Revisiting CMO 46 s.2012 Issues and Concerns on its Implementation 2019 Philippine Education Conference Concurrent session Gina Lapaza-Montalan, Ph.D. Academic Vice President, Ateneo de Davao University CMO 46 s. 2012 • policy-standard • applies to private and public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) [2393 HEIs including SUCs satellite campuses where: Public HEIs = 242; Private = 1721 (2019 Higher Education Statistical Data of CHED)] • issued to enhance the quality assurance system of Philippine higher education through • learning competency-based standards • outcomes-based system of quality assurance that is differentiated by type of HEI QA DIFFERENTIATED BY TYPE OF HEI “QA can be carried out with the help of external agencies like CHED and the accrediting bodies. The role of CHED is to oversee a rational and cohesive system that promotes quality according to the typology of HEIs. This recognizes that different types of HEIs have different requirements in terms of the qualifications and corresponding desired competencies of their graduates, their programs, the qualifications of their faculty, their learning resources and support structures, and the nature of their linkages and outreach activities.” (Article 2 – Section 9, CMO 46 s.2012) HEIs Issue and Concerns on Implementation Issue #1 • HEIs will be contributing to the society professionals with DIFFERENTIATED minimum competencies (typology as described in CMO 46 s.2012 would imply a frame in defining minimum competencies to develop by a curricular program) as products of differentiated 1) competencies of graduates by typology of DHEIs 2) qualifications of faculty Concern #1 Employers will always choose those graduates with competencies that respond to the demands of the profession. Each profession has defined required competencies, so why differentiate these competencies, which can be the basis of a high unlevelled employability of graduates by typology of DHEIs. In effect, CMO 46 s.2012 offers false hopes to aspiring professionals to have fair competition in seeking jobs after graduation. Thus, this poses employability issues of graduates in one curricular program offered by DHEIs of varying typology and the sustainability of a curricular program. Institutional Outcome of CEP (CMO 92 s.2017 – PSG OF CEP) Graduates of… Professional Institutions must demonstrate a service orientation in one’s profession in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the communities one serve Colleges must participate Universities in addition must in the generation of new knowledge or in research and participate development projects SUCs and LUCs HEIs must, in addition, have the competencies to support “national, regional and local development plans” (RA 772) must preserve and promote the Filipino historical and cultural heritage Concern #2 Application of HEIs to be granted with an Autonomous or Deregulated status. As the application of HEIs will be evidenced by its horizontal typology, the quality of HEI in context of its academic freedom is partially assessed as each horizontal typology has a differentiated set criteria of excellence Criteria for Evaluation of Application 1. Commitment to Program Excellence Indicators 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Institutional Sustainability & Enhancement 2. 3. 4. 3. Evidence of Excellence Consistent with Horizontal Type Max Pts. an HEI may Received COE/COD Local Program Accreditation International Program Accreditation (CHED-recognized mobility) International Program Certification 70 Institutional Accreditation based on Program Accreditation Institutional Sustainability Assessment Philippine Quality Award Institutional Certification 30 Evidence of excellence for a: University College Professional Institution Required Pts. for a/an: Autonomous Status Deregulated Status Grant Grant ≥ 80 Met the criterion for the declared Horizontal Type ≥ 60 Met the criterion for the declared Horizontal Type University College Professional Institution Horizontal Type Criterion 3 University 2. College Full-time faculty members who have been actively engaged in scholarly work (research or creative work) in the last 5 yrs. 3. Over the last 5 yrs. Faculty members were engaged in research and extension services that contribute to instruction and/or community development Required for: Required for: Autonomous Status Deregulated Status Evidence of Excellence ≥ 50 FT faculty members ≥ 30 FT faculty members Consistent or or ≥ 30% of FT faculty, ≥ 25% of FT faculty, with whichever is higher whichever is higher. Horizontal Type 3. Full-time faculty who have patents or publications in refereed journals, internationally indexed journals and/or books published in reputable academic presses in the last 5 years Required for: Autonomous Status Deregulated Status ≥ 10% FT faculty has patents or publications in refereed journals. Of these, ≥5% of FT faculty has publications in internationally indexed journals and/or books published in reputable academic presses in the last five (5) years. ≥7% FT faculty has patents or publications in refereed journals in the last five (5) years Autonomous Status ≥ 20% of faculty members Deregulated Status ≥ 15% of faculty members Horizontal Type Criterion 3 College 2. Evidence of Excellence Consistent with Horizontal Type Graduates were required as students to participate in a community-based research/ public service/ extension program for a cumulative period of 2 yrs. Autonomous Status Deregulated Status Professional Institution 2. Any two of the ff.: a. Board