniques
o What are dialectics?
o What are the four modules of skills training?
Be familiar with Schema Therapy