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Beowulf Resume Assignment

BEOWULF – Help Wanted
For this writing assignment, you must respond to the following help-wanted ad by completing a
resume as if you are the character of Beowulf. Since you will be writing as if you are Beowulf, it
is acceptable to speak from “beyond the grave.” Example: “Even though I died from an injury I
received while fighting a dragon, I demonstrated how brave I could be when circumstances
warranted it.”
Help Wanted
An epic hero is needed immediately to save our village from a horrible creature
that is attacking us on a daily basis. All interested candidates will need to
complete and submit a resume. In order to be considered for this position, you
must explain in your resume how you have demonstrated the characteristics of an
epic hero in your previous battles. You also must have battled at least three
monsters in your lifetime.
Information required for your resume:
Name and contact information (be creative: “123 Dragon Drive,” for example).
Goal statement (What job do you want and why?).
Experience: (Here’s where you will explain how you have demonstrated the
characteristics of an epic hero and have successfully battled at least 3 monsters).
Special training/knowledge (special weapons used, armor, etc.).
References (3 characters who would say something positive about Beowulf).