Performance in the last 3 yrs. Autonomous Status ≥ 1 program w/ licensure or 20% of the HEI’s programs with licensure, whichever is higher, has a passing rate that is ≥1.1 times than the national passing rate in board/ licensure exams, in the last 3 yrs. Deregulated Status ≥ 1 program w/licensure or 20% of the HEI’s programs with licensure,, whichever is higher, has a passing rate that is higher than the national passing rate in board/licensure exams, in the last 3 yrs. b. Programs are accredited under internationally agreed upon criteria & procedures, which guarantee professional mobility across national Boundaries (e.g. Accreditation under the terms of Washington Accord by ABET…) Autonomous Status ≥ 2 programs Deregulated Status ≥ 1 program c. Employment of Graduates Autonomous Status ≥ 80% of all graduates ≥70% of all graduates Over the last five (5) years, ≥80% of its graduates were employed within the first two (2) years of graduation Deregulated Status Over the last five (5) years, ≥70% of its graduates were employed within the first two (2) years of graduation d. Industry Linkages Autonomous Status Deregulated Status Sustained linkage with industry as evidenced by working program(s) that significantly contribute to the attainment of desired student learning outcomes and to the employability of its graduates. Analysis Issue: Graduates with DIFFERENTIATED minimum competencies Concerns: 1) Sustainability of Curricular Programs (Issue on unlevelled employability of graduates) 2) Partiality of Assessment to HEI-applicants for Autonomous or deregulated Status Root Cause: QA system differentiated by TYPOLOGY of HEIs PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ADDRESS THE ISSUE AND CONCERNS QUALITY OF HEI • MUST BE ASSESSED BASED ON • COMPLIANCE TO MINIMUM STANDARDS • How is HEI achieving minimum standards set by the government? • FIDELITY TO VMG • How is HEI implementing her VMG? • How is HEI achieving her excellence standards? • How is the HEI known to the public? • How is the HEI satisfying the standards demanded by stakeholders relative to her VMG? HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY FRAMEWORK Dimension 1 (D1) How is the HEI achieving minimum academic standards set by the government? Responsiveness Minimum Standards to Stakeholders Dimension 4 (D4) How is the HEI satisfying the standards demanded by stakeholders relative to her VM? HEI QUALITY Dimension 3 (D3) Dimension 2 (D2) How is the HEI implementing her V-M? Implementation of VM Achievement of Standards of Excellence How is the HEI achieving her excellence standards? How is the HEI known to the public? Dimensions of HEQF As Evidenced by HEI’s Minimum Standards Curriculum & Instruction Measured through IEs of the HEI’s In Levels of Excellence 1 Implementatio n of VM Faculty 2 Administration Achievement of Standards of Excellence Responsiveness to Stakeholders Program Research, Publication, & Innovation Community Engagement Outcome 3 Impact 4 MINIMUM EXCELLENCE (Reference: D1) (Reference: D3) AREA Points Curri cul u m and Ins tructi o n Facul ty Mi ni mum Standards as per PSGs Mi ni mum Standards as per PSGs 20 Indicators of Excellence Reference Nature and Content of Curri cul ar Programs 1 D2 2 D2 3 D2 Outcomes of Curri cul ar Programs 4 D2 5 D4 6 D4 7 D4 1 D2 2 D2 Component Impact of Curri cul ar Programs Offered Qual i fi cati o ns 20 Admi ni s tr ati on Res earch, Publ i cati o ns , and Innovati o ns Communi t y Engageme nts 40 Invol vements and contri buti on s Organi zati on al Structure, Programs , Operati on and Servi ces Human Res ource Level 1 2 3 Points Earned Per Quality 4 Indicator Bonus Points Per Component Per Area 20+84 20+36 3 D4 1 D2 2 D2 & D4 3 D2 4 D4 5 D2 Program and Agenda 1 D2 2 D2 Outcome and Impact 3 D2 4 D2 & D4 Program and Advocaci es 1 D2 2 D2 Outcome and Impact 3 D4 4 D4 60 48 48 316 INDICATORS AREA MINIMUM (Reference: D1) Component EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 1 Reference 3 4 Indicator of Excellence #1. Pursues institutional mission and goals through an array of … undergraduate level articulated graduate master level programs doctorate level programs programs programs Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Offers: a) b) c) Curriculum & Instruction Minimum Standards as per PSGs Nature and Content of Curricular Programs Offered 1-5 AB/BS programs [1 pt] 6-20 AB/BS programs [2 pts] 21 or more AB/BS programs [3 pts] Offers: a) b) c) 1-5 M/MA/MS programs [1 pt] 6-15 M/MA/MS programs [2 pts] 16 or more M/MA/MS [3 pts] Indicator of Excellence #2. Provides access to … on-going conventional ongoing conventional and lifelong learning and lifelong learning programs programs which specially address local needs Metrics: Metrics: Offers: a) b) c) 1-3 Doctorate programs [1 pt] 4-10 Doctorate programs [2 pts] 11 or more Doctorate programs [3 pts] ongoing conventional and lifelong learning programs which specially address national needs Metrics: Offers: a) b) c) 1-3 articulated graduate programs 4-9 articulated graduate programs 10 or more articulated programs ongoing conventional and lifelong learning programs which specially address global needs Metrics: D2 D2 Offers both conventional Offers programs on Offers programs on Offers programs and non-conventional priority list for Regional priority list for national responsive to global Lifelong Learning development development needs programs Indicator of Excellence #3. Designs courses in accordance with desired qualities of graduates dictated by … HEI’s mission stakeholders in the stakeholders in national stakeholders in locality level international level Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Profile of HEI graduate mapped out in course learning outcomes Local level stakeholders’ employee qualification requirements mapped out with course learning outcomes National level stakeholders’ employee qualification requirements mapped out with course learning outcomes International level stakeholders’ employee qualification requirements mapped out with course learning outcomes D2 INDICATORS AREA MINIMUM (Reference: D1) Component EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 1 Reference 3 Indicator of Excellence #4. Performs in National Board Examination … within the national passing rate beyond the national passing beyond the national passing in all programs rate in some programs rate in all programs Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: All programs with National Board Examinations have consistent national passing rate Outcomes of Curricular Programs Curriculum & Instruction Minimum Standards as per PSGs Impact of Curricular Programs Offered 4 beyond the national passing rate with topnotch graduates in all programs Metrics: More than 50% of programs All programs with National with National Board Board Examinations have Examinations have consistent consistent passing rate beyond passing rate beyond the the national passing rate national passing rate Indicator of Excellence #5. Showcases competence in various platforms of … local significance regional significance national significance Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: All programs with National Board Examinations have topnotch graduates and have consistent passing rate beyond the national passing rate Participate at least once a year Participate at least once a year in activities certified by in activities certified by recognized institutions in the recognized institutions in the locality region Indicator of Excellence #6. Provides graduates in … local key government and national government and private institutions private institutions Metrics: Metrics: Participate at least once a year in activities certified by recognized national institutions Participate at least once a year in activities certified by recognized international institutions national key government and private institutions Metrics: international institutions international significance Metrics: At least one graduate per year is employed in international institutions At least one graduate in every five years occupies a leadership post in local institutions At least one graduate in every five years occupies a leadership post in international institutions At least one graduate in every five years occupies a leadership post in national key government and private institutions D4 Metrics: At least one graduate per year is At least one graduate per year is At least one graduate per year is employed in local key employed in national employed in national key government and private government and private government and private institutions institutions institutions Indicator of excellence #7. Contributes leadership through her graduates in … local institutions local key government and national key government and private institutions private institutions Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: At least one graduate in every five years occupies a leadership post in local key government and private institutions D2 D4 international institutions Metrics: INDICATORS EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 Reference 3 Indicator of Excellence #1. Academic qualifications of faculty observes … alignment with discipline alignment with discipline alignment with discipline in master’s level in both master’s and in master’s level and with doctorate levels Regional and National Development programs in doctorate level Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: All full-time faculty have master’s degrees aligned with discipline At least 80% of full-time faculty have both master’s and doctorate degrees aligned with discipline At least 10% of full-time faculty have master’s degrees aligned with discipline and doctorate degrees responsive to Regional and National Development programs 4 alignment with discipline in master’s level and with key global issues and concerns in doctorate level Metrics: D2 Qualifications Faculty Minimum Qualification as per PSGs At least 10% of fulltime faculty have master’s degrees aligned with discipline and doctorate degrees responsive to key global issues and concerns Indicator of Excellence #2. Professional qualifications of faculty are beyond minimum that enable to respond the demands of… lifelong learning local needs national needs global needs education Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: D2 At least 20% of full-time At least 10% of full-time At least 10% of full-time faculty have special faculty have faculty have trainings related to specializations responsive specializations responsive Lifelong Learning to Regional Development to National Development programs offered program program Indicator of excellence #3. Expertise of faculty are recognized in the … city Involvements and Contributions region national level Metrics: Metrics: At least 10% of full-time faculty expertise are engaged in institutions and industries in the region At least 10% of full-time faculty expertise are engaged in national institutions and industries At least 10% of fulltime faculty have specializations responsive to global issues and concerns International community Metrics: Metrics: At least 10% of full-time faculty expertise are engaged in institutions and industries in the city At least 10% of fulltime faculty expertise are engaged in international institutions and industries D4 INDICATORS MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 Reference 3 Indicator of Excellence #1. Installs structures and mechanisms in support of … instruction as an instruction and research Instruction, research and institutional mission as an institutional mission publication as an institutional mission Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Creates an office that supervises and manages operation of curriculum across units in accordance to the mission and goals Administration Organizational Structure, Programs, Operation and Services Creates offices that supervise and manage operation of: a. curriculum and b. researches across units in accordance to the mission and goals Creates offices that supervise and manage operation of: a. curriculum, b. researches, and c. publications across units in accordance to the mission and goals 4 Instruction, research, publication, and innovation as an institutional mission Metrics: Creates offices that supervise and manage operation of: a. curriculum, b. researches, c. publications, and d. innovations across units in accordance to the mission and goals D2 INDICATORS EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 Reference 3 4 Indicator of Excellence #2. Utilizes … internal quality assurance in central administration services Metrics: 1. Administration Organizational Structure, Programs, Operation and Services 2. Develops evaluation and feedback mechanism of central administration services from students, staff, faculty, and administrators Conducts yearly evaluation and planning to improve quality of service of central administration by using the feedback and evaluation of students, staff, faculty, and administrators quality assurance in central administration services Metrics: 1. 2. Develops evaluation and feedback mechanism of central administration services from students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders Conducts yearly evaluation and planning to improve quality of service of central administration by using the feedback and evaluation of students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders quality assurance in both central and academic administration services Metrics: 1. 2. Develops evaluation and feedback mechanism of central and academic administrations services from students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders Conducts yearly evaluation and planning to improve quality of services of central and academic administrations by using the feedback and evaluation of students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders quality assurance in institutional services Metrics: 1. 3. Develops evaluation and feedback mechanism of institutional services from students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders Conducts yearly evaluation and planning to improve quality of institutional services by using the feedback and evaluation of students, staff, faculty, administrators and stakeholders D2 and D4 INDICATORS EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 2 Reference 3 Indicator of Excellence #3. Provides programs to improve competence of … non-teaching personnel teaching and nonall personnel and academic teaching personnel administrators Administration Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Implements a comprehensive professional development plan every three years to upgrade competence of nonteaching personnel Implements a comprehensive: a. professional development plan and b. faculty development plan every three years to upgrade competence of non-teaching and teaching personnel Implements a comprehensive: a. professional development plan and b. faculty development plan c. administrators development plan every three years to upgrade competence of non-teaching and teaching personnel and academic administrators Organizational Structure, Programs, Operation and Services Indicator of Excellence #4. Realizes institutional mission and goals in the … immediate community region national level Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Employs mechanism in the operation of key offices that facilitate the fulfillment of institutional mission and goals relevant to the immediate community Employs mechanism in the operation of key offices that facilitate the fulfillment of institutional mission and goals relevant to the region Employs mechanism in the operation of key offices that facilitate the fulfillment of institutional mission and goals relevant to the country 4 all personnel and administrators, including those in central administration Metrics: Implements a comprehensive: a. professional development plan and b. faculty development plan c. administrators development plan every three years to upgrade competence of non-teaching and teaching personnel and all administrators including those in the central administration D2 global community Metrics: Employs mechanism in the operation of key offices that facilitate the fulfillment of institutional mission and goals relevant to the global community D4 INDICATORS EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 2 Reference 3 4 Indicator of Excellence #5. Observes alignment of professional qualification and function in … non-teaching personnel non-teaching and personnel and academic all personnel and teaching personnel administrators administrators, including those in central administration Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: At least 60% of nonteaching personnel have educational attainment aligned with their function Human Resource At least 70% of nonteaching and teaching personnel have educational attainment aligned with their function 1. 2. All non-teaching and teaching personnel have educational attainment aligned with their functions All academic administrators have post-baccalaureate degree aligned with their function 1. 2. 3. All non-teaching and teaching personnel have educational attainment aligned with their functions All academic administrators have post-baccalaureate degree aligned with their function All non-academic administrators, including those in the central administration, have professional qualification aligned with their function D2 INDICATORS MINIMUM AREA (Reference : D1) Component Reference EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 1 2 3 4 Indicator of Excellence #1. Articulates institutional research agenda that address problematic situations in the … disciplines of immediate community and national level global community programs offered region Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Research, Publications and Innovations List of yearly List of yearly institutional List of yearly institutional List of yearly institutional institutional research research agenda and research agenda and research agenda and agenda and corresponding issues and corresponding issues and corresponding issues and corresponding issues concerns aimed to address concerns aimed to address concerns aimed to address and concerns aimed in the region in the country in the global community to address in disciplines of programs offered Indicator of Excellence #2. Provides programs that encourage internal stakeholders to … conduct researches conduct researches in areas conduct and publish develop innovations from within the institutional researches in areas within conducted and published research agenda the institutional research researches in areas within agenda the institutional research agenda Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Program and Agenda Schedules at least two trainings per year to internal stakeholders in conducting research 1. 2. Schedules at least two a. lectures b. research problem development per year on issues relevant to institutional research agenda Offers incentives to students, staff, faculty, and administrators whose researches are within the institutional research agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. Schedule at least two a. lectures b. research problem development per year on issues relevant to institutional research agenda Offers incentives to students, staff, faculty, and administrators whose researches are within the institutional research agenda Schedules at least two trainings and per year in publishing completed researches Schedules yearly Research Dissemination 1. Schedules at least 2 multidisciplinary training per year in the utilization of completed and published researches 2. Offers incentives to students, staff, faculty, and administrators whose researches are within the institutional research agenda D2 D2 INDICATORS EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 Reference 3 4 and publishes multiple discipline (inter-, multi-, or trans- disciplinary) researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda that produce innovations Metrics: Indicator of Excellence #3. Conducts … Research, Publications and Innovations Outcome and Impact disciplinal researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda and publishes disciplinal researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda and publishes multiple discipline (inter-, multi-, or trans- disciplinary) researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: List of at least 2 completed disciplinal research per year in relevant areas of institutional research agenda List of at least 2 published disciplinal researches per year in relevant areas of institutional research agenda List of at least 2 published multiple discipline (inter-, multi-, or transdisciplinary) researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda List of at least 2 published multiple discipline (inter-, multi-, or transdisciplinary) researches in relevant areas of institutional research agenda that produce innovations Indicator of Excellence #4. Conducts and publish … researches that bring researches that contribute contributions to relevant to local development disciplines researches that bring technological development in the country Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: multiple discipline (inter-, multi-, or transdisciplinary) researches that contribute to technopreneurship Metrics: At least two certificates of contribution per year of published researches issued by recognized discipline organizations At least two certificates of contribution per year of published researches issued by recognized local organizations or institutions At least one certificate of contribution every two years of published researches that bring technological development in the country issued by recognized national organizations or institutions At least one certificate of contribution every two years of published multiple discipline researches that contribute to technopreneurship issued by recognized organizations or institutions D2 D2 and D4 INDICATORS MINIMUM AREA (Reference: D1) Component 1 EXCELLENCE (Reference: D3) Level 2 Reference 3 4 Indicator of Excellence #1. Articulates institutional advocacies relevant to issues and concerns within the … immediate community region country global community Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Program and Advocacies List of yearly institutional List of yearly institutional List of yearly institutional List of yearly institutional advocacies and advocacies and advocacies and advocacies and corresponding issues corresponding issues corresponding issues corresponding issues and and concerns aimed to and concerns aimed to and concerns aimed to concerns aimed to address in the address in the region address in the country address in the global immediate community community Indicator of Excellence #2. Develops program in leadership development for the common good Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Function and yearly Function and yearly activities of student, activities of student, staff, faculty, and staff, faculty, and administrator leadership administrator leadership programs that seek to programs that seek to address issues and address issues and concerns relevant to the concerns relevant to the country global community Indicator of Excellence #3. Organizes pool of volunteers for institutional engagements relevant to issues and concerns in the … immediate community region country global community Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Community Engagements Outcome and Impact Function and yearly activities of a student leadership program that seek to address issues and concerns relevant to the immediate community Function and yearly activities of student, staff and faculty leadership programs that seek to address issues and concerns relevant to the region Creates an office that organizes pool of volunteers to respond the immediate needs in the locality Creates an office that organizes pool of volunteers to respond the immediate needs in the region Creates an office that organizes pool of volunteers to respond the immediate needs in the country At least two certificates of recognition per year from recognized local organizations or institutions At least two certificates of recognition per year from recognized regional organizations or institutions At least two certificates of recognition per year from recognized national organizations or institutions Creates an office that organizes pool of volunteers to respond the immediate needs of those who are in the global peripheries and those who are excluded Indicator of Excellence #4. Recognized as performing institution in addressing issues and concerns in the … immediate community region country global community Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: Metrics: At least one certificate of recognition per year from recognized international organizations or institutions D2 D2 D4 D4 Points and Reward Systems 20pt s Achievement of Minimum Standards 20pts Curriculum and Instruction 20pts Faculty 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts compliance with each Indicator of Excellence 3pts BONUS POINTS All else is a matter of showing where your excellence is. Deregulated Autonomous Excellent Maximum Points per Area 104 56 60 48 48 Excellent Bonus Points Minimum Points for Deregulation 62 38 30 24 24 178 Sample Bonus Points 1pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 20pt s 3pts 1pts 3pts 3pts 2pts1pts3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 2pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 46pt s Bonus Points 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 20pt s 20pt s 46pt s 3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 21pt s 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 20pt s 46pt s 20pt s 21pt s 3pts3pts3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 45pt s 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 20pt s 46pt s 20pt s 21pt s 45pt s 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 33pt s Bonus Points 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 20pt s 46pt s 20pt s 21pt s 45pt s 33pt s 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts 3pts3pts 3pts 24pt s 46pt 20pt ss 21pt 20pt ss 45pt s 33pt s 24pt s 66pt s 41pt s 45pt s 33pt s 24pt s Autonomous 66pt s 63% 41pt s 73% 45pt s 75% 33pt s 69% 24pt s 50% SUMMARY Issue Concerns Society receives 1. Sustainability of disadvantaged professionals of curricular programs (because of HEIs the same typology) that are offered in three profession with typologies of HEIs varied ❑ Unlevelled employability of minimum graduates competencies 2. Partiality in the assessment of HEI applicants for Autonomous or Deregulated status ❑ Required Documentary Evidences are highly dependent on the horizontal typology of the HEI applicant ❑ Patented Scholarly Works and Published Researches are only required to universities ❑ Board Exam Performance is only required to Professional Institutes Root Cause QA that is DIFFERENTIATED BY TYPE of HEI ❑ Limits HEIs to full exercise of academic freedom ❑ Puts HEIs in three different one-sizefits-all QA system Proposal QA that fully allows HEIs to exercise their academic freedom in context of QUALITY HIGHER EDUCATION that is evidenced by: 1. Compliance to minimum standards ❑ How is the HEI achieving minimum academic standards set by the government? 2. implementation of VMG ❑ How is the HEI implementing her VMG? 3. Achievement of Excellence Standards ❑ How is the HEI achieving her excellence standards? How is the HEI known to the public? 4. Satisfaction of Stakeholders ❑ How is the HEI satisfying the standards demanded by stakeholders relative to her VM? Thank you!